Tuesday, April 30

Fiddlestix Candy Co. cooks up customized lollipops
A sucker is born every minute when Stephanie Murray has her candy kitchen cranking.
Legals April 30, 2019
No. 26142 NOTICE OF ELECTION Notice is hereby given that in Flathead County, on May 7, 2019 a regular election will be held in: Columbia Falls Rural Fire District to elect trustees for the district. The election will be conducted by mail ballot only; regular polling places will not be open. Ballots will be mailed April 17, 2019 In order to be counted, ballots must be received at the election office by 8:00 p.m. on Election Day, May 7, 2019 Return your ballot by mailing it to: Flathead County Election Department -40 11th St West #230, Kalispell, MT 59901 or dropping your ballot off at: Flathead County Election Department - 40 11th St West #230, Kalispell, MT 59901 DATED this 9th day of April, 2019. Debbie Pierson Flathead County Election Administrator April 16, 23, 30, 2019 MNAXLP __________________________
Rebranded youth event returns to valley Flathead Valley
The Unaltered ministry, a one-night traveling Christian youth event formerly known as the Silver Ring Thing, returns to the Flathead Friday, May 10.
Vodka drinker winds up in Havre
A Havre law enforcement officer called Columbia Falls Police Department attempting to locate the family of a young woman they picked up who reportedly was highly intoxicated, had no identification and was wearing one sock and one shoe. She reportedly said she was given a ride by someone who gave her a bottle of vodka and “she drank the whole thing.”

Bond increased to $500,000 for suspect in vehicular homicide
A Flathead County Justice Court Judge on Monday set a $500,000 bond for Jared Parsons of Kalispell, who is being held at the Flathead County Detention Center on a felony charge of vehicular homicide while under the influence, in connection with the death of a 15-year-old Evergreen girl.
Former railroad worker gets another $1M in BNSF case
A federal judge has ruled that BNSF Railway Co. is not entitled to a new trial in the case of a Columbia Falls employee who won a significant judgment against the railroad in the last year.

Soroptimists award $36,000 in scholarships, grants
Soroptimist International of Whitefish presented $36,000 in scholarships and grants to Flathead Valley area students at a recognition dinner April 22.

Track C-Falls boys, Whitefish girls Cat/Dog dual victors
COLUMBIA FALLS — Columbia Falls and Whitefish split team titles on Tuesday at the annual Mike Nicosia Cat/Dog track dual.

Flathead sweeps Glacier
Flathead used 5-3 victories in boys and girls tennis action on Tuesday to take both crosstown duals from Glacier on the courts at Flathead Valley Community College.
Bigfork girls 3rd at Spring Swing golf tournament
MISSOULA — The Bigfork girls golf team finished a strong third at the Loyola Spring Swing tournament on Tuesday at Larchmont Golf Course.
Libby's Walker, Ward combine for no-hitter
TROY — Libby pitchers Linsey Walker and Kiera Ward combined on a no-hitter as the Loggers routed Troy 15-0 on Tuesday in nonconference softball play.
Monday, April 29
Montana Supreme Court sides with nurses in abortion provider case
Whitefish Mayor John Muhlfeld seeks third term
Whitefish Mayor John Muhlfeld announced Monday he will seek a third term as mayor and will file the paperwork with the Flathead County Election Department.
Legals April 29, 2019
No. 26140 Peg L. Allison Clerk of District Court Flathead County Justice Center 920 South Main Street Kalispell, MT 59901 (406) 758-5906 IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE ELEVENTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT OF THE STATE OF MONTANA, IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF FLATHEAD IN THE MATTER OF: K.T.P. YOUTH IN NEED OF CARE. Cause No. DN-17-060(A) SUMMONS FOR PUBLICATION To: Kenneth Alex Peterson, birth father of the above-named child: YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED that a Petition has been filed in the above-entitled Court by the Montana Department of Public Health and Human Services, Child and Family Services Division, 121 Financial Drive, Suite C, Kalispell, MT 59901, requesting emergency protective services, adjudication of the above-named child as a youth in need of care, and temporary legal custody. NOW, THEREFORE, YOU ARE HEREBY DIRECTED to appear on Monday, May 13, 2019, at 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. and Tuesday, May 14, 2019 at 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. before the Honorable Amy Eddy, District Judge, Department 3, Flathead County Justice Center, 920 South Main Street, Third Floor, Kalispell, Flathead County, MT, then and there to show cause, if any you may have, why the Petition should not be granted. K.T.P. was born on August 29, 2013 in Silver Bow County, Montana. The birth mother is Danielle Marie Peterson. You have the right to representation by an attorney in these proceedings. If you are unable to afford an attorney, the Court will appoint an attorney to represent you. Your failure to appear at the hearing constitutes a denial of your interest in the above-named child, which denial may result, without further notice of this proceeding or any subsequent proceedings, in the Court entering judgment by default against you for all relief requested in the Petition. A copy of the Petition is filed with the Clerk of District Court for the Eleventh Judicial District Court in and for Flathead County, 920 South Main, Third Floor, Kalispell, MT, 59901, telephone (406) 758-5870. WITNESS my hand and Seal of this Court this 2nd day of April, 2019. PEG L. ALLISON Clerk of District Court By: /s/ Cassandra M. Loveless Deputy Clerk April 15, 22, 29, 2019 MNAXLP __________________________
No headline
- AARP Driver Safety Course, 8:30 a.m. to 1 p.m., Libby Christian Church $20 fee ($15 for AARP card-holding members.) Call 283-7000.

Finance expert touts private investment for public good
Strategic investor Molly McCabe believes private funds and the profit motive can be powerful forces for solving difficult problems.

Letters to the ediitor April 29
We here at the Blue and White Motel would like to thank all the firefighters who came to our rescue when we had a fire on March 3. We are very grateful for all the hard work that they have done to help put out the fire. We appreciate the timely manner that they came to help us. We are very grateful for the kindness that they showed our guest in their time of need.
Sunday, April 28
March birth NVH
Hadassah Ruth Guymon, daughter of Garrett and Molly Guymon of Kalispell, was born March 8 at North Valley Hospital.
Legals April 28, 2019
No. 26162 Columbia Falls Rural Fire District Public Notice Disposition of Surplus Property The Columbia Falls Rural Fire District Board of Trustees declared the following vehicle surplus, obsolete, and no longer suitable for District purposes at a regular meeting held March 25, 2019: 1992 Navistar Pumper The Board also declared their intent to sell or dispose of the surplus asset in the most economical manner, including public auction or to any political subdivision of the State of Montana. Any taxpayer wishing to comment on this action may do so by contacting Fire Chief Rick Hagen, City Hall, 130 6th Street West, Room A, Columbia Falls, MT 59912 or by calling 406-892-3911 within 15 days of the publication of this notice, Monday, May 13, 2019. Rick Hagen, Fire Chief April 28, 2019 MNAXLP __________________________
Letters to the editor April 28
I travel U.S. 2 during the morning and evening rush hour five days a week. I rarely see more than one car waiting to enter U.S. 2, if any. A roundabout would disrupt the flow of traffic for every vehicle whether it was needed or not.
Virgie Joanne Dawson, 83
The children of Virgie Joanne Dawson and her grandchildren are celebrating a true Kalispell love story. Virgie was born in Kalispell on Nov. 30, 1935 and was followed three years later by her sister Beryl (Billi). Virgie’s parents Hugh and Virginia Shoemaker were also longtime residents. Hugh, the oldest of 10 children, was also born in Kalispell. The Shoemakers raised the girls in their home just north of the fairgrounds.

First phase of 330-space RV park to open in June
With Montana Basecamp RV resort, Andy and Christy Matthews have ambitious plans to create a welcoming destination on the south end of Kalispell where travelers can rest, restock and regroup.
Daines, a champion for wilderness - in other states
Dear Senator Daines:

How to overcome the housing crisis
The economic state of Montana is behind when it comes to competition with the rest of the nation. For someone who is comfortable in their position, this may not be a concern, but to those who are looking to improve their economic status, quality of life, or looking for more opportunities, this can be a huge challenge to overcome. It is a difficult hurdle to cross for many of our fellow residents.

Clear Choice Clinic gets mobile unit for rural areas
A new health-care resource rolled onto the scene at the Clear Choice Clinic in Kalispell Thursday with the arrival of its new mobile clinic.

Melva Brandewie, 93
Melva Brandewie, 93, of Bigfork passed away peacefully in her home April 22, 2019.

Model shipbuilder devoted to perfect re-creations
His silver Labrador dozing at his feet, Allen Daffern, 70, deftly repaired the rigging of the HMS Leopard in his workspace, preparing the second of two ships for their final voyage to the Kalispell Vet Center.
Autism awareness: The growing tide of support and services
On April 2, 2019, Montana Sens. Jon Tester and Steve Daines announced their bipartisan support of the Autism Collaboration, Accountability, Research, Education, and Support (CARES) Act to fund research, training, and services and supports that improve the lives of people with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and other developmental and intellectual disabilities. This includes diagnostic services, training for healthcare providers and family members, and community training events. The reauthorization of the Autism CARES Act will be a crucial step in addressing the needs of those with ASD.
Martin Christian 'Chris' Riebe II, 42
Martin Christian “Chris” Riebe II was born Sept. 23, 1976, in Whitefish, and went home to Jesus on April 4, 2019, in Seattle, following injuries suffered in a mill accident on March 21.

Whitefish coffee shop a collaborative effort
Inside Wild Coffee Co., behind a bar, an artistic rendering features two grizzly bear positioned on their hind legs snarling at each other. Walls have been painted a deep rich green accented by natural wood, while the cafe’s logo features a tree.
May Day memories; some are fuzzy
When the conversation turned to May Day last week in the Inter Lake newsroom, I was surprised at the range of memories my colleagues have about this particular holiday.

Reports detail efforts to reduce human-wildlife conflicts
The grizzly drew crowds in October as it prepared for denning by grazing with gusto in an oats field south of Polebridge along the North Fork Road.

Gordon Wayne Wardinsky, 92
Gordon Wayne Wardinsky, 92, passed away peacefully following Easter church service on April 21, 2019, at Wel-Life assisted living in Kalispell.
Exercise muscles against mussels
Flex a few leg muscles during upcoming mussel walks along Flathead Lake and learn how to identify the aquatic invasive species and how to prevent their destructive establishment in the lake.
No headline
The one-hour film “Era of Megafires” will be shown at 6:30 p.m. Tuesday, April 30, at the Bigfork Center for the Performing Arts.
Missing persons epidemic affects all Montanans
When women and girls go missing in our state, it’s not a Democratic problem or a Republican problem — it’s a Montana problem. And it’s an urgent one.
Armed robbery suspects taken into custody
Three women were taken into custody on allegations that they stole someone’s wallet at knife point while in Polson, according to Kalispell Police Department logs. The victim called in the incident and said the suspects were traveling north in a white car with a sunroof plugged with plywood. Lake County deputies looked at security footage from Woods Bay showing the vehicle traveling north. Law enforcement eventually stopped the vehicle south of the U.S. 93 bypass and the suspects were arrested.

No headline
- Simply406 is the new umbrella company to Polson-based brands Country Pasta and Tipu’s Chai. Country Pasta is distributed in local stores and major retailers throughout the country. Tipu’s Chai is an authentic recipe handed down by the founder’s grandmother from Gujarat, India. The chai started as a menu item in a Missoula restaurant and expanded to coffee houses and retailers across the state, Canada, and some international locations. Visit Simply406.com.

Donald Charles Schultz Sr., 81
Donald Schultz Sr., 81, passed away April 18, 2019, at his home in Kalispell.

Jacqueline Merri Wildgen, 90
Jacqueline Merri Wildgen passed away on Good Friday April 19, 2019, in Kalispell. She was 90.

Mary Ann Bowen Crismore, 83
Mary Ann Bowen Crismore, 83, of Tucson, Arizona, was delivered into the arms of her heavenly Father on Easter Sunday morning, April 21, 2019.

Albert Henry 'Big Al' Koenig, 78
Early the morning of April 15, 2019, Al passed away at Hospice of the Valley, Thunderbird facility near Phoenix, after suffering a severe stroke on April 8, 2019. Al was 78.

Irene Bjelland, 90
On Wednesday, April 24, 2019, Irene Bjelland, our loving mother, grandmother, great- and great-great-grandmother and aunt, passed over to be with her Lord and Savior. She was a resident at Heritage Place at the time.
Common ground found in 66th session
Montana’s 66th legislative session wrapped up late Thursday after lawmakers passed a $10.3 billion budget. We’re pleased to see the gears of bureaucracy grind out a balanced budget — as required by the state constitution — without talks spilling over into another contentious special session.
Kalispell event focuses on missing and murdered indigenous women
Love Lives Here and Flathead Valley Community College’s Montana American Indian Scholars Program are teaming up for an upcoming event that aims to spotlight the crisis of missing and murdered indigenous women.
Republican accomplishments in the Legislature
The 66th legislative session has come to an end. As Speaker of the House, it was my goal to uphold the integrity of the House. As a leader in my caucus it was my goal to foster unity not conformity. We can be united behind the primary ideals of our party without losing individuality. It has been an honor to be selected by my peers to fill this roll.
Saturday, April 27
Legals April 27, 2019
No. 26160 Notice is hereby given by the undersigned Clerk of Bigfork School District No. 38, Flathead & Lake Counties, State of Montana that Mail Ballots for the School Election held on the 7th day of May, 2019, will be counted at the following location on election day starting at approximately 5:30 pm: Bigfork School District Office, 600 Commerce Street, Bigfork, MT And these Mail Ballots will be counted using the following method: By Hand DATED this 27th day of April, 2019 /s/ Lacey Porrovecchio District Clerk April 27, 2019 MNAXLP __________________________
Flathead FFA has 'top tier' year at state competition
Thirty-one students represented Flathead FFA at the state convention in Bozeman, bringing home two teams who advance to nationals and will represent Montana in Indianapolis in October.

Ronan students compete in bunk-bed race to help foster program
Teams of Ronan High School students will put their woodworking skills to the test on May 1, competing in a race against the clock to build bunk beds for foster children in Lake County.

Eureka, Whitefish students take first in Duck Stamp Contest
Eureka and Whitefish students received first place in their age divisions for the Montana Junior Duck Stamp Contest.
Get tickets now for Bibler home and garden tours
Tickets are on sale for the Bibler Home and Gardens Spring Weekends and Mother’s Day Brunch. Hosted by the Flathead Valley Community College Foundation in partnership with the Bibler Foundation, proceeds from these events support student scholarships at FVCC.

