Monday, June 17, 2024
<p>Woods students in Steve Melkioty's class built a new footbridge on the Flathead Waterfowl Protection Area Wednesday. The area is frequently used by hunters. (Front row to back) Craig Cheroske, Ethan Olson, teacher Steve Melkioty, Kyle Saxton, Charlie Haug, Christian Bencomo, Richard McManaway, Matt Farrier, Tyler Betrus, Oliver Martinez, Kyle Cumming, Brayden Haugan, Gabriel Melkioty, Michael Mischke, Brady Pressentin and Garrett Murray.</p>

Stories this photo appears in:

Shop class replaces old footbridge
September 11, 2015 9 p.m.

Shop class replaces old footbridge

Project restores crossing at waterfowl area

When wildlife biologist Beverly Skinner’s only option to cross an old irrigation canal within the Flathead Waterfowl Protection Area was a collapsed footbridge, she worked with Bigfork High School students to get it replaced.