MSU students named to fall honor rolls
Montana State University has announced its undergraduate honor rolls for fall semester 2024.
There are two MSU honor roll lists: the President’s and Dean’s lists. To be eligible for the lists, students must be enrolled in at least 12 college-level credits. This honor roll list was current as of Jan. 14, 2025, and includes all registration corrections or grade changes processed to that date.
Students with a 4.0 GPA for the semester were named to the President’s List. An asterisk follows their names below. The Dean’s List includes the students earning GPAs of 3.5 or above for the semester.
Students named to MSU’s President’s or Dean’s lists, ordered according to their hometown, are listed below. Montana students are listed first, followed by students with out-of-state hometowns listed alphabetically by state, then hometown. Finally, international students are listed by home country and hometown.
Garett Adoretti *, Macy Cotton *, Ivy Everson *, Mia Gannon, True Gannon, Evelyn Knauth *, Joella Landis *, Elijah Mildren *, Cadence Murcray, Devinn Paine, Abigail Pilskalns, Addison Reichner *, Kimball Richmond, Sydney Slawter, Wyatt Thompson, Mark Whitney *
Columbia Falls
Hattie Albin, Richard Babcock, Marissa Barnes, Abbey Biel, Melissa Brake, Buren Brust, Thomas Cheff, Kathryn Dietrich, Lillian Eash *, Lily Elkins, Kai Golan, Jordyn Greene, Marcus Kilman, Kellen Kroger, Autumn Laferriere *, Julia Martin *, Lillian McDonald, Samantha Moser, Peyton Rhodes, George Robbins *, Joshua Sjostrom, Leroy Thompson, Kya West *, Liam Wickland
Nikolaus Persson, Gloria Storey
Kristoffer Allick, Kenna Anderson, Dara Apgar *, Bethany Armstrong, Olivia Baker, Mackenzie Baker *, Phineas Barber Castro, Nick Barbouletos, Ethan Bay, Madison Becker, Cody Berry *, Peyton Bicha, Summer Bond, Sophia Bourriague *, Christopher Breese, Taylor Brisendine, Ethan Brown, Isaac Brown, Carter Bullins, Miller Bushnell, Kyler Christy *, Emma Chute-Teigen *, Emily Cleveland *, Ivan Cline *, Brittany Cory, Madeline Crandall, Kennedy Crosby *, Tanner Crow, Emma Cummings, Jonathan DeHoop, Ashton Deitrick, Joseph Denney *, Michael Downs, Grady Drish, Ashley Dropps, Samuel Ells, Molly Fang, Gabriel Felton, Colby Fetterhoff, Cale Fox, Burke Fox *, Wyatt Freund, Taylor Gentry, Clara Giffin *, Cameron Gilman, Colter Girardot, Ethan Glenn *, Sayler Griffith, Ethan Hallos, Hailey Hendrickson *, Evan Heupel, Luke Heupel, Charles Hinchey *, Kyle Hoerner, Alexandra Houseworth, Alexandra Hudson, Reilly Johnson, Kole Johnson *, Naomi Jutzi, Carson Keim *, Ellie Keller *, Jacob Keller *, Allison Kernan, Daniel Kernan *, Kyrah Kirchner, Paige Koel, Jonas Kreitner, Kaidyn Lake, Carter Lapke, Steven Leahy, Blake Lindemann, Mandy Ly *, Olive Lyngholm *, Bailey Mainolfi *, Maeva Malcheski, Grayson Malone, Samuel Manaker *, Logan Marlow, Caden Masa, Amelia Mason, Mikka Mattocks, Sean McHugh, Jasper McRae, Allee Meyer, Kyle Miller, McKenzie Mitchell, Emma Navone, Morgan Nicholson, Alicia Norton, Emma Nyberg *, Madylan Osler *, Christian Pate, Emma Paulson *, Connor Phillips, Taylor Pooton, Michael Poplin, Adison Powell *, Conner Presnell *, Kendall Pyron *, Emma Rashleigh *, Matthew Rau, Hayden Remington *, Sarah Riley *, Isaac Ritter, Jakob Ritzdorf *, Danner Rourke Kelly, Emily Rye, Brantly Salmonsen, Will Salonen *, Harrison Sanders *, Kenna Sandler, Calvin Schmidt *, Libby Schneider, Samantha Schwartzmiller, Jasmyn Serna, Grayce Siderius, Kiersten Smith, Tessa Smith, Spencer Soteros, Leah Spangler *, Mia Stephan, Tyler Stumpf, Sophia Sulzbacher *, Brooks Taylor, Nicole Thatcher *, Eslie Trottier, Sean Valentine, Carver Van Aken, Jillayne Vessar *, Rebecca Vosen, Kyson Wagner, Brecken Walcheck, Devon Wallack *, Maddison Warburton, Max Warnell *, Linsey Waugh, Abigail Weber, Emma Wiegand, Aiden Williams, Keegan Williams *, Kael Willis, Shanti Young *
Aksana Ashbaugh *, Selah Lackey, Savannah Moon, Hannah Perrin, Stephen Riley, Adison Siegel, Gratia Somerville
Trevor Collins, Cylis Goddard, Katelyn Huff, Lucky Martin, Ruby Martin *, Alyssa Nordwick, Isaac ORourke, Keilen Rausch *, Casey Rusdal, Sidney Rusdal, Austin Swartzenberger, Sally Weber, Carson Williams
Emily May
Martin City
Emily Ingbertsen *
Alexis Reuel Balongag *, Nina Barfoot *, Devin Burton, Jazlyn Dalbey *, Chloe DuCharme, Rylie Dupuis, Myranda Heiser, Piper Hoxie, Maddilyn Huffine, Aspen McKee, Ara Mercer *, Tia Mercer *, Sarah Scharff, Hannah Simpson, Kristiana Sopke, Kyra Spencer *, Lourdes Wahl *
West Glacier
Connor Hoff
Elias Anderson, Talon Belski *, Ava Benedikt *, Carter Bergeson, Zachery Chiarito, Logan Conklin, Anyah Cripe *, Jayce Cripe *, Finnegan Davidson, Aaron Dicks *, Ian Finley, Bella Frechette, Gabriel Fremont-Smith, Barrett Garcia, Hanna Gawe, Selah Hagler *, Neva Haugen, Turner Haugen, Braden Heimbigner, Grant Heimbigner, Talon Holmquist, Cody Hoover *, William Hyatt, Nathan Ingelfinger, Joshua Kaszuba, McKenna Kelly, Ammann Koch-Ford *, Helena Kunz, Simma Lefcourt, Charles Lundberg *, Simon MacLean *, Gavin Mayo, Mia Mendoza, Ava Mendoza *, Aydin Mulholland, Dawson Muth *, Jack Nelson, Liam O’Brien *, Olivia Ponti *, Isabel Powers, Brooklyn Roberts *, Jack Robertson *, Chase Sabin, Sofia Saurey, Emma Shaffer *, Harper Spillers, Griffin Stagg, Nicholas Starring *, Sprague Stevens, Lucy Toelcke, Colter Upton *, Aidan Walker, Madison Ward, Broderick Wold, Makenna Woody *