Wednesday, December 18, 2024
Capt. Matthew C. Christensen, center, at Fort Benning, Ga., after being awarded the Soldier’s Medal on March 14. Accompanying him, at far left, is Unit Command Sgt. Major Chris Lewis. Next is Christensen’s son, Spc. Caleb Christensen, who is stationed at Fort Bragg. Capt. Christensen’s wife, Jessica, and his mother, Sue Heppner of Polson, flank him, followed by his brother Todd Christensen of Kalispell. At right is Lt. Col. Franklin F. Baltazar, 1st Battalion, 50th Infantry Regiment battalion commander, who presented the medal to Capt. Christensen. (Photos by Patrick A. Albright, MCoE PAO Photographer)

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'Warrior' chaplain honored for taking down machete-wielding suicidal soldier
March 21, 2017 8:35 p.m.

'Warrior' chaplain honored for taking down machete-wielding suicidal soldier

FORT BENNING, Ga. — The black cross patch on the right side of Capt. Matthew C. Christensen’s U.S. Army uniform tells a story.