Tuesday, June 18, 2024
Mary Lou Fitzpatrick sorts donated cans at the Flathead Food Bank along side Glacier Park employees on Tuesday, January 8, in Kalispell. Even though Fitzpatrick is retired from Glacier and therefore no on furlough like the others, she saw the invitation to volunteer on a Facebook group page and decided she wanted to help out. The volunteers spent a lot of their time sorting through boxes of donations grouping foods together into different categories for storage. (Brenda Ahearn/Daily Inter Lake)

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Furloughed federal workers volunteer at food bank
January 8, 2019 4 a.m.

Furloughed federal workers volunteer at food bank

Barred from going to work during the ongoing federal government shutdown, a group of Glacier National Park employees have decided to put their time off to use by volunteering at the Flathead Food Bank today.