Wednesday, March 19, 2025

Legals for March, 17 2025

| March 17, 2025 12:00 AM

NO. 31044 Resolution of Intent to Impose an Increase in Levies As an essential part of its budgeting process, the Deer Park School Board of Trustees is authorized by law to impose levies to support its budget. The Deer Park School Board of Trustees estimates the following increase in revenues and mills for the funds listed below for the next school fiscal year beginning July 1, 2025, using certified taxable valuations from the current school fiscal year as provided to the district. Adult Education – Estimated Change in Revenue: $0 Flexibility - Estimated Change in Revenue: $0 Bus Depreciation - Estimated Change in Revenue: $0 Transportation - Estimated Change in Revenue: $0 Tuition - Estimated Change in Revenue: $42,575 increase. Estimated change in mills: increase of 8.9 mills. Estimated impact on a home of $100,000 is a $12.01 increase, and on a home of $200,000 is a $24.03 increase. Building Reserve Fund - Estimated change in revenues: $1,760.00 decrease. Estimated change in mills: decrease of .37 mills. Estimated impact on a home of $100,000 is a $.50 decrease, and on a home of $200,000 is a $.99 decrease. The following are school facility maintenance projects anticipated to be completed at this time: maintenance on existing buildings and property. This notice requirement is an estimate. None of these budget changes have officially been adopted for the 2025-2026 school year. Action will not be taken on these items until final budgets are approved. Cynthia Barnes, Board Chair Gina Smith, District Clerk March 11, 2025 March 17, 2025 MNAXLP __________________________

NO. 31047 INVITATION TO BID SCHOOL PAPER AND RELATED PRODUCTS The Flathead Schools Cooperative Paper Group will accept bids for the annual paper and school supplies cooperative order. Bid information is available at the office of the Flathead County Superintendent of Schools at 290 C North Main, Kalispell, Montana 59901. Bids will be accepted at the office of the Flathead County Superintendent of Schools, 290 C North Main, Kalispell, Montana 59901 until 5:00 pm, Friday, April 18, 2025. The Flathead Schools Cooperative Paper Group and/or the Flathead County Superintendent of Schools reserves the right to reject any and all bids, to waive irregularities and formalities and to accept the bid deemed in the best interest of the group. Dated this 12 day of March, 2025. Flathead Schools Cooperative Paper Group Flathead County, Montana   Cal Ketchum Flathead County Superintendent of Schools March 17, 24 2025 MNAXLP __________________________

NO. 31055 PUBLIC NOTICE The Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) has approved clean-up activities for the petroleum release at the former Roy Stanley Chevrolet. The clean-up activities are required by DEQ under the authority of 75-5-501 through 75-11-526, Montana Code Annotated (MCA) and Administrative Rules of Montana (ARM) 17.56.606. The DEQ Petroleum Tank Cleanup Section requested, reviewed, and approved the Work Plan (WP) prepared and submitted by Water & Environmental Technologies on behalf of the owner/operator of the facility listed below. Copies of the WP are available upon request by contacting the Petroleum Tank Cleanup Section at the DEQ Waste Management and Remediation Division by emailing Reed Miner at  FACILITY INFORMATION   Facility Name: Former Roy Stanley Chevrolet Facility Location: 1000 W Idaho Street Facility ID: 15-00065 Release Number: 473 Work Plan ID Number: 34474 The work to be done under the above-described WP will include excavation, soil treatment and/or disposal, soil sampling, and groundwater monitoring. The work will involve the use of an excavator and transport vehicles. Area residents and visitors can expect to see an excavation to about 10 feet deep below ground surface with soil temporarily stockpiled onsite. Traffic volume near the area may temporarily be altered due to hauling soil to an offsite location. It is anticipated that the excavation work will begin the week of March 17, 2025.  WMRD 483045 March 17, 2025 MNAXLP __________________________