Law roundup: Ladies don’t do things like that, man says
A woman heard a man in a creek near her house yelling, “A lady doesn’t do things like that.” She was unsure if he was yelling at someone or no one. Officers saw a man leaving the area and no one else was around.
A woman wearing pink boots purportedly threw dog feces at a neighbor’s window and tried to hit them with a shovel because she was angry her dog got loose. Officers spoke to the neighbor who alleged she was recently upset and didn’t know why, but they didn’t want to pursue charges. Officers told the woman she would be arrested if she was reported again for disorderly behavior.
A tan Prius allegedly tailgated another vehicle and swerved into other lanes, then followed the vehicle to their house where they yelled and continued following them. Dispatch advised them to drive to the police department. Eventually the vehicle left and they headed home. But like a scene out of the horror movie “Christine,” the tan car returned, possibly with a friend, trying to goad them out.
A group of people reportedly got into fisticuffs at a hotel, which left a 22-year-old man confused after a possible head injury.
Someone reportedly drilled a hole in the gas tank of a vehicle during the night.
A woman walking her dogs called the police when she heard a resident inside a house knocking on the window and screaming, causing her dogs to bark aggressively. Officers spoke to the tenant who said her son was trying to scare away kids attempting to throw snowballs at his window and thought she was part of the group. Officers advised the tenant to report any damage if the snowball fight continued and for her son to refrain from yelling out the window.
A welfare check was requested for a man reportedly lying next to the Rails to Trails path by an empty bottle of mouthwash and a wheelchair. He appeared to be moving a little but didn’t seem fully conscious. A wheelchair was nearby. Graffiti in progress was also reported in the area.