Track Record-setting day for Brennan, Perrin at ARM Invitational
The Daily Inter Lake
Flathead, Glacier netters fall in tourney semifinals
MISSOULA — Rain was a constant companion both days for tennis players from all 14 Class AA school at the Missoula Invitational.
Tough day on diamond for Libby, C-Falls in Frenchtown
FRENCHTOWN — Libby was shut out 8-0 by Hamilton and Columbia Falls lost 14-4 to Stevensville at the Frenchtown Invitational softball tournament on Saturday.

Glacier sweeps Helena, Capital
Glacier swept both Helena schools in Western AA softball action on Saturday at Glacier High School.

Bravettes fall to Bengals, Bruins
The Flathead Bravettes dropped a pair of Western AA softball games against the Helena High Bengals and Helena Capital Bruins on Saturday at Kidsports Complex.
Friday, April 26
Glacier plow crews reach the Weeping Wall
Crews removing snow this week from the Going-to-the-Sun Road reached the beginning of the Weeping Wall to the west of Logan Pass and crews working the road’s east side reached Siyeh Bend, according to Glacier National Park updates.

Evergreen teen killed when vehicle strikes house
A 15-year-old Evergreen girl died about 2 a.m. Friday morning after a vehicle traveling on Spring Creek Drive in Evergreen struck a home, killing the girl as she slept, according to the Flathead County Sheriff’s Office.
Legals April 26, 2019
No. 26148 The Montana Department of Public Health and Human Services seeks comment on its request for a waiver of the Low Income Energy Assistance Program (LIEAP) rule governing the maximum amount of FY2019 LIEAP funding that may be used in the Low Income Weatherization Assistance Program. Draft copies of the Department's waiver request may be obtained in writing from the Department of Public Health & Human Services, 1400 Carter Drive, P O Box 202956, Helena, MT 59620-2956 or by calling 406-447-4276. Written comments must be received by 5:00 PM, Friday, April 26, 2019. April 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 2019 MNAXLP _________________________

Lindstrom Mason 'Lindy' Smith, 59
On Wednesday, April 24, 2019, crazy-loud-wonderful Lindstrom Mason “Lindy” Smith went home quietly and peacefully to pester Jesus. We know the two of them were really looking forward to seeing each other face to face. While we’re terribly sad that Lindy has gone from us, we’re also very happy to know he is now living whole and free. It’s especially nice to know he has been reunited with his dad, who was his earliest best friend.
Earth Day activities planned in Whitefish, Kalispell
Celebrate Earth Day Saturday, April 27, with a free family-friendly festival from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at Whitefish Middle School.

$3.2M project upgrades Kalispell highways
Construction crews have their eyes set on an early May start date for upgrades to portions of two major arterial roads in Kalispell, according to the Montana Department of Transportation.
Somers moves forward with fire hall bond
The Somers Rural Fire District board on Wednesday unanimously decided to move forward with a $4 million bond request for a new fire hall.

Michaela Mae Hulett, 32
On Friday, April 19, 2019, Michaela Mae Hulett, loving wife and mother of two, passed away at the age of 32.
Weekend update
The Salvation Army hosts the annual “Spring Swing Fling Thing” at 6:30 p.m. today in the Salvation Army Community Center, 110 Bountiful Drive in Kalispell, between Immanuel Lutheran Home and the Brendan House.
No headline
- Special Olympics Montana Glacier Area Games, 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. at several locations in Flathead Valley. Opening ceremonies 9 a.m. Legends Field. Call area director Terri Siefke at 885-2262.
Grandma's having a bad day in Whitefish
Flathead County Sheriff’s Department received a call about a disorderly grandmother who was allegedly having a “temper tantrum” on Texas Avenue in Whitefish. The surly 86-year-old reportedly smacked him on the head “and has thrown things as him.” Locked in his room, he told officers the whole incident started over him asking why she slammed the door. Apparently, this was an “ongoing thing,” according to the caller.
Special Olympics games underway today in Kalispell
Approximately 200 athletes from 12 delegations from the Flathead Valley are competing in the Special Olympics Montana Glacier Area Games at several locations across the Flathead Valley today.
Glacier Park plans two prescribed burns this spring
Glacier National Park plans to undertake two prescribed burn projects this spring in the park’s North Fork region.
C-Falls, Libby softball 2-0 at Frenchtown Tourney
FRENCHTOWN — Libby Loggers and Columbia Falls Wildkats softball went 2-0 on the first day of play at the Frenchtown Invitational on Friday.
Glacier, Flathead net 1st-round wins at Missoula Invite
MISSOULA — The Missoula Invitational, featuring all 14 Class AA teams, had to first deal with a two-hour rain delay on Friday before taking to the courts for two days of tournament play.
Thursday, April 25

Spring snowstorm expected this weekend
Don’t hang up those mittens just yet, snow and freezing temperatures are expected to make a return to Northwest Montana beginning Friday through Sunday.
Legals April 25, 2019
No. 26148 The Montana Department of Public Health and Human Services seeks comment on its request for a waiver of the Low Income Energy Assistance Program (LIEAP) rule governing the maximum amount of FY2019 LIEAP funding that may be used in the Low Income Weatherization Assistance Program. Draft copies of the Department's waiver request may be obtained in writing from the Department of Public Health & Human Services, 1400 Carter Drive, P O Box 202956, Helena, MT 59620-2956 or by calling 406-447-4276. Written comments must be received by 5:00 PM, Friday, April 26, 2019. April 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 2019 MNAXLP _________________________

Eureka Rendezvous Days offers variety of activities
Eureka Rendezvous Days comes to the Tobacco Valley Friday through Sunday, April 26 to 28.
Community Rocks Concert helps nonprofit preschool
The Whitefish Community School is holding a fundraising event from 3 to 7 p.m. Saturday, May 4, at Cypress Yard in Whitefish called “Community Rocks Concert.” It will include live music, family-friendly activities, food and a silent auction.

Wolves and elk: 'It's complicated'
Wolves snare the lion’s share of blame among those who contend predators have dramatically affected elk and deer populations in the region and altered the ungulates’ distribution.
Woman, process server tell different stories
A process server on Wishart Road in Kalispell wished to tell a deputy his “side of the story” so the Flathead County Sheriff’s Office “didn’t have to waste their time.” The tale begins with the delivery of a legal packet to a woman who was said to have been “pretty hammered” and whose actions were odd. The tension rose with the woman’s alleged demand that he close the gate when he left. Yet, with the click of the gate, now closed behind him, the story reaches its turning point, when she supposedly argued with him about its closure and threatened to sue.
State halts new water hookups in Whitefish
Whitefish is working to obtain a variance that would allow the city to continue connecting homes to its water service after the state recently notified the city its water system is considered at capacity.

Quilter shares a common thread with Teakettle Guild
Ten years ago Sherry Wheeler walked into her first quilt guild meeting, found an unfinished small quilt of a hummingbird and instantly knew it was the guild she wanted to join. She’s been a member of the Columbia Falls Teakettle Quilt Guild ever since.

Bigfork Players take on menopause
The Bigfork Community Players present Devon Williamson’s comedy “Menopause Made Me Do It” at the Bigfork Center for the Performing Arts Friday through Sunday, April 26, 27 and 28.

Richie Carter's 'My West' show fuses original art and song
Richie Carter is showing a solo painting exhibition Thursday and Friday, April 25 and 26, in the Sassafras Ballroom located in the alley of 120 S. Main St. in downtown Kalispell. Titled “My West,” the show is not only an exhibition of paintings, but also a series of concerts by Carter, accompanied by his friends and fellow musicians. Although these two evening performances are already sold out, the pop-up gallery space will be open to the public from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Friday, April 26.

Celtic harps, rare instruments and remarkable stories
Multi-instrumentalists Lisa Lynne and Aryeh Frankfurter will perform a concert of rare instruments and stories at 7 p.m. Wednesday, May 8, at the Glacier Unitarian Fellowship, 1515 Trumble Creek Road near Kalispell.
C-Falls looks to future with youth programs
The Columbia Falls School Board recently made a couple of important decisions that have the potential to positively affect generations of young people.
Legal battle over cleanup responsibility continues
A federal judge ruled earlier this month Columbia Falls Aluminum Co.’s lawsuit against the Atlantic Richfield Co. should move forward.

Letters to the editor April 25
I strongly support the high school levy for Kalispell Public Schools.

First Thursday highlights three Japanese potters
Whitefish Pottery and Stillwater Gallery are presenting a unique show to kick off First Thursday Gallery Nights.

Todd, Deck shine for Glacier
Defending Class AA state javelin champion Evan Todd of Glacier had his best throw of the season on Thursday at a track meet at Glacier High School.
Tudor steps down from Bigfork basketball
Bigfork Vikings basketball coach Sam Tudor has resigned, athletic director Matt Porrovecchio announced on Wednesday.
No headline
MISSOULA — Glacier Wolfpack softball had a productive day against Missoula teams, first routing Big Sky 25-0 and then edging Sentinel 4-3 on Thursday in Western AA play.
Wednesday, April 24
Legals April 24, 2019
No. 26070 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING The Board of Commissioners of Flathead County, Montana hereby gives notice, pursuant to Section 76-2-205(1), M.C.A., that it will hold a public hearing to consider a change in the zoning designation in a portion of the Lower Side Zoning District from SAG-5 Suburban Agricultural to R-1 Suburban Residential. The boundaries of the area proposed to be amended from SAG-5 Suburban Agricultural to R-1 Suburban Residential are described as: That portion of the Northwest 1/4 of the Southeast 1/4 of Section 23, Township 28 North, Range 22 West, P.M.M., Flathead County, Montana, also known as Parcel D on Certificate of Survey No. 20701. The regulations defining the SAG-5 and R-1 zones are contained in the Flathead County Zoning Regulations, on file for public inspection at the Office of the Board of Commissioners, 800 South Main, Room 302, Kalispell, Montana, at the Flathead County Planning and Zoning Office, 40 11th Street West, Kalispell, Montana, and on the Planning and Zoning Office's website at: http://flathead.mt.gov/planning_zoning/downloads.php. Documents related to the proposed zone change are also on for file for public inspection at the Commissioners' Office and at the Planning and Zoning Office. The public hearing will be held on the 8th day of May, 2019 at 10:00 o'clock a.m. in the Commissioners' Chambers, Third Floor, Old Courthouse, Kalispell, Montana. At the public hearing, the Board of Commissioners will give the public an opportunity to be heard regarding the proposed change to the Lower Side Zoning District. Written comments are encouraged and will be reviewed by the Commissioners if received by the Flathead County Commissioners' Office at least three business days prior to the hearing. DATED this 18th day of March, 2019. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Flathead County, Montana By: Philip B. Mitchell Philip B. Mitchell, Chairman April 24, May 1, 2019 MNAXLP _________________________

Plains logger credits A.L.E.R.T. air ambulance for lifesaving rescue
From the minute Kevin Riley was bludgeoned and knocked unconscious by a log under pressure from a line machine at his workplace, to the time he was transported to Kalispell Regional Medical Center for life-saving surgery, was only about 56 minutes.

Jane Bolles, 98
Jane Bolles, 98, of West Glacier passed away peacefully from natural causes at Timber Creek assisted living in Columbia Falls on April 13, 2019. Jane, who was affectionately known as “Meme” by her nine grandchildren, was born Aug. 10, 1920, in Kalispell. Her parents, John B. and Martha M. Sloan homesteaded in the West Glacier area. Sloan Lane in West Glacier was named after the hardworking pioneer family.
Expansion planned for Saddlehorn in Bigfork
Proposed expansion of the Saddlehorn community in Bigfork and a zone-change request that would open the door to short-term rentals within the development will be considered by the Bigfork Land Use Advisory Committee during public hearings on Thursday.

Schools get their own report cards under federal law
Students aren’t the only ones who receive report cards monitoring their performance.

Dave Berger, 78
Dave Berger passed away at age 78 on April 13, 2019, in Kalispell. He was born Sept. 25, 1940, in Minneapolis to Kermit and Esther Berger (now both deceased).
Drug Take Back Day is April 27
National Prescription Drug Take Back Day will be held April 27 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., at 35 collection sites across Montana. The event is an effort to rid homes of potentially dangerous expired, unused, and unwanted prescription drugs.
Terry G. Brutscher, 70
Terry G. Brutscher, 70, passed away on April 19, 2019, from complications from leukemia.
Nuce HRs for Lakers A in 7-2 win over Twins A
WHITEFISH — Hank Nuce homered and drove in three runs for the Kalispell Lakers A in a 7-2 American Legion baseball victory over the Glacier Twins A on Wednesday evening at Memorial Field.
Tuesday, April 23
C-Falls schools put in soft lockdown over safety concerns
The school day resumed at 9:50 a.m. Tuesday in Columbia Falls School District following a soft lockdown that was put into effect around 8 a.m. when phone calls from an irate parent raised safety concerns.
Legals April 23, 2019
No. 26108 Montana Eleventh Judicial District Court Flathead County In the Matter of the Name Change of Jennifer Esther Nimmick: Jennifer Esther Nimmick, Petitioner Cause No. DV-19-183D DAN WILSON Notice of Hearing on Name Change This is notice that Petitioner has asked the District Court for a change of name from Jennifer Esther Nimmick to Jennifer Esther Nimmick Greene. The hearing will be on May 14, 2019 at 1:30 p.m. The hearing will be at the Courthouse in Flathead County. Date: March 26, 2019 PEG L. ALLISON Clerk of District Court By: /s/ SARAH ARRIGONI Deputy Clerk of Court April 2, 9, 16, 23, 2019 MNAXLP __________________________
Lake-area land swap proposed
A landowner at Lake Mary Ronan needs a bit more acreage for a septic drain field for a residence and has offered a property swap that could provide an additional 286 feet of shoreline for the lake’s state park.
Running Start sees enrollment jump
High school students across Montana are increasingly taking advantage of Flathead Valley Community College’s Running Start program for high school students, prompting a 60 percent increase in program participation over the past three years.
No love lost between feuding couple
A man and woman, who at first appeared to be hugging each other, allegedly started getting physically violent when they were seen head-butting and kicking each other and the woman was punching the man in the gut, according to the Kalispell Police Department. The “hug” may have been an attempt of one person to keep the other from getting away.
New fire hall proposed for Somers Fire District board to decide how to move forward
Plans are in the works for a new fire hall to replace the Somers Rural Fire District’s fire station on Leslie Avenue in Somers, but the fire district’s board of trustees must first vote whether or not to proceed with a bond issue that would need voter approval.

