Thursday, March 27, 2025

Law roundup: Dogwalker encounters slapstick moment

by Daily Inter Lake
| January 29, 2025 12:00 AM

A man's dog walk was interrupted when a red F-150 allegedly pulled up and two men got out and started fighting. Things escalated when one of the men shot pepper spray at the other who threw a bat at him. The man hit with pepper spray got back into the truck. The dogwalker didn’t see where the second man was headed. 

Kalispell Police Department officers responded to several calls about a man reportedly screaming he was going to “shoot someone’s brains out,” and “I don’t wanna kill you,” and three shots going off.  Officers spoke to a drunk man who said he was talking to a man at his friend’s house about a rifle he found and the other man “just got mad” for an unknown reason, threatened to kill him and shot a handgun in the air. Officers found a live round and a hard casing in front of a nearby trailer. 

A man called the police alleging his wife was being aggressive and taking his phone away. He said he would wait in his vehicle for officers to arrive. Officers counseled parties over the phone and a police response was no longer needed. 

A property manager reportedly confronted a tenant in the parking lot about breaking the rules by parking in reverse. They ended up calling the Police Department claiming the tenant “invaded their personal space” when she kept walking toward them as they stepped back and then “assaulted” them by grabbing a dog leash they were holding.  Then the tenant argued with them and drove away — in the wrong direction, which according to a signed agreement was “unacceptable.” Officers advised the landlord to document the incident and consider an eviction. 

A mother was allegedly locked out of her apartment. She wanted help to get in because her teenage children were inside but weren’t answering the door. She called back worried something could be wrong as one of her children had a pacemaker. She called officers again wanting to know if emergency services had been dispatched. She called yet again asking if there was something else police were working on that was “making them take forever” to arrive because her situation “was much more than someone locked out." 

A man wearing a black jacket and blue beanie reportedly approached someone’s car at a stoplight. He allegedly tried opening the door and then started banging on the vehicle.  

Someone allegedly saw the silhouette of a person picking up ice in a parking lot and throwing it at vehicles. 

A woman with blue hands was reportedly sitting in a small bathroom stall, slumped over, and the person who found them said it didn’t sound like she was breathing. Eventually, she started talking to the person and met up with her husband and both ran out of the parking lot.