Law roundup: Man seeks assurances about his troubled past
A man with misgivings reportedly went to the Kalispell Police Department wanting assurance he was doing the right thing about an incident that occurred a year ago. He said he paid a fine but still wanted to talk to someone about it.
A man with a medical issue reportedly sent a threatening text to someone stating, “I will ruin her life.” An officer told the man that medical malpractice suits do not go through law enforcement. The officer also advised him "to go about his grievances in a respectful manner as to not be in violation of a privacy in communications statute.” The man was “less than pleased” with the officer’s response, but assured the officer he did not plan to “pursue anything other than legal action,” and then hung up. The officer told the text recipient that the man had been warned and of his assurance of no threats or physical harm.
A man reportedly got out of a white Mazada and pointed a gun at a man and his brother as they were leaving the gym. The man was compliant with responding officers, who also detained three other occupants in the vehicle.
Minors reportedly stole alcohol and fled in a dark purple sedan.
A speeding white dually Ford F-350 with an uncovered trailer nearly drove a vehicle into the ditch when it allegedly crossed a double yellow line to pass a snow plow.
A woman allegedly warmed up in a man’s house while he called the police relaying that the woman was saying staff locked her out of a location and wouldn’t let her back in. She was returned to where she needed to be.
Officers seized a counterfeit $100 for evidence.
Another call about counterfeit money came from a casino runner who said the bill was labeled “motion picture money.” In this instance, she was told to throw it away.