Monday, March 24, 2025

Whitefish Theatre Company brings dysfunctional family dramedy to the stage

| March 20, 2025 12:00 AM

The Whitefish Theatre Company presents a Black Curtain Reading of “All the Days” by Sharyn Rothstein, a touching, and funny, drama about loss, love and the scars of childhood. 

A Black Curtain production means there will be minimal staging, set and props and actors will be reading from a script.   

Ruth Zweigman is not a pleasant person to be around. When Ruth can’t take care of herself while recovering from several surgeries due to diabetes, the question of who she’s going to live with is a big one. While Ruth’s daughter, Miranda, has done everything in her power to create a family completely different than the one she came from, the painful loss of her brother, and perhaps a brief lapse in judgment, compels her to invite her complicated mother to stay with her before her son’s bar mitzvah. As other needy family members show up in search of connection and second chances, Miranda’s already-strained relationship with her family is pulled to its breaking point. With all the kin in one place, will they all stay in one piece?  

Joy James, makes her Whitefish Theatre Company directorial debut, bringing with her years of experience acting on the stage. 

“I feel that we all can relate in one way or another to the characters in this story,” James said. “Sharyn Rothstein has done a great job illustrating how laughter can bridge gaps in communication and help heal wounds. This reminds us that even in the darkest times, there can still be lightness and joy. “ 

Cast members include Tery Solomon as Ruth, Laura Abernethy as Miranda, Mona Charles, Henry Elsen as Delmore, Andrew Willis as Jared, Matt Strool as Stewbert, and Gil Jordan as Baptiste. “As we have been going through the rehearsal process, the actors have been challenged to pull from their own experiences with relationships, family dynamics, loss and love.” Says James. “And they have been living up to the challenge leaps and bounds.” 

Performances of the humorous dysfunctional family drama will be at 7:30 p.m. March 22 and at 2 p.m. and 7:30 p.m. March 23 at the O’Shaughnessy Center, 1 Central Ave. In Whitefish.  

Tickets are $12 for adults and $10 for students and may be purchased online at, at the box office, or by calling 862-5371. Box Office Hours are 11a.m. to 3 p.m. weekdays and one hour before a performance. 

This production is sponsored by John and Marianne Evenhuis, Bet and Doug Wise and Linda and David Hunt.