Area schools post district music festival results
Northwest Montana’s student musicians recently showcased their talent at the District 1 Music Festival.
Cram named head coach of Glacier girls basketball
Amanda Cram, who has been on the Glacier High School girls basketball coaching staff for the last four years, has been named the school’s new head coach.
Wolfpack trips Wildkats 9-0 in softball
COLUMBIA FALLS — Glacier’s hitters had a productive day, powering the Wolfpack to a 9-0 win in nonconference softball play against the Columbia Falls Wildkats on Tuesday.
Track Top 10 winners for Glacier, C-Falls, Whitefish
MISSOULA — Glacier had three individual winners and Columbia Falls two at the Top 10 track and field meet on Tuesday.

Bigfork netters test Flathead, Glacier
The Flathead boys and Bigfork girls were 6-2 winners in a nonconference tennis dual Tuesday on the courts at Flathead Valley Community College.
Monday, April 22
Legals April 22, 2019
No. 26148 The Montana Department of Public Health and Human Services seeks comment on its request for a waiver of the Low Income Energy Assistance Program (LIEAP) rule governing the maximum amount of FY2019 LIEAP funding that may be used in the Low Income Weatherization Assistance Program. Draft copies of the Department's waiver request may be obtained in writing from the Department of Public Health & Human Services, 1400 Carter Drive, P O Box 202956, Helena, MT 59620-2956 or by calling 406-447-4276. Written comments must be received by 5:00 PM, Friday, April 26, 2019. April 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 2019 MNAXLP _________________________
No headline
- Flathead County Democratic Women luncheon meeting 11:30 a.m., with soup/salad buffet for $14 at noon, Hilton Garden Inn, Kalispell. RSVP to Elizabeth Mollicka, 837-0939.

Woman taps talents, skills in dementia-care work
At 58 years old, Kerry Nagel has never felt more fulfilled in her chosen profession.
Kalispell Krushers forfeit summer games due to funding shortfall
Special Olympics team looks ahead to fall games
Sunday, April 21

Oil and vinegar store adds C-Falls location
Flavors, flavors everywhere, just waiting to be sampled.

National Bison Range belongs to every American
Recently, the Confederated Salish Kootenai Tribe announced their renewed effort to have ownership of the National Bison Range, a Federal Wildlife Refuge administered by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, given to the CSKT.
A mother's homecoming
When, at 92, a person ought to be dozing off in their easy chair while watching Turner movie classics, the past couple of months my mother found herself in a short-term facility recovering from a fall.
Wrestlemania caps off night on the town
A argument and wrestling match between coworkers broke out at a hotel, according to Kalispell Police Department logs. The men involved were at a bar drinking and one was upset that his supervisor wanted to call it a night. After a brief wrestling match, the men were separated. No one wanted to pursue charges and the championship belt is still up for grabs.

Althea Alberta McGuire, 100
Althea Alberta McGuire, 100 years young, passed away peacefully Thursday, March 28, 2019, at Good Samaritan Society in Spokane Valley, Washington.
County makes changes to handle septic-permit overload
The Flathead City-County Health Department has made changes to its staffing and scheduling in an effort to address recent concerns regarding an upswing in local septic permit applications that have led to delays in subdivision developments.

Kalispell artist perfects the ancient art of pysanky
Using some of the most primitive tools and techniques, the ancient art of pysanky still makes for some of the most intricate and decorative Easter eggs ever to grace a basket.

Dirk Lee Niebaum, 57
Dirk Lee Niebaum, 57, passed away on Friday April 19, 2019, at his home in Kalispell after a courageous battle with cancer, with his loving family at his side.
Alzheimer's 'Warning Signs' session planned
The Alzheimer’s Association is offering “Know the 10 Warning Signs” at the Kalispell Senior Center at 40 11th St. W. in Kalispell from 1 to 2 p.m. Thursday, April 25.
Monotonous drumbeat behind Medicaid expansion
Kalispell school levy request a sound investment
It’s crunch time for school districts in Flathead County as voters prepare to make big decisions on levy requests and school-board trustee candidates in the upcoming May 7 school election.

Letters to the editor April 21
I have a question to pose please.

No headline
• Heritage Custom Farming LLC of Kalispell won a $45,000 federal contract set aside for small business from the U.S. Forest Service for certified weed seed-free hays for the Spotted Bear Ranger Station hay barn at the Flathead National Forest.

Nancy A. (McLaughlin) Peace, 92
Nancy A. (McLaughlin) Peace passed away peacefully on Friday, March 29, 2019, at Lake View Care Center in Bigfork.
No headline
Nominate a young professional making a difference here in the Flathead for “20 Under 40” recognition.

Holocaust, shooting survivor shares his story
Judah Samet, who survived the Holocaust and the 2018 shooting at the Tree of Life Synagogue in Pittsburgh will share his story at two venues in the Flathead Valley next month.

Dave Berger, 78
Dave Berger passed away at age 78 on April 13, 2019, in Kalispell. He was born Sept. 25, 1940, in Minneapolis to Kermit and Esther Berger (now both deceased).
Montana Viewpoint: The laying on of hands
It was January 1991. I was a second term legislator who, for a reason I can’t remember, wanted to take on a leadership role and sought and won the position of running the first meeting of the House Democrats. That was the meeting where we elected our leaders. It was before term limits, at a time when newer legislators were expected to know their place in the pecking order, defer to their seniors, and rise through the ranks. Even knowing that, I had nonetheless inserted myself into a minor leadership position and was, I suppose, viewed by some as arrogant and overreaching. Knowing all this, I was not totally confident in my new role, and maybe showed it.

New swinging bridge will hold sway for years to come
The Kootenai River churned and roiled Thursday beneath the feet of anyone striding across the swinging bridge spanning the river’s aquamarine waters.
No headline
Aubrey Chittenden, daughter of Jeremiah Chittenden and Brandi Koller of Kalispell, was born Jan. 3 at Kalispell Regional Medical Center.
Saturday, April 20
Flathead, Glacier netters rained out; Libby tops Ronan in softball
Wet weather continues to disrupt high school tennis play for some Western Montana teams.
Track Bulldogs, Wildcats take Iceberg titles
COLUMBIA FALLS — The Whitefish girls nipped Columbia Falls by 1/2 point to claim the team title on Saturday at the annual Iceberg Invitational track meet at the Mike Nicosia Track and Field Complex.

PHOTOS: Columbia Falls Easter egg hunt
The North Valley Eagles No. 4081 Easter egg hunt at Marantette Park in Columbia Falls on Saturday.
Legals April 20, 2019
No. 26135 NOTICE OF PASSAGE OF RESOLUTION OF INTENTION BIGFORK ZONING DISTRICT The Board of Commissioners of Flathead County, Montana, hereby gives notice, pursuant to Section 76-2-205(5), M.C.A., that it passed a Resolution of Intention (Resolution No. 956DQ) on April 9, 2019 to change the zoning designation in a por¬tion of the Bigfork Zoning District from B-6 (Rural Area Commercial) to B-2 (General Business). The boundaries of the area proposed to be amended from B-6 to B-2 are described as: Tract 1: A tract of land in the Southeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter of Section 17, Township 27 North, Range 19 West, P.M.M., Flathead County, Montana and more particularly described as follows: Commencing at the Southeast corner of the Southeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter of said section 17; thence West along the Southerly boundary of the Southeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter, a distance of 233.71 feet to a point; thence North a distance of 60.00 feet to the True Point of Beginning of the tract of land being described and also being on the Northerly boundary line of Highway No. 326; thence West and parallel with the Southerly boundary line of the Southeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter and following along said highway right of way, a distance of 104.36 feet to a point; thence North 01°21'30" West, a distance of 208.71 feet to a point; thence East and being parallel with the Southerly boundary line of the tract of land being described, a distance of 104.36 feet to a point, thence South 01°21'30" East and being parallel with the Westerly boundary line of the tract of land being described, a distance of 208.71 feet to the Point of Beginning. Shown on Deed Exhibit recorded in Book 501, Page 865 Tract 2: Certificate of Survey No. 2452, a tract of land in the Southeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter of Section 17, Township 27 North, Range 19 West, P.M.M., Flathead County, Montana. The regulations defining the B-6 and B-2 zones are contained in the Flathead County Zoning Regulations, on file for public inspection at the Office of the Clerk and Recorder, Courthouse, 800 South Main, Kalispell, Montana, at the Flathead County Planning and Zoning Office, 40 11th Street West, Kalispell, Montana, and on the Planning and Zoning Office's website at: http://flathead.mt.gov/planning_zoning/downloads.php. Documents related to the proposed zone change are also on file for public inspection at the Of¬fice of the Board of Commissioners and the Flathead County Planning and Zoning Office. For thirty (30) days after the first publication of this notice, the Board of Commissioners will receive written protests to the change proposed for a portion of the Bigfork Zoning District from persons owning real property within Flathead County whose names appear on the last completed assessment roll of Flathead County and who either are registered voters in Flathead County or execute and acknowledge their protests before a notary public. DATED this 9th day of April, 2019. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Flathead County, Montana By: /s/ Philip B. Mitchell Philip B. Mitchell, Chairman April 13, 20, 2019 MNAXLP __________________________
Trustee candidates profiled for upcoming school elections
School elections are coming and school districts in the valley will hold either mail-ballot or walk-in elections on May 7.

Living with Parkinson's
In the 1980s, a Dutch horticulturist with Parkinson’s disease developed a tulip that was deep red and edged with white — a masterpiece he would name after Dr. James Parkinson and one that would also later become a national symbol for the disease in April 2005.
Friday, April 19
Man dies by suicide in Kalispell's Woodland Park
A 58-year-old man died by suicide early Friday afternoon in Woodland Park despite efforts by local law enforcement agencies to intervene.
Legals April 19, 2019
No. 26148 The Montana Department of Public Health and Human Services seeks comment on its request for a waiver of the Low Income Energy Assistance Program (LIEAP) rule governing the maximum amount of FY2019 LIEAP funding that may be used in the Low Income Weatherization Assistance Program. Draft copies of the Department's waiver request may be obtained in writing from the Department of Public Health & Human Services, 1400 Carter Drive, P O Box 202956, Helena, MT 59620-2956 or by calling 406-447-4276. Written comments must be received by 5:00 PM, Friday, April 26, 2019. April 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 2019 MNAXLP _________________________

City lauded for urban forestry
Kalispell recently was recognized as being a Tree City USA for 32 years, meaning the city has had a dedicated Tree Board and/or department, an ordinance for tree care, a community forestry program that financially invest in its trees, and an Arbor day proclamation and day of observance.
Local school districts gear up for levy, trustee elections
School elections are approaching and some school districts will be holding mail-ballot elections with ballots mailed out this week. Other districts will open polling stations on election day, May 7.

Lavora 'Tommy' Mae Baker Moffett, 81
Lavora Tommy Mae Moffett, 81, passed away Jan. 19, 2019, due to age-related causes at her home in Sequim, Washington.
Increased security at green boxes paying off
Efforts to improve security at green-box garbage collection sites throughout Flathead County have led to decreases in break-ins, vandalism and taxpayer expenses, according to a press release from the Flathead County commissioners.

Wolfpack bests Knights, 7-2
Glacier scored seven runs in the last three innings to beat Missoula Hellgate 7-2 on Friday in Western AA softball action at Glacier High School.
Perrin, Calles, Deck shine at Dahlberg track meet
BUTTE — Flathead’s Ben Perrin was one of three individuals to win two events at the Harry ‘Swede’ Dahlberg Invitational boys track meet on Friday at Charlie Merrifield Track at Bulldog Memorial Stadium.
Thursday, April 18
Legals April 18, 2019
No. 26094 Montana Eleventh Judicial District Court Flathead County In the Matter of the Name Change of Susan Colette Cragg: Susan Colette Cragg, Petitioner Cause No. DV-19-225D DAN WILSON Notice of Hearing on Name Change This is notice that Petitioner has asked the District Court for a change of name from Susan Colette Cragg to Colette Cragg Magers. The hearing will be on May 14, 2019 at 1:30 p.m. The hearing will be at the Courthouse in Flathead County. Date: March 22, 2019 PEG L. ALLISON Clerk of District Court By: /s/ Sarah Arrigoni Deputy Clerk of Court March 28, April 4, 11, 18, 2019 MNAXLP _________________________
New plans for old Muldown School prompt public dismay
New plans for the current Muldown Elementary School that would convert the gymnasium into a maintenance facility instead of preserving it for sports practices and activities have some school staff, parents and community members scratching their heads.
Lawn-chair attack causes 'emotional pain'
A man called Flathead County Sheriff’s Office to report two men came out of a house and attacked him with their fists and a lawn chair. He reportedly went to a house uninvited to try and talk to his ex after she supposedly said she was drunk in Somers. The man denied medical attention because “this was emotional pain only.”

Kenneth Marvin Swisher Jr., 71
Kenneth Marvin Swisher Jr., 71, passed away surrounded by his family in the early morning hours of April 5, 2019.

James 'Jim' Otis Boyette, 87
James “Jim” Otis Boyette, 87, passed away on April 16, 2019, at the Montana Veterans Home in Columbia Falls, with his family surrounding him with love.

Elza Royce Page, 74
Elza Royce Page, 74 years, 8 months, 10 days old, passed away on April 13, 2019, at Cox South Medical Center in Springfield, Missouri, with his family by his side.
Steve Hullett Memorial Golf Tournament Bigfork girls 1st; Bigfork boys 4th
BIGFORK — With three girls finishing in the top 10 in individual play, that was more than enough to carry Bigfork to the team title at the Steve Hullett Memorial Golf Tournament on Thursday at Eagle Bend Golf Club.

