Public hearing set for Lakeside wastewater treatment plan
After a deluge of comments regarding a proposed update and expansion of the Lakeside water and sewer district facilities, the Montana Department of Environmental Quality has scheduled a public hearing on the project.
The public hearing is Feb. 27 in Lakeside at the Lakeside Quick Response Unit community room. The public comment period has also been extended through Feb. 27.
The Lakeside County Water and Sewer District is seeking a Montana Ground Water Pollution Control System permit because its existing wastewater system is nearing capacity and in need of expansion and improved treatment. DEQ has issued a draft environmental assessment for the improvements.
The proposed permit would allow for an update and expansion of Lakeside’s wastewater treatment facility to accept, treat, and handle wastewater and discharge treated wastewater into state groundwater via rapid infiltration basins, which are shallow earthen basins designed to allow treated wastewater to filter into the ground.
The environmental assessment evaluates any environmental impacts arising from the discharge permit and construction of the first phase of upgrades to the Lakeside wastewater treatment plant. Upgrades include constructing a facility to treat septage from septic systems in the Flathead Valley.
Treated wastewater is subject to the discharge permit limitations and conditions designed to protect the groundwater and downgradient state waters.
The district’s wastewater treatment system located in Lower Valley treats wastewater from the Lakeside area and Somers. The current facility, originally constructed in 1988 and updated in 1994, does not discharge to state waters.
The first of a two-phase project also includes a new septage receiving and treatment facility to be constructed on Somers Stage Road. The facility would not be operational until the second phase when a specialized wastewater treatment facility is finished to treat the district’s normal wastewater flows along with septage.
Lakeside entered into an agreement with Flathead County last year to operate a regional septage treatment facility. There are more than 24,000 permitted septic systems that require regular pumping in the county.
The decision to hold a public hearing and further extend the comment period was made to ensure that DEQ has all the necessary information to make an informed permitting decision, according to the state agency.
The purpose of the hearing is to solicit comment on the draft permit, draft environmental assessment and draft fact sheet. DEQ will not be responding to comments during the hearing, according to a release.
The public hearing will be held from 3-5 p.m. at the Lakeside Quick Response Unit, 201 Bills Rd, Lakeside. DEQ is accepting public comments on the draft MGWPCS permit, Fact Sheet and draft EA through Feb. 27.
To view the documents, learn how to submit a comment, or for more information about attending the public hearing in person or virtually, visit: