Stories for June 2019


Sunday, June 30

June 30, 2019 5:10 a.m.

Legals June 30, 2019

No. 26304 NOTICE OF BUDGET HEARING Notice is hereby given that the City Council of the City of Kalispell has reviewed the Preliminary Budget for the 2019-2020 fiscal year and said budget is open to inspection in the Finance Office and on the City's website at The City Council will meet on Monday, July 1, 2019, at 7:00 p.m. in the City Council Chambers at City Hall to conduct a formal Budget Hearing and transact regular business. Anyone may appear to express concerns regarding the budget. The hearing may be continued from day to day as required. On August 19, 2019, at 7:00 p.m., in the City Council Chambers at City Hall, the City Council will meet to adopt the final budget and fix tax levies. For more information please contact the City Clerk at 758-7756 or at City Hall, 201 1st Avenue East, Kalispell, MT 59901. Done by order of the City Council of the City of Kalispell, Montana on the 17th day of June, 2019. Aimee Brunckhorst, CMC, City Clerk June 23, 30, 2019 MNAXLP _________________________

290 Main Street
June 30, 2019 4 a.m.

290 Main Street

For the first time in over 20 years, the former CenturyLink property at 290 Main St. is available for lease.

Letters to the editor June 30
June 30, 2019 4 a.m.

Letters to the editor June 30

I am writing in response to the recent article regarding Kalispell Regional Healthcare and the nurses asking for a union vote, and in response to Dr Andy Palchak’s letter.

Floyd LaVern Welty, 88
June 30, 2019 4 a.m.

Floyd LaVern Welty, 88

Floyd LaVern Welty, 88, passed gently into the arms of his loving Lord and Savior at 8:25 a.m. on June 24, 2019, at his Kalispell home, surrounded by his loving family.

East Glacier's Spiral Spoon celebrates  20 years of quirky craftsmanship
June 30, 2019 4 a.m.

East Glacier's Spiral Spoon celebrates 20 years of quirky craftsmanship

Stepping inside the Spiral Spoon is like entering another dimension.

Longtime East Glacier outfitters know the lay of the land
June 30, 2019 4 a.m.

Longtime East Glacier outfitters know the lay of the land

Shaylea Tatsey eases herself onto her horse Houdini, bareback, with just a rope to hold onto. They moved around a small round pen with ease as she gestured him along with a shift in her seat or pressure of her leg.

June 30, 2019 4 a.m.

No headline

- Whitefish Woody Weekend, Lodge at Whitefish Lake. Public invited to tour classic, antique wooden boats at docks. Call Tim Salt, 862-5085.

Burger Box buoys lunchtime fare in East Glacier
June 30, 2019 4 a.m.

Burger Box buoys lunchtime fare in East Glacier

It’s hard to miss the Burger Box when driving through East Glacier Park.

June 30, 2019 4 a.m.

$3 million upgrade planned at county landfill

Flathead County is embarking on a $3 million upgrade of the county landfill that includes an overhaul of the grounds and scale system.

Marsha Murray-Lusby
June 30, 2019 4 a.m.

Marsha Murray-Lusby

Marsha Murray-Lusby, wife of Russell Lusby and mother of Drew and Rachel Lusby, died June 24, 2019, in Beaverton, Oregon.

Risk and recreation on public wildlands
June 30, 2019 4 a.m.

Risk and recreation on public wildlands

For several years there has been an active dialogue regarding risks associated with recreation in wildlands and concern for the safety of people who choose to do so. Much of this discussion has been focused on interactions between grizzly bears and humans when running or mountain biking on trails. There is strong and expanding interest from the public in partaking in these activities (and many others) on the Flathead National Forest and other forested public lands. There are several proposed trail additions and events on the forest that have been the subject of much discussion. Public understanding could benefit from a broader discussion around these subjects than has been occurring.

June 30, 2019 4 a.m.

Lakers help preserve Flathead's pristine waters

For more than 60 years the Flathead Lakers organization has advocated for clean water and a healthy ecosystem for Flathead Lake and the Flathead Valley watershed.

Allen William Riebe, 87
June 30, 2019 4 a.m.

Allen William Riebe, 87

Allen William Riebe, 87, passed away on June 13, 2019, at the Montana Veterans Home.

June 30, 2019 4 a.m.

Haunted by the silence

In years past, as an active duty member of our armed forces, and in recent years as a military retiree, I have had the opportunity to visit Washington, D.C. and the many monuments dedicated there to the service of our men and women who have sacrificed all in the defense of our nation.

June 30, 2019 4 a.m.

New center to focus on integrated behavioral health

As the adage goes, when one door closes another opens, and on July 1, that sentiment will be realized as the Flathead County Chemical Dependency Clinic reopens its doors not as the facility residents have long-been familiar with, but as Gateway Community Services.

New manufacturing facility opens in C-Falls
June 30, 2019 4 a.m.

New manufacturing facility opens in C-Falls

The spotted bear is a cub no more.

June 30, 2019 4 a.m.

Sour cream-eater confronts Kalispell Police

A man was swaying, staggering and eating a tub of sour cream in the Kalispell Police Department lobby.

Partisan political events don't belong in Veterans Park
June 30, 2019 4 a.m.

Partisan political events don't belong in Veterans Park

On June 15 at 12:30 p.m. the United Veterans Honor Guard arrived at Veterans Park in Kalispell (formerly Depot Park) to conduct a veteran memorial ceremony for a recently deceased veteran. To their surprise and dismay there were about 25 to 30 protestors in front of the memorial waving signs and shouting to get the attention of passing motorists.

June 30, 2019 4 a.m.

Whitefish's new housing program worth a try

Whitefish embarks on a new affordable housing program this week, and we’ll be anxious to see how well developers embrace it.

June 30, 2019 12:42 a.m.

Glacier Twins experience heartbreak in the Bitterroot

HAMILTON — Sunday was an all-around heartbreaker for the Glacier Twins.

June 30, 2019 12:41 a.m.

Kalispell outlasts Lethbridge

Jack Corriveau hit a walkoff double in the bottom of the seventh to score Ryan Symmes and give the Kalispell Lakers an 8-7 American Legion baseball victory over visiting Lethbridge on Sunday.

Saturday, June 29

June 29, 2019 5:10 a.m.

Legals June 29, 2019

No. 26328 Peg L. Allison Clerk of District Court Flathead County Justice Center 920 South Main Street Kalispell, MT 59901 (406) 758-5906 IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE ELEVENTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT OF THE STATE OF MONTANA, IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF FLATHEAD IN THE MATTER OF: B.B.B. YOUTH IN NEED OF CARE. Cause No. DN-19-029(B) CORRECTED SUMMONS FOR PUBLICATION To: Unknown, birth father of the above-named child: YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED that a Petition has been filed in the above-entitled Court by the Montana Department of Public Health and Human Services, Child and Family Services Division, 121 Financial Drive, Suite C, Kalispell, MT 59901, requesting emergency protective services, adjudication of child as a youth in need of care, and temporary legal custody, a determination that preservation/reunification efforts need not be provided, termination of parental rights and permanent legal custody of the above-named child. NOW, THEREFORE, YOU ARE HEREBY DIRECTED to appear on Friday, July 12, 2019, at 9:00 a.m. before the Honorable Robert B. Allison, District Judge, Department 2, Flathead County Justice Center, 920 South Main Street, Third Floor, Kalispell, Flathead County, Montana, then and there to show cause, if any you may have, why the Petition should not be granted. B.B.B. was born on April 5, 2019 in Kalispell, Flathead County, Montana. The birth mother is Amy Birch. You have the right to representation by an attorney in these proceedings. If you are unable to afford an attorney, the Court will appoint an attorney to represent you. Your failure to appear at the hearing constitutes a denial of your interest in the above-named child, which denial may result, without further notice of this proceeding or any subsequent proceedings, in the Court entering judgment by default against you for all relief requested in the Petition. A copy of the Petition is filed with the Clerk of District Court for the Eleventh Judicial District Court in and for Flathead County, 920 South Main, Third Floor, Kalispell, Montana, 59901, telephone (406) 758-5870. WITNESS my hand and Seal of this Court this 25th day of June, 2019. PEG L. ALLISON Clerk of District Court By: /s/ Cassandra M. Loveless Deputy Clerk June 29, July 6, 13, 2019 MNAXLP _________________________

June 29, 2019 4 a.m.

Maybe he was in the mood for a tune

A man riding a bike called the Kalispell Police Department after he rode past a man who was pushing a shopping cart that held two guitars. The caller said he thought it was strange that he didn’t stay on the bike path and turned and headed into the field.

Donald L. Bromley, 93
June 29, 2019 4 a.m.

Donald L. Bromley, 93

Donald L. Bromley passed away on Monday, June 17, 2019, surrounded by his family.

June 29, 2019 4 a.m.

Whitefish council narrowly approves mixed-use project

The Whitefish City Council last week approved plans for a new three-story mixed-use building planned for the corner of Lupfer Avenue and Second Street where a historic home has housed a number of businesses through the years.

Shortage of rental cars linked to increased flights
June 29, 2019 4 a.m.

Shortage of rental cars linked to increased flights

Car-rental agencies in the Flathead Valley are scrambling to accommodate an earlier and heavier influx of seasonal visitors than the area has seen in past years.

June 29, 2019 4 a.m.

Columbia Falls to ask voters for $37 million school bond

The Columbia Falls School Board this week approved a $37 million 20-year bond election to renovate Ruder Elementary School and build an entirely new school at Glacier Gateway.

June 29, 2019 4 a.m.

Kalispell plans build-out of City Hall's top floor

The city of Kalispell plans to spend about $200,000 in the coming budget year to build out the top floor of Kalispell City Hall to provide more office and conference-room space.

Lynne Beauclair, 64
June 29, 2019 4 a.m.

Lynne Beauclair, 64

Lynette Marie Beauclair, a longtime resident of the Flathead Valley, passed away Feb. 25, 2019, enveloped by the enduring love of her family. Knowing the grace and dignity with which she lived her life, it was not surprising to see this continue in full expression following her stage 4 cancer diagnosis approximately a year prior.

Friday, June 28

June 28, 2019 7:24 p.m.

Mountain biker has lion scare on Whitefish Trail

A brief encounter involving a mountain biker and a family group of mountain lions on a forested trail system north of Whitefish on Friday highlights the need to be aware of possible wildlife encounters and to follow safety precautions, wildlife officials warned.

June 28, 2019 7:22 p.m.

Supreme Court to review Montana school choice program

WASHINGTON (AP) — The Supreme Court will consider reviving a Montana program that gives tax credits to people who donate to private-school scholarships. The state’s highest court had struck down the program because it violated the Montana constitution’s ban on state aid to religious organizations.

June 28, 2019 5:10 a.m.

Legals June 28, 2019

No. 26286 PUBLICATION OF NOTICE OF PENDING ATTACHMENT OF A TAX LIEN Notice is hereby given that on July 31, 2019, at 10:00 a.m. the Flathead County Treasurer will attach a property tax lien to property on which the 2018 taxes are delinquent. The delinquent taxes, including penalties, interest, and costs are a lien upon the property and that unless delinquent taxes, penalties, interest, and costs are paid prior to July 31, 2019, a tax lien will be attached and may be assigned to a third party. (MCA 15-17-122). A complete delinquent list of all persons and property in the county now owing taxes, including all city and town property that is delinquent is on file in the office of the Flathead County Treasurer and is open to public inspection and examination. Adele Krantz Flathead County Treasurer 935 1st Ave W Ste T Kalispell MT 59901 (406) 758-5680 June 21, 28, 2019 MNAXLP __________________________

Local firm aims to launch pilot study for tech device
June 28, 2019 4 a.m.

Local firm aims to launch pilot study for tech device

One cliche suggests that attached to every crisis is an opportunity.

June 28, 2019 4 a.m.

Judge: Utility regulators biased against solar projects

HELENA — A state district court judge has concluded that Montana’s Republican-controlled Public Service Commission violated the due process rights of a solar energy company, writing that newspaper guest columns published by commissioners as a rate case was pending constitute evidence of bias.

June 28, 2019 4 a.m.

No headline

Woody Weekend

June 28, 2019 12:33 a.m.

Acharya returns to defend 4th of July golf title

The 83rd annual Earl Hunt Memorial 4th of July Golf Tournament at Whitefish Lake Golf Club begins its three-day run Thursday, July 4th.

Thursday, June 27

Sun Road's rehab celebrated
June 27, 2019 7:45 p.m.

Sun Road's rehab celebrated

Forbes magazine recently described the Going-to-the-Sun Road in Glacier National Park as “America’s most savage and beautiful road.”

Koocanusa expected to remain low this summer
June 27, 2019 11:20 a.m.

Koocanusa expected to remain low this summer

The high water level in Lake Koocanusa this summer will be significantly lower than normal due to an abnormally dry winter and spring.

June 27, 2019 11:07 a.m.

Lake County fatality was medical-related, not traffic accident

A fatality reported in connection with a traffic accident late Tuesday night in Lake County turned out to be something else.

June 27, 2019 5:10 a.m.

Legals June 27, 2019

No. 26292 Montana Eleventh Judicial District Court Flathead County In the Matter of the Name Change of William T. Kupka: William T. Kupka, Petitioner Cause No. DV-19-408B ROBERT B ALLISON Notice of Hearing on Name Change This is notice that Petitioner has asked the District Court for a change of name from William T. Kupka to SuziQ Tracy. The hearing will be on June 26, 2019 at 8:30 a.m. The hearing will be at the Courthouse in Flathead County. Date: May 10, 2019 PEG L. ALLISON Clerk of District Court By: /s/ SARAH ARRIGONI Deputy Clerk of Court June 13, 20, 27, July 4, 2019 MNAXLP _________________________

Cherry harvest a bit late this year
June 27, 2019 4 a.m.

Cherry harvest a bit late this year

By this time next month the Flathead Valley cherry harvest should be in full swing, giving connoisseurs of the luscious fruit the taste they’ve been waiting for all year.

June 27, 2019 4 a.m.

Big Arm easement plan a good collaborative effort

The Big Arm unit of Flathead Lake State Park is a well-used and well-loved park with some of the best views and amenities of any state park in Montana. We’re glad to see two state agencies and the Montana Legislature collaborating on a proposed easement that will preserve Big Arm as a state park in perpetuity.

June 27, 2019 4 a.m.

Where did our flag go?

If you happened past our state capitol last weekend, you would have been in for a surprise. Looking for our state flag, flying proudly over the capitol building, you wouldn’t have found it. Our governor ordered it taken down. Not lowered. Removed. In its place, a flag that represents some of us, but certainly not all of us. A flag that stands for a specific social, moral and political movement that many Montanans find abhorrent, and in direct conflict with their fundamental values, religious and political beliefs. This past weekend, the standard of the LGBT “gay pride” movement replaced the flag of the sovereign state of Montana.

Letters to the editor June 27
June 27, 2019 4 a.m.

Letters to the editor June 27

Currently, the libraries in Bigfork, Columbia Falls, Whitefish, and Kalispell all operate out of facilities provided by the cities, school districts, and building owners for minimal fees.

June 27, 2019 12:21 a.m.

Loeffler named National Coach of the Year for girls track

Susan Loeffler of Bigfork was named the National High School Athletic Coaches Association (NHSACA) National Coach of the Year for girls track on Wednesday evening.

Wednesday, June 26

June 26, 2019 11:49 p.m.

Twins A, Lakers AA post Legion baseball victories

Coby Clark-Dickinson and Chad Queen combined on a 2-hitter and Clark-Dickinson doubled, homered and drove in three runs as the Glacier Twins blanked the Kalispell Lakers 13-0 in Class A American Legion baseball play on Wednesday evening at Griffin Field.

June 26, 2019 11:48 p.m.

Bigfork Pro Rodeo adds another night, more seats

The growing pains associated with the first Bigfork Summer Pro Rodeo last year were pretty painless.

Deck commits early to Griz
June 26, 2019 11:47 p.m.

Deck commits early to Griz

Glacier High School senior Drew Deck has committed to the University of Montana football team for 2020, he announced via Twitter on Tuesday.

June 26, 2019 8:33 p.m.

Kalispell man accused of armed robbery

A Kalispell man has been arrested and charged with several felonies after he allegedly robbed a person and led law enforcement officials on a high-speed chase.

June 26, 2019 7:35 p.m.

911 caller advised of when to make call

A man called 911 about an ongoing issue with his dog that was not an immediate threat to life of property. He was told to call back on a non-emergency line and the man was counseled about misuse of the 911 line by a Kalispell Police Department officer.