Valley boxers trade punches at fundraiser
Fight fans filled the Trade Center building at the Flathead County Fairgrounds Thursday evening for the 10th Annual Crosstown Boxing Smoker.
Softball Wolfpack, Bravettes 1-1 vs. Sentinel, Big Sky
The Glacier Wolfpack split a Thursday home Western AA softball doubleheader against two Missoula schools, first with a 8-6 loss to Sentinel and then a 29-1 rout of Big Sky.
Whitefish tops C-Falls twice, splits with Flathead netters
The second meeting for the boys between Northwestern A rivals Columbia Falls and Whitefish was just like the first with Whitefish dominating and winning by the same final score (6-1) on Thursday in tennis action on the courts at Flathead Valley Community College.
Wednesday, April 17
Legals April 17, 2019
No. 26095 NOTICE OF SALE FOR STATE SCHOOL TRUST LAND The Dept. of Natural Resources and Conservation (DNRC) will offer the following parcels of state land located in Flathead County for sale at public auction on Wednesday, May 8, 2019 at 1:00 PM at the DNRC Northwestern Land Office at 655 Timberwolf Parkway, Suite 1, in Kalispell, Montana under terms and conditions provided herein. Sale No. 926 Acres: 1.519± Legal Description: Lot 17, McGregor Lake, COS 19909, Sec. 16, T26N-R25W Minimum Bid for Land, including State-Owned Improvements: $334,000 Location: 570 McGregor Lane, Marion, MT 59925 Sale No. 927 Acres: 1.135± Legal Description: Lot 22, McGregor Lake, COS 19909, Sec. 16, T26N-R25W Minimum Bid for Land: $260,000 Location: 630 McGregor Lane, Marion, MT 59925 BID PARTICIPATION A bid packet containing an Offer to Purchase and Bid Deposit Receipt Form and Invitation to Purchase State Land at Public Oral Auction and General Terms & Conditions for Sale is available on DNRC's website, http://dnrc.mt.gov/cabinsitesales or from DNRC upon request. For Open House dates, go to http://dnrc.mt.gov/cabinsitesales. All persons wishing to participate in the auction must submit a bid deposit postmarked by 5:00 PM on Thursday, April 18, 2019. The bid deposit must be in the form of a certified check made payable to DNRC equal to five percent (5%) of the minimum bid indicated for that parcel and submitted with a completed Offer to Purchase and Bid Deposit Receipt Form. Failure to submit the bid deposit or Offer to Purchase and Bid Deposit Receipt Form as provided herein will prohibit participation in the auction. All Offer to Purchase and Bid Deposit Receipt Forms and payments must be sent to: DNRC, Attn: Renee Kelley, PO Box 201601, 1539 Eleventh Avenue, Helena, MT 59620-1601, (406) 444-4289 or renee.kelley@mt.gov. TERMS OF SALE for SALE Nos. 926 & 927: 1. The improvements and any other personal property on the cabin/home sites are owned by the lessee or other 3rd party. The successful bidder shall be required to pay the appraised value of the improvements in addition to the purchase price of the cabin/home site determined by the highest bid at the auction in accordance with MCA §77-2-318. 2. The minimum acceptable bids for the land are the values indicated above. 3. The parcel will be sold to the high bidder of that parcel. However, the current lessee of the parcel shall retain the option to exercise their preference right for purchase by matching the high bid for that parcel. If that right is exercised, the lessee will be deemed the purchaser of the parcel. If the preference right is not exercised, the high bidder shall be deemed to be the purchaser. The high bidder will be responsible to pay the lessee for the value of improvements located on the property. 4. In addition to the purchase price for each parcel and the purchase of the improvement, the purchaser shall also be responsible for the following costs (if applicable to that particular sale) including, but not limited to: Advertising, Appraisal, Filing Fees, Water Right Transfers, Cost of Closing. All inquiries, bid deposits, or requests for forms must be sent to: DNRC, Attn: Renee Kelley, PO Box 201601, 1539 Eleventh Avenue, Helena, MT 59620-1601, (406) 444-4289 or renee.kelley@mt.gov. March 27, April 3, 10, 17, 2019 MNAXLP _________________________

Easter egg hunts scattered throughout the valley
If you’re on the hunt for Easter fun, look no more. Here are all the details you’re looking for.

Saia Misa, 66
“No man is an island entire of itself; every man is a piece of the continent, a part of the main; if a clod be washed away by the sea, Europe is the less, as well as if a promontory were, as well as any manner of thy friends or of thine own were; any man’s death diminishes me, because I am involved in mankind.
Two more groups sue over forest plan plan
Two regionally based environmental groups contend that roads in the Flathead National Forest can significantly impair habitat for grizzly bears and bull trout, both of which are threatened species protected in the Lower 48 by the Endangered Species Act.
Polson woman pleads not guilty to homicide
Danielle Jeanette Wood pleaded not guilty to deliberate homicide during a video arraignment Tuesday before Lake County District Court Judge Deborah “Kim” Christopher at the Sanders County Courthouse in Thompson Falls. Wood is charged with deliberate homicide in connection with the death of Thompson Falls resident Matthew LaFriniere in May 2018.

Marge Treweek, 76
Marge Treweek, 76 years old, of Kalispell, passed away on March 12, 2019.
Inspectors find invasive mussels on out-of-state boat
A watercraft inspection station off Interstate 90 near Anaconda intercepted a boat Monday that was contaminated by aquatic invasive mussels.
Hey everyone, the Whitefish man's all right
Whitefish Police Department received at least three calls about a man wearing a hoodie who was reportedly just trying to make his way to town. The fellow apparently had such a puzzled look that people interpreted it as a need to check on his welfare.
Kehr named to 2nd team All-Montana basketball
Columbia Falls High School senior Ryley Kehr was named to the USA Today All-Montana second team for girls basketball on Wednesday.
Tenth Annual Crosstown Smoker features 34 local athletes
Flathead Wrestling Association and Glacier Wrestling Association join forces again for the 10th Annual Crosstown Boxing Smoker at the Flathead County Fairgrounds Trade Center today.
Tuesday, April 16
No headline
HELENA – Montana Highway Patrol Trooper Wade Palmer, who was seriously injured in a shooting incident March 15 in Missoula, continues to receive medical treatment at University Hospital in Salt Lake City. While he is showing indications that he recognizes certain people and things, all of his interactions remain non-verbal; he continues to interact with hand gestures and facial expressions. The extent of how much he understands remains unknown at this time, according to a press release from the Highway Patrol.
Legals April 16, 2019
No. 26089 Montana Eleventh Judicial District Court Flathead County In the Matter of the Name Change of PeggyAnne Hendricks Jewell: PeggyAnne Hendricks Jewell, Petitioner Cause No. DV-19-232C HEIDI J ULBRICHT Notice of Hearing on Name Change This is notice that Petitioner has asked the District Court for a change of name from PeggyAnne Hendricks Jewell to Anne Hendricks Jewell. The hearing will be on May 15, 2019 at 1:30 p.m. The hearing will be at the Justice Center in Flathead County. Date: March 20, 2019 PEG L. ALLISON Clerk of District Court By: /s/ Rachael Mitchell Deputy Clerk of Court March 26, April 2, 9, 16, 2019 MNAXLP _________________________

New Kalispell Regional CEO promises transparency
Former North Dakota health-care administrator Craig Lambrecht has officially assumed his role as Kalispell Regional Healthcare’s new chief executive officer, bringing with him more than 16 years of experience in health-care leadership and ambitious plans for the organization.
Judge nixes permit for Rock Creek mine project
A state judge sided with plaintiffs and ruled the Montana Department of Natural Resources and Conservation failed to adequately consider the potential impact of a mine’s groundwater pumping on pristine streams in the Cabinet Mountains Wilderness.
'Dime-store cowboy' raises suspicions
Kalispell Police Department responded to a report that a “dime-store cowboy” and a tall, skinny man walked up to a vehicle and passed something through the window, raising someone’s suspicions.
whitefish planning board Firebrand Hotel seeks permit to create more indoor space
Firebrand Hotel in downtown Whitefish plans to expand its building footprint by enclosing a 588-square-foot outdoor patio to create an indoor dining area. The change requires a conditional-use permit that will be considered during a public hearing Thursday before the Whitefish Planning Board.

Wolfpack wallops Bravettes
The Daily Inter Lake
Glacier, Flathead battle C-Falls netters
Glacier topped Columbia Falls in boys play 5-3 and the two schools split 4-4 in girls action on Tuesday on the tennis courts at Flathead Valley Community College.

Flathead girls, Glacier boys crosstown champs
The Daily Inter Lake
Monday, April 15
Legals April 15, 2019
No. 26140 Peg L. Allison Clerk of District Court Flathead County Justice Center 920 South Main Street Kalispell, MT 59901 (406) 758-5906 IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE ELEVENTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT OF THE STATE OF MONTANA, IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF FLATHEAD IN THE MATTER OF: K.T.P. YOUTH IN NEED OF CARE. Cause No. DN-17-060(A) SUMMONS FOR PUBLICATION To: Kenneth Alex Peterson, birth father of the above-named child: YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED that a Petition has been filed in the above-entitled Court by the Montana Department of Public Health and Human Services, Child and Family Services Division, 121 Financial Drive, Suite C, Kalispell, MT 59901, requesting emergency protective services, adjudication of the above-named child as a youth in need of care, and temporary legal custody. NOW, THEREFORE, YOU ARE HEREBY DIRECTED to appear on Monday, May 13, 2019, at 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. and Tuesday, May 14, 2019 at 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. before the Honorable Amy Eddy, District Judge, Department 3, Flathead County Justice Center, 920 South Main Street, Third Floor, Kalispell, Flathead County, MT, then and there to show cause, if any you may have, why the Petition should not be granted. K.T.P. was born on August 29, 2013 in Silver Bow County, Montana. The birth mother is Danielle Marie Peterson. You have the right to representation by an attorney in these proceedings. If you are unable to afford an attorney, the Court will appoint an attorney to represent you. Your failure to appear at the hearing constitutes a denial of your interest in the above-named child, which denial may result, without further notice of this proceeding or any subsequent proceedings, in the Court entering judgment by default against you for all relief requested in the Petition. A copy of the Petition is filed with the Clerk of District Court for the Eleventh Judicial District Court in and for Flathead County, 920 South Main, Third Floor, Kalispell, MT, 59901, telephone (406) 758-5870. WITNESS my hand and Seal of this Court this 2nd day of April, 2019. PEG L. ALLISON Clerk of District Court By: /s/ Cassandra M. Loveless Deputy Clerk April 15, 22, 29, 2019 MNAXLP __________________________
Polson Vietnam veteran receives Navy Cross Medal
James H. Stogner, a former Polson resident who now lives in Thompson Falls, received the prestigious Navy Cross Medal during a special ceremony April 5 at the VFW in Polson.
Northern annexation considered by Kalispell council
Two growth policy amendments will be up for a public hearing at the Kalispell City Council meeting tonight.

Call of the wild - GHS grad researches snow leopards in central Asia
Kalispell native Kaitlyn Anderson has heard the call of the wild from abroad and answered.
No headline
- Red Cross blood drive, 1-6 p.m., at the center, 126 N. Meridian Road, Kalispell.
Whitefish prepares to rebuild State Park Road
The Whitefish City Council tonight is poised to approve bid-letting for the first phase of a $5.3 million, two-year rebuild of State Park Road.
Happy Meals possible cause of happy wheels
Multiple child passengers, possibly on the way to score Happy Meals, may have been the cause of someone’s reckless driving when the vehicle was supposedly seen “driving all over the place” and nearly hit the curb a couple of times according to a report received by Kalispell Police Department.
Sunday, April 14
No headline
Raelynn Burnett Tafoya, daughter of Jr., Jeff and Sheena Tafoya of Kalispell, was born Dec. 1 at North Valley Hospital.
Legals April 14, 2019
No. 26137 BIGFORK COUNTY WATER AND SEWER DISTRICT INVITATION TO BID RAMSFIELD WELL #4 PUMP INSTALLATION AND ELECTRICAL IMPROVEMENTS Sealed bids for construction of the Ramsfield Well #4 Pump Installation and Electrical Improvements Project will be received by Julie Spencer, District Manager, Bigfork County Water and Sewer District at the office of 108 Harbor Heights Blvd, Bigfork, MT, 59911 until 2:00 PM local time on Tuesday, April 30, 2019, and then publicly opened and read aloud. The project generally consists of installation of a well pump in the existing Ramsfield Well #4 and electrical improvements to the well house. The complete Invitation to Bid, Contract Documents consisting of half-size Drawings, and Project Manual may be viewed or obtained by either electronic documents on-line, or a hard copy at the office of Morrison-Maierle, Inc., 125 Schoolhouse Loop, Kalispell, MT, 406-752-2216 beginning on April 15, 2019. Only firms obtaining documents by these methods will be placed on the Planholders List. Complete electronic Project Plans, Project Specifications, and Bid Proposal Packet are available at the Morrison-Maierle, Inc. website "www.m-m.net" by clicking on the "Project Bidding" tab, then "Browse Current Projects" and selecting this project from the project list which will direct you to the QuestCDN website. Plan documents and the Bid Proposal Packet can be downloaded for a fee of $30.00. A hard copy set of project documents may be obtained from the office of Morrison-Maierle, Inc., 125 Schoolhouse Loop, Kalispell MT, 59901 for a non-refundable price of $75.00 for each complete set shipped by standard delivery. Payment of an additional $25.00 is required for express mail. A Pre-bid Conference will not be held for this project. However, interested Contractors and Subcontractors may schedule an individual site walkthrough. Contact Jeff Cicon, PE, Morrison-Maierle, Inc., 125 Schoolhouse Loop, Kalispell, MT 59901; Telephone 406-752-2216 or jcicon@m-m.net to schedule a site visit or for pre-bid inquiries. No bid may be withdrawn after the scheduled time for the public opening of the Bids specified above. The right is reserved to reject any or all Proposals received, to waive informalities, to postpone the award of the contract for a period of not to exceed sixty (60) days, and to accept the lowest responsive and responsible bid which is in the best interest of the District. April 14, 21, 2019 MNAXLP __________________________

LoHua M. Odekirk, 84
LoHua Odekirk crossed over to the other side on March 22, 2019.

Anna Marian Shannon, 90
Dr. Anna Marian Shannon died in Bozeman on April 1, 2019, her 90th birthday.
Flathead Lake Bio Station looks to businesses for financial support
The University of Montana’s Flathead Lake Biological Station, which has studied and monitored the Flathead Lake watershed for 120 years, relies on philanthropy for roughly 25 percent of its funding.

Virginia Louise Mitchell, 74
Virginia Louise Mitchell, 74, passed away on Thursday, April 4, 2019, at Kalispell Regional Medical Center, with her family by her side.

'Persistent herbicides' in topsoil, manure, can wreak havoc with gardens
The pain spread in unlikely media. The harvest yielded cautionary tales.

Respite home proposal defended in meeting
Kalispell Planning Board members last week recommended approval of a conditional-use permit for Lori and Terry Williamson to build a respite center near Kalispell Regional Medical Center for families of children undergoing medical treatment.
No headline
Play Scrabble for Literacy Center
The Literacy Center of Northwest Montana is having its Spellebration event from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. Saturday, May 4, at Kalispell’s Gateway Community Center, 1203 U.S. 2 W., Suite 26.
Aquatic invader inspections must be improved
A new water-quality advocacy group has given the state a rather dismal grade of C- for its efforts to protect lakes and streams from aquatic invasive species. In this day and age, that’s just not good enough.

Stone Hill Kitchen + Bar a family endeavor
Stone Hill Kitchen, a new fine-dining establishment in Bigfork, opened this week thanks to the dedication and hard work of one extended family.
No headline
Experience Works, a nonprofit organization that operates the state Senior Community Service Employment Program, will be taking program applications on April 15 from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the Kalispell Job Service, 427 1st Ave. E. in Kalispell. The U.S. Department of Labor-funded program is for people 55 and older who are unemployed, with limited annual incomes and limited job prospects. The program is free.

