Sunday, March 16, 2025

Margaret E. Davis: Peaks and Valleys

See the latest column from Margaret E. Davis: Peaks and Valleys here!

Updated 17 hours, 5 minutes ago
Feeling down? Make a run for it

Habitués of higher elevations have to try harder for happy.

Updated 2 weeks ago
Small talks buck algorithms

Every time I go out for a cultural happening, I hear the echo of Montana Poet Laureate Chris La Tray from his Bigfork talk last fall: “What a triumph of decision making that we are all here together instead of doom…

Updated 4 weeks ago
Heeding the call of the wild

As Flathead Wildlife’s Jim Vashro introduced the presenter for the group’s gathering last month in a meeting room on North Meridian Road, a low rumble rose from the back of the room.

Updated 1 month, 1 week ago
The truth is in here

Truth truly is stranger than fiction. One institution stocks plenty of both.

Updated 1 month, 3 weeks ago
Surprise and delight yourself

"We don’t even know what it is until it starts,” said Dan Brauneisen, general manager of Kalispell’s Cinemark theater, referring to the “secret movie” that plays for $5 on Monday nights about once a month.

Updated 2 months, 1 week ago
Collection tells Carter’s story

Apart from the toothy grin and the accent, I only have another hazy memory of Jimmy Carter as president: how he put on a cardigan to encourage Americans to sweaterize rather than boost the thermostat.

Updated 2 months, 3 weeks ago
Roadside frosties meant to bring smiles

Together the Laumans aimed to create something special, fun and secular, and settled on snowmen, or “frosties.” They started in 1999 with about 25.

Updated 3 months, 1 week ago
Conrad closets spill history

Last weekend I brought out all my sweaters and donned a pair of the wool socks I will wear for the next five months. Among the three basic needs, clothing seems like the lightweight, but a layer between self and en…

Updated 3 months, 3 weeks ago
Only you can prevent overvotes

As a member of a resolution board that worked the last federal general election, I have pointers.

Updated 4 months ago
Finding value or lack thereof in treasured items

Flathead treasure hunters and keepers flocked to the Northwest Montana History Museum for the sixth Montana Antiques Appraisal Fair on Oct. 26. Organized by the Foundation for Montana History, the fair brings in ex…

Updated 4 months, 2 weeks ago
Saddled up for stories

About a hundred of us leaned in to hear every word said in honor of this occasion — the 60-year anniversary of the Wilderness Act — and also the recent publication of Elser's memoir, “Hush of the Land: A Lifetime i…

Updated 5 months ago
Clock doctor makes house calls

The museum’s Seth Thomas wall clock that hangs in the museum’s Swanberg Classroom hadn’t worked in years. Gentle prompts from our volunteer teachers spurred me to action.

Updated 5 months, 3 weeks ago
Let’s leverage common ground

When I moved to Kalispell a few years ago I visited a new friend’s house and saw that neighbors at the end of her street had hung a massive banner across their garage.

Updated 6 months, 1 week ago
Some duffers don’t need to bluff

We were a few holes into what would be one of the highlights of our summer: A grand tour of prime Flathead Valley terrain during the golden hours of a summer evening.

Updated 6 months, 3 weeks ago
Dahlia growers bloom at Northwest Montana Fair

Two big fellas load a cart just outside the Mini Horses Barn, a tied-up Clydesdale whinnies at me, and the signs along “Hamburger Road” make their pitches, including for Blended Red Bulls and the alluring combo of …