The Somers Middle School Theater brings “Mary Poppins Jr.” to the stage. The cast includes Madi Bain, Jade Marr, Emma Feeney, Cruz Pettymyers, Nolan Shaffer, Hadley McDonald, Hunter Mitchell, Londyn Hutcherson, Anna Bain and Giovanna Dragon. (Courtesy photo)
May 11, 2023
Stories this photo appears in:
May 18, 2023 midnight
Somers Middle School serves up a spoonful of sugar in 'Mary Poppins Jr.'
Get ready to get “Step in Time” along with Somers Middle School students in the theater program’s presentation of “Mary Poppins Jr.,” May 19 and 20th.
May 11, 2023 midnight
Somers Middle School Theater showcases ‘Mary Poppins’
In its sixth season, Somers Middle School Theater presents the story illuminating one family’s struggle to bring out the best in one another.