Photography program helps vets find light in the darkness
June 26, 2019 7:35 p.m.

Photography program helps vets find light in the darkness

As Christopher Chaffee sets down a hefty Nikon digital camera on the table before him, he makes an observation: “They carry one of these, heavy like a weapon.

Library facility earmarks tossed out of budget
June 26, 2019 7:34 p.m.

Library facility earmarks tossed out of budget

During a public meeting Wednesday morning, one attendee reminded the Flathead County commissioners and dozens of local residents crowded into the meeting room of something former first lady Laura Bush said in regard to public libraries: “I have found the most valuable thing in my wallet to be my library card.”

June 26, 2019 5:10 a.m.

Legals June 26, 2019

No. 26303 Notice of Availability for Public Review of a Programmatic Environmental Assessment for Wildfire Mitigation Projects in the State of Montana Public notification is hereby given by the Department of Homeland Security's Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) that a draft Programmatic Environmental Assessment (PEA) is available for public review. The PEA evaluates wildfire hazard mitigation projects throughout the State of Montana. This notification is provided pursuant to the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act (NHPA), Executive Order (EO) 11988 - Floodplain Management, EO 11990 - Wetland Protection, and agency implementation procedures, including 44 CFR Part 9 and FEMA Directive 108-1. The PEA has been prepared to evaluate the potential impact of the proposed project on the human and natural environment in accordance with NEPA. The purpose of this action is to fund activities that reduce the wildfire hazard in urban interface communities and reduce hazards that may occur in areas that have experienced a wildfire. Pre-fire hazard mitigation activities typically include the creation of defensible space and hazardous fuels reduction and are typically located within 2 miles of at-risk structures. Post-fire hazard mitigation activities typically occur within, or adjacent to, a burn scar. Post-fire hazard mitigation includes a variety of activities that may generally be categorized as soil stabilization, flood reduction, erosion control, or reforestation/reseeding projects. Wildfire hazard mitigation activities are funded under FEMA Hazard Mitigation Assistance (HMA) and other programs, as authorized by the Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act, as amended (Stafford Act). FEMA has determined that the hazard mitigation activities could result in short-term impacts on soils and topography, air quality, visual quality and aesthetics, water quality and water resources, floodplains, wetlands, wild and scenic rivers, vegetation, fish and wildlife, threatened and endangered species, cultural resources, public health and safety, noise, traffic and transportation, public services and utilities, and hazardous materials. Appropriate mitigation measures for the impacts have been described in the PEA and will be implemented in accordance with federal and state law. In the long-term, the hazard mitigation activities would provide benefits to the identified resources by reducing the risk of wildfires and post-fire impacts such as flash flooding, mudslides, and erosion. The draft PEA will be available electronically at the following web site: A public comment period related to the Proposed Action will remain open for 30 days following publication of this notice. Interested parties may submit comments or request additional information by contacting: Daniel Jones Environmental Specialist FEMA Region VIII DFC Building 710, P.O. Box 25267 Denver, Colorado 80225-0267 Email: June 26, 2019 MNAXLP __________________________

Alice M. Fromm, 81
June 26, 2019 4 a.m.

Alice M. Fromm, 81

With heavy hearts we announce the death of Alice M. Fromm, age 81, of Kalispell.

June 26, 2019 4 a.m.

FWP plans Flathead Lake wildlife viewing area

Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks is moving forward with the development of a public wildlife viewing area overlooking the North Shore Wildlife Management Area southeast of Kalispell.

June 26, 2019 4 a.m.

Anglers must turn in Lake Mary Ronan pike

The Montana Fish and Wildlife Commission recently approved an emergency regulation change that requires anglers to turn in any northern pike caught in Lake Mary Ronan.

Grace Jean Sindt Orr, 87
June 26, 2019 4 a.m.

Grace Jean Sindt Orr, 87

Grace Jean Sindt Orr, 87, went to be with the Lord on May 28, 2019, at The HealthCenter in Kalispell.

Smoke from western wildfires boosting health risk for millions
June 26, 2019 4 a.m.

Smoke from western wildfires boosting health risk for millions

BILLINGS — Climate change in the Western U.S. means more intense and frequent wildfires churning out waves of smoke that scientists say will sweep across the continent to affect tens of millions of people and cause a spike in premature deaths.

Leonard Willis Breezee, 85
June 26, 2019 4 a.m.

Leonard Willis Breezee, 85

Leonard Willis Breezee, 85, of Kalispell, passed away peacefully on June 22, 2019, at Kalispell Regional Medical Center.

Fundraiser for specialized vehicle pushes toward goal
June 26, 2019 4 a.m.

Fundraiser for specialized vehicle pushes toward goal

Organizers of a fundraiser are making a last push to raise the final $18,000 needed to assist a Whitefish man in purchasing a vehicle.

June 26, 2019 4 a.m.

No sir, you can't shoot that skunk

The Kalispell Police Department was called when someone saw a skunk running across the parking lot at 3:09 a.m. The caller thought the animal could be rabid and he wanted to know if he could shoot it. He was told to not shoot it and he seemed fine with it.

Allen William Riebe, 88
June 26, 2019 4 a.m.

Allen William Riebe, 88

Allen William Riebe, 88, passed away on June 13, 2019, at the Montana Veterans Home.

Nicholas Charles 'Chuck' Ginnaty, 36
June 26, 2019 4 a.m.

Nicholas Charles 'Chuck' Ginnaty, 36

Nicholas Charles “Chuck” Ginnaty, 36, passed away on June 21, 2019, in Kalispell.

Now is the time to prepare for wildfires
June 26, 2019 4 a.m.

Now is the time to prepare for wildfires

Recent rains notwithstanding, fire season is right around the corner in Northwest Montana and experts want homeowners to start preparing in the event a blaze threatens their properties.

Anna Marie Schlinger Sampson, 65
June 26, 2019 4 a.m.

Anna Marie Schlinger Sampson, 65

Anna Marie Schlinger Sampson, 65, went to be with her Lord and Savior in the early morning hours of June 23, 2019, in Helena, following a short fight with cancer.

Lynne Beauclair, 64
June 26, 2019 4 a.m.

Lynne Beauclair, 64

Lynette Marie Beauclair, a longtime resident of the Flathead Valley, passed away Feb. 25, 2019, enveloped by the enduring love of her family. Knowing the grace and dignity with which she lived her life, it was not surprising to see this continue in full expression following her stage 4 cancer diagnosis approximately a year prior.

Display showcases historic aircraft of World War II
June 26, 2019 4 a.m.

Display showcases historic aircraft of World War II

Aeronautical history comes alive at the Glacier Park International Airport next week as the Wings of Freedom Tour touches down July 3 through July 5. Featuring World War II era planes, the tour provides an opportunity to get up close and learn more about these unique aircraft.

June 26, 2019 4 a.m.

No headline

- Flathead County Water and Sewer District-Evergreen board meets 7 a.m., District Office, 130 Nicholson Drive.

Tuesday, June 25

June 25, 2019 11:56 p.m.

Baseball Kobelt, Hader hurl Twins by Mavs, 8-1, 12-2 in Legion play

WHITEFISH — Forrest Kobelt pitched six strong innings and went 2 for 4 at the plate to drive in two runs as the Glacier Twins topped the Missoula Mavs 8-1 in the first game of a Class A American Legion baseball Western Conference doubleheader on Tuesday evening at Memorial Field.

June 25, 2019 11:56 p.m.

Girls Fastpitch Softball Emeralds Smash Tourney turns 25 this weekend

It may not be the biggest — the Capital City Classic claims that honor — but the Emeralds Smash Tournament this weekend is definitely one of the older ones in Montana and also holds the distinction of attracting a very diverse and talented field each year with girls fastpitch softball teams coming from all over Montana, Canada, and the Pacific Northwest.

June 25, 2019 7:19 p.m.

Authorities identify 3 killed in collision in Lake County

POLSON (AP) — Authorities have released the names of three people who died in a two-vehicle collision in northwestern Montana.

Deal lets luxury ski club keeps its liquor licenses
June 25, 2019 5:31 p.m.

Deal lets luxury ski club keeps its liquor licenses

HELENA — Montana officials won’t pull the liquor licenses of an ultra-exclusive ski resort that counts Bill Gates and Justin Timberlake among its members as part of a $370,000 settlement agreement with Yellowstone Club owners and executives, including one who is a major campaign donor to Gov. Steve Bullock.

June 25, 2019 1:41 p.m.

Legal Notice: Amendments to Swan sites zoning and regs

The Board of Lake County Commissioners will hold a public hearing on Wednesday July 17th, 2019 at 3:00 pm in the Office of the Lake County Commissioners, Room 211of the Lake County Courthouse on the following item:

June 25, 2019 4 a.m.

County considers fiscal year budget of $98.6 million

The Flathead County Commissioners will consider approval of a $98.6 million preliminary expenditure budget for fiscal year 2019 to 2020 during a public meeting Wednesday.

June 25, 2019 4 a.m.

State board OKs Big Arm easement deal

The Montana State Parks and Recreation Board on June 20 unanimously approved a plan to go ahead with the purchase of a permanent recreation easement for the Big Arm unit of Flathead Lake State Park, a step toward ensuring the continued operation of a public recreation site at Big Arm.

June 25, 2019 4 a.m.

ImagineIF campaigns for library facilities

Officials with ImagineIF Libraries have urged the public to take action on recent decisions made by the Flathead County commissioners to decline county ownership of any library facilities and remove the system’s libraries from the county’s capital improvement plan.

June 25, 2019 4 a.m.

Bear expert opposes permits for running events

Grizzly bear expert Chris Servheen takes a dim view of the U.S. Forest Service granting special-use permits for events he says will violate commonly accepted guidelines for safe passage in bear country.

June 25, 2019 midnight

Carpenter, Noctor capture Montana junior golf titles

BILLINGS — Carrie Carpenter of Billings was a wire-to-wire winner at the Montana State Junior Championships at Lake Hills Golf Club.

Monday, June 24

June 24, 2019 5:56 p.m.

Leonard Willis Breezee, 85

Leonard Willis Breezee, 85, died Sunday, June 23, 2019, at The HealthCenter in Kalispell.

June 24, 2019 12:21 p.m.

Three dead in two-vehicle collision in Lake County

Three people, including a Lake County woman, died in a two-vehicle collision in Northwest Montana Monday morning, the Montana Highway Patrol said.

June 24, 2019 4 a.m.

Letters to the editor June 24

Does it bother anyone about the direction of our society when every bear death in the sate of Montana becomes a front-page newspaper article and the lead story in local television news, while there is no commentary whatsoever regarding the daily average of four human fetal abortions performed in Montana over the last few years?

June 24, 2019 4 a.m.

Whitefish street rebuild comes with detour

The Whitefish City Council has selected a construction option for State Park Road that will have traffic detouring through the adjacent neighborhood.

June 24, 2019 4 a.m.

Boy gets early start on driver's ed

A 10-year-old child was seen driving an SUV on U.S. 2 with an older man in the passenger seat, according to Kalispell Police Department logs.

Longtime clerk has led tech quest for court system
June 24, 2019 4 a.m.

Longtime clerk has led tech quest for court system

It’s not always easy being out in front of the pack, but for Peg Allison, the Flathead County Clerk of Court, her forward-thinking has paid big dividends for her staff and the residents of Flathead County and Montana.

Sunday, June 23

Full length of Glacier's Sun Road opens
June 23, 2019 8:44 a.m.

Full length of Glacier's Sun Road opens

The entire 50-mile length of Glacier National Park’s Going-to-the-Sun Road opened to vehicles Sunday morning, allowing visitors to drive to Logan Pass for the first time this year.

June 23, 2019 5:10 a.m.

Legals June 23, 2019

No. 26305 CITY OF COLUMBIA FALLS NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARINGS The Columbia Falls City-County Planning Board will hold a public hearing for the following items at their regular meeting on Tuesday, July 9, 2019 at 6:30 p.m. at the Council Chambers of City Hall, 130 6th Street West, Columbia Falls, Montana. The Columbia Falls City Council will hold a subsequent hearing on August 5, 2019 starting at 7:00 p.m. in the same location. Request for a Subsequent Minor subdivision in the Columbia Falls Planning Jurisdiction for the Woodland Acres subdivision: Michael P. and Maria A Tamburelli are requesting approval of a 2 lot residential subdivision on Riverwood Drive in Columbia Falls. The 1.10 acre property is located 1899 Riverwood Drive and is described as Lot 12A of the Amended Plat of Lot 12, Riverwood Estates and Drift Water Way, River Terrace Estates, Phase 2 in Section 18, Township 30 North, Range 20 West, P.M.M., Flathead County. The parcels are within the City Limits of Columbia Falls and will utilize municipal sewer and water services. Conditional Use Permit Request for a Drive-thru Coffee Stand: Quad Shot LLC is requesting a Conditional Use Permit to place a drive-up Coffee Stand at 270 Nucleus Avenue. The property is a corner lot with access from Nucleus Avenue and A Street WN. The property is zoned CB-2 in the Columbia Falls Zoning Jurisdiction and the zoning regulations require a conditional use permit for drive-up restaurants. The property is described as Lots 10- 15 of Block 128, Columbia Falls Addition#3 in Section 8, Township 30 North, Range 20 West, P.M.M., Flathead County. Condition Use Permit Request for a Six-Plex Apartment Building: Alpine Homes LLC and Ryan Blanchette are requesting a conditional use permit to construct a six-plex apartment building at 10 Diane Road in Columbia Falls. The property is zoned CRA-1 (Residential Apartment) and the zoning requires a CUP to review parking, street improvements, parkland dedication and the like. The property is described as Lot 178 of Hilltop Homes, Section 18, T30N, R20W, P.M.M., Flathead County Persons may testify at the hearing or submit written comments prior to the meeting. Written comment may be sent to Columbia Falls City Hall, Attention: Barb Staaland, City Clerk, 130 6th Street West, Room A, Columbia Falls, MT 59912. For more information call Eric Mulcahy, Columbia Falls City Planner at 755-6481. DATED this 7th day of June, 2019 Susan Nicosia, City Manager/Planning & Zoning Administrator COLUMBIA FALLS CITY-COUNTY PLANNING BOARD June 23, 2019 MNAXLP __________________________

June 23, 2019 4 a.m.

Close the southern border

Trump should close down the southern border until that crisis is completely under control. Otherwise, we may go into an economic recession or even a civil war with those illegal immigrants or possibly even Mexico. Things cannot continue as it has been at the southern border. The numbers just keep increasing there and they are even arriving here from Africa. You think government officials are not up to their eyebrows in the drug trade in this country and the world? When we first went into Afghanistan we made them burn their poppy crops. Now, our own military is guarding their poppy crops. The one-world system is here. George Orwell’s book “1984” is also on the global elite’s agenda.

Equine therapy group reaches out to veterans, first responders
June 23, 2019 4 a.m.

Equine therapy group reaches out to veterans, first responders

There are some things you simply can’t unsee.

Sally Kay  Bertelsen, 51
June 23, 2019 4 a.m.

Sally Kay Bertelsen, 51

Sally Kay Bertelsen, 51, of Kalispell passed away of a pulmonary embolism surrounded by family on Tuesday, June 18, 2019, at KRMC.

June 23, 2019 4 a.m.

Wildlife data must be protected

Montana has for decades been at the forefront of wildlife conservation among states in the West. We have the best hunting and angling in the country, and Montana has long set the standard in hunting ethics.

June 23, 2019 4 a.m.

Collaboration needed to address screen-time issues

From cellphones to computers and tablets to TVs, we’re surrounded by screens these days. There’s no escaping technology, but it was startling to hear local psychiatrist Joe Boyle say that a decade from now we may look back at technology — especially in the education system — like they did with the tobacco industry after realizing the harmful effects of smoking well after the fact.

June 23, 2019 4 a.m.

Montana must protect residents from energy shortage

While California may have a population nearly 40 times greater than Montana, utility consumers are still subject to the same vulnerabilities. With current technology, the best way to protect utility customers from an energy shortage is through an increase in available, reliable, baseload power.

CEO: Union could threaten hospital's independence
June 23, 2019 4 a.m.

CEO: Union could threaten hospital's independence

The possibility of a nurse’s union forming at Kalispell Regional Healthcare is coming to a tipping point as employees gear up to cast their votes on the matter during a two-day union election slated for July 11-12— a fast-approaching resolution hospital officials say could signal an end to the hospital’s independence, should they vote in favor of the union.

No headline
June 23, 2019 4 a.m.

