Saturday, June 01, 2024
<p>An arrangement of some of Ed Kuglers memorabilia from Vietnam on display near a window in his office on Tuesday, October 25, in his home in Big Arm. Items include the last pair of boots he wore in the jungle, his compass, Ka-Bar combat knife. Peeking out from inside the boots is a toy bee. Bees are a symbol Kugler uses to explain what Post Traumatic Stress Disorder feels like, he says it is like bees inside his brain. (Brenda Ahearn/Daily Inter Lake)</p>

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Marine sniper still dealing with Vietnam War's aftermath
October 30, 2016 6 a.m.

Marine sniper still dealing with Vietnam War's aftermath

As Ed Kugler waited for a kill in the stifling jungle heat of Vietnam, the directives from his staff sergeant drummed in his head time and time again.