Thursday, March 06, 2025

Law roundup: Teens excited about TV in scene ripped from the movies

by Daily Inter Lake
| January 2, 2025 12:00 AM

A woman reportedly saw a group of teens sprint out of a store carrying a TV while being chased by a security officer and told the Kalispell Police Department it was like a scene from a movie and provided a license plate number and photo. Officers spoke to the security employee who countered the teens were just excited after purchasing the TV and that security happened to be walking out the door at the same time to help load a product for another customer. Maybe they can get a copy of the photo for their scrapbook. 

Someone thought a woman weaving in traffic was reportedly under the influence of being “too old to drive safely.” She told the responding officer she was exhausted and feeling sick. While she reportedly appeared intoxicated, she did not smell of alcohol or show signs of drug use and a preliminary breath test “was unable to read.” The officer secured her vehicle and transported her to a location where she could “sleep it off” and get her keys when she felt better. 

Someone reportedly hacked into a woman’s email and attempted to change the direct deposit account for her paycheck. Although unsuccessful for the time being, the hacker was able to obtain logins for numerous other accounts and other personal information. She told officers she was working with a company that locked her accounts, but they needed a case report number from the police. 

A woman allegedly tracked her missing AirPods to the area of a bookstore where she spoke to several customers and the manager but was unable to find them but lost the trail when the pair were turned off. 

An agitated man wearing a brown coat and green beanie was reportedly yelling and flailing his arms in front of someone who claimed he had a history of violent behavior. The person wanted him charged with trespassing and the jail was notified. 

An assistant manager allegedly had security footage of a man suspiciously following children in a store and then following a mother and children into the parking lot. The employee wanted to report it in case it occurred again.  

A man in his 70s allegedly got out of his truck and stumbled toward a woman’s vehicle that he hit saying he was sorry and didn’t have insurance. The woman told an officer he appeared to be driving under the influence. 

A woman allegedly scooped up a cat around a year old that was running in the middle of a road and called officers from outside the animal shelter, which was closed. She was advised that the shelter was full, and it was OK to release the cat in the neighborhood where it was found. 

Officers received an online report alleging $9,000 worth of damage was done to a pool table.