No headline

- Megan Krupp has joined Immanuel Lutheran Communities as resident care coordinator of The Lodge at Buffalo Hill. Krupp began work at Immanuel as a student in Immanuel’s in-house CNA class after which she accepted a position working at The Immanuel Skilled Care Center. She then earned her Licensed Practical Nurse degree in the 2018. Immanuel helped Krupp achieve her education goal by awarding money from the Employee Education Fund every semester as she pursued her license.

Schwab Kurt Eppler, 85
June 23, 2019 4 a.m.

Schwab Kurt Eppler, 85

Proud Schwab Kurt Eppler was a kind and loving gentleman. He loved his Lakeside Montana home of the last 20 years.

Robert T. Borcherdt, 82
June 23, 2019 4 a.m.

Robert T. Borcherdt, 82

With heavy hearts, we announce the death of Navy veteran and longtime Montana resident, Robert T. Borcherdt.

Letters to the editor June 23
June 23, 2019 4 a.m.

Letters to the editor June 23

Proponents of the SEIU nursing union at Kalispell Regional Medical Center appear to be unwilling to give CEO Dr. Craig Lambrecht a chance to correct mistakes made in the fallout from the recent federal settlement. He has been here two months.

June 23, 2019 4 a.m.

Stalker on a mission from 'the government'

An apparently intoxicated woman followed a driver and claimed that “the government” had told her to follow the driver, according to the Kalispell Police Department.

June 23, 2019 4 a.m.


MISSOULA – Slow-growing ponderosa pines may have a better chance of surviving longer than fast-growing ones, especially as climate change increases the frequency and intensity of drought, according to new research from the University of Montana.

June 23, 2019 4 a.m.

No headline

ImagineIF Libraries Director Connie Behe invites the public to a question and answer series about intellectual freedom, censorship and free speech from 6 to 7 p.m. Monday, June 24, in the Oak Room of ImagineIF Kalispell on the second floor.

June 23, 2019 4 a.m.

Trump and the moral decay of democracy

World War III? Think it’s impossible? I’m sure that‘s what they thought in the 30s. The insanity of it all is that we’ve gone stupid and allowed the same ugly beast to embed in the fabric of our society. Color the beast green for greed. We‘re dropping our allies that have helped us keep the world on its axis instead of imploding. We’re replacing them with murderous dictators and tyrants who enslave, torture, and kill their own people. We sell weapons to people who kill journalists and dismember them to hide the truth of what goes on in their regime. As long as money’s involved, we’re willing to sell our soul. All it takes to curry favor with our president is stroke his narcissistic ego.

June 23, 2019 4 a.m.

Reason to celebrate our outdoors this summer

As the long days of summer get into full swing, Montanans and visitors alike have begun to reconnect with our state parks, our one-of-a-kind outdoor recreation experiences, and the cultural treasures that define our state.

Store adds appliances in major remodel
June 23, 2019 4 a.m.

Store adds appliances in major remodel

A month-long remodel of the Kalispell Best Buy store has introduced a completely redesigned layout and household appliances that offer cutting-edge technology.

Christian 'Chris' Levengood, 80
June 23, 2019 4 a.m.

Christian 'Chris' Levengood, 80

Christian “Chris” Levengood was born March 13, 1939 to Mike and Anna Mary Fahn in Balfour, N.D. Chris was the 12th of 13 children. After the passing of his mother when he was 7 years old, his father moved Chris and his youngest brother, Vern to Anaconda.

June 23, 2019 4 a.m.

Simple fixes to bridge the digital divide

Like many areas across rural America, whether it is a student struggling to gain access to online educational resources or a business struggling to make their products or services available online, Montana faces the very real problem of reliable broadband coverage.

Dr. Dolores 'Dee' Krieger, 97
June 23, 2019 4 a.m.

Dr. Dolores 'Dee' Krieger, 97

Dr. Dolores “Dee” Krieger, PhD, Professor Emerita, New York University Division of Nursing, 97, crossed over at 12:50 p.m. Sunday, June 16, 2019, at her home outside of Columbia Falls.

June 23, 2019 4 a.m.

The naked truth about nude recreation

I’m guessing there are plenty of Flathead folks who don’t know about Nude Recreation Week, a weeklong celebration in July that coincides with the second annual International Skinny Dip Day on July 13, when “bare bun fun runs” are among the festivities.

Saturday, June 22

Growing the game
June 22, 2019 10:11 p.m.

Growing the game

The crunch of sharpened skates gliding across a fresh ice sheet.

6 injured in 3-vehicle collision
June 22, 2019 7:40 p.m.

6 injured in 3-vehicle collision

Six people were sent to the hospital following a three-vehicle crash Saturday morning in South Kalispell.

PHOTOS: Hot rods at Big Shindig outside DeSoto Grill
June 22, 2019 6:25 p.m.

PHOTOS: Hot rods at Big Shindig outside DeSoto Grill

Photos from the car show at The Big Shindig outside The DeSoto Grill in Kalispell on Saturday. The Big Shindig features a wide range of classic, custom and unfinished cars as well as live music, barbeque, beer and a pin-up polar plunge. Raffles and an auction benefit Mickayla’s Miracles and Blessings.

June 22, 2019 5:10 a.m.

Legals June 22, 2019

No. 26285 PUBLIC OPPORTUNITY TO PROTEST ONE ORIGINAL NEW MONTANA ALL-ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES LICENSE 180 Vista Enterprises, LLC (Member: Garth M. Wells) has applied for One Original New Montana All-Alcoholic Beverages with Catering Endorsement License No. 07-999-2595-002 to be operated at Marina Cay Resort & Docks, 180 Vista Lane, Bigfork, Flathead County. The public may protest this new license in accordance with the law. Who can protest this transfer? Protests will be accepted from residents of the county of the proposed location (Flathead), residents of adjoining Montana counties (Lincoln, Glacier, Pondera, Teton, Lewis & Clark, Powell, Lake, Sanders), and residents of adjoining counties in another state if the criteria in 16-4-207(4)(d), Montana Code Annotated (MCA), are met. What information must be included? Protest letters must be legible and contain (1) the protestor's full name, mailing address, and street address; (2) the license number (07-999-2595-002) and the applicant's name (180 Vista Enterprises, LLC); (3) an indication that the letter is intended as a protest; (4) a description of the grounds for protesting; and (5) the protestor's signature. A letter with multiple signatures will be considered one protest letter. What are valid protest grounds? The protest may be based on the applicant's qualifications listed in 16-4-401, MCA, or the grounds for denial of an application in 16-4-405, MCA. Examples of valid protest grounds include: (1) the applicant is unlikely to operate the establishment in compliance with the law; (2) the proposed location cannot be properly policed by local authorities; and (3) the welfare of the people in the vicinity of the proposed location will be adversely and seriously affected. How are protests submitted? Protests must be postmarked to the Department of Revenue, Office of Dispute Resolution, P.O. Box 5805, Helena, Montana 59604-5805 on or before July 16, 2019. What happens if the transfer is protested? Depending on the number of protests and the protest grounds, a public hearing will be held in Helena or Bigfork. All valid protestors will be notified of the hearing's time, date and location. Hearings typically are scheduled within 90 days. A protester's hearing testimony is limited to the grounds in the protester's letter. Following the hearing, the Department of Revenue will notify the public whether the license transfer is approved or denied. How can additional information be obtained? The cited MCA statutes are online at Questions may be directed to Patty Kautz, Compliance Specialist for the Department of Revenue's Alcoholic Beverage Control Division, at (406) 444-0017 or June 15, 22, 29, July 6, 2019 MNAXLP __________________________

June 22, 2019 12:10 a.m.

Loggers 3-0 at Big Bucks Tourney

LIBBY — Shayne Walker doubled and drove in two runs and Libby scored two runs in the bottom of the seventh inning to pull out a 4-3 American Legion baseball victory over the Tri-County Cardinals on the third day of the Big Bucks Tournament.

PHOTOS: L.A. Kings Summer Camp-Whitefish at Stumptown Ice Den
June 22, 2019 midnight

PHOTOS: L.A. Kings Summer Camp-Whitefish at Stumptown Ice Den

Photos from the Los Angeles Kings Summer Camp-Whitefish held from June 17-21 at Stumptown Ice Den in Whitefish. Campers received on-ice instruction from L.A. Kings Alumni and L.A. Kings Hockey Development Staff as well as a swag bag, camp jersey, awards and giveaways.

Friday, June 21

Sun Road status ambiguous as weekend starts
June 21, 2019 6:25 p.m.

Sun Road status ambiguous as weekend starts

Two things seemed clear Friday afternoon about the opening date for the Going-to-the-Sun Road: Glacier National Park isn’t inclined to make predictions and the online tool that updates the road’s status would not be available this weekend.

June 21, 2019 5:10 a.m.

Legals June 21, 2019

No. 26286 PUBLICATION OF NOTICE OF PENDING ATTACHMENT OF A TAX LIEN Notice is hereby given that on July 31, 2019, at 10:00 a.m. the Flathead County Treasurer will attach a property tax lien to property on which the 2018 taxes are delinquent. The delinquent taxes, including penalties, interest, and costs are a lien upon the property and that unless delinquent taxes, penalties, interest, and costs are paid prior to July 31, 2019, a tax lien will be attached and may be assigned to a third party. (MCA 15-17-122). A complete delinquent list of all persons and property in the county now owing taxes, including all city and town property that is delinquent is on file in the office of the Flathead County Treasurer and is open to public inspection and examination. Adele Krantz Flathead County Treasurer 935 1st Ave W Ste T Kalispell MT 59901 (406) 758-5680 June 21, 28, 2019 MNAXLP __________________________

June 21, 2019 4 a.m.

Whitefish addresses downtown parking challenges

What would you do if you could wave a magic wand to improve parking challenges in Whitefish?

June 21, 2019 4 a.m.

Libby Ranger District outlines fuels reduction project

The Libby Ranger District recently announced plans to soon start fuels reduction work in the Flower Creek area.

June 21, 2019 4 a.m.

County gets $2.84M to offset federal acreage

Flathead County will receive $2.84 million this year from the federal government under a long-running program that compensates local governments for nontaxable federal land.

June 21, 2019 4 a.m.

Seeley Lake District has new ranger

Quinn Carver intends to fish, hunt, volunteer with the Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation and spend time with his visiting sons in the Lolo National Forest when he’s not working as ranger for the Seeley Lake Ranger District.

June 21, 2019 4 a.m.

Weekend update

Alzheimer’s awareness

June 21, 2019 4 a.m.

Out-of-town mom concerned about daughter's welfare

Someone whose daughter lives in Columbia Falls called from Eureka to report a banging on her daughter’s door and requested that someone check the area, according to the Columbia Falls Police Department.

June 21, 2019 4 a.m.

Herberger's, Cenex sites eyed for new library

Officials with ImagineIF Libraries have their eyes set on two spaces that could potentially become the new home of the Kalispell ImagineIF Library, including the Herberger’s building at the west end of the Kalispell Center Mall.

June 21, 2019 4 a.m.

No headline

Motorists should be aware of a traffic light disruption on U.S. 2 in the Evergreen area.

June 21, 2019 12:26 a.m.

Legion Baseball Loggers top Northern Lakes at Big Bucks Tournament

LIBBY — Quade Anderson and Jeff Offenbecher combined on a 2-hitter and Trey Thompson drove in two runs as the Libby Loggers A improved to 2-0 at its Big Bucks Baseball Tournament Friday evening with a 5-1 victory over Northern Lakes.

Thursday, June 20

Winter weather advisory marks first day of summer
June 20, 2019 7:53 p.m.

Winter weather advisory marks first day of summer

On this first day of summer, it’s beginning to feel a lot like — winter?

June 20, 2019 5:10 a.m.

Legals June 20, 2019

No. 26302 CITY OF COLUMBIA FALLS AUDIT PUBLICATION STATEMENT An audit of the City of Columbia Falls, Flathead County, Montana, has been conducted by Doyle and Associates, P.C. Certified Public Accountants. The audit covered the fiscal year ended June 30, 2018. Montana Code Annotated (MCA) Section 2-7-521 requires the publication of the following summary of Significant Audit Findings. This is only a summary and is not intended to be used as an audit report. Summary of Significant Findings The audit report for the City of Columbia Falls, Flathead County, Montana, for the year ended June 30, 2018 contained the following independent auditor's reports: 1. The independent auditor's report on the City's basic financial statements was unmodified. 2. The independent auditor's report on the City's internal control over financial reporting and on compliance and other matters reported no findings. Public Inspection of Audit Report The audit report is on file in its entirety and can be viewed on the City's website at The audit report is also open to public inspection at City Hall, 130 6th Street West, Room A, Columbia Falls, MT 59912. The City will send a copy of the audit report to any interested person upon request. Barb Staaland City Clerk June 20, 2019 MNAXLP __________________________

Library, county clash over funding new facilities
June 20, 2019 4 a.m.

Library, county clash over funding new facilities

In a recent letter addressed to the director of ImagineIF Libraries, the Flathead County commissioners said they have no intention of owning any library facilities as county property — a decision that may impact the county library system’s goals of launching a new library in Bigfork and eventually moving the Kalispell library to a new location.

June 20, 2019 4 a.m.

Mom accuses son of stealing guns

A Flathead County man is scheduled to appear in court next week on charges he stole guns from his mother and stole two vehicles.

June 20, 2019 4 a.m.

Shirtless man makes off with salad mix

A shirtless man with a blanket draped over him reportedly went to a gas station and shoved salad down his pants and took a box of 5-hour Energy drinks, smashing it on the floor while yelling obscenities before heading northbound on U.S. 93 South.

Letters to the editor June 20
June 20, 2019 4 a.m.

Letters to the editor June 20

In Sunday’s Inter Lake a letter from Janet Walters of Lakeside called attention to the recent exposure of the long running flim-flam perpetrated by the so-called Southern Poverty Law Center that solicits donations based on its supposed tracking and monitoring of “hate groups” — the lion’s share of the proceeds from which support the lavish lifestyle of the SPLC leaders and goes into offshore bank accounts controlled by that leadership.

June 20, 2019 4 a.m.

Flathead Lake at full pool

Energy Keepers Inc., the tribal-owned corporation managing the former Kerr Dam hydroelectric project, reported that Flathead Lake reached full pond on June 13, “just a few days ahead of schedule.”

June 20, 2019 4 a.m.

GOP makes a sound choice in Don 'K'

There was plenty of moving and shaking going on in the Montana Republican Party last week.

June 20, 2019 4 a.m.

Deciding district lines

The entire state of Montana has only one member representing us in the United States House of Representatives. For most of our history we have had two. That changed in 1992 when the 1990 census resulted in Montana’s loss of a Congressional seat in the population-based House of Representatives.

June 20, 2019 12:39 a.m.

Libby rallies by Moscow in Big Bucks opener

LIBBY — A nine-run fifth inning rallied the Libby Loggers to a 15-7 American Legion baseball victory over the Moscow Blue Devils on Thursday evening at the Big Bucks Tournament.

Street: Montana Gatorade girls track athlete of year
June 20, 2019 12:39 a.m.

Street: Montana Gatorade girls track athlete of year

The Daily Inter Lake

Wednesday, June 19

Nursing head to lead Montana Children's
June 19, 2019 7:32 p.m.

Nursing head to lead Montana Children's

Kalispell Regional Medical Center’s Teresa Fisher has traded in her title of chief nursing officer for executive leader over Montana Children’s, according to a press release from the hospital sent late Tuesday.

Jane Fonda to give White House hopeful Gov. Bullock a boost
June 19, 2019 7:31 p.m.

Jane Fonda to give White House hopeful Gov. Bullock a boost

WASHINGTON — Jane Fonda is joining a group of Hollywood power players to host a fundraiser for presidential candidate Steve Bullock on Thursday, a show of support that could lend credibility among Democratic donors to the little-known Montana governor.

June 19, 2019 5:10 a.m.

Legals June 19, 2019

No. 26298 LEGALS AD: Upper Whitefish Road Commercial Lease The Montana DNRC, Stillwater Unit, has received a proposal from Northwest Montana Adventures LLC for development of a commercial lease for year-round recreational equipment rentals and lodging on approximately 6.5 acres of state trust land east of Olney, Montana. The proposed site is situated adjacent to U.S. Highway 93 North and the Upper Whitefish Road in Section 7 of Township 32 north, Range 23 west. The Initial Proposal with map is available for viewing at If you have any questions or comments related to this project, please contact Nicole Stickney at or 406-881-2666 no later than July 16, 2019 to be considered. June 19, 2019 MNAXLP __________________________

June 19, 2019 4 a.m.

