Law roundup: Men admit fight was a ‘dumb mistake’
Someone's boss reportedly got in the middle of a “shoving match” between two men who knocked down chairs as they fought each other. When the Kalispell Police Department arrived, the men said they were drinking, and the shoving match was a “dumb mistake.” Neither wanted to pursue charges.
A couple were allegedly trespassing in a pharmacy drive-thru trying to pick up narcotics using a driver’s license that expired three years ago. When confronted by an employee, the husband reportedly became angry and threw the plastic tube at the employee and her manager.
Officers received a complaint about rowdy people in a unit who reportedly sounded drunk and were laughing hysterically and disturbing neighbors’ peace and quiet.
The drivers of two vehicles involved in a crash reportedly left the scene and started chasing each other. They allegedly returned and got into a yelling match.
A car was spotted racing around mounds of dirt on a construction site in an open field behind a resident’s home.
Officers reportedly confiscated alcohol from a room rented by a woman after a parent contacted police with concerns about underage drinking after seeing videos that were circulating on Snapchat.
Two iPhones and an iPad were shipped to a man's former address. He learned the devices had been activated and reportedly thought they were being used by the new tenants in his old apartment and wanted to pursue charges. Officers advised him they could not release the devices to Verizon and Verizon would not provide the serial numbers since the lines had been disconnected.
A resident complained about a male wearing a dark hoodie who was playing ding-dong-ditch in the neighborhood.
A patient in a medical facility allegedly assaulted a staff member.
Medical assistance was requested for a male with an injured lip and possible concussion after reportedly being hit during an assault that occurred hours before in Kila.