Monday, March 17, 2025

Legals for March, 12 2025

| March 12, 2025 12:00 AM

NO. 30974 NOTICE The Montana Department of Revenue, Alcoholic Beverage Control Division, announces the availability of one (1) Montana All-Alcoholic Beverages License to be “floated” into the Kalispell quota area as the result of the most recent population census. A “Floater” license is an all-alcoholic beverages license that may be moved to a new location outside the original quota area. For requirements related to transferring a license between quota areas see § 16-4-204, MCA, and ARM 42.12.144. The available Montana All-Alcoholic Beverages License for the Kalispell quota area may be located within the corporate limits of Kalispell or within 5 miles of Kalispell’s corporate limits but not further than the boundary that separates Kalispell from Whitefish or Kalispell from Columbia Falls. A map of the Kalispell quota area can be located at This license is not eligible to offer gambling under Title 23, chapter 5, part 3, 5, or 6. To enter the competitive bidding process, the individual or business entity must follow all of the requirements of the terms and conditions of the competitive bid process and complete and submit electronically a competitive bid form. The competitive bid form and terms and conditions can be found at The minimum bid for this license is set at $647,000. The competitive bidding process closes on April 2, 2025, at midnight Mountain Standard Time. The highest successful bidder will be notified by the department. The successful bidder must submit an application for licensure within 60 days. This competitive bidding opportunity includes additional licenses in other communities. Please visit for a complete list of licenses that can be currently bid on. Questions? Contact (406) 444-6900 February 26 and March 5, 12, 19, 2025 MNAXLP __________________________

NO. 31003 Williams Law Firm, P.C. Susan Moriarity Miltko, Esq. Hannah I. Higgins, Esq. 235 E. Pine, P.O. Box 9440 Missoula, Montana 59807-9440 (406) 721-4350 Attorneys for Applicant Lance Telling MONTANA ELEVENTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT COURT, FLATHEAD COUNTY IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF: FRANK J. TELLING, Deceased. CAUSE NO. DP-15-25-31-IT NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Lance J. Telling has been appointed Personal Representative of the above-named estate. All persons having claims against the Deceased are required to present their claims either (1) within 30 days from the mailing or other delivery of this Notice, or (2) if no mailing or delivery occurred, within four (4) months after from the date of the first publication of this Notice, whichever is later, or their claims will be forever barred. See Mont. Code Ann. § 72-3-801. Claims must either be mailed to Williams Law Firm, P.C., Attorneys for the Personal Representative, return receipt requested, at 235 E. Pine, P.O. Box 9440, Missoula, MT 59807, or filed with the Clerk of the above Court. I declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of Montana that the foregoing is true and correct. Dated this 9 day of February 2025.   /s/Lance J. Telling Lance J. Telling, Personal Representative of the Estate of Frank J. Telling /s/Hannah I. Higgins Hannah I. Higgins, Attorney for Personal Representative February 26th and March 5th, 12th, 2025 MNAXLP __________________________

NO. 31009 MONTANA WATER COURT CLARK FORK DIVISION FLATHEAD RIVER, TO AND INCLUDING FLATHEAD LAKE BASIN 76LJ The Montana Water Court has entered its Preliminary Decree for Basin 76LJ and the Decree is nowavailable for your review. The Decree and the forms are available at these locations: * Montana Water Court website: * Montana DNRC website: * Montana Water Court: 1123 Research Drive Bozeman, MT 59718; 406-586-4364 * Montana DNRC, Water Rights Adjudication Office: 1424 Ninth Avenue, Helena, MT 59620; 406-444-0699 * Montana DNRC, Water Resources Regional Office: 655 Timberwolf Parkway, Ste 4, Kalispell, MT 59901; (406) 752-2288 OBJECTIONS All objections must be filed on the forms provided by the Water Court and must be received at the Water Court by August 20, 2025. Objections can be filed electronically at or sent to Montana Water Court, PO Box 1389, Bozeman, MT 59771. EXTENSIONS The Water Court may grant a request for an extension of the time for filing objections. A request for an extension must be received by the Water Court on or before August 20, 2025. If an extension is granted, it will apply to everyone. Any extension will be posted at the offices listed above and will be advertised once in this newspaper. RIGHT TO APPEAL If you do not participate in Water Court proceedings, your right to appeal an adverse decision is limited by Section 85-2-235, MCA. If changes were made to your abstract, you may challenge those changes by filing an objection. You may also address DNRC issue remarks by an objection. If there are changes and/or issue remarks on your abstract which are not resolved by an objection, these will be addressed and resolved by the Water Court. MEETINGS The Water Court will be offering informal public meetings to explain the objection process on the following dates: • Wednesday, April 2, 2025, at 7:00 pm in person at the Hampton Inn, 1140 US Hwy 2 West, Kalispell, MT 59901 • Tuesday, May 20, 2025, at 12:00 pm via Zoom. To take part in the telephone conference, dial (646) 558-8656, enter the Meeting ID 835 9782 9948#, then press # to skip participant ID, then enter the meeting password 531397# February 26 and March 5, 12, 2025 MNAXLP __________________________