Another bear has hankering for chicken

A man called the Columbia Falls Police Department because a 6-foot black bear was in his backyard at a Seventh Street residence trying to get into a chicken coop. The bear later headed toward the river.

June 19, 2019 4 a.m.

Contested races emerge in municipal elections

Municipal elections in November will feature contested races in all three of Flathead County’s incorporated cities.

Parker Konrad Burgess-Corrigan, 17
June 19, 2019 4 a.m.

Parker Konrad Burgess-Corrigan, 17

Parker Konrad Burgess-Corrigan, 17, passed away at his home on May 31, 2019.

Mosquito drone prepares to take flight
June 19, 2019 4 a.m.

Mosquito drone prepares to take flight

Spring in Northwest Montana really is the gift that keeps on giving — lake days become more viable, the Going-to-the-Sun Road works to sheds the last of its snow, bears come out of hibernation, as do ticks and mosquitoes.

Tuesday, June 18

June 18, 2019 1:46 p.m.

State euthanizes chicken-killing grizzlies

Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks captured a pair of young grizzly bears near the north end of Whitefish Lake and euthanized the animals due to food-conditioning, livestock depredation and property damage.

June 18, 2019 5:10 a.m.

Legals June 18, 2019

No. 26284 On June 25th, 2019 at 5:30 p.m., the Bigfork Fire District Board of Trustees will hold a meeting at the Bigfork Fire Hall, located at 810 Grand Dr. Bigfork, MT to discuss the preliminary budget. Any taxpayer or resident may appear at the meeting and be heard for or against any part of the proposed budget. After the Bigfork Fire District Board of Trustees has completed its preliminary annual budget for Fiscal Year 2020, the Fiscal Year 2020 budget will be placed on file and will be open to inspection in the Flathead County Finance Department. On August 27th, 2019 at 5:30 p.m., the Bigfork Fire District Board of Trustees will hold a meeting at the Bigfork Fire Hall, located at 810 Grand Dr. Bigfork, MT, to approve the final budget. Any taxpayer or resident may appear at the meeting and be heard for or against any part of the proposed budget or budget amendment. June 13, 18, 2019 MNAXLP __________________________

June 18, 2019 4 a.m.

Fish kill Ok'd for three Glacier Park bodies of water

The National Park Service Intermountain Region has approved Glacier National Park’s proposal to use poison to kill non-native Yellowstone cutthroat trout from three bodies of water in Glacier National Park.

June 18, 2019 4 a.m.

State commission considers northern pike kill order

The Montana Fish & Wildlife Commission will vote on a kill-order measure for northern pike in Lake Mary Ronan at its meeting June 18-19 in Helena.

June 18, 2019 4 a.m.

54-unit housing complex planned in Whitefish

More apartment housing is planned in Whitefish, this time with 54 apartments planned in two buildings on Skyles Place.

June 18, 2019 4 a.m.

No headline

- AARP Driver Safety Course, 8:30-11 a.m. and 1-3 p.m., Polson Area Senior Center; $20 fee ($15 for AARP card-holding members.) Call 883-4735.

Glacier Park website has real-time updates
June 18, 2019 4 a.m.

Glacier Park website has real-time updates

Visitors headed to Glacier National Park now can get immediate updates for parking and campground availability, as well as current weather conditions and area closures.

June 18, 2019 4 a.m.

Grizzly bear meeting set for June 25 in Missoula

The Interagency Grizzly Bear Committee is scheduled to meet Tuesday, June 25, in Missoula for its biannual meeting.

Monday, June 17

June 17, 2019 10:23 p.m.

Kalispell man injured in Gallatin County fall

According to the Gallatin County Sheriff’s Office, a 23-year-old Kalispell man was injured in a fall Saturday.

June 17, 2019 8:53 p.m.

Haslam to serve as FCS ADA President

CLEVELAND – The Division I Football Championship Subdivision Athletics Directors Association (FCS ADA) has selected Kent Haslam, director of athletics at the University of Montana, to serve as President for the 2019-20 membership year.

June 17, 2019 6:08 p.m.

Lakers down Billings Royals

Claim two of three games in series

June 17, 2019 4:44 p.m.

Three grizzlies killed by trains

Three grizzly bears were killed by trains near Glacier National Park in the Marias Pass area recently.

Montana State Auditor Matt Rosendale announces US House run
June 17, 2019 2:56 p.m.

Montana State Auditor Matt Rosendale announces US House run

HELENA — Montana Republicans’ 2020 election lineup shuffled again Monday after U.S. Rep. Greg Gianforte decided to run for governor instead of re-election, with State Auditor Matt Rosendale jumping into the now-open House race seven months after failing to unseat U.S. Sen. Jon Tester.

Don Kaltschmidt elected Montana GOP chairman
June 17, 2019 2:54 p.m.

Don Kaltschmidt elected Montana GOP chairman

Whitefish businessman Don Kaltschmidt was been elected as chairman of the Montana Republican Party, the Montana GOP announced Monday morning.

June 17, 2019 4 a.m.

No headline

- Crown of the Continent Research Learning Center Park brown bag seminar with John Fraley, author of the “Rangers, Trappers and Trailblazers,” noon to 1 p.m., West Glacier Community Building, Glacier Park. Free. Open to public. Call 888-5827.

June 17, 2019 4 a.m.

Whitefish budget expands to cover capital projects

The Whitefish City Council will hold a public hearing tonight on a $53.5 million preliminary budget for the coming fiscal year that exceeds last year’s budget by about $9.2 million.

June 17, 2019 4 a.m.

Kalispell council to hear improvement district reports

July 1 hearing planned for $78.8M preliminary budget

June 17, 2019 4 a.m.

Children riding bicycles accused of being threat to public safety

Someone was disgruntled about children riding bicycles in the roadway because they were purportedly blocking traffic when they didn’t move out of the way for vehicles. The person wanted Kalispell Police Department to talk to their parents about the supposed public safety issue. The person was advised the children were playing in a common area and that they could take the issue up with the landlord.

Military, outdoors shape life for businesswoman
June 17, 2019 4 a.m.

Military, outdoors shape life for businesswoman

When growing up, family vacations to Lexi Woods and her six siblings entailed becoming better acquainted with nature of Duluth, Minnesota, during lengthy camping expeditions.

June 17, 2019 4 a.m.

Letters to the editor June 17

With apologies to Thomas Sowell, here are some miscellaneous thoughts on the passing scene:

Sunday, June 16

June 16, 2019 9:32 p.m.

No headline

Kaitlyn Peterson, daughter of Nick and Kori Peterson of Libby, was born May 16 at Kalispell Regional Medical Center. She weighed 7 pounds, 15 ounces and was 21 inches long.

Harold Kenneth 'Dusty' Miller, 86
June 16, 2019 7:27 p.m.

Harold Kenneth 'Dusty' Miller, 86

Harold Kenneth “Dusty” Miller passed away Wednesday, June 12, 2019, at his home.

PHOTOS: Robin Street Memorial Family Fishing Day
June 16, 2019 1:10 p.m.

PHOTOS: Robin Street Memorial Family Fishing Day

Photos from the Robin Street Memorial Family Fishing Day hosted by Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks at Pine Grove Pond in Kalispell on Saturday.

How President Trump is delivering results on drug prices
June 16, 2019 4 a.m.

How President Trump is delivering results on drug prices

Just over a year ago, President Trump and his health secretary, Alex Azar, stood in the Rose Garden at the White House and told the American people they were going to start putting American patients first and lower prescription drug prices. The President announced a bold blueprint that would make good on this promise.

June 16, 2019 4 a.m.

Playing politics with public lands

Senator Steve Daines is playing politics with our public lands.

June 16, 2019 4 a.m.

Business news

The Kalispell Chamber of Commerce’s next free Thinking Thursday session will focus on cybersecurity, from 8:30 to 10 a.m. Thursday, June 20, in the Kalispell Chamber conference room.

Ralph (Skip) Townsend Mancill, 91
June 16, 2019 4 a.m.

Ralph (Skip) Townsend Mancill, 91

Ralph (Skip) Townsend Mancill, 91, passed away Monday, June 10, 2019 at the Lake View Care Center in Bigfork.

June 16, 2019 4 a.m.

Political purity has its downsides

Ideological purity and consistency of opinion over time are two standards to which many Americans want to hold their political candidates.

June 16, 2019 4 a.m.

Building permits on file


Bonnie May Ulrich, 97
June 16, 2019 4 a.m.

Bonnie May Ulrich, 97

A happy family is but an earlier heaven. The mountains followed their mirror twins along the Montana landscape, one cutting across the blue of the sky and the other that of Flathead Lake. The thick tree line at their base was the only demarcation. It quietly told the secret of where sediment ended and the clear waters of the lake began. God had always been a master painter, and the land of her birth was no exception. It was a sight that often made Bonnie May Ulrich’s breath catch in her throat. Breath-taking was not just a sentiment, but a truth she had lived every day since her birth on March 21, 1922. Kalispell had borne her, raised her up through mud pies and scraped knees, taught her about majesty and wonder, instilled in her pride of place and encouraged her military service, and eventually helped her heart pair its journey to that of William Ulrich. If family is one of nature’s masterpieces, then nature had perfected its artistry when their children came along. It certainly couldn’t make the clay painted landscapes of the Badlands, the gleaming peaks of the shining mountains, or the winding way of Going-to-the-Sun any better. The gifts Montana had given Bonnie, the life she had lived, the wonders she had known, were as close to perfection as anything could be. She had spent every day knowing the splendor in the grass and the glory in the flower.

Gun Club focuses on shooting skills
June 16, 2019 4 a.m.

Gun Club focuses on shooting skills

Across from Swan Lake and east of Montana 83, the Bigfork Gun Club is tucked more than 3 miles into the woods.

Schools, parents ask how much is too much?
June 16, 2019 4 a.m.

Schools, parents ask how much is too much?

Joe Boyle, a psychiatrist with The Newman Center in Kalispell, said 10 years from now people may look back at technology — especially in the education system — like they did the cigarette industry after realizing smoking isn’t cool or healthy, with regret for making something potentially ruinous so mainstream.

Letters to the editor June 16
June 16, 2019 4 a.m.

Letters to the editor June 16

It’s a sad day for the Daily Inter Lake when the front page headline article (June 9) references the Southern Poverty Law Center as a source of authority for news. I wonder if the journalist who authored the article was aware of recent scandalous issues unfolding at SPLC.

June 16, 2019 4 a.m.

Opportunistic thief makes off with Subaru

A man called the Kalispell Police Department to report someone had stolen his 1997 Subaru Legacy. Despite the age of the vehicle, it was a prime candidate for theft due to the fact it was left unlocked and running. The driver left his mom’s cellphone number because his was left in the car.

June 16, 2019 4 a.m.

Thoughts about neighbors and fences

If I had to choose sides regarding neighbors and fences, I’d side with the narrator in Robert Frost’s poem “Mending Wall.” While he and his neighbor go about their annual ritual repairing together the stone wall between their properties, the narrator questions the need for a wall at all, to which his neighbor replies, “Good fences make good neighbors.”

Marlene Marie Henke Koenig Toepke, 83
June 16, 2019 4 a.m.

Marlene Marie Henke Koenig Toepke, 83

Marlene passed away peacefully in the early morning hours of May 26, 2019, surrounded by her family.

Vera Jarrett, 90
June 16, 2019 4 a.m.

Vera Jarrett, 90

Vera Jarrett, 90, passed away on June 13, 2019.

Richard T. Immel, 82
June 16, 2019 4 a.m.

Richard T. Immel, 82

Richard “Dick” Immel succumbed to cancer on June 5, 2019, at the age of 82 in Kalispell.

Jack K. Fletcher, 92
June 16, 2019 4 a.m.

Jack K. Fletcher, 92

Jack K. Fletcher of Whitefish passed away peacefully on June 8, 2019, surrounded by family and friends. He was 92.

June 16, 2019 4 a.m.

No headline

- Lone Pine State Park BioBlitz 8 a.m. to noon. Registration required. Call 755-2706, ext. 0 or ext. 4.

Columbia Falls family fishing pond opens Tuesday
June 16, 2019 4 a.m.

Columbia Falls family fishing pond opens Tuesday

A ceremony to dedicate and celebrate the new fish pond at River’s Edge Park in Columbia Falls is from 4 to 7 p.m. Tuesday, June 18.

New Bigfork store focuses on local products
June 16, 2019 4 a.m.

New Bigfork store focuses on local products

A combination of broken ribs, a badly fractured leg, a medevac helicopter ride, three days in intensive care and fatherhood convinced Chris Evans to abandon the often dangerous work of logging.

Gary Dean Pelton, 59
June 16, 2019 4 a.m.

Gary Dean Pelton, 59

Gary Dean Pelton, 59, passed away on Wednesday, June 5, 2019, at HealthCenter Northwest in Kalispell.

June 16, 2019 4 a.m.

Valley keeps pushing back on hate

Northwest Montana’s recent history with hatred and extremism can be best described as erratic.

June 16, 2019 12:40 a.m.

No headline

Saturday, June 15

June 15, 2019 8:25 p.m.

Second deer in Libby suspected to have chronic wasting disease

A sample from a second white-tailed deer in Libby is suspected positive for chronic wasting disease, Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks said late Friday in a press release.

Crowding expected this weekend on Sun Road
June 15, 2019 5:20 p.m.

Crowding expected this weekend on Sun Road

Heavy traffic is likely along the west side of Glacier National Park’s Going-to-the-Sun Road this weekend, park officials warned Friday.

June 15, 2019 5:10 a.m.

Legals June 15, 2019

No. 26276 NOTICE OF PASSAGE OF RESOLUTION OF INTENTION RURAL WHITEFISH ZONING DISTRICT The Board of Commissioners of Flathead County, Montana hereby gives notice, pursuant to Section 76-2-205(5), M.C.A., that it passed a resolution of intention (Resolution No. 2417L) on May 29, 2019 to change the zoning designation in a portion of the Rural Whitefish Zoning District from R-2.5 (Rural Residential) / HO (Highway Overlay) to B-4 (Secondary Business) / HO (Highway Overlay). The boundaries of the area proposed to be amended from R-2.5 (Rural Residential) / HO (Highway Overlay) to B-4 (Secondary Business) / HO (Highway Overlay) are described as: A tract of land located in the Southwest Quarter of the Northeast Quarter and the Northwest Quarter of the Southeast Quarter of Section 12, Township 30 North, Range 22 West, P.M.M., Flathead County, Montana. Tract 1 of Certificate of Survey No. 15003. The regulations defining the R-2.5, HO, and B-4 zones are contained in the Flathead County Zoning Regulations, on file for public inspection at the Office of the Board of Commissioners, 800 South Main, Room 302, Kalispell, Montana, at the Flathead County Planning and Zoning Office, 40 11th Street West, Kalispell, Montana, and online at: Documents related to the proposed zone change are also on for file for public inspection at the Office of the Board of Commissioners and at the County Planning and Zoning Office. For thirty (30) days after the first publication of this notice, the Board of Commissioners will receive written protests to the change proposed for a portion of the Rural Whitefish Zoning District from persons owning real property within Flathead County whose names appear on the last completed assessment roll of Flathead County and who either are registered voters in Flathead County or execute and acknowledge their protests before a notary public. DATED this 29th day of May, 2019. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Flathead County, Montana By: /s/ Philip B. Mitchell Philip B. Mitchell, Chairman June 8, 15, 2019 MNAXLP __________________________

June 15, 2019 1:17 a.m.

Lakers AA drop 1st game of DH to Billings Royals AA

The Kalispell Lakers AA scored nine runs in the fourth inning and led 13-8 after six in the second game of a doubleheader against the Billings Royals AA at Griffin Field late Saturday evening.

June 15, 2019 1:14 a.m.

Montana rallies to win Badlands Bowl

MILES CITY — Jesse Owens of Billings West had three second-half touchdown receptions, two from quarterback Kris Brown of Bozeman, as Montana rallied for a 41-14 victory over North Dakota in the 26th annual Knights of Columbus Badlands Bowl football game on Saturday evening.

Friday, June 14

Judge declares mistrial as jury deadlocks
June 14, 2019 8:05 p.m.

Judge declares mistrial as jury deadlocks

In a stunning conclusion in the murder trial of a Northwest Montana man accused of killing his boyfriend last summer, Flathead County District Court Judge Robert Allison declared a mistrial late Friday after learning the jury was deadlocked.

Hung jury: Judge declares mistrial in Lamb case
June 14, 2019 6:50 p.m.

