Letters to the editor Jan. 19
Anger and distrust
The key part of the 25th Amendment reads as follows: “Whenever the vice president and a majority of either the principal officers of the executive departments or of such bodies as Congress may by law provide, transmit to the president pro tempore of the Senate and the speaker of the House of Representatives their written declaration that the president is unable to discharge the powers and duties of his office, the vice president shall immediately assume the powers and duties of the office as acting president.”
Recently CBS reporter Jan Crawford stated on a Sunday talk show that the most under reported story of the past year was Biden’s obvious cognitive decline.
The Wall Street Journal recently reported that Biden’s cabinet, members of Congress and the media all knew for years that Biden was unable to discharge the powers and duties of his office.
Yet, while Donald Trump was president, Democrats repeatedly called for invoking the 25th Amendment as a way to remove him from office. The liberal media was complicit in that and many predicted that it was about to happen.
Fast forward to the Biden years and you will find no mention of invoking the 25th Amendment in spite of all that was known.
So since this amendment has become nothing more than a partisan talking point for Democrats, it should be repealed.
All of this evidence raises some serious questions.
Does Biden even know what he has been signing as executive orders and what they mean and the consequences they might impact on the American economy? Who has asked him to sign these documents? Who has been running the government while he has been incapable of discharging the powers and duties of his office, as several media reports have stated.
Should a special prosecutor be appointed with the help of leading medical scientists to determine that he knew what he was signing? If not should those executive orders be rescinded?
I hope and pray that President-elect Trump appoints a presidential commission of nonpartisan historians, who have shown no bias in the past eight years, to look at this and present to those Americans who Hillary Clinton called deplorables and Biden called garbage, who no longer trust the main stream media and with good reason, their honest opinion on what has happened and who is responsible for creating the anger and distrust that so many now feel in this country.
There is precedent. The Kerner Commission attempted to do that. I am not suggesting that appointees of Trump don’t vigorously pursue and prosecute any illegal actions by members of Biden’s Department of Justice, but any findings from them will be quickly dismissed by Democrats and their friends in the media as fake news.
I believe that any findings from a presidential commission, especially headed by a Democrat, may force civility back into our politics.
— Joe Novak, Polebridge