Flathead County Science Fair Awards
The Flathead County Science Fair was held on March 6 at Flathead County Fairgrounds. The following are the results from the fair.
Special Awards
Audubon Society – Wildlife Conservation Award
Gabriela Gubits Riley Pris - A Bug’s Life
Colin Lincoln – Cervidae Activity Related to Human Activity
Glacier Institute – Environmental Science Awards:
Lily Getz - Plants Pace Purposefully
McKenzie Strause - Fireproof the Future
Flathead Lake Biological Station – Environmental Science Awards:
Graham Linam - The Earth is Shaking;
Faye Mattern - Water Water Everywhere
Emma Colby and Becket Cummings - Mushrooms Eating Plastic
Logan Health - Health-Science awards
Effie Sullivan - Are You Ready for it?
Abbigael Just - What the Teeth
Ryan Siegel and Axel Rauscher - Mold Madness
Flathead STEAM Alliance - All-Around STEAM Awards
Effie Sullivan - Are You Ready for It?
Julia Neibauer - Bee Protected
Reid Sanders and Tesla Liebe - Science behind the Show
Society of American Forester’s Best Forestry/Natural Resources project
Merrick Boll - The Wooden Dilemma
Snow and Ice Awards (Stumptown Ice Den)
Arthur Whisenand - Melting Comets
Tristan Robbins - Brr Batteries – How Temp Affects Batteries
Cole Schettler - Cold as Flux
Hockaday Museum – Logo contest grand prize: Elliana Morris, 9th grade Glacier High School
Stumptown Art Studio – Logo contest second prize: Sidney Heidecker, 6th grade Smith Valley
Sportsman Ski Haus – Logo contest third prize: Thomas Bedker, third grade Edgerton Elementary
Sportsman Ski Haus – Best Board
Emrie Owings, fifth grade Edgerton Elementary
Linnea Cameron, sixth grade Whitefish Middle School
Julia Neibauer, seventh grade home school
Regular Awards
Third Grade
Biological Science
Grand Champion: Cam Kaltschmidt and Sam Neiman - Can AI Write Like a Third Grader, Edgerton Elementary
Reserve: Leah Kelly - Does Color Affect Taste, Edgerton Elementary
Physical Science
Grand Champions: Graham Linam - The Earth is Shaking, Kalispell Montessori
Reserve: Arthur Whisenand - Melting Comets, Edgerton Elementary
Demonstration, Model or Collection
Grand Champion: Wesley Lipscomb - Just Winging It, Edgerton Elementary
Reserve: Cedar Creighton - Rabies, Edgerton Elementary
Fourth Grade
Biological Science
Grand Champions: Emi Dotter and Vivian Parkhill - School Vs Home: Which Collects More Bacteria, Edgerton Elementary
Reserve: Macie Jackson - Flower Power, Bigfork Middle School
Physical Science
Grand Champions: Brooke Wyrick and Danika Tuhy Maglev-Iossa, Whitefish
Reserve: Brayden Rathke Pathfinder Robot: Exploring Line Following Technology, Kalispell Montessori
Demonstration, Model or Collection
Grand Champion: Johnny Casey - Pitch Perfect: The Physics of the Magnus Effect Edgerton Elementary
Reserve: Maggie Flass - Capillary Action In Action, Kalispell Montessori
Fifth Grade
Biological Science
Grand Champion: Effie Sullivan - Are you ready for it?; Blair Allred - Train like Taylor Swift, Smith Valley
Reserve: Haslyn Pitts - Eggstra Light, Bigfork Middle School; Finley Lemire - Fungus, Kalispell Montessori; Teegan Huber and Camden Prince - Color Pop, Taste Shock, Kalispell Montessori
Physical Science
Grand Champions: Sage McElwain - Radiant Rainbows, Hedges Elementary
Reserve: Emrie Owings - The Science of Maple Syrup Candies: The Effect of Temperature, Edgerton Elementary
Sixth Grade
Biological Science
Grand Champions: Levi and Weylin Boedeker - Ready, Set Grow!, Kalispell Montessori; Thomas Lybeck - Got Dirt?, St. Matthews
Reserve: Beth Wilke - Pea Plant Power, Smith Valley
Physical Science
Grand Champions: Dino Ferrazzano - Mars and Mycelium, Kalispell Montessori; Aiden Ofstad and Henry Lemire - Star Spectroscopy, Kalispell Montessori
Reserve: Ingrid Aiken and Sloane Sapot - Science of Sweetness, Kalispell Montessori
Seventh Grade
Biological Science
Grand Champions: Emmeline Kerst - A Growing Question, homeschool; Julia Neibauer - Bee Protected, homeschool
Reserve: Ariannah Glimm - Christmas Forever, Trinity Lutheran; Charles Hagemeier - Snack Attack, Trinity Lutheran; Caralina Henry - Can You Sea the Problem, Trinity Lutheran; Jenady Buchholz – Illusions, Smith Valley
Physical Science
Grand Champions: Myra Gilbert - Generated or Genuine, homeschool; Tristan Robbins - BRR...BRR...BATTERIES, St. Matthews
Reserve: Evelyn Martin - Disintegration Nation, Trinity Lutheran; Faith Glewwe - Plastic Lakes, Smith Valley
Eighth Grade
Biological Science
Grand Champions: Cash Hadley - What percent of nitrogen is best for wheat?, Trinity Lutheran; Evan Cornish - What kills mold the fastest?, St. Matthews
Reserve: Cosy Young - Plants On EMF, Trinity Lutheran; Courtney Preble - Color Confusion, Smith Valley; Ada Thiel - Which Color Do Dogs Prefer Best?, Trinity Lutheran
Physical Science
Grand Champions: Arissa Fetveit – Dissolve the Rainbow, Smith Valley; Izak Emmert - Does the brand of fishing line affect the strength?, Smith Valley; Vayda Kauffman and Ezra Mejia - Taste With Your Eyes, Kalispell Montessori; Maria Wiest - Paint Durability, Trinity Lutheran
Reserve: Samuel Burns - Cement Strength, Trinity Lutheran; Katrina Bochman - Finding Flawless Flooring, Trinity Lutheran; McKenzie Strause - Water Water Everywhere, St. Matthews
Middle School Engineering
Middle School (Grades 6-8)
Grand Champions: Cole Schettler - Cold As Flux, St. Matthews ; Rowan Baller Ohm - sweet ohm, Trinity Lutheran
Reserve: Brecken Ferrell and Landon Duckett - Can popsicle sticks be used to build a lightweight portable bridge?, Smith Valley
High School
Biological Science
Grand Champions: Bridget Reed - The Resistance, Glacier High School; Gabriella Gubits and Riley Pris - A Bug's Life, Glacier High School
Reserve: Lillie Groom - The Effect of Weather Conditions on Water Conditions for Oncorhynchus Mykiss, Glacier High School;
Emma Colby and Beckett Cummings - The Effect of Pleurotus ostreatus on LDPE and PETE Plastics, Flathead High School;
Reid Sanders and Tesla Liebe - The Science Behind Enjoying the Show, Glacier High School