Thursday, March 27, 2025

Law roundup: Police hit the brakes on man's revenge tour

by Daily Inter Lake
| January 8, 2025 12:00 AM

A jilted lover allegedly tried to get back at his ex by racking up tickets while using her license plates. The would-be victim alerted the Kalispell Police Department to his plan and officers intervened, telling him to turn in the plates. When he protested by saying the car was immobile, they informed him the plates needed to be handed over to the Police Department pronto regardless of the condition of the vehicle.  

Authorities escorted several people to the county jail after a passerby reported seeing a man passing in and out of consciousness in the driver's seat of a parked vehicle. 

Feeling that it would be too awkward to ask a homeless person with a cart of belongings to move along, a store employee requested that officers do it instead. The homeless man was gone by the time the police arrived.  

A tenant facing eviction phoned the police accusing their landlord of messing with their property as they tried to move out. Officers counseled the tenant, convincing them to lay off their landlord.  

Someone reported the loss of a wallet containing a check for $1,000.  

Thieves lifted several $2 bills from a vehicle.  

Spotting what looked to be a homeless encampment going up, a city employee with the Parks and Recreation Department alerted the police. Officers gave the homeless people an hour to gather their belongings and beat it.  

While reporting a motorist to the police for parking in such a manner as to partially block their driveway, a resident told officers that the driver was now moving the vehicle. The caller wanted to know if officers would still cite the motorist.   

While waiting for a light to turn green, someone got out of a car behind them and punched their rearview mirror, breaking it, a motorist told officers. 

Thieves stole a wedding band valued at $5,000 from the dashboard of a truck.  

A pet owner allegedly drove his dog to a specific piece of property on Mondays and Wednesdays to let it go to the bathroom. He does not usually clean it up.