Hung jury: Judge declares mistrial in Lamb case

In a stunning conclusion in the murder trial of a Northwest Montana man accused of killing his boyfriend last summer, Flathead County District Court Judge Robert Allison declared a mistrial late Friday after learning the jury was deadlocked.

Group of KRH nurses file for union recognition
June 14, 2019 3:57 p.m.

Group of KRH nurses file for union recognition

A group of nurses hand-delivered a note to the hospital’s chief executive officer on Thursday, detailing union representation by Service Employees International Union Healthcare 1199NW and pressing for hospital officials to “recognize the union,” according to a press release from the hospital.

June 14, 2019 2:52 p.m.

Head-on crash kills woman in Lake County

A 95-year-old Butte woman died in a head-on traffic crash Wednesday evening in Lake County.

June 14, 2019 5:10 a.m.

Legals June 14, 2019

No. 26278 INVITATION FOR BIDS LEASE OF STATE LANDS Sealed bids will be accepted by the Montana Department of Natural Resources and Conservation, Ag & Grazing Management Bureau, P.O. Box 201601, Helena, Montana 59620, through June 21, 2019 for a 10-year forest grazing license on the following described lands in Flathead County. Portions of Lot's 3 & 5 SE4NW4, South of the US HWY 93 and West of State HWY 424: T30N R22W Section 5, containing 45.70 acres of grazing land. The minimum bid rate is $235.80 based on a grazing carrying capacity of 18 AUMS at a rate of $13.10 per AUM. By law all bids in order to be considered valid must include a deposit in the form of a certified check, cashiers check or money order in the amount equal to 100% of the amount bid for grazing, plus a non-refundable lease application fee of $25.00. In order to be considered, all bids must be accompanied with a completed application to lease state lands. The State Board of Land Commissioners reserves the right to reject any and all bids. Bid forms may be obtained from the Department at the above address or in person at 1539 11th Avenue, Helena or by calling 406-444-4951 Ag & Grazing Management Bureau Montana DNRC June 8, 14, 2019 MNAXLP __________________________

June 14, 2019 4 a.m.

Kalispell equestrian event needs volunteers

Volunteer recruitment is underway for The Event at Rebecca Farm equestrian competition in Kalispell. A range of opportunities are available from July 24 to 28.

Edna M. Ridenour, 103
June 14, 2019 4 a.m.

Edna M. Ridenour, 103

Edna M. Ridenour, 103, passed away June 10, 2019, in the company of her family. She began her 103 trips around the sun on May 5, 1916, in Pueblo, Colorado.

June 14, 2019 4 a.m.

Weekend update

Flag Day

June 14, 2019 4 a.m.

Idaho investment adviser accused of bilking Montanans

Prosecutors from the Montana State Auditor’s Office have filed several felony fraud charges against an Idaho man who they say bilked several Northwest Montanans out of more than $1 million over the last four years.

June 14, 2019 4 a.m.

Tidy yards must include neighbors, too

A Columbia Falls resident called to complain about weeds and garbage in her neighbor’s yard, but a check of the property revealed no weeds or extremely long grass. There were children’s toys and bikes in the yard, according to the Columbia Falls Police Department. The caller’s main complaint was that she pays to have her yard cared for, but no one else does.

Reward increased for missing CSKT woman
June 14, 2019 4 a.m.

Reward increased for missing CSKT woman

The Confederated Salish and Kootenai Tribes’ Tribal Council is offering a $10,000 reward for information regarding a woman who has been missing for almost a year.

June 14, 2019 4 a.m.

PowerHouse Flathead looks at women's challenges

Jen Euell, program director for the Women’s Foundation of Montana, will lead a PowerHouse Flathead meeting and listening session June 27 to learn what the challenges women and girls face in the Flathead Valley, how those challenges affect the community, and what resources and tools are needed to affect change.

Thursday, June 13

Couple express concerns about Crystal Cedar Project
June 13, 2019 7:46 p.m.

Couple express concerns about Crystal Cedar Project

Sarah Jones leans toward optimism. Josh Gleason describes himself as a realistic pessimist.

Jury still deliberating in Lamb murder case
June 13, 2019 7:46 p.m.

Jury still deliberating in Lamb murder case

Jurors are scheduled to be back in Flathead County District Court Friday morning for a second day of deliberations after they didn’t settle on a verdict Thursday in the Ryan Lamb murder trial.

Letters to the editor June 10
June 13, 2019 2:54 p.m.

Letters to the editor June 10

Every year businesses and organizations devote countless hours and support to Special Olympics. All Montana law enforcement departments cover miles in the Torch Run, serve tables in Tip A Cop, and hang medals on the athlete’s necks at the award ceremonies.

June 13, 2019 12:12 p.m.

$260,000 in grants awarded for film production in Montana

HELENA – Gov. Steve Bullock today announced $260,000 in grant awards for productions filming in Montana, which create jobs for Montana crew, support Main Street businesses and inspire viewers to visit.

Bigfork author Leslie Budewitz cooks up new mystery novel
June 13, 2019 12:12 p.m.

Bigfork author Leslie Budewitz cooks up new mystery novel

Add a little spice, a feisty female protagonist and a dash of murder, and you’ve got the perfect recipe for one of award-winning local author Leslie Budewitz’s best-selling cozy mysteries.

Feat x Feet's annual summer show on tap
June 13, 2019 12:12 p.m.

Feat x Feet's annual summer show on tap

Whitefish local Feat x Feet youth tap ensemble will be performing its annual summer show Friday, June 21, at the O’Shaughnessy Center in Whitefish.

'The Hound of the Baskervilles' promises hilarity, suspense
June 13, 2019 12:12 p.m.

'The Hound of the Baskervilles' promises hilarity, suspense

Sir Arthur Conan Doyle’s most celebrated Sherlock Holmes story “The Hound of the Baskervilles” gets a gloriously funny makeover in the riotous adaptation by Alpine Theatre Project.

June 13, 2019 12:12 p.m.

Weekly events June 13-19


Nat Keefe tells of the mountains that made the men and their music
June 13, 2019 12:11 p.m.

Nat Keefe tells of the mountains that made the men and their music

Twenty years has gone by in no time for the band Hot Buttered Rum.

Pence addresses Montana meth problem, headlines fundraiser
June 13, 2019 12:11 p.m.

Pence addresses Montana meth problem, headlines fundraiser

BILLINGS, Mont. (AP) — Vice President Mike Pence pushed a combination of tough law enforcement and treatment for addicts to combat Montana's methamphetamine crisis, during a Wednesday visit to the state that was also aimed at raising campaign cash for fellow Republican Sen. Steve Daines.

June 13, 2019 5:10 a.m.

Legals June 13, 2019

No. 26284 On June 25th, 2019 at 5:30 p.m., the Bigfork Fire District Board of Trustees will hold a meeting at the Bigfork Fire Hall, located at 810 Grand Dr. Bigfork, MT to discuss the preliminary budget. Any taxpayer or resident may appear at the meeting and be heard for or against any part of the proposed budget. After the Bigfork Fire District Board of Trustees has completed its preliminary annual budget for Fiscal Year 2020, the Fiscal Year 2020 budget will be placed on file and will be open to inspection in the Flathead County Finance Department. On August 27th, 2019 at 5:30 p.m., the Bigfork Fire District Board of Trustees will hold a meeting at the Bigfork Fire Hall, located at 810 Grand Dr. Bigfork, MT, to approve the final budget. Any taxpayer or resident may appear at the meeting and be heard for or against any part of the proposed budget or budget amendment. June 13, 18, 2019 MNAXLP __________________________

June 13, 2019 4 a.m.

Fate of Big Arm state park in question

In an effort to avoid an annual lease payment as high as $600,000 for the Big Arm unit of Flathead Lake State Park, Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks is recommending the agency purchase a permanent recreation easement that could cost as much as $12 million.

June 13, 2019 4 a.m.

Letters to the editor June 12

I live in Heritage Place nursing home and write with words of praise and gratitude for everyone here who helps me live my life as fully as possible.

June 13, 2019 4 a.m.

Adequate funding needed for addiction recovery services

For nearly 45 years, the Flathead Valley Chemical Dependency Clinic has served the region by providing critical addiction recovery services.

June 13, 2019 4 a.m.

Let's protect Montana's aging population

We have to act together to stop abuse of older Montanans. June 15 is Elder Abuse Awareness Day, a perfect time to focus on how we can stop this all too common, unconscionable crime.

Marilyn H. (Slaney) Mason, 85
June 13, 2019 4 a.m.

Marilyn H. (Slaney) Mason, 85

Marilyn H. (Slaney) Mason passed away peacefully on Monday, June 10, 2019, at Good Samaritan Mountain View Manor in Eureka. She was born on Sept. 24, 1933, in Los Angeles to William and Hazel (Robbe) Slaney. She was the oldest of eight children. The young family moved to Eureka in 1934 where she started school at Roosevelt Elementary and eventually graduated from Lincoln County High School in 1952.

June 13, 2019 4 a.m.

Whitefish residents decry sewer plant odor

Mark Owens said the foul odor wafting from the Whitefish wastewater treatment facility was unbearable for most of the month of May.

June 13, 2019 4 a.m.

Plot thickens in flower-pot whodunit

Six hanging flower pots were reportedly stolen from various locations on Main Street in Kalispell. The plot of the missing pots thickened when a later call came in from someone on U.S. 93 who told Flathead County Sheriff’s Office they saw a Facebook posting of the missing flowers and that a woman had sold them two of the hanging pots for $15 each. The caller then claimed the flowers they purchased had “already been stolen again.”

Force U11 boys a family affair
June 13, 2019 12:46 a.m.

Force U11 boys a family affair


June 13, 2019 12:40 a.m.

Big Sky Martial Arts Arndt, Pesola, Herzog, Heino, Nelson double winners at state taekwondo

Black belts Cheyanne Arndt and Brett Pesola, senior blue belt Joshua Herzog, yellow belt Lander Heino and white belt Grahme Nelson were double winners (first in forms and sparring) for Big Sky Martial Arts at the Montana State Taekwondo Championships at Glacier High School on May 18th.

June 13, 2019 12:40 a.m.

Schwager, Twins A belt Loggers twice

LIBBY — Jack Schwager had seven hits in nine plate appearances and drove in five runs for the Glacier Twins A in an American Legion baseball doubleheader sweep of the Libby Loggers on Thursday, 13-0 and 11-0.

Wednesday, June 12

June 12, 2019 7:22 p.m.

Testimony concludes in Lamb murder trial

Testimony ended on the eighth day of the Ryan Lamb murder trial Wednesday in Flathead County District Court.

June 12, 2019 4:18 p.m.

Teen charged with DUI in fatal Glacier Park crash

A 40-year-old man died and another passenger suffered injuries in a single-vehicle rollover in Glacier National Park that occurred either late Tuesday or early Wednesday, according to a news release from the park.

June 12, 2019 5:10 a.m.

Legals June 12, 2019

No. 26273 MONTANA ELEVENTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT COURT, FLATHEAD COUNTY In re the Parenting of: Tate Carriveau, Petitioner, and Elizabeth Selders, Respondent Cause No.: DR 13-615C HEIDI J ULBRICHT SUMMONS FOR PUBLICATION THE STATE OF MONTANA SENDS GREETINGS TO THE ABOVE-NAMED PETITIONER: You, the Petitioner, are hereby summoned to answer the Petition in this action, which is filed with the Clerk of this Court, a copy of which is herewith served upon you, and to file your answer and serve a copy thereof upon the Respondent within twenty-one (21) days after service of this Summons, exclusive of the day of service; and in case of your failure to appear or answer, judgment will be taken against you for the relief demanded in the Petition. This action is brought to establish a permanent parenting plan for the minor child(ren). DATED this 31st day of May, 2019 /s/ PEG L ALLISON Clerk of Court /s/ Rachael C Mitchell Deputy Clerk June 5, 12, 18, 2019 MNAXLP __________________________

June 12, 2019 4 a.m.

Chemical dependency clinic dissolving

The Flathead Valley Chemical Dependency Clinic is dissolving on June 21 after nearly 45 years of providing a wide scope of vital addiction recovery services, including addiction counseling and assessments.

Sandra 'Sandy' Anne (Hewitt) Sutherland, 75
June 12, 2019 4 a.m.

Sandra 'Sandy' Anne (Hewitt) Sutherland, 75

Sandra “Sandy” Anne (Hewitt) Sutherland, of Columbia Falls, died unexpectedly May 23, 2019, in her home.

June 12, 2019 4 a.m.

Murder suspect spars with prosecutor

A Flathead Valley man accused of killing his boyfriend verbally sparred with one of the attorneys who is prosecuting him for deliberate homicide Tuesday morning in Flathead County District Court.

Betty Mae (Bush) LaCroix, 92
June 12, 2019 4 a.m.

Betty Mae (Bush) LaCroix, 92

Betty Mae (Bush) LaCroix, 92, passed away peacefully on June 7, 2019, at the Immanuel Lutheran home in Kalispell with her family by her side.

Janette Terwey Neu, 83
June 12, 2019 4 a.m.

Janette Terwey Neu, 83

Janette Terwey Neu died peacefully surrounded by family in Bigfork on June 10, 2019, the 65th anniversary of her wedding to Donald Neu.

June 12, 2019 12:18 a.m.

No headline

The Daily Inter Lake

June 12, 2019 12:18 a.m.

Youth Soccer State Showcase Tournament at Kidsports Complex

It’s another super soccer weekend at Kidsports Complex with the State Showcase Tournament on Saturday and Sunday for U10, U11 and U12 boys and girls teams.

June 12, 2019 12:18 a.m.

Three Glacier players, 2 from Flathead, will play in Badlands Bowl

Glacier and Flathead high schools will be well represented at the Knights of Columbus Badlands Bowl football game on Saturday in Miles City.

Lakers A take 2 from Bandits
June 12, 2019 12:17 a.m.

Lakers A take 2 from Bandits

A 12-run second inning helped the Kalispell Lakers A fly by the Cranbrook Bandits A 21-8 in the first game of an American Legion baseball doubleheader on Wednesday evening at Griffin Field.

Tuesday, June 11

Massive cleanup underway at Marion property
June 11, 2019 12:36 p.m.

Massive cleanup underway at Marion property

A massive cleanup project is underway at a private residence in Marion where government agencies have been working toward cleanup for close to a dozen years.

June 11, 2019 4 a.m.

House move to impact some electric customers

Beginning at approximately 9:30 a.m. on Thursday, June 13, some members of Flathead Electric Cooperative in the Columbia Falls areas of Chub Lane, Witty Lane and Tamarack Lane may experience an interruption in electrical service due to a two-stage house relocation from Columbia Falls to Kalispell. Movers are planning to transport the 24-foot structure to Half Moon Road in the morning, where it will be parked until transporting resumes at 10 p.m. to avoid interfering with daytime traffic patterns.

Defendant takes the stand in homicide trial
June 11, 2019 4 a.m.

Defendant takes the stand in homicide trial

The Kalispell man accused of stabbing his boyfriend to death at a Two Mile Drive apartment last summer took the stand Monday in his defense in Flathead County District Court.

June 11, 2019 4 a.m.

Life's 'terrific,' extra patrol requested

Someone on Beach Road in Bigfork requested extra patrol from the Flathead County Sheriff’s Office “just to keep the peace.” Other than that “things were terrific.”

June 11, 2019 4 a.m.

Inter Lake wins awards in state newspaper contest

The Daily Inter Lake won 16 awards in 2019 Better Newspaper Contest. The awards were presented at the annual Montana Newspaper Association convention held over the weekend in Big Sky.

June 11, 2019 12:26 a.m.

Mavs AA rally by Lakers AA in Legion baseball

MISSOULA — A four-run sixth inning gave the Missoula Mavericks a 6-4 Class AA American Legion baseball victory Tuesday evening over the Kalispell Lakers.

Monday, June 10

Family and consumer sciences teacher combines creativity with basic skills
June 10, 2019 12:43 p.m.

Family and consumer sciences teacher combines creativity with basic skills

Sewing on a button, cracking an egg, cooking from a recipe, and shopping on a budget is often a first-time experience in Karen Strong’s family and consumer sciences classroom at Kalispell Middle School.

June 10, 2019 4 a.m.

Woman asks police to do duck crossing detail

A woman claimed she was told that an officer would assist a duck with ducklings cross the highway safely. She told Kalispell Police Department the duck and ducklings were crossing the road, which supposedly stopped traffic. She said the duck was “in distress trying to move the baby ducklings.” Once the ducklings were on First Avenue East she requested animal control respond to “help them get water.”