Mary Natalie Smith Priebe
Mary Natalie Smith Priebe died April 9, 2019, at home in Whitefish.

Letters to the editor April 14
First, I applaud ImagineIF libraries for celebrating diversity and for their wish to include everybody, and the Daily Inter Lake for their balanced article about the library’s storytime policy. Second, reading the teacher’s letter (April 4) shocked and grieved me.
Discarded mail at park was just litter
A litterbug apparently was on the loose in the Woodland Park area when a caller said there appeared to be “a bunch of mail” strewn about the area. The reporting party said it’s possible the papers were thrown out a car window. When a Kalispell Police officer checked it out, the paperwork turned out to be blank sheets of paper and nothing more, so the officer picked up the papers and threw them in the trash. Perhaps it was just a case of writer’s block.
Colstrip bill sets perilous precedent
As former and current Montana Public Service Commissioners, we represented Montanans across this great state in balancing the needs of utilities with the needs of consumers. We took our oath of office seriously and worked tirelessly to faithfully perform the job to which our constituents entrusted us. We often disagreed as commissioners, and still rarely agree on many issues. Yet, we are writing this letter because we share grave concerns about Senate Bill 331.
Polson girl found; another missing
One of two teenage girls from Polson reported missing several days ago in separate cases was located Saturday afternoon in Polson, a Lake County dispatcher said late Saturday afternoon.

Flathead musicians to perform on national stage in Harlem
Harlem. The name alone is enough to fill the mind with thoughts of cityscapes, nightlife, poetry, music and “soul food.”
The West's bison have endured enough
The Montana House passed a resolution (HJR 28) aimed at frustrating efforts to restore bison to the Great Plains. The resolution asks that Bureau of Land Management deny American Prairie Reserve’s request to graze public lands adjacent to lands they acquired. Grazing privileges on these lands have traditionally transferred to new owners.

Forest plan a victory for conservationists
The U.S. Forest Service recently completed a new management plan for the Flathead National Forest that will guide decisions on the Forest for the next 20 to 30 years more. The plan addresses a dizzying array of management issues – including municipal watersheds, wildlife habitat, protected lands, outdoor recreation and much more – over 2.4 million acres that cover the Mission Mountains, the Swan Range and the Whitefish Range.
Saturday, April 13

PHOTOS: Grizzlies bring Spring Game to Kalispell
Photos from the Montana Grizzlies Spring Game held at Legends Stadium in Kalispell on Saturday afternoon. The Maroon team topped the Silver squad 28-17.
Legals April 13, 2019
No. 26135 NOTICE OF PASSAGE OF RESOLUTION OF INTENTION BIGFORK ZONING DISTRICT The Board of Commissioners of Flathead County, Montana, hereby gives notice, pursuant to Section 76-2-205(5), M.C.A., that it passed a Resolution of Intention (Resolution No. 956DQ) on April 9, 2019 to change the zoning designation in a por¬tion of the Bigfork Zoning District from B-6 (Rural Area Commercial) to B-2 (General Business). The boundaries of the area proposed to be amended from B-6 to B-2 are described as: Tract 1: A tract of land in the Southeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter of Section 17, Township 27 North, Range 19 West, P.M.M., Flathead County, Montana and more particularly described as follows: Commencing at the Southeast corner of the Southeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter of said section 17; thence West along the Southerly boundary of the Southeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter, a distance of 233.71 feet to a point; thence North a distance of 60.00 feet to the True Point of Beginning of the tract of land being described and also being on the Northerly boundary line of Highway No. 326; thence West and parallel with the Southerly boundary line of the Southeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter and following along said highway right of way, a distance of 104.36 feet to a point; thence North 01°21'30" West, a distance of 208.71 feet to a point; thence East and being parallel with the Southerly boundary line of the tract of land being described, a distance of 104.36 feet to a point, thence South 01°21'30" East and being parallel with the Westerly boundary line of the tract of land being described, a distance of 208.71 feet to the Point of Beginning. Shown on Deed Exhibit recorded in Book 501, Page 865 Tract 2: Certificate of Survey No. 2452, a tract of land in the Southeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter of Section 17, Township 27 North, Range 19 West, P.M.M., Flathead County, Montana. The regulations defining the B-6 and B-2 zones are contained in the Flathead County Zoning Regulations, on file for public inspection at the Office of the Clerk and Recorder, Courthouse, 800 South Main, Kalispell, Montana, at the Flathead County Planning and Zoning Office, 40 11th Street West, Kalispell, Montana, and on the Planning and Zoning Office's website at: http://flathead.mt.gov/planning_zoning/downloads.php. Documents related to the proposed zone change are also on file for public inspection at the Of¬fice of the Board of Commissioners and the Flathead County Planning and Zoning Office. For thirty (30) days after the first publication of this notice, the Board of Commissioners will receive written protests to the change proposed for a portion of the Bigfork Zoning District from persons owning real property within Flathead County whose names appear on the last completed assessment roll of Flathead County and who either are registered voters in Flathead County or execute and acknowledge their protests before a notary public. DATED this 9th day of April, 2019. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Flathead County, Montana By: /s/ Philip B. Mitchell Philip B. Mitchell, Chairman April 13, 20, 2019 MNAXLP __________________________
Local hospitals awarded for work with organ donations
An organ procurement organization has awarded Kalispell Regional Medical Center, North Valley Hospital and The HealthCenter for superior performances in tissue and organ donations for 2018, among other recognitions.
Man plays bumper cars in parking lot
A poor driver reportedly struck a parked car in a pharmacy parking lot, causing significant damage to both the driver and passenger side doors, according to a witness who reported the incident to Kalispell Police. The witness said they saw the suspect leave the parking spot they couldn’t fit in and park in another spot across the lot before going into the store. Officers confronted the culprit and cited him for failing to notify the owner of the damaged vehicle and seized the fictitious plates the driver had on his vehicle.

Glacier government students to compete in national finals
Glacier High School government students are headed to Washington, D.C. to share their knowledge of the U.S. Constitution, Bill of Rights and the government at the We the People National Finals following a first-place finish at the state level.

Road repairs scheduled in Kalispell area
The Montana Department of Transportation will be resurfacing several roads showing severe cracking and roughness in central Kalispell this spring and summer.

School expands faculty fitness program to include community
As West Valley School health enhancement and physical education teacher Tara Measure demonstrated the first set of exercises to a group of faculty and community members in the school gym on Monday, she opened the door to an expanded fitness regimen for the community.
Short day for Flathead, Glacier on the tennis courts
At this point of the season, and the way the weather has played out for spring sports thus far, you might say one out of two is far better than none.
Santistevan, Stodghill pace Bigfork girls at Plains golf
PLAINS — Missoula Loyola swept the team titles and medalist honors at the Plains Invitational golf tournament on Saturday.
Eureka blows by Thompson Falls twice in softball
EUREKA — Ciara Miller, hitting for the No. 9 spot in the batting order, doubled twice and drove in four runs for Eureka in a 21-3 Western B softball victory on Saturday over Thompson Falls.
Flathead girls 1st, boys 2nd at Missoula Invitational track
MISSOULA — Jessica Barnhart (100) and Tori Noland-Gillespie (800) were individual winners for Flathead and the 400 relay team of Kennedy Kanter, Mikayla Shinn, Skyleigh Thompson and Jessica Barnhart placed first in leading the Bravettes to the team title on Saturday at the Missoula Invitational track meet.
UM Spring Game Fans fill Legends to watch Griz
It wasn’t the best of weather conditions at Legends Stadium for the University of Montana’s Spring Game on Saturday, but that’s the nature of spring football.
Friday, April 12
Kila man sentenced for illegally possessing machine gun, grenade
Flathead County resident Bruce Boone Wann was sentenced to four years in prison and three years of supervised release today after he admitted to illegally possessing a machine gun and other weapons crimes, U.S. Attorney Kurt Alme said.
Legals April 12, 2019
No. 26121 NOTICE OF TRUSTEE'S SALE TO BE SOLD FOR CASH AT TRUSTEE'S SALE on June 17, 2019, at 11:00 AM at the East door of the Flathead County Justice Center located at 920 South Main Street, Kalispell MT 59901, the following described real property situated in Flathead County, Montana: LOT 59 OF GREENACRES WEST UNIT NO. 2, ACCORDING TO THE MAP OR PLAT THEREOF ON FILE AND OF RECORD IN THE OFFICE OF THE CLERK AND RECORDER OF FLATHEAD COUNTY, MONTANA Josh Micone and Jennifer Micone, as Grantor(s), conveyed said real property to First American Title Company, as Trustee, to secure an obligation owed to Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems Inc., as nominee for Glacier Bank, as Beneficiary, by Deed of Trust dated on November 6, 2009, and recorded on November 6, 2009, as Document No. 2009-00031144. The beneficial interest is currently held by JPMorgan Chase Bank, National Association. First American Title Company of Montana, Inc., is currently the Trustee. The beneficiary has declared a default in the terms of said Deed of Trust by failing to make the monthly payments beginning May 1, 2016, and each month subsequent, which monthly installments would have been applied on the principal and interest due on said obligation and other charges against the property or loan. The total amount due on this obligation as of December 31, 2018 is $148,871.99 principal, interest totaling $20,469.90, escrow advances of $5,747.35, suspense balance of $-35.93, and other fees and expenses advanced of $9,190.09, plus accruing interest, late charges, and other costs and fees that may be advanced. The Beneficiary anticipates and may disburse such amounts as may be required to preserve and protect the property and for real property taxes that may become due or delinquent, unless such amounts of taxes are paid by the Grantors. If such amounts are paid by the Beneficiary, the amounts or taxes will be added to the obligations secured by the Deed of Trust. Other expenses to be charged against the proceeds of this sale include the Trustee's fees and attorney's fees, costs and expenses of the sale and late charges, if any. Beneficiary has elected, and has directed the Trustee to sell the above described property to satisfy the obligation. The sale is a public sale and any person, including the beneficiary, excepting only the Trustee, may bid at the sale. The bid price must be paid immediately upon the close of bidding in cash or cash equivalents (valid money orders, certified checks or cashier's checks). The conveyance will be made by Trustee's Deed without any representation or warranty, including warranty of Title, express or implied, as the sale is made strictly on an as-is, where-is basis, without limitation, the sale is being made subject to all existing conditions, if any, of lead paint, mold or other environmental or health hazards. The sale purchaser shall be entitled to possession of the property on the 10th day following the sale. The grantor, successor in interest to the grantor or any other person having an interest in the property, at any time prior to the trustee's sale, may pay to the beneficiary or the successor in interest to the beneficiary the entire amount then due under the deed of trust and the obligation secured thereby (including costs and expenses actually incurred and attorney's fees) other than such portion of the principal as would not then be due had no default occurred and thereby cure the default. The scheduled Trustee's Sale may be postponed by public proclamation up to 15 days for any reason, and in the event of a bankruptcy filing, the sale may be postponed by the trustee for up to 120 days by public proclamation at least every 30 days. THIS IS AN ATTEMPT TO COLLECT A DEBT. ANY INFORMATION OBTAINED WILL BE USED FOR THAT PURPOSE. Dated: January 30, 2019 Rae Albert Assistant Secretary, First American Title Company of Montana, Inc. Trustee Title Financial Specialty Services PO Box 339 Blackfoot ID 83221 STATE OF Idaho ss. COUNTY OF Bingham On this 30th day of January, 2019, before me, a notary public in and for said County and State, personally appeared Rae Albert, known to me to be the Assistant Secretary of First American Title Company of Montana, Inc., Successor Trustee, known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the foregoing instrument and acknowledged to me that he executed the same. Kaitlin Ann Gotch Notary Public Bingham County, Idaho Commission Expires: 07/29/2022 JPMorgan Chase Bank, National Association vs Jennifer L Micone; Josh J Micone 102071-6 April 5, 12, 19, 2019 MNAXLP __________________________

Flooding hits Lake County
A popular rural road about 3 miles south of Charlo has fallen victim to flooding due to several days of rainfall and already dense ground moisture.

Delbert Ray Ferree, 69
Delbert Ray Ferree, 69, passed away on Tuesday, April 2, 2019, at HealthCenter Northwest in Kalispell.

Data 'warehouse' aims to streamline health resources
The Flathead City-Council Health Department recently launched an online community health planning tool known as Flathead Forward — a digital platform designed to streamline resources in the valley for different health-related groups and the general public.
New sheriff schedules five town-hall meetings
As a way of involving the community in the department, Flathead County Sheriff Brian Heino will take his agenda to the public by holding town-hall meetings to discuss changes to the department since he took office.
Playing musical chairs with trespass law
Someone on Spokane Avenue in Whitefish reported protesters were allegedly trespassing on private property. By the time Whitefish Police Department arrived, four individuals were standing on a sidewalk, but a chair was still trespassing. Protesters were advised of private property laws and asked to move the chair. The chair was moved, however, the reporting party called back when the chair supposedly made its way back onto private property.
Seattle Mariner Bret Boone is keynote at Kalispell Lakers' fundraiser
The Kalispell Lakers invite the community to their annual Batter Up Bash, a fundraiser featuring former Seattle Mariner Bret Boone as the keynote speaker. This year’s event will be held Friday, April 19.

Bigfork's Epperly on the mend after javelin accident
Anders Epperly, a senior at Bigfork High School, is resting comfortably at Kalispell Regional Medical Center following an accident during track practice at the school on Thursday.
Eureka, St. Ignatius split in softball; Hamilton tips Polson
EUREKA — Eureka picked up its first Western B softball victory of the season on Friday by splitting a doubleheader with St. Ignatius.

Glacier girls, boys nip Flathead 5-3, 5-3
Rained out on Thursday, Glacier and Flathead managed to get their first crosstown matchup of the season in 24 hours later on the courts at Flathead Valley Community College on Friday.
No headline
Griz Football Purdy back in Legends for Spring Game
It started off with a joke.
Thursday, April 11

Hauck, Griz at Legends
Legals April 11, 2019
No. 26094 Montana Eleventh Judicial District Court Flathead County In the Matter of the Name Change of Susan Colette Cragg: Susan Colette Cragg, Petitioner Cause No. DV-19-225D DAN WILSON Notice of Hearing on Name Change This is notice that Petitioner has asked the District Court for a change of name from Susan Colette Cragg to Colette Cragg Magers. The hearing will be on May 14, 2019 at 1:30 p.m. The hearing will be at the Courthouse in Flathead County. Date: March 22, 2019 PEG L. ALLISON Clerk of District Court By: /s/ Sarah Arrigoni Deputy Clerk of Court March 28, April 4, 11, 18, 2019 MNAXLP _________________________
Events calendar April 11-18

More cleanup completed at Libby Superfund site
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency on Wednesday said it is deleting a portion of the Libby Asbestos Superfund site in Libby from the National Priorities List because the federal agency and Montana Department of Environmental Quality have determined all required cleanup activities are complete in the Operable Unit 2 area.

