Sunday, October 13, 2024
<p>Photos courtesy of Jake Bramante. It was the end of August and
I'd yet to see a grizzly bear from the trail. I was over halfway
done with my project in a national park known for its big scary
bears and I'd not seen any. I was a couple of miles away from the
trailhead and I decided to record my blog. On this particular three
day trip, I'd seen a black bear, a moose, some mountain goats, so I
had no reason to complain. This last day I'd only seen some birds
and commented about that on my blog and wrapped it up. As I walked
down the Redgap Pass trail in between the Sherburne Ranger Station
cutoff trail and the trailhead by Apikuni Falls, I rounded a corner
to see a grizzly foraging just off the trail about 70 yards in
front of me. The wind was in my face and I had some time, so I got
out my camera to video him for a bit. While I videoed him, he
looked up and saw me and began to wander off. I let him get out of
my site, switched my camera to photo mode and looked around where
he had wandered off. He happened to stop right in a gap in the
trees and I was able to snap this photo and then he disappeared
into the forest. I couldn't have asked for a more perfect first
grizzly encounter. More information of Bramante's project is
available online at</p>