Law roundup: Ding, dong, ditch caught on camera
A guardian promised to speak to a child with an alleged love of the ding, dong, ditch prank after an annoyed neighbor contacted the Kalispell Police Department. The juvenile's escapades were caught on camera and the footage turned in to the authorities, who tracked the minor down.
A search of a suspicious pickup truck for stolen tires turned up no ill-gotten goods.
After watching a silver pickup truck struggle to parallel park for quite some time, a resident asked the police to intervene. They said they saw the pickup hit the cars parked on either end as the driver tried to squeeze into a space. Officers did not find any damage to the vehicles that appeared fresh, but let the motorist know that someone watched them park.
Two dogs got into a scuffle that resulted in minor injuries for at least one animal.
Trying to figure out what to do with their dog after a breakup, one half or a recently ended relationship phoned the police with questions. After a little back-and-forth he decided to pursue a civil case.
Investigating a report of several people acting suspiciously around a small green sedan left parked in an employee lot, officers discovered the vehicle was involved in a motor vehicle accident earlier in the day.
Authorities ushered a man out of a public park after he was allegedly yelling at himself and sprinkling trash on snowbanks. They also spoke with him about his behavior.
Someone phoned the police with questions about a chicken permit.
Coming back to their Ford F-350 and finding it blocked in by two other vehicles, a motorist turned to the authorities for help. The vehicles were eventually moved.
A passerby asked for a welfare check on a woman they found sleeping in a vehicle parked in an alley. After waking up, the woman drove off toward Main Street.
After receiving a check that the bank confirmed was bad, a resident alerted the police to the situation.
Stumbling across some paperwork and several prescriptions in a parking lot, a passerby asked that officers clean it up. They suspected the lost items belonged to someone recently released from the county jail.
A motorist struck a pedestrian that they said ran in front of them while they were driving through a parking lot. The pedestrian declined medical care.
Authorities responded to a report of a mattress left in a northbound lane.