From mortality to madness, Flathead's 'Hamlet' has it all
Flathead High School will explore the deepest corners of the mind and examine the devastation of grief through Shakespeare’s “Hamlet” Thursday through Saturday, April 18, 19 and 20, at 6:27 p.m. in the David M. Hashley Theatre at Flathead High School in Kalispell.

Follow 'Alice in Wonderland' down the rabbit hole
The Whitefish Theatre Co. presents the beloved story of “Alice In Wonderland” this month. Based on the timeless classic by Lewis Carroll, “Alice In Wonderland” follows one of literature’s most treasured heroines as she travels down the rabbit hole in her madcap adventure. In a place where everyone and everything keep getting “curiouser and curiouser,” Alice meets a mad March Hare, sees a cat disappear, and even takes advice from a caterpillar.
Scope of rural broadband gap
Policymakers at the state and federal level have been working for years to improve access to broadband-quality across the country. It’s a difficult problem, especially in states with predominately rural populations. While internet service providers in Montana have made large investments in building out broadband infrastructure, and have succeeded in providing access to many rural Montanans, we are still a long way off from achieving the Federal Communications Commission’s stated goal of eliminating the rural broadband gap.
Libby cleanup in the final stretch
Libby residents who were exposed to the toxic asbestos dust from the former W.R. Grace & Co. vermiculite mine will be dealing with asbestos-related disease for many years to come, perhaps even decades given the agonizingly long latency period for those diseases.
Artists stage fundraiser for Hockaday
The Hockaday Museum of Art announces its Artists Give Back silent auction fundraiser from 7 to 9 p.m. Saturday, April 13, at the Grouse Mountain Lodge, 2 Fairway Drive in Whitefish.

Letters to the editor April 11
After reading the editorial by Ms. Stockham (April 4) and the response of the ImagineIF library, I’m saddened, though not surprised, that Flathead County has sunk to such a low level.

City wants to protect viewshed from 5G installations
The city of Whitefish is aiming to protect itself visually from a barrage of small 5G cell wireless facilities that could end up being installed by wireless carriers in the city’s public right-of-way.

Flathead Electric opts for peak-hour pricing structure
Flathead Electric Cooperative’s Board of Trustees recently approved a new residential rate structure to reflect changes in how wholesale power provider Bonneville Power Administration charges the cooperative.

Woodstock Trio announces spring tour
The Woodstock Trio will make a several special appearance during the month of April. The public is invited and the admission is free.
'Death by Chocolate' takes a 'Bachelor/Bachelorette' theme
The 18th annual murder mystery auction and fundraiser “Death by Chocolate” will take place Friday and Saturday, April 26 and 27, at the Conrad Mansion Museum in Kalispell.

Frontier photography is focus of new Hockaday exhibit
An opening reception for artist Richard Buswell’s exhibit, “What They Left Behind,” will be held from 5 to 7 p.m. Thursday, April 18, at the Hockaday Museum of Art in Kalispell. Buswell will also talk about his work during the reception. The public is invited.
Cutting in line yields unexpected comeuppance
A woman’s attempt to get ahead in life — and in the checkout line — backfired when she cut in front of a man standing in line because he was purportedly talking to another patron at the time. She told Kalispell Police Department he began belittling and videotaping her.

'The Phantom Tollbooth' takes wordplay to new heights
Wolfpack Theatre Co. presents “The Phantom Tollbooth” at 6:33 p.m. Thursday and Friday, April 18 and 19, in the Wolfpack Theatre at Glacier High School.
Bigfork girls first at golf invitational
HAMILTON — The Bigfork girls and Missoula Loyola boys were the team champions on Thursday at the season opening Florence-Darby golf tournament at the Hamilton Golf Club.
Double play helps Libby slip by St. Ignatius, 5-4
LIBBY — Libby turned in a game-ending double play after St. Ignatius loaded the bases with one out in the bottom of the seventh inning to preserve a 5-4 nonconference softball victory on Thursday.
Wednesday, April 10
William Harry Yunck, 75
William Harry Yunck, 75, passed from our world on March 27, 2019, at his shop in Whitefish.

Karen Patricia Alma, 79
Karen Patricia Alma passed away peacefully on March 27, 2019, at “The Lodge” at Buffalo Hill Terrace in Kalispell at the age of 79 years.
Judy G. Atlee, 80
Judy G. Atlee, 80, died suddenly and unexpectedly of heart failure at Kalispell Regional Hospital on March 29, 2019.

Charles B. 'Chuck' Pitz, 90
Charles B. “Chuck” Pitz passed away peacefully March 29, 2019, at the Health Center in Kalispell at the age of 90.
Rebekah Witter, 31
Rebekah Witter, 31, died April 4, 2019, in Polson.
Wilfred 'Will' Gravelin, 61
Wilfred “Will” Gravelin, 61, of Shelby lost his courageous battle with cancer Friday, April 5, 2019, at the Marcus Daly Memorial Hospice Center in Hamilton.

Greg Hettick, 55
The world gained a bright light when Greg was born on a bitterly cold North Dakota night Jan. 10, 1964. And that light only got brighter and warmer as Greg went through life.

Catherine Mary Ferrari, 63
Cathy Ferrari, 63, of Kalispell, passed away on March 3, 2019, at Kalispell Regional Medical Center with her son Chris by her side.

Delbert Ray Ferree, 69
Delbert Ray Ferree, 69, passed away on Tuesday, April 2, 2019, at HealthCenter Northwest in Kalispell.
Dorothy Jean 'Jean' Battin Linne, 94
Dorothy Jean Linne passed away on March 7, 2019.

Kenneth Russell 'Ken' Tintinger, 84
Kenneth Russell “Ken” Tintinger, 84, of Helena, died surrounded by his family’s love at St. Peter’s Hospital in Helena, March 25, 2019, following decline due to Parkinson’s disease and related dementia.

Bruce Jensen, 85
Today we lost a great man, loving husband and a wonderful father. Bruce Jensen passed away peacefully March 24, 2019, in Helena.

Leona L. Nutter, 94
Leona L. Nutter went to be with the Lord and Savior on March 25, 2019.

Larry McKinley, 88
On Friday, March 15, 2019, at 10:15 p.m., Larry McKinley, good friend of many, a loving and caring uncle, brother, and loving father of three sons, and loving friend and father of two stepchildren and their families, passed away at the age of 88. He passed peacefully at his home in North Hills, California, with his sons and spouses by his side.

Catherine Mae Evans, 73
Catherine Mae Evans, formerly of Kalispell, 73, passed away peacefully on Monday, April 1, 2019, due to natural causes.
Legals April 10, 2019
No. 26095 NOTICE OF SALE FOR STATE SCHOOL TRUST LAND The Dept. of Natural Resources and Conservation (DNRC) will offer the following parcels of state land located in Flathead County for sale at public auction on Wednesday, May 8, 2019 at 1:00 PM at the DNRC Northwestern Land Office at 655 Timberwolf Parkway, Suite 1, in Kalispell, Montana under terms and conditions provided herein. Sale No. 926 Acres: 1.519± Legal Description: Lot 17, McGregor Lake, COS 19909, Sec. 16, T26N-R25W Minimum Bid for Land, including State-Owned Improvements: $334,000 Location: 570 McGregor Lane, Marion, MT 59925 Sale No. 927 Acres: 1.135± Legal Description: Lot 22, McGregor Lake, COS 19909, Sec. 16, T26N-R25W Minimum Bid for Land: $260,000 Location: 630 McGregor Lane, Marion, MT 59925 BID PARTICIPATION A bid packet containing an Offer to Purchase and Bid Deposit Receipt Form and Invitation to Purchase State Land at Public Oral Auction and General Terms & Conditions for Sale is available on DNRC's website, http://dnrc.mt.gov/cabinsitesales or from DNRC upon request. For Open House dates, go to http://dnrc.mt.gov/cabinsitesales. All persons wishing to participate in the auction must submit a bid deposit postmarked by 5:00 PM on Thursday, April 18, 2019. The bid deposit must be in the form of a certified check made payable to DNRC equal to five percent (5%) of the minimum bid indicated for that parcel and submitted with a completed Offer to Purchase and Bid Deposit Receipt Form. Failure to submit the bid deposit or Offer to Purchase and Bid Deposit Receipt Form as provided herein will prohibit participation in the auction. All Offer to Purchase and Bid Deposit Receipt Forms and payments must be sent to: DNRC, Attn: Renee Kelley, PO Box 201601, 1539 Eleventh Avenue, Helena, MT 59620-1601, (406) 444-4289 or renee.kelley@mt.gov. TERMS OF SALE for SALE Nos. 926 & 927: 1. The improvements and any other personal property on the cabin/home sites are owned by the lessee or other 3rd party. The successful bidder shall be required to pay the appraised value of the improvements in addition to the purchase price of the cabin/home site determined by the highest bid at the auction in accordance with MCA §77-2-318. 2. The minimum acceptable bids for the land are the values indicated above. 3. The parcel will be sold to the high bidder of that parcel. However, the current lessee of the parcel shall retain the option to exercise their preference right for purchase by matching the high bid for that parcel. If that right is exercised, the lessee will be deemed the purchaser of the parcel. If the preference right is not exercised, the high bidder shall be deemed to be the purchaser. The high bidder will be responsible to pay the lessee for the value of improvements located on the property. 4. In addition to the purchase price for each parcel and the purchase of the improvement, the purchaser shall also be responsible for the following costs (if applicable to that particular sale) including, but not limited to: Advertising, Appraisal, Filing Fees, Water Right Transfers, Cost of Closing. All inquiries, bid deposits, or requests for forms must be sent to: DNRC, Attn: Renee Kelley, PO Box 201601, 1539 Eleventh Avenue, Helena, MT 59620-1601, (406) 444-4289 or renee.kelley@mt.gov. March 27, April 3, 10, 17, 2019 MNAXLP _________________________
County plans to expand Coram green-box site
The Flathead County Solid Waste District intends to expand the Coram green-box garbage collection ste on U.S.2 East and is taking bids for the project.

Group critical of state's invasive mussels efforts
The Wibaux inspection station near the North Dakota line plays a vital role in trying to protect the state’s lakes and streams from aquatic invasive mussels.

Flathead High senior recognized for tech work
Flathead High School senior Diane Lipka was among 20 female students in Montana nationally recognized for their accomplishments and aspirations in technology and computing.

Logger sports team ready for Stumpjumper Days
Flathead Valley Community College’s logger sports team will host the annual Stumpjumper Days competition on Saturday, April 20.

PRCA rodeo returns to Bigfork this summer
Following the success of the first Bigfork Summer Pro Rodeo last year, the Professional Rodeo Cowboys Association has approved the event to continue as an annual event for years to come.
Whitefish mayor to give State of the City address at open house
The city of Whitefish will host an open house and State of the City address by Mayor John Muhlfeld and City Manager Adam Hammatt on Monday, April 15, at Whitefish City Hall.
Tuesday, April 9

Glacier names Yellowstone chief ranger as new deputy superintendent
The chief ranger at Yellowstone National Park has been named Glacier National Park’s next deputy superintendent.
Legals April 9, 2019
No. 26089 Montana Eleventh Judicial District Court Flathead County In the Matter of the Name Change of PeggyAnne Hendricks Jewell: PeggyAnne Hendricks Jewell, Petitioner Cause No. DV-19-232C HEIDI J ULBRICHT Notice of Hearing on Name Change This is notice that Petitioner has asked the District Court for a change of name from PeggyAnne Hendricks Jewell to Anne Hendricks Jewell. The hearing will be on May 15, 2019 at 1:30 p.m. The hearing will be at the Justice Center in Flathead County. Date: March 20, 2019 PEG L. ALLISON Clerk of District Court By: /s/ Rachael Mitchell Deputy Clerk of Court March 26, April 2, 9, 16, 2019 MNAXLP _________________________
Nominations due for next Montana Poet Laureate
Nominations for the next Montana Poet Laureate are due Wednesday, April 10.
Good fences may not make good neighbors
A Columbia Falls woman’s neighbor reportedly dug up her fence and had survey paperwork showing where her correct property line is. She called the Flathead County Sheriff’s Office to make them aware of the situation because the neighbor supposedly said he would fix the fence, but she was doubtful.
New subdivisions, zoning requests top heavy agenda
The Flathead County Planning Board has a full agenda on Wednesday, with a request for preliminary-plat approval of a 10-lot subdivision spanning about 213 acres in the West Valley topping the list of public hearings.

Judith Lee Loberg, 68
Judith Lee Loberg, 68, passed away on March 28, 2019, in St. Ignatius.

New structures to emphasize climbing, sliding
Kalispell’s Parks and Recreation department has taken advantage of a playground builder’s incentive program to replace both play area structures at Woodland Park this summer.

Flathead Mini-Invitational Athletes brave the elements
The Daily Inter Lake
Monday, April 8
Legals April 8, 2019
No. 26126 NOTICE FOR PUBLIC COMMENT REQUEST FOR FLOODPLAIN DEVELOPMENT PERMIT The Flathead County Floodplain Administrator has received the following Floodplain Development Permit application: FDP-18-34 A request by Carver Engineering on behalf of Michael Anders of the NW Dev Group, LLC. to place two culverts and fill within the regulated floodplain of Trumbull Creek for the purpose of a new road. The applicant proposes to place two 54 inch diameter by 61 foot long culverts and approximately 820 cubic yards of fill, within the regulated floodplain. The project is located at 2735 Highway 2 E, Kalispell MT 59901 (assessor #0919030) and can legally be described as Tract 3A in Section 28, Township 29 North, Range 21 West, P.M.M., Flathead County, Montana. FDP-19-01 A request by Nicholas Coussoulis and APEC Engineering Inc., on behalf of Lakeside Marina, LLC, for the placement of fill on Flathead Lake at 7131 Highway 93 in Lakeside, MT. The project will include the placement of 1,500 cubic yards of fill. The project will occur on Parcel B and C of Certificate of Survey 16002 in Government Lot 4 of Section 07, Township 26 North, Range 20 West P.M.M., Flathead County, Montana. The complete application may be viewed at our office. Written or oral comments concerning the above requests should be directed to the Floodplain Administrator at the Flathead County Planning & Zoning Office, South Campus Building, 40 11TH Street West, Suite 220, Kalispell, Montana 59901, (406) 751-8200. Comments should be received by 5:00 PM on Wednesday, April 24, 2019. /s/ Mark Mussman Mark Mussman, CFM® Planning Director Flathead County Planning & Zoning April 8, 2019 MNAXLP __________________________

Quintessential outfitter reflects on a lifetime in the backcountry
Roland Cheek clung to his dream even when his tenacity caused marital strife, threatened his family’s financial stability, lodged him crosswise with the U.S. Forest Service and pushed him to the edge of exhaustion.

