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New 'Backroads of Montana' episode to air
MISSOULA — MontanaPBS producers hit the road again to highlight stories throughout the state in the latest episode of “Backroads of Montana,” set to air at 8 p.m. Monday, Nov. 6.
Sewer project tops Kalispell council agenda
The Kalispell City Council will get a progress report on the first phase of the West Side Interceptor project during a work session on Monday, Sept. 25.
Book reading, signing with author George Bristol
Montana House is hosting guest author George Bristol for an evening reading and book signing from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. Saturday, Aug. 26.
Lake County voters reject jail levy
Lake County voters on Tuesday soundly rejected a levy request to fund operations and an expansion of the county jail.
Astros ace Verlander pulled early with triceps soreness
PORT ST. LUCIE, Fla. (AP) — Houston Astros ace Justin Verlander felt soreness in his triceps and made an early exit from an exhibition start Sunday, and the AL Cy Young Award winner was headed for more tests.
German tour firm TUI suspends most operations over virus
BERLIN (AP) — German-based tour company TUI says it is suspending most of its operations until further notice in light of the deepening coronavirus crisis and applying for government help.
Iowa health officials report 22 new coronavirus cases
DES MOINES, Iowa (AP) — Iowa health officials have confirmed 22 new coronavirus cases in the state.
USA Rugby filing for bankruptcy amid coronavirus shutdown
NEW YORK (AP) — USA Rugby has decided to file for Chapter 11 bankruptcy because its financial woes have been exacerbated by the coronavirus shutdown.
Kalispell council to vote on utility rate increase
After months of deliberation, the Kalispell City Council tonight will vote on adopting new utility rates and impact fees.
Purse snatchers take off on foot
Kalispell Police Department responded to a report of a burglary when two men possibly in their early 30s who allegedly went into a woman’s house — while she was home — and grabbed her purse then ran on foot, possibly toward Meridian.
They came, they saw, they spent
The old saying is you can’t eat the scenery. But it looks like plenty of businesses are making a living off it in Flathead County, according to the latest report from the University of Montana Institute for Tourism and Research.
GHS principal poised for assistant superintendent position
Glacier High School Principal Callie Langohr is being recommended as the new assistant superintendent of Kalispell Public Schools.
Red Sand Project raises human trafficking awareness
The Red Sand Project, a participatory artwork event that aims to bring awareness to the global problem of human trafficking and modern-day slavery, will be held at noon Wednesday, April 25, at the Flathead Valley Community College Arts & Technology Building.
Noxon Tommy Long, 2 months
Noxon Tommy Long, 2 months, of Missoula passed away on Thursday, March 7, 2019, at St. Patrick Hospital.
Mississippi is latest state to delay elections amid pandemic
JACKSON, Miss. (AP) — Mississippi Gov. Tate Reeves announced Friday that he is postponing the March 31 Republican primary runoff in the state's 2nd Congressional District because of the coronavirus. The new date is June 23.
Oklahoma's top epidemiologist reassigned amid outbreak
OKLAHOMA CITY (AP) — Oklahoma's top epidemiologist is being reassigned in a move the state's health agency says will help them better coordinate between local responders and health care experts, particularly in rural areas.
Kalispell council to vote on construction standard update
The Kalispell City Council is poised to vote Tuesday on an update of the city’s design and construction standards.
Legals January 30, 2020
No. 26756 REQUESTS FOR PROPOSALS FOR WATER SYSTEM ENGINEERING AND GRANT ADMINISTRATION In accordance with Title 18, Chapter 8 (MCA), Coram County Water and Sewer District is seeking Proposals from qualified engineering firms to provide consultulting services for the Water Storage Tank Expansion Project. The project consists of a new 200,000 gallon water storage reservoir as outlined in the 2018 Water System Preliminary Engineering Report. For questions or a copy of the detailed request for proposal, please contact Ben Shafer, Plant Manager, (406) 871-7355 or download at https://drive.google.com/file/d/1I9qwRpfsshBTw3DXnHbjejE50B3SD3xx/view?usp=sharing. Proposals are to be submitted in a sealed envelope marked on the outside "Coram County Water and Sewer District Engineering Services". Proposals should be sent to Coram County Water and Sewer District, PO Box 130156, Coram, MT 59913. Proposals must be received no later than 5 p.m. Thursday February 20, 2020. The selection of the successful firm(s) will be based on an evaluation of the written responses and an interview if the District deems the latter is necessary. The award will be made to the most qualified firm whose submittal is deemed most advantageous to the District, all factors considered. Unsuccessful offerors will be notified as soon as possible. Accordingly, the District reserves the right to negotiate an agreement based on fair and reasonable compensation for the scope of work and services proposed, as well as the right to reject any and all responses deemed unqualified, unsatisfactory or inappropriate. January 30, February 6, 2020 MNAXLP _________________________
Legals March 10, 2018
No. 25192 PUBLIC NOTICE The Board of County Commissioners of Flathead County did this 5th day of March, 2018 approve payroll and claims for payment in the amount of $4,645,158.15 for the period beginning February 1, 2018 and ending on February 28, 2018. The full and complete claim list is available for public view in the Finance Office, Flathead County Courthouse, 800 S Main, Room 214, Kalispell, Montana or online at https://flathead.mt.gov/finance/downloads.php. Individual requests for personal copies will be accepted by the Finance Office. Dated this 5th day of March, 2018. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Flathead County, Montana By: /s/ Pamela J. Holmquist Pamela J. Holmquist, Chairman By: /s/ Debbie Pierson Debbie Pierson, Clerk & Recorder March 10, 2018 MNAXLP __________________________
That's checkmate for state gamers
Inter Lake editorial