Thursday, March 27, 2025

Trump freeze brings chaos to Montana

by Becky Edwards
| February 6, 2025 12:00 AM

Civilization begins with order, grows with liberty, and dies with chaos. – Will Durant

On Tuesday morning I woke with a text from my husband, informing me that he would likely be without a job effective 5 p.m. that day. Thousands — likely millions — were in the same position we were. President Donald Trump had issued a freeze on one third of the federal budget, and with it sewed deep uncertainty, misinformation and chaos. 

Most importantly, we now have vital federal programs and services on the chopping block, including grants and loans for small businesses, agricultural producers, local governments and more. Most of these grants and loans had already been dispersed, and now are in danger of being clawed back. 

How will this impact Montana? Head Start programs, domestic abuse shelters and resources, home weatherization programs to keep people warm in the winter and cool in the summer, Women, Infants and Children (WIC) programs to keep children and women healthy and fed, grant dollars to treat and protect cancer patients, and Medicaid support is also imperiled and uncertain with this confusing and haphazard directive. Nearly 14,000 Montanans have food on the table because of WIC. Parents of 4,400 kids receive childcare and can go to work because of Head Start. 

Some of my colleagues on the House floor will say that we are just spilling tears for programs and issues that are not needed for the average Montanan. As cute as those arguments may be, I care less about stocking up on Kleenex and more about every Montanan’s right to live, work and raise our families here. The chaos that our president unleashed is in direct opposition to that goal. 

Montanans are calling upon our federal delegation members to object to this bold, hurtful attack on everyday Montanans. While some of my colleagues were dancing the night away at the inaugural gala a few weeks ago, most Montanans were hard at work feeding their families and getting some sleep before another long day at work. This week, many of the jobs and resources Montana families depend on to survive are facing very real, very probable elimination. 

Late Tuesday, a federal judge imposed a block upon this outrageous, illegal order. While there is a temporary halt to this chaos, Trump has shown his hand. His administration will not stop, and more and more of this cruel behavior will be coming over the next four years. It’s up to us as to how we respond, and how we stand up for our neighbors, our friends, and ourselves.

Rep. Becky Edwards, D-Bozeman, is executive director of a national conservation nonprofit and small business owner.