Wednesday, March 26, 2025

Law roundup: Driver is blinded by emergency lights

by Daily Inter Lake
| February 19, 2025 12:00 AM

Officers followed up with an upset caller who complained that Kalispell Police Department’s emergency lights were “far too bright” and that he almost lost control of his vehicle because he was “temporarily blinded.”  

Someone was reportedly caught on video stealing a package from a resident’s front porch that they later returned. 

A man alleged that a person who called officers on him to report a parking issue with his truck had “unlawfully” entered the vehicle to leave a note and had pictures he wanted to submit. When asked if his truck was unlocked, he said, “Yes, in a sense.”  

Someone reportedly thought a small truck hit the side of the house and people got out and into an SUV that drove off. Officers went to the scene and found a pole the man struck but no damages.   

Someone allegedly went to investigate a weird noise outside their house and found a window screen pulled back about 45 degrees.   

A man wearing a large knife on his hip was reportedly making people uncomfortable at a store and an employee thought the woman he was with had been in and out of jail. Officers informed the man of the store’s no-weapons policy. He put two knives in his vehicle and was allowed back in.  

A trail of footprints on a man’s property suspiciously led to his RV and garage door, so he requested extra patrol.  

A shirtless man was allegedly walking in the road on U.S. 93, blocking a northbound turn lane. The man told officers he thought he was on the sidewalk and said he had jackets and clothing to wear if he got cold. When officers directed him to the sidewalk, they watched him walk into a parking lot instead. 

A later call came in about a man walking on Meridian who wasn’t wearing a coat, and whose skin looked purple, with a request for officers to check on his welfare.  

A woman who was cross country skiing reportedly got locked behind a gate and called her husband who called the police to check on her. She was let out.