Friday, June 14, 2024
<p>A remote camera set up in Bob and Laurie Muth's yard captured photos of grizzlies, including this one in broad daylight.</p>
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<p>With the help of Defenders of Wildlife and Tim Manley of Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks, the Muths installed electric fencing to discourage bears Òfrom becoming dependent on a food source that can only end badly for the bears,Ó Bob Muth said. ÒA few destroyed fruit trees are a small price to pay to be able to witness the great bearÕs return,Ó he added. Muth was philosophical about the grizzlies: ÒThere are things that cannot be put into words. And the aura surrounding a wild grizzly bear is at the top of the list. Grizzlies are mythical, mystical and magnificent creatures. We are blessed to live in a place large enough and wise enough to be part of this breathtaking animalÕs recovery from the road to extermination ... thanks to farsighted conservationists and the Endangered Species Act.ÓÊ</p>

Stories this photo appears in:

Week in Pictures: October 8 - 14
October 17, 2012 1:01 p.m.

Week in Pictures: October 8 - 14