Letters to the editor April 8
Sunday, April 7
Legals April 7, 2019
No. 26072 CITY OF KALISPELL, MONTANA NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City Council (the "Council") of the City of Kalispell, Montana (the "City") will hold a public hearing on the proposed 2019 Wastewater Treatment Plant Facility Plan Update on April 15, 2019, at 7:00 p.m., at the Council Chambers in Kalispell City Hall, 201 First Avenue East, Kalispell, Montana. The Plan relates to recommended planning details on the future water and sewer system requirements that will service existing and new development within the City. The proposed 2019 Wastewater Treatment Plant Facility Plan Update is available for download on the City of Kalispell website at www.kalispell.com or may be purchased as a hard copy at cost from the Kalispell Public Works Department. Further information may be obtained from the City of Kalispell Department of Public Works, located at Kalispell City Hall, 201 First Avenue East, Kalispell, Montana, and can be reached by telephone at (406) 758-7720. All interested persons may appear and offer comments and evidence at the hearing as scheduled above or may elect to file written comments with the City Clerk prior to such hearing to citycouncil@kalispell.com, or PO Box 1997, Kalispell, MT 59903. Dated this 18th day of March, 2019. BY ORDER OF THE CITY COUNCIL Aimee Brunckhorst, CMC, City Clerk March 24, April 7, 2019 MNAXLP __________________________
A chance to secure our energy future
The Montana Energy Security Act of 2019, Senate Bill 331, gives Montana an opportunity to manage our own energy future, while also securing the future of a part of the Colstrip coal-fired power plant and the future of the people who work and live in that community.
Stimson Lumber reps discuss forest management
Stimson Lumber Co. representatives showed plans for a conservation easement and dispelled rumors of having a new mill in Libby at a meeting last week with the Society of American Foresters.
Report: Conditions ripe for buggy spring and summer
A recent report from the National Pest Management Association cautioned that Montana’s harsh winter, piggy-backed by what is expected to be a warm, wet spring, may cue certain populations of pests to spike earlier than usual for the spring and summer seasons — and in abundance.
Dad bails out kids' flubbed dine-and-dash
Kalispell Police Department officers were called to investigate an attempted dine-and-dash. When they arrived at the restaurant, employees said four juveniles took off from the restaurant and four were still inside. They said one of the four people who ran away had originally said they were going to pay for everyone’s meal. The four remaining juveniles did not have any money to pay, and said they were unable to reach friends who could help them pay for their food. One parent was reached, who agreed to come to the restaurant and pay for food.
Prescribed burns begin in Cabinet Ranger District
Prescribed burns are underway in the Cabinet Ranger District of the Kootenai Forest.

Helen Estelle (Benton) Grob, 94
Helen Estelle (Benton) Grob passed peacefully on March 28, 2019, surrounded in her last days by her loving family.

Newest director expands FVCC culinary program
The sparkling white floors and chrome counter tops of the instructional kitchen at Flathead Valley Community College got a dusting of flour and a splatter of oil as students donning their signature chef hats looked over their recipes for Wednesday’s lessons.

Dennis Keith Tobiason, 62
Dennis Keith Tobiason, 62, of Kalispell, passed away April 1, 2019, from complications of diabetes and congestive heart failure at Kalispell Regional Medical Center with his family by his side. Dennis never let his health conditions stop him from living a life full to the brim with enjoyment and happiness.
Electric co-op to trim trees near power lines
Flathead Electric Cooperative crews this month will be trimming and, if necessary, removing trees growing too close to power lines within the co-op’s right of way. Crews will be working mainly in the areas of Libby, Marion, McGregor, Thompson, Lost Prairie and Echo Lake.
Medicaid expansion is a move toward tyranny
When the awesome power of the state is used to do something good for one group of people, it must first do wrong to a different group. Medicaid expansion, however, is an equal-opportunity offender, committing a terrible wrong upon both its beneficiaries and the taxpayers of this state.
The return of Montana's copper collar
Mark Twain is credited with saying, “History does not repeat itself, but it often rhymes.” And so it is with SB 331, which is winding its way through the Legislature. This bill authorizes NorthWestern Energy to buy more interest in old coal plants and automatically pass the costs, plus profit margin, onto their customers without review by the Public Service Commission. It also puts ratepayers on the hook for more of the decommissioning and cleanup costs in the future.

Preschool is about our state's future, not the political fight of the day
Last summer, I met a woman in Lewistown who told me she made too much money to qualify for Head Start but couldn’t afford to have her son in the kind of quality program that would give him a great start. I met parents in Wibaux who had to drive 30 miles away to take their kids to the closest childcare provider.

Glacier Park project would help preserve native trout
People presumably acting with good intentions stocked once-fishless Camas Lake and Lake Evangeline in Glacier National Park in the 1920s and 1930s with non-native Yellowstone cutthroat trout.

Letters to the editor April 7
I wanted to thank the Daily Inter Lake for publishing the letter on April 4 about the library storytime and allowing ImagineIF to respond with their policy on selecting books.
Interior's Badger-Two Med decision troubling
In a disconcerting twist to the long-disputed battle over energy rights on the Badger-Two Medicine area, the federal government last week dropped its appeal of one of two oil and gas drilling leases on the land bordering Glacier National Park and the Blackfeet Reservation.

Gregory O. Sweetser, 70
Gregory O. Sweetser, 69, passed away April 4, 2019, in Greybull, Wyoming, at home following a three-year battle with colon cancer, with his family and loving wife Rory at his side.

Generational change for local nursery
After an absence of many years, Wild Geese Gardens is rejoining the vendors at the Kalispell Farmers Market.

Carolyn Ruth Lehman, 94
Born July 28, 1924, Carolyn Ruth Lehman passed away peacefully at her home in Olympia, Washington, on March 21, 2019.
Kalispell downtown parking changes add space
After a public process and City Council approval, several parking changes will be made on specific blocks in downtown Kalispell. These changes are the result of a field review to improve parking within the Business Improvement District and a subsequent analysis to determine feasibility and safety.
Saturday, April 6

PHOTOS: 2019 Whitefish Pond Skim
Photos from the 2019 Whitefish Pond Skim on Big Mountain at Whitefish Mountain Resort on Saturday, April 6.
Legals April 6, 2019
No. 26120 PUBLIC OPPORTUNITY TO PROTEST TRANSFER OF OWNERSHIP OF MONTANA ALL-ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES LICENSE The Docks Bayside, LLC (Member: Nicholas J. Coussoulis) has applied for Transfer of Ownership of Montana All-Alcoholic Beverages with Catering Endorsement License No. 07-999-2583-002 to be operated at Harbor Grille (formerly d/b/a The Docks), 7135 US Highway 93 South, Lakeside, Flathead County. The public may protest this new license in accordance with the law. Who can protest this transfer? Protests will be accepted from residents of the county of the proposed location (Flathead), residents of adjoining Montana counties (Lincoln, Glacier, Pondera, Teton, Lewis & Clark, Powell, Lake, Sanders), and residents of adjoining counties in another state if the criteria in 16-4-207(4)(d), Montana Code Annotated (MCA), are met. What information must be included? Protest letters must be legible and contain (1) the protestor's full name, mailing address, and street address; (2) the license number (07-999-2583-002) and the applicant's name (The Docks Bayside, LLC); (3) an indication that the letter is intended as a protest; (4) a description of the grounds for protesting; and (5) the protestor's signature. A letter with multiple signatures will be considered one protest letter. What are valid protest grounds? The protest may be based on the applicant's qualifications listed in 16-4-401, MCA, or the grounds for denial of an application in 16-4-405, MCA. Examples of valid protest grounds include: (1) the applicant is unlikely to operate the establishment in compliance with the law; (2) the proposed location cannot be properly policed by local authorities; and (3) the welfare of the people in the vicinity of the proposed location will be adversely and seriously affected. How are protests submitted? Protests must be postmarked to the Department of Revenue, Office of Dispute Resolution, P.O. Box 5805, Helena, Montana 59604-5805 on or before April 23, 2019. What happens if the transfer is protested? Depending on the number of protests and the protest grounds, a public hearing will be held in Helena or Lakeside. All valid protestors will be notified of the hearing's time, date and location. Hearings typically are scheduled within 90 days. A protester's hearing testimony is limited to the grounds in the protester's letter. Following the hearing, the Department of Revenue will notify the public whether the license transfer is approved or denied. How can additional information be obtained? The cited MCA statutes are online at leg.mt.gov/bills/mca_toc/. Questions may be directed to Patty Kautz, Compliance Specialist for the Department of Revenue's Alcoholic Beverage Control Division, at (406) 444-0017 or pkautz@mt.gov. April 6, 13, 2019 MNAXLP __________________________
Attempted beer heist ends badly
Kalispell Police received a report of a fight between a customer and an employee at a store after the customer allegedly attempted to steal two beers and the employee pinned the customer to the ground. The two people reportedly got into a fistfight after the customer allegedly bit the employee and broke free. The customer then allegedly tried to get into a vehicle leave while the employee tried to pull them out of the car. Officers arrived and arrested the suspect while an ambulance responded to the bite victim.
Kalispell Public Schools sets 2019-20 calendar
Kalispell Public Schools has finalized a calendar for 2019-20 school year.
Whitefish schools nail down future in strategic plan
Whitefish Schools Superintendent Heather Davis Schmidt wants to lay the groundwork for the district’s success moving forward.
Montana 4-H seeks host families
BOZEMAN – Montana State University Extension is seeking host families for 25 Japanese youth and two adult chaperones from July 22 to Aug. 17. The youth and their chaperones are part of an international exchange program with the Labo International Exchange Foundation and with LEX, or Language Experience, Experiment and Exchange.
County takes steps to improve Rose Crossing
Rose Crossing, the once-rural road turned thoroughfare between U.S. 93 and U.S. 2, will soon see added traffic safety improvements, according to the Flathead County commissioners.

Management plan doesn't include transfer to tribes
The Confederated Salish and Kootenai Tribes announced more than two weeks ago a desire to revisit restoring the National Bison Range to federal trust ownership for the benefit of the tribes.
Softball Ward, Loggers shut out Wildkats
LIBBY — Keira Ward turned in a solid performance in the circle and Libby backed her up with strong play in the field to help the Loggers spill Columbia Falls 3-0 on Saturday afternoon in Northwest A softball play.
Whitefish boys, girls 3rd at Frenchtown Invitational track
FRENCHTOWN — The Whitefish boys and girls both finished third at the Frenchtown Invitational track meet on Saturday.
Bigfork, Libby, Eureka finish 1-2-3 at track invite

Stebbins steps away from soccer
Friday, April 5

Blacktail Mountain to extend ski season
Blacktail Mountain Ski Area is planning to stay open as long as skiers keep showing up and conditions cooperate.

Williams launches new bid for Montana U.S. House seat
BILLINGS, Mont. (AP) — Former state Rep. Kathleen Williams launched a new campaign for Montana’s only seat in the U.S. House of Representatives on Friday, just five months after her loss to incumbent Republican Rep. Greg Gianforte.
Legals April 5, 2019
No. 26123 PUBLIC NOTICE The Board of County Commissioners of Flathead County did this 2nd day of April, 2019 approve payroll and claims for payment in the amount of $5,293,824.57 for the period beginning March 1, 2019 and ending on March 31, 2019. The full and complete claim list is available for public view in the Finance Office, Flathead County Courthouse, 800 S Main, Room 214, Kalispell, Montana or online at https://flathead.mt.gov/finance/downloads.php. Individual requests for personal copies will be accepted by the Finance Office. Dated this 2nd day of April, 2019. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Flathead County, Montana By: /s/ Philip B. Mitchell Philip B. Mitchell, Chairman By: /s/ Debbie Pierson Debbie Pierson, Clerk & Recorder April 5, 2019 MNAXLP __________________________
Veterans cautioned about charges for military records
The Montana Attorney General’s Office of Consumer Protection and Montana National Guard is alerting consumers about the accessibility of military records free of charge for service members and their families.

Jean Kathleen Collins, 80
Jean passed away peacefully in her home in Polson on Sunday, March 31, 2019, after a short but brave battle with cancer.
Deactivated phone works, but don't wake grandma
A Columbia Falls child was playing with a deactivated cellphone and accidentally dialed 911. The child told dispatchers his grandma was sleeping and he’s not supposed to wake her up. Grandpa, however, was available and told dispatchers there was no emergency, according to the Flathead County Sheriff’s Office.

Eureka doctor is Montana Family Physician of the Year
A physician from Eureka has been selected as the Montana Family Physician of the Year — an award based on nominations from medical staff peers and leaders statewide, according to a press release from North Valley Hospital.

Annette Elizabeth Bain-Wilson, 97
Annette left her earthly bonds on April 2, 2019, at HealthCenter Northwest.

Donald Lloyd Frey Sr., 67
Donald Lloyd Frey Sr., 67, passed away Monday, April 1, 2019, in Whitefish.

Blackfeet not happy with fed's scale-back of lease appeals
While the U.S. Department of Interior this week dropped its appeal of one of two oil and gas drilling leases in the Badger-Two Medicine area near Glacier National Park, Blackfeet tribal officials and intervenors in the case say the action doesn’t go far enough in defending tribal sacred lands.
Montana Athletic Club's alcohol license suspended over violations
The Flathead County Sheriff’s Office dispatched officers to the Montana Athletic Club in Bigfork on Thursday to ensure the business’ compliance with a 30-day suspension of its alcohol license.
Flathead girls, boys drop CMR in track
Flathead dominated a Class AA dual track meet with Great Falls C.M. Russell on Friday at Legends Stadium.
Polson, Columbia Falls netters split with Dillon
POLSON — Polson and Columbia Falls split Class A dual tennis action with Dillon on Friday.

