Wednesday, March 26, 2025

Bring back freedom, fairness and affordability

by Pat Flowers
| February 9, 2025 12:00 AM

The Montana Legislature has been under Republican leadership for decades and people’s lives have only gotten harder. Republicans have been raising property taxes, giving tax cuts to large corporations and taking away your freedoms.

Our mission as Democrats is clear -- to bring back freedom, fairness and affordability to every person, family and small business.

Thanks to Montana voters, Democrats recently gained seats in both state legislative houses. Better representation has already resulted in better government, and we are ready to turn the tide and put Montanans first. For example, Democrats are working across the aisle to advance tax relief, renew Montana Medicaid, fund public education, advocate for child care access, and fair wages.

Despite having some differences, we are optimistic that our colleagues across the aisle have come to agree with many of our priorities. We look forward to advancing more commonsense solutions and finding more common ground in the coming weeks.

Here’s one example. For decades, Democrats have fought for Medicaid which helps lower income workers and caregivers have health insurance. This health care program helps workers, keeps insurance costs down for all of us by lowering emergency room visits, and is a vital source to keep rural hospitals open in communities across Montana.

In 2015, Democrats worked with solutions-oriented Republicans to expand the program and help more working Montana families. Since then, Medicaid has a proven track record and an impressive return on investment. While there are some who still want to roll back this successful program, we are confident that common sense will prevail with a successful renewal of Medicaid this session.

On taxes, Montana Democrats strongly support immediate and swift solutions for Montanans affordability challenges. Republicans blocked our efforts to help Montana pocketbooks last session and we were the first to advance tax relief for Montanans this year. Where our proposals may differ in some details from our Republican counterparts, Democrats will support fair tax solutions where corporations pay their fair share, Main Street businesses can thrive and low- and moderate-income families get the relief they need. 

The goal is results that put Montanans first. To that end, we are grateful that our Republican majority has seen the light and come to the table to consider proposals that will offer Montanans relief from the rapidly increasing property taxes approved by the Republican supermajority two years ago.

As we work with our colleagues to prioritize the needs of Montanans, we hope to find common ground on other issues, such as the need for child care solutions, fair wages, and the people’s desire for a fair and impartial court system.

At the end of the day, people want less politics in their lives, not more. Our goal is more solutions and less bickering. So, Democrats will continue to put Montanans first by advocating for freedom, fairness, and affordability.

Senate Democrat Leader Pat Flowers lives in Belgrade.