Sunday, June 9

June 9, 2019 9:04 p.m.

No headline

Marik Joel Waatti, son of Steve and Heather Waatti of Whitefish, was born April 29 at North Valley Hospital.

Study reveals extremist groups' inability to gain foothold in Northwest Montana
June 9, 2019 7:54 p.m.

Study reveals extremist groups' inability to gain foothold in Northwest Montana

Like many other communities across America, the Flathead Valley has experienced periodic incidents linked to hatred and extremism, but a report and new tracking map from a national legal advocacy organization show most local designated hate groups share one telling trait: they eventually fizzle out.

June 9, 2019 5:10 a.m.

Legals June 9, 2019

No. 26258 NOTICE OF HEARING ON PROPOSED FY18-19 BUDGET AMENDMENT NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Board of County Commissioners of Flathead County, Montana intends to amend the budget for the 2018-2019 fiscal year and that said budget amendment affects the following functions: general government; public safety; public works; public health; social and economic services; culture and recreation; and solid waste. Details are open to public inspection in the Office of the Flathead County Finance Department, 800 South Main, Room 214, Kalispell, Montana and also available on the County website at The Board will meet on the 26th day of June, 2019 at 10:00 a.m. for the purpose of holding a hearing and consideration of the amendment to the original budget. Said meeting is to be held in the Commissioners' Chambers, Third Floor, 800 South Main, Kalispell, Montana. Any taxpayer or resident may appear at the hearing and will be heard for or against any part of the proposed budget amendment. For further information, please contact Amy Dexter, Finance Director, 800 South Main, Room 214, Kalispell, Montana 59901, Telephone (406) 758-5538. Written comments are encouraged and will be reviewed by the Commissioners if received by the Flathead County Commissioners' Office at least three business days prior to the hearing. DATED this 28th day of May, 2019. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Flathead County, Montana By: /s/ Philip B. Mitchell Philip B. Mitchell, Chairman June 2, 9, 2019 MNAXLP ----------------------------------------

New conservation easement protects North Fork land
June 9, 2019 4 a.m.

New conservation easement protects North Fork land

The North Fork of the Flathead River valley retains the sort of comparatively intact habitat in which wildlife thrives.

June 9, 2019 4 a.m.

Rotting cow skulls and other moving horror stories

Moving one’s earthly belongings from one place to another may be one of the worst tasks there is. It’s a slog no matter what, and sometimes it borders on unbearable.

June 9, 2019 4 a.m.

U.S. must follow Canada's lead to invite Tribes into treaty negotiation

Since 1964, the Columbia River Treaty (CRT) has played a key role in governing river flows and management priorities in the transboundary Columbia River Basin. Since last May, the federal governments of the U.S. and Canada have been negotiating a new deal for the CRT, which will help direct the Basin’s future. The discussion surrounding this negotiation and who gets to participate reveals what has changed in the last 55 years – and what remains the same. When the original Treaty was negotiated, the U.S. and Canada chose to disregard the health of ecosystems and fish populations. Instead, they created a Treaty, which manages river flows solely to maximize hydropower generation and provide conservative flood control for downstream communities. They also chose not to involve or consult any of the Basin’s Indigenous nations in the process.

How to bring down the high cost of prescription drugs now
June 9, 2019 4 a.m.

How to bring down the high cost of prescription drugs now

Americans pay the highest brand-name drug prices in the world while drug companies rake in billions. Congress, the Administration, and Montana state legislators must take action to lower prescription drug prices.

June 9, 2019 4 a.m.

Redistricting Montana: The pivot from past to future process

The Montana Supreme Court held a meeting on Tuesday, May 28 to select the Chairman of the Districting Commission. This decision will have a decade-long effect on the Montana legislature and U.S. Congress. For the first time in 30 years Montana may gain a second congressional seat to represent us in Washington, D.C.

June 9, 2019 4 a.m.

AERO has piloted better air-travel options

Glacier Park International Airport is truly the proverbial goose that lays the golden egg for economic development in the Flathead Valley.

June 9, 2019 4 a.m.

No headline

The third annual awards presentations for the 20 Under 40 honorees will be held in conjunction with the Kalispell Chamber of Commerce luncheon on Tuesday, June 18.

June 9, 2019 4 a.m.

Letters to the editor June 9

With the recent shooting in Virginia, people are again raising concerns about gun violence and gun control. The gun never gets arrested, never is tried in a court of law, and never serves time in prison. The issue here is that we, as a nation, are looking in the wrong direction to reduce the violence. By being preoccupied with gun violence and gun control, we are missing the mark entirely. Let’s stop persecuting the mindless gun and start pursuing the root causes.

June 9, 2019 4 a.m.

'Era of Megafires' film shows June 14 in Whitefish

The Whitefish Fire Department and Montana Department of Natural Resources & Conservation present “The Era of Megafires” on Friday, June 14, to inform the public about megafires and how fire has and will continue to affect Whitefish.

No headline
June 9, 2019 4 a.m.

No headline

Food pantry founders turning former Swan Valley boot camp into veterans center

With Allen and Linda Erickson, where there’s a will, there’s a way.

Group boosts regional air service
June 9, 2019 4 a.m.

Group boosts regional air service

If regional nonprofit Glacier AERO were a propeller, it would have been spinning and humming Thursday.

June 9, 2019 4 a.m.

No headline

- Herron Half Marathon, 10K 5K Race, 9 a.m., Herron Park, Kalispell.; or contact race director Brian Miller, 890-9288.

June 9, 2019 1:03 a.m.

Skotnicki, Richards claim Herron titles

Whitefish’s Ryan Skotnicki and Missoula’s Christi Richards were the winners Sunday of the eighth annual Herron Half Marathon at Herron Park.

June 9, 2019 12:58 a.m.

Glacier Twins roll past Cranbrook, 9-0

WHITEFISH — Coby Clark-Dickinson and Nathan Hader combined to pitch a shutout Sunday as the Glacier Twins picked up a 9-0 victory in an American Legion baseball game.

June 9, 2019 12:58 a.m.

Young Lakers drop two in Great Falls

GREAT FALLS — Eric Seaman and Payton Davisson each had a hit and an RBI and Taylor Morton had two RBIs in a losing effort on Sunday for the Kalispell Lakers AA. The Lakers fell 6-5 to the host Great Falls Chargers in an American Legion baseball contest.

June 9, 2019 12:19 a.m.

No headline

Saturday, June 8

Judge rules bottling-plant initiative is legally binding
June 8, 2019 10:24 p.m.

Judge rules bottling-plant initiative is legally binding

A Flathead County District Court judge has ruled that a 2018 ballot initiative in which Flathead County voters overwhelmingly supported the expansion of the Egan Slough Zoning District to include the Montana Artesian Water Co. bottling plant property was legal and binding.

June 8, 2019 9:55 p.m.

Morley 6th in 5,000 at NCAA track meet

AUSTIN, Texas —Colorado junior Makena Morley (Bigfork) had the sixth fastest time in the 5,000-meter run final on Saturday evening at the NCAA Division I outdoor track and field championships at Mike A. Myers Stadium.

Tutor positions eliminated in Kalispell Public Schools
June 8, 2019 7:52 p.m.

Tutor positions eliminated in Kalispell Public Schools

Paraprofessional positions offered instead as district seeks more than $1.7 million in budget cuts

Jeanne Ann Bowman, 66
June 8, 2019 7:47 p.m.

Jeanne Ann Bowman, 66

Jeanne Ann Bowman went home to be with her Lord and Savior Jesus Christ on May 25, 2019, in Kalispell due to complications of metastatic breast cancer.

Cecilia Pearl 'Toody' (Brown) Vasil, 84
June 8, 2019 7:47 p.m.

Cecilia Pearl 'Toody' (Brown) Vasil, 84

Cecilia Pearl “Toody” (Brown) Vasil passed away peacefully on May 26, 2019, in Whitefish, at the age of 84 from renal failure.

Reuben R. Braaten, 73
June 8, 2019 7:47 p.m.

Reuben R. Braaten, 73

Reuben R. Braaten, 73, passed away at The Springs in Whitefish on Wednesday, May 30, 2019, after a long battle with cancer.

Tyler Thomas James, 28
June 8, 2019 7:47 p.m.

Tyler Thomas James, 28

Tyler Thomas James, 28, passed away on June 3, 2019.

Paula Jo Dickinson, 58
June 8, 2019 7:47 p.m.

Paula Jo Dickinson, 58

Paula Jo Dickinson passed away May 29, 2019, at Kalispell Regional Medical Center.

Corliss Jean Carr, 78
June 8, 2019 7:47 p.m.

Corliss Jean Carr, 78

Corliss Jean Carr passed away March 12, 2019, in Redding California. Corliss was born on July 7, 1940, to Ehlers and Mildred Zellmer Nielsen in Chinook, Montana, and was raised in Hogeland. Later in her high school years her family moved to Columbia Falls where she graduated from high school.

Michael 'MG' Wilkomirski, 53
June 8, 2019 7:47 p.m.

Michael 'MG' Wilkomirski, 53

Michael “MG” Wilkomirski passed away on May 8, 2019, at Washington University Medical Center in Seattle after a short, catastrophic illness.

Robert Edmund Litchfield, 77
June 8, 2019 7:46 p.m.

Robert Edmund Litchfield, 77

Robert Edmund Litchfield, 77 years old, passed away on Monday, May 20, 2019.

June 8, 2019 5:10 a.m.

Legals June 8, 2019

No. 26263 NOTICE OF PASSAGE OF RESOLUTION OF INTENTION FLATHEAD COUNTY ZONING REGULATIONS The Board of Commissioners of Flathead County, Montana hereby gives notice, pursuant to Section 76-2-205(5), M.C.A., that it passed a Resolution of Intention (Resolution No. 956DS) on May 29, 2019 to consider amending the text of the Saddlehorn Planned Unit Development (PUD). The proposed amendment would add an administrative conditional use, remove permitted uses and allow for a shared driveway. The proposed amendments are described as follows: Permitted Uses in the PUD will be: - Dwelling, single family detached; - Dwelling, single family attached; - Guest House; - Homeowners Park; - Camp and retreat center; - Caretakers facilities; - Recreation facilities, low impact; - Water storage facilities. Conditional Uses in the PUD will be: - Short Term Rental Housing¹ ¹Administrative Conditional Use Permit (Per Zoning Ordinance) Allow for shared driveways with other lots, up to three if the purpose is to minimize disturbance caused by constructing a driveway only on one lot. The Flathead County Zoning Regulations are on file for public inspection at the Office of the Clerk and Recorder, 800 South Main, Kalispell, Montana, at the Flathead County Planning and Zoning Office, 40 11th Street West, Kalispell, Montana and online at: Documents related to the proposed amendments are available for public inspection at the Flathead County Commissioners' Office and the Flathead County Planning and Zoning Office. For thirty (30) days after the first publication of this notice, the Board of Commissioners will receive written protests to the change proposed for a portion of the Flathead County Zoning Regulations from persons owning real property within that District whose names appear on the last completed assessment roll of Flathead County and who either are registered voters in Flathead County or execute and acknowledge their protests before a notary public. DATED this 29th day of May, 2019. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Flathead County, Montana By: /s/ Philip B. Mitchell Philip B. Mitchell, Chairman June 1, 8, 2019 MNAXLP -------------------------------------------

June 8, 2019 4 a.m.

State hopes to sample hundreds of white-tails

The Montana Department of Fish, Wildlife and Parks’ response to the recent discovery of chronic wasting disease in a white-tailed deer in Libby includes tentative plans for the killing and sampling of roughly 200 white-tailed deer within the city and the sampling of at least another 200 white-tailed deer killed by hunters this fall within a 10-mile radius of Libby.

June 8, 2019 4 a.m.

Decontamination required for boats with ballast tanks

Boat owners transporting watercraft with ballast tanks or bladders will undergo additional cleaning at watercraft inspection stations this summer to prevent the spread of aquatic invasive species.

FVCC opens new library, student center
June 8, 2019 4 a.m.

FVCC opens new library, student center

There were hugs, applause and big smiles as Flathead Valley Community College on Thursday officially opened the doors to the new Broussard Family Library and Learning Commons.

Detective: Suspect changed story
June 8, 2019 4 a.m.

Detective: Suspect changed story

A Kalispell man accused of murdering his boyfriend with a pair of scissors last summer said he was afraid for them to be used on him during a sexual encounter.

Friday, June 7

C-Falls unveils new downtown welcome signs
June 7, 2019 12:19 p.m.

C-Falls unveils new downtown welcome signs

For the first time in about 40 years, Columbia Falls’ Nucleus Avenue now welcomes visitors to downtown.

Gretchen Wilson coming for Aug. 14 concert
June 7, 2019 10:12 a.m.

Gretchen Wilson coming for Aug. 14 concert

Multi-platinum Nashville recording artist Gretchen Wilson will perform Aug. 14 at the 2019 Northwest Montana Fair & Rodeo in Kalispell.

Violinists share stage for Scandinavian celebration
June 7, 2019 10:12 a.m.

Violinists share stage for Scandinavian celebration

Twelve-year old Lauren Welch joins her teacher, world-renowned violinist Wai Mizutani, for this special performance and celebration of Scandinavian composers and culture.

Bigfork Piecemakers present quilt show
June 7, 2019 10:12 a.m.

Bigfork Piecemakers present quilt show

The Bigfork Piecemakers Quilt Guild’s annual quilt show is set for Friday and Saturday, June 7 and 8, at First Baptist Church of Bigfork, 6933 Montana 35.

'Trash-2-Flash' rocks the runway this weekend
June 7, 2019 10:12 a.m.

'Trash-2-Flash' rocks the runway this weekend

The ninth annual “Trash-2-Flash” Recycled Fashion Show is coming to the Old Lodgecraft Building in Eureka Saturday, June 8.

Great Art on the Screen spotlights Claude Monet
June 7, 2019 10:12 a.m.

Great Art on the Screen spotlights Claude Monet

Great Art on the Screen presents “Water Lilies of Monet: The Magic of Water and Light” at 11 a.m. Saturday, June 8, at the Whitefish Performing Arts Center.

Soulful reggae band Zahira & Rising Buffalo comes to Coram
June 7, 2019 10:12 a.m.

Soulful reggae band Zahira & Rising Buffalo comes to Coram

Soulful Female-Fronted Reggae Band Zahira & Rising Buffalo Tribe will be stopping by the Stonefly Lounge in Coram Wednesday, June 12, for their 2019 Mystic One Tour.

'Hound of the Baskervilles' promises comic bliss
June 7, 2019 10:12 a.m.

'Hound of the Baskervilles' promises comic bliss

Timothy Williams, Nick Spear and Luke Walrath star in Alpine Theatre Project’s “The Hound of the Baskervilles” at 8 p.m. June 20 to 23, and June 27 to 29 at the Whitefish Performing Arts Center. For tickets visit

June 7, 2019 10:12 a.m.

Weekly events June 6-13


Bigfork Summer Playhouse opens 60th season
June 7, 2019 10:12 a.m.

Bigfork Summer Playhouse opens 60th season

An audience favorite is returning to Bigfork Summer Playhouse. For its 60th anniversary, the Playhouse is presenting one of the greatest musicals of all time, “Oklahoma!” Beloved by audiences worldwide for its grandeur, dancing, humor and heart, the show celebrates the pioneer spirit that forged the American West. It’s a show that will celebrate the spirit of both the Playhouse and its home in Montana.

June 7, 2019 5:10 a.m.

