Monday, May 20, 2024
Symes Hot Springs Hotel visitors relax in mineral water pools. Water in the outer pool is roughly 101 degrees, while the octagonal pool hits temperatures of 108 degrees.

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Limp in, leap out
November 26, 2017 4 a.m.

Limp in, leap out

An even 10 soakers luxuriate in the hot mineral waters at Symes Hot Springs Hotel on a chilly Monday afternoon. Gray skies and large, plopping rain drops don’t deter them. They simply shimmy down a bit farther into the steaming pool, or tiptoe quickly from the main soaking area to an octagonal bath heated to a simmering 106 degrees. Water from this smaller oasis spills over a rocky lip into its larger counterpart, continuously flowing from the depths of the earth into the pools and back again, bringing with it a host of minerals that soothe, and some say, heal.