Sporting THE FORT
THE FORT, an indoor sports and turf facility located in Evergreen, is providing Flathead Valley sports enthusiasts of all ages the opportunity to play and be active year-round.
Thursday, April 4

March brings record low snowfall to mountains
Following a brutally cold February with record snowfall totals in the Flathead Valley, March finished up like a lamb.
Donald L. Frey Sr., 67
Donald L. Frey Sr., 67, of Columbia Falls died Monday, April 1, 2019.
Legals April 4, 2019
No. 26094 Montana Eleventh Judicial District Court Flathead County In the Matter of the Name Change of Susan Colette Cragg: Susan Colette Cragg, Petitioner Cause No. DV-19-225D DAN WILSON Notice of Hearing on Name Change This is notice that Petitioner has asked the District Court for a change of name from Susan Colette Cragg to Colette Cragg Magers. The hearing will be on May 14, 2019 at 1:30 p.m. The hearing will be at the Courthouse in Flathead County. Date: March 22, 2019 PEG L. ALLISON Clerk of District Court By: /s/ Sarah Arrigoni Deputy Clerk of Court March 28, April 4, 11, 18, 2019 MNAXLP _________________________

Unique gathering in Kalispell features nine artists
PechaKucha Nights are informal and fun gatherings where creative people get together and share their ideas, works and musings — in the PechaKucha 20x20 format. Every PechaKucha Night city is hosted by a local organization and can create a unique platform to uncover that city’s creativity.
Take care with burn piles this spring
Residents off Spring Prairie Road between Whitefish and Kalispell had quite the scare Tuesday evening when a grass fire swept through their neighborhood.

Dawn Duane brings spring to Sassafras
Artist Dawn Duane will have her Seed Sensations Art Show on exhibit during the months of April, May and June at Sassafras Art Gallery on Main Street in downtown Kalispell.

Madness and mayhem reign in Bigfork play
The Bigfork Community Players present “Menopause Made Me Do It,” by Devon Williamson Friday through Sunday, April 26-28, at the Bigfork Center for the Performing Arts.
Swingin' on High to play in Kalispell
Swingin’ on High, featuring the sound of the Big Band era, is playing for the first time at the regular Eagles Saturday night dance on April 13.
Weekly events April 4-10
Spring brings choices
To a lot of folks, the end of ice fishing season can be pretty traumatic. Many of us end the season feeling like we “could of used just a few more days on the ice.” Well, I have news for you, there is still plenty of frozen lakes left fishable, it just might take a little more effort to get to them. Safety is the key issue here, many lakes will have good ice well into May this year, it is the shoreline that becomes troublesome. Getting on the lake in the morning can be much different than getting off in the afternoon, especially where there is Western exposure.
Permit granted for Whitefish vintage market
The Flathead County Board of Adjustment unanimously approved a temporary administrative conditional-use permit for J&J Ranch near Whitefish to host a one-day antique market event in July — a decision that came after a one-hour public hearing Tuesday evening during which neighbors of the ranch relayed numerous concerns to the board.
Wife needs place to train for NASCAR
A couple had a need for speed when a husband asked a dispatcher to ask the Flathead County Sheriff’s Office where his wife could speed because she had a “race car” and supposedly wanted to train for NASCAR.
Sheriff's Office selects K-9 handlers
The Flathead County Sheriff’s Department has chosen the two deputies who will serve as the new K-9 unit’s first canine handlers.

Letters to the editor April 4
The highest of kudos and thanks for the Homeschool Theater Club production of “Elsa and Anna” and their adaptation of “Frozen” March 29 and 30 at the Whitefish Performing Arts Center. Wowza, the marvelously high caliber of both singing and acting was truly profound, given the young age level and consequent limited amount of prior experience. What a remarkable achievement.
Whitefish Theatre Co. sets auditions for 'I Hate Hamlet'
The Whitefish Theatre Co. is holding auditions for its season closing production of “I Hate Hamlet” at 7 p.m. Sunday, April 7, and 7:30 p.m. Monday, April 8, at the O’Shaughnessy Center in Whitefish. Please arrive early to fill out an audition application and review the script. Enter at the north side of the building near the new conference room.
Benson takes early lead in Spring Mack Days
Anglers fishing the 2019 Spring Mack Days have completed the second weekend with a total of 7,926 lake trout entered.

Grass fire ignites near Liberty Street apartments
Liberty Street resident Eileen Pryor lauded Kalispell Fire Department’s swift response in extinguishing a grass fire that was not far from the apartment complex where she lives.

Travel down the rabbit hole with 'Alice in Wonderland'
The Whitefish Theatre Co. presents the beloved story of “Alice In Wonderland” with a sneak preview night on April 11 at 7:30 p.m. at the O’Shaughnessy Center in Whitefish.

Whitefish Review releases new issue with party at Casey's
Whitefish Review will release “Our Living Planet,” issue no. 23, on Friday, April 5, with a celebration at Casey’s in downtown Whitefish.

14th annual pond skim Saturday on Big Mountain
Whitefish Mountain Resort wraps up the ski season with one epic splash at the 14th annual pond skim contest on Saturday.

Grende retires as Bigfork head girls basketball coach
Jami Grende’s successful run as head coach of the Bigfork girls basketball program is over.
Whitefish netters cruise by C-Falls
It was all Whitefish on Thursday afternoon as the Bulldogs defeated Columbia Falls 6-1 in both boys and girls tennis play on the courts at Flathead Valley Community College.
Libby rolls by Flathead in softball, 18-8
LIBBY — Taylor Holm went 3 for 4 at the plate and drove in six runs to power Libby’s offense in an 18-8 nonconference softball victory over Flathead on Thursday.
Wednesday, April 3

Billy Jack Crow, 84
Billy Jack Crow, 84, was called home to be with our Lord on Monday, April 1, 2019, due to complications caused from Alzheimer’s.

Annette Elizabeth Bain-Wilson, 97
Annette left her earthly bonds on April 2, 2019, at HealthCenter Northwest.

Olszewski announces run for governor
HELENA — Republican state Sen. Al Olszewski on Wednesday announced his candidacy for governor of Montana in 2020, joining a field that includes two statewide elected officials.
Legals April 3, 2019
No. 25935 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING The Board of Commissioners of Flathead County, Montana hereby gives notice, pursuant to Section 76-2-205(1), M.C.A., that it will hold a public hearing to consider a change in the zoning designation in a portion of the Bigfork Zoning District from CCC-1 Commercial Country Corner - Class 1 to B-2 General Business. The boundaries of the area proposed to be amended from CCC-1 Commercial Country Corner - Class 1 to B-2 General Business are described as: Tract 1: A tract of land in the Southeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter of Section 17, Township 27 North, Range 19 West, P.M.M., Flathead County, Montana and more particularly described as follows: Commencing at the Southeast corner of the Southeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter of said section 17; thence West along the Southerly boundary of the Southeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter, a distance of 233.71 feet to a point; thence North a distance of 60.00 feet to the True Point of Beginning of the tract of land being described and also being on the Northerly boundary line of Highway No. 326; thence West and parallel with the Southerly boundary line of the Southeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter and following along said highway right of way, a distance of 104.36 feet to a point; thence North 01°21'30" West, a distance of 208.71 feet to a point; thence East and being parallel with the Southerly boundary line of the tract of land being described, a distance of 104.36 feet to a point, thence South 01°21'30" East and being parallel with the Westerly boundary line of the tract of land being described, a distance of 208.71 feet to the Point of Beginning. Shown on Deed Exhibit recorded in Book 501, Page 865 Tract 2: Certificate of Survey No. 2452, a tract of land in the Southeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter of Section 17, Township 27 North, Range 19 West, P.M.M., Flathead County, Montana. The regulations defining the CCC-1 and B-2 zones are contained in the Flathead County Zoning Regulations, on file for public inspection at the Flathead County Commissioners' Office, 800 South Main, Room 302, Kalispell, Montana, at the County Planning & Zoning Office, 40 11th Street West, Kalispell, Montana, and on the County Planning & Zoning Office's website at: flathead.mt.gov/planning_zoning/downloads.php. Documents related to the proposed zone change are also on for file for public inspection at the Commissioners' Office and at the Flathead County Planning and Zoning Office. The public hearing will be held on the 9th day of April, 2019 at 10:30 o'clock a.m. in the Commissioners' Chambers, Third Floor, Old Courthouse, Kalispell, Montana. At the public hearing, the Board of Commissioners will give the public an opportunity to be heard regarding the proposed change to the Bigfork Zoning District. Written comments are encouraged and will be reviewed by the Commissioners if received by the Flathead County Commissioners' Office prior to the hearing. DATED this 22nd day of January, 2019. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Flathead County, Montana By: /s/ Philip B. Mitchell Philip B. Mitchell, Chairperson March 27, April 3, 2019 MNAXLP _________________________
State Supreme Court to hear Kalispell case
MISSOULA – The Montana Supreme Court will hear oral arguments in the City of Kalispell versus Thomas Salsgiver case at 9:30 a.m. Friday, April 5, in the Dennison Theatre at the University of Montana.

Bottling plant still minimally operating
A spokesman for Montana Artesian Water Co. said a recent court ruling that overturned a state water-use permit for the Creston bottling plant won’t “kick the project back to square one.”

'Respite home' proposed near Kalispell hospital
Plans for a facility for families dealing with extended hospitalization of a child will be considering during a public hearing at the Kalispell Planning Board meeting April 9.
Flathead National Forest plans spring burns
Flathead National Forest announced Tuesday its plans for prescribed fire projects this spring and noted the work will begin when weather, fuel conditions and air quality are deemed favorable.

Choir, orchestra join forces to help St. Ignatius church
For the past couple of months, dedicated vocalists and musicians have been traveling regularly to St. Ignatius for rehearsals in all kinds of weather with a common cause. They’re doing their part to help raise money to restore the historic murals at the St. Ignatius Mission Church.

Bigfork, a city of champions
It’s not often you see an army truck filled with high school students cruising around the small, lakeside town of Bigfork.
Tuesday, April 2

Flathead rules dual with Whitefish
The Flathead girls won all 10 events on the track and placed first in four field events while the Flathead boys won nine events overall in a dual track and field meet at Legends Stadium on Tuesday with Whitefish.

Glacier starts fast versus Sentinel
Drew Deck won three individual events while Mya McNeely and Nash Grafe were both double winners for Glacier in a season opening track meet on Tuesday afternoon at Glacier High School with Missoula Sentinel.

Grass fire burns 31 acres, multiple outbuildings
Bone-dry fuels and a light wind fed a rapidly moving grass fire Tuesday evening that charred 31 acres and burned structures off KM Ranch Road south of Whitefish.

Montana trooper regains consciousness after shooting
HELENA, Mont. (AP) — Officials say a Montana Highway Patrol trooper is conscious and his condition is stable more than two weeks after being shot three times while investigating a fatal Missoula shooting.

Ski resort announces new pass prices; super seniors no longer free
Whitefish Mountain Resort on Tuesday rolled out its 2019-20 winter season pass rates with a few changes.
Legals April 2, 2019
No. 26089 Montana Eleventh Judicial District Court Flathead County In the Matter of the Name Change of PeggyAnne Hendricks Jewell: PeggyAnne Hendricks Jewell, Petitioner Cause No. DV-19-232C HEIDI J ULBRICHT Notice of Hearing on Name Change This is notice that Petitioner has asked the District Court for a change of name from PeggyAnne Hendricks Jewell to Anne Hendricks Jewell. The hearing will be on May 15, 2019 at 1:30 p.m. The hearing will be at the Justice Center in Flathead County. Date: March 20, 2019 PEG L. ALLISON Clerk of District Court By: /s/ Rachael Mitchell Deputy Clerk of Court March 26, April 2, 9, 16, 2019 MNAXLP _________________________
It's closing time, unbeknownst to bar patron
A customer reportedly found himself locked inside a bar and the security alarm was set off. The man told the Kalispell Police Department all the employees had left, he couldn’t find his cellphone and he was too intoxicated to drive home. He was advised to stay put and not touch anything until someone arrived.
Creston Auction: Annual event raising money for new fire hall
The 53rd Annual Creston Auction & Country Fair plus Auto, Marine, RV & Equipment Sale will be held Saturday and Sunday, April 6 and 7 in Creston, 12 miles east of Kalispell on Montana 35.

FVCC poised to open new library this spring
Flathead Valley Community College’s two-phase ONE Campaign is surging ahead, with the first phase — a new library and learning commons — nearly complete and set to open later this spring.
Trinity Lutheran School announces science fair winners
Trinity Lutheran School students recently participated in both the Regional Science Fair in Butte and the Montana State Science Fair in Missoula.
Meet-and-greet set with candidates for interim principal
Columbia Falls Junior High School invites the community to meet candidates being considered to fill an interim principal position.
- Somers Board of Trustees Negotiations Committee meeting 4 p.m. at Somers Middle Schoool.
Opposition to vintage market expected
A large turnout is expected at tonight’s Flathead County Board of Adjustment public hearing as the board considers an administrative conditional-use permit that would allow J&J Ranch near Whitefish to host a one-day vintage market — a sizable event that has drawn numerous complaints from nearby residents.
Monday, April 1
No headline
- AARP Driver Safety Course, 9 a.m. to 1 p.m., The Summit, Kalispell. $20 fee ($15 for AARP card-holding members.) Call 751-4500.
Whitefish developer offers cash in lieu of affordable housing
The developer of a workforce housing project off U.S. 93 S. has asked the Whitefish City Council to consider accepting cash in lieu of 10 affording housing units that were to be included in the development.
Kalispell council poised to set growth-policy amendment hearings
The Kalispell City Council will ponder tonight whether to schedule public hearings to solicit input for two separate proposed growth-policy amendments.
Teenage knaveries suspected around town
About 20 15-year-olds, who were not hotel guests, were supposedly causing “a ruckus” in a hotel, running up and down the halls and getting in the way of customers according to an employee reporting the antics to Kalispell Police Department.

Local musician gains insight from social media challenge
For a man dreaming of someday becoming a teacher, what insights can be gained from engaging with a social media hashtag? The surprising answer is quite a few.

Letters to the editor April 1
I am appalled and deeply disappointed to learn of the vote against this attempt to provide life-giving care to survivors of abortion. If one were to consider the reality of a newborn left to die — regardless how “comfortable” s/he is — how would it be possible to sleep at night? Democrats claim to be the voice of the voiceless, the helpless, the vulnerable; such a vote makes that claim tragically laughable.
Medicaid expansion a gold mine for hospital bureaucracy
Medicaid was established in the 1960s for impoverished American citizens including the disabled, blind and mentally ill — our most vulnerable citizens (people in the country illegally were not included!) With its original purpose in mind, taxpayers need to consider the bills being pushed by Democrats and the Democrat wing of the Republican party to appeal to nearly 100,000 voters including an estimated 54 percent (about 47,000) largely able-bodied adults. These people are the Democrat voting base and should not be lumped into truly needy people Medicaid was designed to assist.
If Daines truly supports public lands he'll vote against Bernhardt
Most Montanans caught the news that Congress passed the most significant public lands package in years: Permanent reauthorization of the Land and Water Conservation Fund and the Yellowstone Protection Act.