Legals June 7, 2019

No. 26259 NOTICE OF TRUSTEE'S SALE TO BE SOLD FOR CASH AT TRUSTEE'S SALE on September 23, 2019, at 11:00 AM at the East door of the Flathead County Justice Center located at 920 South Main Street, Kalispell MT 59901, the following described real property situated in Flathead County, Montana: A tract of land located in the Southwest Quarter of the Southeast Quarter (SW1/4SE1/4) of Section 12, Township 28 North, Range 22 West, P.M.M., Flathead County, Montana, described as follows: Commencing at the Southeast 1/16 corner of said Section 12; thence South 89°33'54" West on and along the North boundary of said SW1/4SE1/4 a distance of 293.24 feet to a point, which point is the true point of beginning, thence South 89°33'54" West continuing on and along said North boundary a distance of 218.02 feet to a point; thence South 00°38'30" West a distance of 200.00 feet to a point; thence North 89°33'54" East a distance of 218.02 feet to a point; thence North 00°38'30" East a distance of 200.00 feet to the true point of beginning. Tract 1 of certificate of survey No. 10766. Elvis Hilliard, as Grantor(s), conveyed said real property to Charles J. Peterson, as Trustee, to secure an obligation owed to Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc., as nominee for Countrywide Home Loans, Inc., as Beneficiary, by Deed of Trust dated on September 6, 2007, and recorded on September 27, 2007, as Document No. 200700029618. The beneficial interest is currently held by LSF9 Master Participation Trust. First American Title Company of Montana, Inc., is currently the Trustee. The beneficiary has declared a default in the terms of said Deed of Trust by failing to make the monthly payments beginning April 1, 2018, and each month subsequent, which monthly installments would have been applied on the principal and interest due on said obligation and other charges against the property or loan. The total amount due on this obligation as of April 24, 2019 is $170,773.18 principal, interest totaling $7,830.56, late charges in the amount of $142.30, escrow advances of $8,823.09, and other fees and expenses advanced of 117,542.33, plus accruing interest, late charges, and other costs and fees that may be advanced. The Beneficiary anticipates and may disburse such amounts as may be required to preserve and protect the property and for real property taxes that may become due or delinquent, unless such amounts of taxes are paid by the Grantors. If such amounts are paid by the Beneficiary, the amounts or taxes will be added to the obligations secured by the Deed of Trust. Other expenses to be charged against the proceeds of this sale include the Trustee's fees and attorney's fees, costs and expenses of the sale and late charges, if any. Beneficiary has elected, and has directed the Trustee to sell the above described property to satisfy the obligation. The sale is a public sale and any person, including the beneficiary, excepting only the Trustee, may bid at the sale. The bid price must be paid immediately upon the close of bidding in cash or cash equivalents (valid money orders, certified checks or cashier's checks). The conveyance will be made by Trustee's Deed without any representation or warranty, including warranty of Title, express or implied, as the sale is made strictly on an as-is, where-is basis, without limitation, the sale is being made subject to all existing conditions, if any, of lead paint, mold or other environmental or health hazards. The sale purchaser shall be entitled to possession of the property on the 10th day following the sale. The grantor, successor in interest to the grantor or any other person having an interest in the property, at any time prior to the trustee's sale, may pay to the beneficiary or the successor in interest to the beneficiary the entire amount then due under the deed of trust and the obligation secured thereby (including costs and expenses actually incurred and attorney's fees) other than such portion of the principal as would not then be due had no default occurred and thereby cure the default. The scheduled Trustee's Sale may be postponed by public proclamation up to 15 days for any reason, and in the event of a bankruptcy filing, the sale may be postponed by the trustee for up to 120 days by public proclamation at least every 30 days. THIS IS AN ATTEMPT TO COLLECT A DEBT. ANY INFORMATION OBTAINED WILL BE USED FOR THAT PURPOSE. Dated: May 3rd, 2019 Rae Albert Assistant Secretary, First American Title Company of Montana, Inc. Successor Trustee Title Financial Specialty Services PO Box 339 Blackfoot ID 83221 STATE OF Idaho ss. COUNTY OF Bingham On this 3rd day of May, 2019, before me, a notary public in and for said County and State, personally appeared Rae Albert, known to me to be the Assistant Secretary of First American Title Company of Montana, Inc., Successor Trustee, known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the foregoing instrument and acknowledged to me that he executed the same. Kaitlin Ann Gotch Notary Public Bingham County, Idaho May 31, and June 7, 14, 2019 MNAXLP ------------------------------------------

June 7, 2019 4 a.m.

Colorful characters warned not to drive

A scruffy-looking man knocked down a blonde woman, but she turned the tables on him when she chased him down in her purple PT cruiser. When a Kalispell Police Department officer spoke to both of them later, they were told not to drive because neither had a valid driver’s license.

June 7, 2019 4 a.m.

Testimony reveals troubled relationship

Testimony in the fourth day of the Ryan Lamb murder trial continued to expose a troubled, sometimes violent, relationship between the defendant and the man who wanted out of it.

June 7, 2019 4 a.m.

Appraisal notices are in the mail

The Montana Department of Revenue is mailing notices to all owners of residential, commercial, industrial, and agricultural properties, showing their market and taxable values for the 2019-2020 appraisal cycle.

June 7, 2019 12:17 a.m.

Bigfork's Thorness, Schmit on North roster for All-Star Football Game

Bigfork’s Brady Thorness and Luke Schmit will play for the North today in the annual Class B Big Sky All-Star Football Game at Rocky Mountain College in Billings.

Thursday, June 6

June 6, 2019 4:56 p.m.

Powwow canceled hours before opening night

After weeks of logistical back-and-forth discussions between event organizers and Flathead County Fairgrounds officials, a four-day powwow that was scheduled to hit the grounds Thursday (tonight) at 7 p.m. has been canceled.

June 6, 2019 5:10 a.m.

Legals June 6, 2019

No. 26252 NOTICE THAT A TAX DEED MAY BE ISSUED IF YOU DO NOT RESPOND TO THIS NOTICE, YOU WILL LOSE YOUR PROPERTY TO: Occupant 3917 Ashley Lake Road Kalispell, MT 59901 Occupant 3925 Ashley Lake Road Kalispell, MT 59901 Occupant 3933 Ashley Lake Road Kalispell, MT 59901 Dan Michael Leatzow 2111 Church Drive Kalispell, MT 59901 Dan Michael Leatzow 3917 Ashley Lake Road Kalispell, MT 59901 Dan Michael Leatzow 3925 Ashley Lake Road Kalispell, MT 59901 Dan Michael Leatzow 3933 Ashley Lake Road Kalispell, MT 59901 Millicent Anne "Penny" Leatzow 128 N. Meridian Road Kalispell, MT 59901 Millicent Anne "Penny" Leatzow 22 9th Street East Kalispell, MT 59901 Millicent Anne "Penny" Leatzow 277 3rd Ave E.N. Kalispell, MT 59901 Matthew K. Hutchinson Kaufman Vidal Hileman Ellingson, PC 22 Second Ave. West, Ste. 4000 Kalispell, MT 59901 Pursuant to Section 15-18-212, Montana Code Annotated, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN: 1. As a result of a property tax delinquency, a property tax lien exists on the following described real property in which you may have an interest: Property described in the Flathead County Treasurer's Office under Tax Sale Certificate No. 109327 and Tax Code Parcel No. 478355 as follows: PARCEL 1: A TRACT OF LAND IN GOVERNMENT LOT 2 OF SECTION 12, TOWNSHIP 28 NORTH, RANGE 24 WEST, P.M.M., FLATHEAD COUNTY, MONTANA: COMMENCING AT THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF SAID GOVERNMENT LOT 2; THENCE SOUTH 89°54' WEST A DISTANCE OF 195.86 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING OF THE TRACT TO BE HEREIN DESCRIBED; THENCE SOUTH 89°54' WEST A DISTANCE OF 95.86 FEET; THENCE NORTH A DISTANCE OF 268.49 FEET, MORE OR LESS, TO THE LOW WATER OF ASHLEY LAKE; THENCE SOUTH 69°54' EAST A DISTANCE OF 102.08 FEET ALONG THE LOW WATER OF ASHLEY LAKE TO A POINT OF 233.23 FEET NORTH OF THE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE SOUTH 233.23 FEET, MORE OR LESS, TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. ALSO KNOWN AS LOT 3 OF GLENDALE LAKESHORE LOTS, AN UNRECORDED PLAT WHICH IS FILED AS DEED EXHIBIT NO. 347. EXCEPTING THEREFROM THAT PORTION CONVEYED TO FLATHEAD COUNTY FOR ROAD PURPOSES, BY INSTRUMENT RECORDED DECEMBER 20, 1968, IN BOOK 501, PAGE 894, AS DOC. NO. 9014. PARCEL 2: A TRACT OF LAND IN GOVERNMENT LOT 2 OF SECTION 12, TOWNSHIP 28 NORTH, RANGE 24 WEST, P.M.M., FLATHEAD COUNTY, MONTANA: COMMENCING AT THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF SAID GOVERNMENT LOT 2; THENCE SOUTH 89°54' WEST A DISTANCE OF 291.72 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING OF THE TRACT HEREIN DESCRIBED; THENCE NORTH 89°54' WEST A DISTANCE OF 96.87 FEET TO A POINT; THENCE NORTH A DISTANCE OF 289.39 FEET MORE OR LESS TO THE LOW WATER OF ASHLEY LAKE; THENCE ALONG THE LOW WATER OF ASHLEY LAKE SOUTH 77°58' EAST A DISTANCE OF 99 FEET MORE OR LESS TO A POINT NORTH 268.49 FEET MORE OR LESS FROM THE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE SOUTH A DISTANCE OF 268.49 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. ALSO KNOWN AS LOT 4 OF GLENDALE LAKESHORE LOTS, AN UNRECORDED PLAT WHICH IS FILED AS DEED EXHIBIT NO. 347. EXCEPTING THEREFROM THAT PORTION CONVEYED TO FLATHEAD COUNTY FOR ROAD PURPOSES, BY INSTRUMENT RECORDED DECEMBER 20, 1968, IN BOOK 501, PAGE 894, AS DOC. NO. 9014. PARCEL 3: A TRACT OF LAND IN GOVERNMENT LOT 2 OF SECTION 12, TOWNSHIP 28 NORTH, RANGE 24 WEST, P.M.M., FLATHEAD COUNTY, MONTANA: COMMENCING AT THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF SAID GOVERNMENT LOT 2; THENCE SOUTH 89°54' WEST A DISTANCE OF 388.59 FEET; THENCE NORTH A DISTANCE OF 183.14 FEET TO A POINT ON THE NORTHERLY RIGHT-OF-WAY OF THE COUNTY ROAD, WHICH POINT IS THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING OF THE TRACT HEREIN CONVEYED; THENCE SOUTH 82°48' WEST ALONG THE RIGHT-OF-WAY OF THE COUNTY ROAD A DISTANCE OF 100.75 FEET; THENCE NORTH A DISTANCE OF 114.30 FEET, MORE OR LESS, TO THE LOW WATER OF ASHLEY LAKE; THENCE ALONG THE LOW WATER OF ASHLEY LAKE NORTH 87°23' EAST A DISTANCE OF 100.06 FEET, MORE OR LESS, TO A POINT NORTH A DISTANCE OF 106.25 FEET, MORE OR LESS, FROM THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE SOUTH A DISTANCE OF 106.25 FEET, MORE OR LESS TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING. ALSO KNOWN AS LOT 5 OF GLENDALE LAKESHORE LOTS, AN UNRECORDED PLAT WHICH IS FILED AS DEED EXHIBIT NO. 347. PARCEL 4: A TRACT OF LAND IN GOVERNMENT LOT 2 OF SECTION 12, TOWNSHIP 28 NORTH, RANGE 24 WEST, P.M.M., FLATHEAD COUNTY, MONTANA: COMMENCING AT THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF SAID GOVERNMENT LOT 2; THENCE SOUTH 89°54' WEST A DISTANCE OF 388.59 FEET; THENCE NORTH A DISTANCE OF 183.14 FEET TO A POINT ON THE NORTHERLY BOUNDARY OF THE COUNTY ROAD; THENCE SOUTH 82°48' WEST ALONG THE COUNTY ROAD A DISTANCE OF 100.75 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING OF THE TRACT HEREIN CONVEYED; THENCE CONTINUING ALONG THE COUNTY ROAD SOUTH 74°27' WEST A DISTANCE OF 103.75 FEET; THENCE NORTH A DISTANCE OF 127.41 FEET, MORE OR LESS, TO THE LOW WATER OF ASHLEY LAKE; THENCE ALONG THE LOW WATER OF ASHLEY LAKE NORTH 81°28' EAST A DISTANCE OF 101.04 FEET, MORE OR LESS, TO A POINT WHICH IS NORTH A DISTANCE OF 114.30 FEET, MORE OR LESS, FROM THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE SOUTH A DISTANCE OF 114.30 FEET, MORE OR LESS, TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING. ALSO KNOWN AS LOT 6 OF GLENDALE LAKESHORE LOTS, AN UNRECORDED PLAT WHICH IS FILED AS DEED EXHIBIT NO. 347. Street address: 3917, 3925 and 3933 Ashley Lake Rd., Kalispell, MT 59901. 2. The property taxes became delinquent on June 1, 2016. 3. The property tax lien was attached on July 15, 2016. 4. The lien was assigned to FRHL, LLC and UMB Bank, N.A. on July 15, 2016, County Tax Sale Certificate No. 109327. The lien was subsequently assigned to GUARDIAN TAX MT, LLC on December 8, 2016. 5. As of the date of this notice, the amount of tax due is: TAXES: $28,130.90 PENALTY: $562.59 INTEREST: $5,088.94 FEE: $350.77 TOTAL: $34,133.20 6. For the property tax lien to be liquidated, the total amount listed in paragraph 5 must be paid by July 24, 2019, which is the date that the redemption period expires or expired. 7. If all taxes, penalties, interest, and costs are not paid to the county treasurer on or prior to July 24, 2019, which is the date the redemption period expires, a tax deed may be issued to the assignee or county that is the possessor of the tax lien on the day following the date that the redemption period expires. 8. The business address and telephone number of the county treasurer who is responsible for issuing the tax deed is: Flathead County Treasurer, 935 1st Ave W, Kalispell, MT 59901, (406) 758-5680. FURTHER NOTICE FOR THOSE PERSONS LISTED ABOVE WHOSE ADDRESSES ARE UNKNOWN 1. The address of the interested party is unknown. 2. The published notice meets the legal requirements for notice of a pending tax deed issuance. 3. The interested parties' rights in the property may be in jeopardy. DATED at Billings, Montana this 24th day of May, 2019. /s/ Eli J. Patten By: Eli J. Patten Crowley Fleck PLLP PO Box 2529 Billings, MT 59103 Attorney for: GUARDIAN TAX MT, LLC IF YOU DO NOT RESPOND THIS NOTICE, YOU WILL LOSE YOUR PROPERTY May 29, and June 6, 2019 MNAXLP ------------------------------------

June 6, 2019 4 a.m.

The cost of freedom we enjoy today

Today we celebrate along with Europe, the enormous effort put forth by the allied expeditionary forces to liberate Europe from the hands of an evil tyrant.

June 6, 2019 4 a.m.

Letters to the editor June 6

“A people without religion in the end will find that it has nothing to live for.” T.S. Eliot, 1919.

June 6, 2019 4 a.m.

Close call for Whitefish golf-cart driver

A speeding Saturn on Baker Avenue nearly ran over a person driving a golf cart, according to the Whitefish Police Department logs. The caller said he had to go into the ditch to avoid becoming a victim.

June 6, 2019 4 a.m.

D-Day at 75: We must never forget

Seventy-five years later, it remains difficult to comprehend the pivotal World War II military operation known as D-Day. It was an extraordinary feat that remains the largest military operation by sea and was the largest use of airborne troops up to that time. On this day, June 6, 2019, we honor those courageous men who fought so bravely as they stormed the beaches at Normandy in northern France in 1944, where enemy troops were well-armed and ready for battle, and we salute the paratroopers who jumped into dire circumstances behind enemy lines.

Florence Catherine (Campbell) Herron, 96
June 6, 2019 4 a.m.

Florence Catherine (Campbell) Herron, 96

Florence Catherine (Campbell) Herron, 96, passed away June 4, 2019.

Crews punch through Big Drift in Glacier Park
June 6, 2019 4 a.m.

Crews punch through Big Drift in Glacier Park

The work requires steady nerves, acknowledged the boss.

June 6, 2019 4 a.m.

DNA analyst: Murder suspect had victim's blood on hand

A DNA analyst at the Montana State Crime Lab said blood found on a murder suspect’s left hand matched that of the alleged victim during testimony Wednesday at the Flathead County Courthouse in Kalispell.

June 6, 2019 4 a.m.

No headline

- Kalispell Public Schools district board Federal Projects Committee meets 8:30 a.m., district office.

June 6, 2019 12:13 a.m.

Coach of the Year honors for Munro, Dryden, Schulz

Three Flathead Valley high school coaches were named Montana Coaches Association Coach of the Year for their respective spring sports as voted by their peers, all MCA members.

June 6, 2019 12:12 a.m.

Morley 11th in 10,000 at NCAA outdoor track

AUSTIN, Texas — Colorado junior Makena Morley (Bigfork) finished 11th for the second year in a row in the 10,000-meter run at the NCAA Division I outdoor track and field championships on Thursday evening at Mike A. Myers Stadium.

Wednesday, June 5

June 5, 2019 7:18 p.m.

