Sunday, June 02, 2024
James Marino of Columbia Falls stands with the ScanEagle airplane and camcopter S-100 unmanned aerial vehicle systems. As an employee of Boeing, he has deployed to the Middle East numerous times flying the ScanEagle to gather real-time intelligence to help keep troops safe on the ground. This month, he travels to Austria to continue training on the camcopter S-100 developed by Schiebel. These systems have become increasingly important in military operations and have potential domestic uses in areas such as border surveillance. ScanEagle was used to feed back live video when Somali pirates held the captain of the Maersk Alabama hostage.

Stories this photo appears in:

Marino flies troops' eagle eye in the sky
January 4, 2010 2 a.m.

Marino flies troops' eagle eye in the sky

Jim Marino of Columbia Falls flies like an eagle without ever leaving the ground.