Thursday, March 06, 2025
The Lower Granite Dam on the Snake River is seen from the air near Colfax, Wash., onMay 15, 2019. (AP Photo/Ted S. Warren, File)

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Breaching hydropower dams carries collateral damage
February 4, 2024 midnight

Breaching hydropower dams carries collateral damage

Electric cooperatives across the Pacific Northwest have sounded the alarm in recent weeks about the consequences facing ratepayers if four Lower Snake River dams are breached.

Allegations of ‘secret’ deal to remove four Snake River dams aired by U.S. House GOP at hearing
February 1, 2024 midnight

Allegations of ‘secret’ deal to remove four Snake River dams aired by U.S. House GOP at hearing

Republicans on a U.S. House panel blasted the Biden administration Tuesday for an agreement they said paved the way for four dams’ removal from the Snake River in eastern Washington state.

Conservationists, tribes say deal is a road map to breach Snake River dams
December 15, 2023 7 p.m.

Conservationists, tribes say deal is a road map to breach Snake River dams

The U.S. government said Thursday it plans to spend more than $1 billion over the next decade to help recover depleted populations of salmon in the Pacific Northwest, and that it will help figure out how to offset the hydropower, transportation and other benefits provided by four controversial dams on the Snake River, should Congress ever agree to breach them.