Report: Heritage Place cited for poor performance Kalispell nursing home says corrections have been made

A recent report from the U.S. Senate shows six nursing home facilities across Montana, including Heritage Place in Kalispell, are on the federal government’s radar for “poor performance.”

June 5, 2019 5:10 a.m.

Legals June 5, 2019

No. 26245 SOUTH KALISPELL RURAL FIRE DISTRICT BOARD VACANCY: Letters of interest are being accepted for an open seat on the South Kalispell Fire District's Board of Trustees. The three-year term will begin upon appointment and run through May 31, 2022. Please note that you must be an elector (an individual qualified to vote under state law) who resides in the district or any holder of title to lands within the district who presents a proof of payment of taxes on the lands in the district for which you are applying in order to be considered for the position. Letters of interest are being accepted by the Clerk to the Board of Commissioners until 5:00pm on Friday, June 14, 2019 at the following address: Flathead County Commissioners' Office, 800 South Main, Room 302, Kalispell, MT 59901. Letters can also be emailed to For more information, please call 758-5537. May 29, and June 5, 2019 MNAXLP _______________________

Shelly Lane Sterner-Willard, 60
June 5, 2019 4 a.m.

Shelly Lane Sterner-Willard, 60

Mrs. Shelly Lane Sterner-Willard, 60, of Kernersville, North Carolina, passed away unexpectedly after a brave fight. She joined the Lord on Friday, March 22, 2019, at Wesley Long Hospital in Greensboro, North Carolina, surrounded by her family.

Richard 'Rick' F. Doran, 67
June 5, 2019 4 a.m.

Richard 'Rick' F. Doran, 67

Richard “Rick” F. Doran passed away on May 19, 2019, from post-op complications due to cardiac bypass surgery.

Jurors shown bodycam footage during day 2 of homicide trial
June 5, 2019 4 a.m.

Jurors shown bodycam footage during day 2 of homicide trial

Jurors in the murder trial of 34-year-old Ryan Cody Lamb heard his wails and guttural screams on police body camera footage when he was told his boyfriend was dead.

Leo Edward O'Brien, 95
June 5, 2019 4 a.m.

Leo Edward O'Brien, 95

Leo passed away peacefully to his heavenly home on Friday, May 31, 2019.

Larry D. Smith, 84
June 5, 2019 4 a.m.

Larry D. Smith, 84

Larry D. Smith, 84, Columbia Falls, passed away Feb. 4, 2019, at the Montana Veterans Home in Columbia Falls after a long battle with Alzheimer’s and lung cancer.

June 5, 2019 4 a.m.

The cow jumped over the river

A red cow and a tan cow were casually strolling up Grandview Drive, according to Kalispell Police Department logs. Another caller reported that the cows had jumped the river. He and his friends planned to round up the wandering bovines.

Bounce back win for Lakers AA
June 5, 2019 12:24 a.m.

Bounce back win for Lakers AA


June 5, 2019 12:22 a.m.

Glacier's Gulick at All-Star Hoop Series

Glacier High School’s Kali Gulick is one of 10 girls on the Montana roster for the 23rd annual Midland Roundtable Montana-Wyoming All-Star Basketball Series this weekend.

June 5, 2019 midnight


A recent report from the U.S. Senate shows six nursing home facilities across Montana, including Heritage Place in Kalispell, are on the federal government’s radar for “poor performance.”

Tuesday, June 4

June 4, 2019 11:37 p.m.

Study: Forest fires release less carbon than thought

BOISE, Idaho (AP) — The amount of carbon dioxide being released into the atmosphere from forest fires in the U.S. West is being greatly overestimated, possibly leading to poor land management decisions, researchers at the University of Idaho said.

Freezing cold, snow possible this weekend
June 4, 2019 2:43 p.m.

Freezing cold, snow possible this weekend

Daily Inter Lake

Human remains found near Kalispell identified
June 4, 2019 2:05 p.m.

Human remains found near Kalispell identified

Spokane area man had been missing for two years

Human remains found near Rose Crossing in Kalispell have been positively identified as Corey Michael Flannigan, a Spokane area man who went missing two years ago, according to a press release issued Tuesday morning by the Flathead County Sheriff’s Office.

June 4, 2019 4 a.m.

Event canceled after summer 2019 move to Bozeman

The Crown Guitar Workshop and Festival, which had planned to switch venues from Bigfork to Bozeman this year, has canceled its premier in Bozeman this summer, the event board of directors announced.

June 4, 2019 4 a.m.

Homeschool student's film wins national PTA award

The last time Finney Manchala of Lakeside sat down in the Daily Inter Lake conference room for an interview about five and a half years ago was to talk about his plans for helping impoverished children overseas.

Chicken-killing griz captured, killed north of Kalispell
June 4, 2019 4 a.m.

Chicken-killing griz captured, killed north of Kalispell

Wildlife officials killed two male bears in recent days, including a grizzly north of Kalispell and a black bear in Glacier National Park, after concluding the bears had become conditioned to human food and posed a risk to human safety.

Renovation crews tackle fire aftermath
June 4, 2019 4 a.m.

Renovation crews tackle fire aftermath

Work to repair the historic St. Matthew’s Catholic Church in Kalispell that was heavily damaged by fire on Mother’s Day has been underway for about two weeks.

June 4, 2019 4 a.m.

Booze exacerbates neighborhood spat

Flathead County Sheriff’s Department responded to a call from Conrad Drive residents who were purportedly being attacked by intoxicated neighbors. Roughly five to seven people were supposedly yelling and cussing when one of them started hitting someone else with a stick before going back to their trailer. The fight was said to have possibly started over loud music.

Monday, June 3

June 3, 2019 4:32 p.m.

No headline

- AARP Driver Safety Course, 9 a.m. to 1 p.m., The Summit, Kalispell. $20 fee ($15 for AARP card-holding members.) Call 751-4500.

June 3, 2019 12:05 p.m.

City council seeks to authorize city to contract for water treatment plant expansion design

With state mandates bearing down on the city of Whitefish’s water treatment plant, the Whitefish City Council tonight is poised to authorize the city to contract for the design of a treatment plant expansion project.

Wildlife advocate carves career awash in wonderment
June 3, 2019 12:05 p.m.

Wildlife advocate carves career awash in wonderment

Brian Peck helped escort the NBC network journalists as a small group skied into Christensen Meadows along the Camas Creek drainage in Glacier National Park.

June 3, 2019 12:05 p.m.

Kalispell council to consider Treeline Road subdivision

Kalispell City Council is considering a request from WGM Group and the Montana Department of Natural Resources and Conservation at its meeting tonight for a major subdivision preliminary plat on an 8.3-acre tract located along Treeline Road, west of Kidsports and south of the new My Place Hotel.

June 3, 2019 12:05 p.m.

Landlord barges through resident's door

Someone’s landlord allegedly pushed through their barricaded door and so the resident pushed him back out.

Letters to the editor June 3
June 3, 2019 4 a.m.

Letters to the editor June 3

Carnage. At the Republican National Convention in July, 2016, Donald Trump promised, “The crime and violence that today afflicts our nation will soon come to an end. Beginning on January 20, 2017, safety will be restored.”

June 3, 2019 4 a.m.

Trump stands up to the swamp

I miss Frank Miele (and his 2 Cents worth).

June 3, 2019 12:54 a.m.

Kollar on Hall of Fame ballot

BOZEMAN­­­ ­—— Montana State football legend Bill Kollar, a long-time NFL assistant coach currently with the Denver Broncos, landed on the ballot for National Football Foundation & College Hall of Fame’s 2020 induction class on Monday.

Sunday, June 2

June 2, 2019 11:46 p.m.

Missoula downs Lakers

MISSOULA — It was a rough day Sunday for the Kalispell Lakers AA as they fell to the host Missoula Mavericks in an American Legion baseball doubleheader.

June 2, 2019 8:10 p.m.

No headline

Aurora Rose Borgen, daughter of Aaron Brown and Evelyn Borgen of Kalispell, was born April 22 at North Valley Hospital.

June 2, 2019 5:10 a.m.

Legals June 2, 2019

No. 26226 REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS (RFP) UPDATE THE FEASIBILITY STUDY/BUSINESS PLAN FOR THE BLACKFEET COMMUNITY HEALTH AND WELLNESS CENTER The Blackfeet Tribe is seeking proposals from qualified firms to prepare an update to the feasibility study and business plan to add a professional medical center. This service will be paid for by a grant received from the State of Montana, Indian Country Economic Development (2019 ICED), whereby $25,000 has been allocated. Interested firms shall submit proposals which includes a business resume, description of the services to be provided, three clients to serve as references, provide history on working with Native American Tribes, fee structure, types of expenses that are charged, and identification of the individual(s) who will have the primary responsibility for the Contractor for providing services to the Blackfeet Tribe. For more detailed information and a full RFP please contact the Planning Department at 406.338-7406/7181 or email your request and questions to, regarding this RFP. PROJECT SCHEDULE: Due Date: June 14, 2019 Start Date: July 1, 2019 End Date: December 18, 2019 May 26, June 2, 2019 MNAXLP __________________________

Dennis Wayne Cardin, 72
June 2, 2019 4 a.m.

Dennis Wayne Cardin, 72

Dennis Wayne Cardin was born in Palisade, Colorado, on April 17, 1946.

Family stages laser tag in outdoor settings
June 2, 2019 4 a.m.

Family stages laser tag in outdoor settings

Ryan Rinebold’s job with Flashpoint Outdoor Laser Tag is more complicated than handing out laser guns and sending players into battle.

June 2, 2019 4 a.m.

Libby Museum boasts dodecagonal design

Anyone who’s traveled U.S. 2 through Libby has spotted the unique 13,500-square-foot building that houses the Heritage Museum.

William Charles Fischer
June 2, 2019 4 a.m.

William Charles Fischer

William Charles Fischer (AKA Bill, W.C., Bud, Pop, Himself, grumpy old bear) died in Kalispell on Dec. 10, 2018. The official cause of death was O.D.T.A.A. (one damn thing after another).

June 2, 2019 4 a.m.

Cat burglar gets away with loot

A caller reported that his home was burglarized earlier in the day, according to Kalispell Police Department logs. Several items were missing, along with his cat.

Letters to the editor June 2
June 2, 2019 4 a.m.

Letters to the editor June 2

Yea, park rangers! We took a drive to Glacier Park on Memorial Day before the “tourist season” starts and drove to Avalanche, as far as you can go with a vehicle. Alongside parked off the road in an area where they were working on regrowing the vegetation are three trucks parked, and all three of them had tickets on them for parking there. I thought maybe it’s people from out of state and didn’t know any better. When we came back through, we looked and all three were from Montana. Come on Montana — have some respect! Although everyone who lives here now is not from Montana!

June 2, 2019 4 a.m.

Fair trade agreements level the playing field

Fair trade agreements benefit developing countries by requiring higher labor and environmental standards. Fair trade agreements benefit developed countries by reducing the incentive for multinational corporations to move jobs overseas in search of cheap labor. Our first major move toward a fair trade agreement was our participation in the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP).

June 2, 2019 4 a.m.

No headline

Free workshops for businesses that cater to tourists will be held in Northwest Montana cities in June. The presentations from Flathead Valley Community College and Glacier Country Montana will cover customer-service topics such as the service mindset, regional knowledge and attention to detail.

Dedicated funding needed for maintenance backlog
June 2, 2019 4 a.m.

Dedicated funding needed for maintenance backlog

Montana’s national parks have never been more popular. The surge in park visitation has added millions to our state economy and helped create new employment opportunities for Montanans. However, more tourists visiting our parks have increased the wear and tear on infrastructure, and federal funding for maintenance projects has not kept up with the need, leading to a serious backlog of repairs.

Center's outdoor-inspired design promotes healing and wellness
June 2, 2019 4 a.m.

Center's outdoor-inspired design promotes healing and wellness

Before Morris “Mo” Stein put his pencil to paper, he said his vision for Montana Children’s at Kalispell Regional Medical Center already had been realized, and it’s a vision that, after nearly five years of planning and building, is slated to open its doors to the public on July 1.

Trial begins in Kalispell homicide case
June 2, 2019 4 a.m.

Trial begins in Kalispell homicide case

A Kalispell man accused of his stabbing his partner to death last summer is scheduled to go to trial Monday in Flathead District Court.

June 2, 2019 4 a.m.

No headline

To commemorate more than 75 years as a community service organization, the Women of Rollins are hosting a reunion at noon, June 11, to honor past members, honorary members, current and prospective members.

Neil Doten, 92 Hildegard (Stegman) Doten, 90
June 2, 2019 4 a.m.

Neil Doten, 92 Hildegard (Stegman) Doten, 90

Neil Doten passed away on Jan. 8, 2019, at the age of 92. He was born on Dec. 6, 1926, to Roy and Alma Doten. He was raised in Solway, Minnesota, with his five siblings.

Merton James Harrell, 77
June 2, 2019 4 a.m.

Merton James Harrell, 77

Merton James Harrell entered his heavenly home May 22, 2019.

June 2, 2019 4 a.m.

GOP purists burning down party's big tent

Political parties in the U.S. are built on the “big tent” idea. Our political system at all levels evolved early on to one of majority rule. The rule is simple — 50% plus one gives control. In America and Montana that has produced electoral battles between two major political parties. While minor and third parties do exist, they are just that: minor.

Rocky Mountain Entertainment Agency represents Montana clients in the  fashion and entertainment worlds
June 2, 2019 4 a.m.

Rocky Mountain Entertainment Agency represents Montana clients in the fashion and entertainment worlds

While she was growing up, Jessica Sweeney was often told “you’re so tall, you could be a model.”

June 2, 2019 4 a.m.

Flathead drug court a step in right direction

Thanks to a $600,000 federal grant, Flathead County has now joined the ranks of other large Montana counties that offer a family treatment court — or drug court as it’s often called — aimed at offering support to families impacted by parental substance abuse and reducing child maltreatment.

Saturday, June 1

June 1, 2019 9:04 p.m.

Nine state track records set on final weekend

While the Whitefish girls were celebrating their first Class A state track championship in 35 years and the Flathead boys earned a trophy for the third time in four years in Class AA with a third place finish at state meets last weekend, nine state records were broken, four of which were all-class marks, at Class AA/B state in Kalispell and Class A/C state in Laurel.

Kicks at Kidsports
June 1, 2019 9:03 p.m.

Kicks at Kidsports


June 1, 2019 5:10 a.m.

Legals June 1, 2019

No. 26235 NOTICE OF PASSAGE OF RESOLUTION OF INTENTION LOWER SIDE ZONING DISTRICT The Board of Commissioners of Flathead County, Montana, hereby gives notice, pursuant to Section 76-2-205(5), M.C.A., that it passed a resolution of intention (Resolution No. 957BI) on May 20, 2019 to change the zoning designation in a portion of the Lower Side Zoning District from AG-40 (Agricultural) to AG-20 (Agricultural). The boundaries of the area proposed to be amended from AG-40 to AG-20 are described as: Tract 4 of Certificate of Survey No. 20930, located and being in the NW Quarter of Section 34, Township 28 North, Range 22 West, P.M.M., Flathead County, Montana. Tract 1 of Certificate of Survey No. 21014, located and being in the South Half of the Southwest Quarter of Section 27, Township 28 North, Range 22 West, P.M.M., Flathead County, Montana. The Northwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of Section 27, Township 28 North, Range 22 West, P.M.M., Flathead County, Montana. The regulations defining the AG-40 to AG-20 zones are contained in the Flathead County Zoning Regulations, on file for public inspection at the Office of the Flathead County Clerk and Recorder, 800 South Main, Kalispell, Montana, at the Planning and Zoning Office, 40 11th Street West, Kalispell, Montana, and online at: Documents related to the proposed zone change are also on file for public inspection at the Office of the Board of Commissioners and the Flathead County Planning and Zoning Office. For thirty (30) days after the first publication of this notice, the Board of Commissioners will receive written protests to the change proposed for a portion of the Lower Side Zoning District from persons owning real property within Flathead County whose names appear on the last completed assessment roll of Flathead County and who either are registered voters in Flathead County or execute and acknowledge their protests before a notary public. DATED this 20th day of May, 2019. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Flathead County, Montana By: /s/ Philip B. Mitchell Philip B. Mitchell, Chairman May 25, June 1, 2019 MNAXLP _________________________

June 1, 2019 12:07 a.m.

Northern Rodeo Association Majestic Valley Arena lands 2019 NRA Finals

The Northern Rodeo Association Finals will conduct its year-end championships for 2019 at Majestic Valley Arena on Oct. 24-26.