Thursday, March 27, 2025

Montanans expect government to put people before politics

| January 26, 2025 12:00 AM

Since day one of this year’s meeting of the Montana Legislature, Democrats demonstrated our commitment to common sense bipartisan solutions that put Montanans first – protecting freedoms, advocating for fair government policies and making Montana affordable again.

And what has the Republican leadership in the Senate done so far? Sadly, very little that will benefit Montana families. Instead of focusing on improving the lives of Montanans, they’ve stymied meaningful work in the Senate, focused on nothing but political gamesmanship, and now have stooped to pathetic political hit pieces.

The Senate Republican leadership delayed fixing the very property tax crisis they created. It’s the end of week three and we haven’t seen a single tax proposal on the Senate floor. Instead they have focused on procedural gimmicks like filibustering a simple resolution showing support for our network of stream gauges!

Our No. 1 job in the state Legislature is to pass a balanced budget that meets the highest priorities for Montanans. Right now we are failing to fulfill that No. 1 job.  Why? Because the delays and antics from the Republican Senate leadership stopped the work of the budget committees. They are finally moving forward but are well behind where they need to be at this point in the legislative session.

The few bills that have been heard in the Senate are aimed at dismantling our judicial system. Senate Republican leaders are upset with court decisions that have protected Montanans' individual rights as outlined in our state constitution and they have responded by attempting to politicize our courts, overturning 275 years of American tradition of fair and impartial courts. 

Fortunately, there is a better way. It’s time for a new day in Helena, restoring a state government that focuses on Montanans, and creating opportunities for Montana families and small businesses. Democrats remain committed to making government work for the people. Extreme Senate Republican leaders? Their record speaks for itself.

Democrats think it’s time for a change. We want the government to work for you. The government should protect your freedoms, enact fair policies, and help make Montana affordable. We stand ready to work with whomever is willing to advance these common sense priorities. 

Montanans are tired of nasty politics and gridlock. The last thing they want to see is Senate Republican Leadership bring more pointless partisanship into our State Capitol. It’s time to get to work in the Montana Legislature, put Montanans first, and leave the politics behind.

Sen. Patrick Flowers, D-Belgrade, is the Senate Democratic leader.