Flathead Business Watercooler
Kalispell UNWIND
The Kalispell Chamber of Commerce's UNWIND on March 11 is hosted by Stockman Bank, 1825 U.S. 93 S, in Kalispell. The business networking event begins at 5 p.m. It's an opportunity to build business relationships and connections during the monthly session hosted by different chamber members.
C-Falls chamber lunch
The Columbia Falls Chamber of Commerce holds its membership luncheon on March 11 at 11:30 a.m. at Cedar Creek Lodge, 930 Second Ave. W. The featured presentation is from Lisa Blank, Flathead Valley Community College’s executive director of workforce development, who will speak on workforce partnerships that strengthen communities. To register, visit columbiafallschamber.org.
Bigfork chamber Sundowner
The Bigfork Chamber of Commerce Sundowner is March 13 at 5 p.m. at Bigfork Senior Center, 639 Commerce St., Bigfork. The networking event brings business professionals together to hear about upcoming events.
Coffee Connect
The Kalispell Chamber of Commerce holds its Coffee Connect on March 14 at Cushing Terrell, 745 S. Main St., at 8 a.m. The networking event includes a host, a spotlight speaker and a pass the mic opportunity.
Kalispell chamber luncheon
The Kalispell Chamber of Commerce holds its monthly Business Matters! luncheon on March 18 at 11:30 a.m. at Flathead Valley Community College Arts and Technology Building, 745 Grandview Dr. The luncheon will discuss the future of growth in Kalispell. Speakers are PJ Sorenson, assistant director of development services for the city of Kalispell, and Donald McBath, planner II for Kalispell. To register, visit business.kalispellchamber.com
Retiree Workforce Brunch
The Kalispell Chamber of Commerce holds a retiree workforce brunch on March 19 at 10 a.m. at First Presbyterian Church, 540 Main St., Kalispell. The brunch is for retirees and seniors who are considering returning to work. Attendees will hear from 10 different employers.
Columbia Falls job fair
The Columbia Falls Chamber of Commerce is holding a job and career fair on March 18 from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the Columbia Falls High School gym. Attending businesses must register by March 14 online at columbiafallschamber.org. Price is $25.