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'War on Christmas' is real
Each year, as battlefield correspondents begin anew to report the “War on Christmas,” different eyes roll in different directions. Many agnostics, progressives, “indifferents,” and Christians skeptical of “those other Christians,” will tend to dismiss it and cast eyes heavenward. But should they? Is it all as easily dismissed as one would like?
Evangelists gather this weekend
Religious freedom and the First Amendment are the major topics being broached at the God and Country Evangelism Conference Friday through Sunday in Evergreen.
Another sign of the times
You can call it a symbol or you can call it a coincidence, but I had a phone call on Good Friday which gave me a perfect column for this Easter Sunday.

Religious park suffers vandalism
The Ten Commandments billboard park in Columbia Heights has been the target of vandalism in recent weeks.
Jesus statue challenge salvaged by local atheist
A lawsuit seeking the removal of a Jesus statue near a Montana ski resort will go on after a national group of atheists and agnostics produced a local member who says he is offended by the religious symbol whenever he swooshes down the slopes.
Why not ask candidates what they believe?
Keep Christmas in the holiday
"We Wish You A Merry Holiday."
Keep Christmas in the holiday

'To glorify God' - Group creates Ten Command- ments park on U.S. 2
An organization that has been striving to post the Ten Commandments and other religious messages across the country and the world has established a home base of sorts with a Ten Commandments park in the Columbia Heights area.
EDITORIAL: Put restraints on government, not parents
There was never any doubt what the 2015 Legislature intended when it approved a law that allows tax credits for donations of up to $150 to private school scholarships or to innovative educational programs in public schools.
Big Medicine will be returned to CSKT tribes from historical society
Big Medicine spent all of his life on the tribal homelands of the Confederated Salish and Kootenai tribes. Now after his death, he’ll spend most of his time back there too, after a six-decade hiatus as one of the main attractions of the Montana Historical Society.
Where did our flag go?
If you happened past our state capitol last weekend, you would have been in for a surprise. Looking for our state flag, flying proudly over the capitol building, you wouldn’t have found it. Our governor ordered it taken down. Not lowered. Removed. In its place, a flag that represents some of us, but certainly not all of us. A flag that stands for a specific social, moral and political movement that many Montanans find abhorrent, and in direct conflict with their fundamental values, religious and political beliefs. This past weekend, the standard of the LGBT “gay pride” movement replaced the flag of the sovereign state of Montana.
Court rules for companies on contraception issue
WASHINGTON — The Supreme Court says corporations can hold religious objections that allow them to opt out of the new health law requirement that they cover contraceptives for women.

American schism
Division is an American tradition as old as our country
The recently concluded seriesd on PBS, “The Vietnam War,” stuck me as symptomatic of the permanent divide in America’s dual personality — we Americans tend towards being for something or against something.
You go to your church, I’ll go to mine
A few years ago I was talking with a man who raised an interesting question; “There’s only one God, why do we need so many different churches?”
Christians try to follow all of God's rules, not just one
Extreme vandalism on any person’s property or business is a very shameful thing. This suspect’s life and family are changed forever. However, to read the rhetoric coming from Susan Cahill, her husband and former and present patients of the All Families Healthcare clinic, it was CHRISTIANS who perpetrated this terrible act of “terrorism” on the Flathead Valley.

Teepees erected atop Rimrocks to honor those who died
BILLINGS (AP) — William Snell's record for erecting a teepee is just under 14 minutes. It's a bit more complicated in the winter, he said, but in a little more than five hours on Saturday, seven teepees were standing tall atop the Billings Rimrocks, their white canvas taut against the winter winds moving across the snowy prairie.

No headline
Many of the recent news stories are very upsetting!

Celebrating the spring festival of Passover
On Monday evening at just before 6:30 p.m., guests begin making their way to the Whitefish home of Marc and Rabbi Francine Roston for a celebration of the start of Passover, the feast of unleavened bread, which celebrates the liberation of the Israelites from Egypt.

Good Santa: The magic in the mall
With Santa Claus so busy at the North Pole this time of year, it's no wonder that he needs many helpers.