NO. 31017 PUBLIC OPPORTUNITY TO PROTEST TRANSFER OF OWNERSHIP OF Montana Retail On-Premises Consumption Beer and Wine License MOOSES SALOON INC (Wallis Bianchi 51%, Lexie Brundin 24.5%, Leah Bianchi 24.5%, Owner(s)) has applied for a Corporate Structure Change of a Montana Retail On-Premises Consumption Beer and Wine License No.07-901-2472-301 to be operated at MOOSE’S SALOON, 173 N Main St, Kalispell, Flathead County. The public may protest this license transfer in accordance with the law. Who can protest this transfer? Protests will be accepted from residents of the county of the proposed location Flathead County, residents of adjoining Montana counties, and residents of adjoining counties in another state if the criteria in 16-4-207(4)(d), Montana Code Annotated (MCA), are met. What information must be included? Protest letters must be legible and contain (1) the protestor’s full name, mailing address, and street address; (2) the license number 07-901-2472-301 and the applicant’s name MOOSES SALOON INC; (3) an indication that the letter is intended as a protest; (4) a description of the grounds for protesting; and (5) the protestor’s signature. A letter with multiple signatures will be considered one protest letter. What are valid protest grounds? The protest may be based on the applicant’s qualifications listed in 16-4-401, MCA, or the grounds for denial of an application in 16-4-405, MCA. Examples of valid protest grounds include: (1) the applicant is unlikely to operate the establishment in compliance with the law; (2) the proposed location cannot be properly policed by local authorities; and (3) the welfare of the people in the vicinity of the proposed location will be adversely and seriously affected. How are protests submitted? Protests must be postmarked to the Department of Revenue, Office of Dispute Resolution, P.O. Box 5805, Helena, Montana 59604-5805 on or before March 29, 2025. What happens if the transfer is protested? Depending on the number of protests and the protest grounds, a public hearing will be held in Helena or Kalispell. All valid protestors will be notified of the hearing’s time, date and location. Hearings typically are scheduled within 90 days. A protester’s hearing testimony is limited to the grounds in the protester’s letter. Following the hearing, the Department of Revenue will notify the public whether the license transfer is approved or denied. How can additional information be obtained? The cited MCA statutes are online at Questions may be directed to Andrew Erickson, Compliance Specialist for the Department of Revenue’s Alcoholic Beverage Control Division, at 444-4332 or March 12, 19, 2025 MNAXLP __________________________

NO. 31031 Montana 11th Judicial District Court Flathead County In the Matter of the Name Change of Connie Lea Poundris, Connie Lea Poundris, Petitioner Cause No.: DV-25-0299 Notice of Hearing on Name Change DANNI COFFMAN This is notice that Petitioner has asked the District Court for a change of name from Connie Lea Poundris to Connie Lea Banning. The hearing will be held at the Justice Center in Flathead County, 920 South Main, Kalispell, Montana on 5/21/2025 at 1:30 p.m. Date: 3/04/2025 Sara Smith Clerk of District Court By: Jamie Hadley Deputy Clerk of Court (SEAL) March 12, 19, 26 and April 2, 2025 MNAXLP __________________________