Saturday, September 30
Albert E. Harvey, 86
Albert E. Harvey, 86, died Friday, Sept. 29, 2006, in Kalispell.
Whitefish Police arrested a man for drug possession at Holiday Inn Express.
A fight was reported at High Roller Casino.
Libby slips by Whitefish
WHITEFISH - In a showdown between Northwestern A's two undefeated squads, the Libby High School football team found its running game early and survived a spirited second-half comeback to beat Whitefish 27-17 on Friday.
Flathead County Sheriff's Office reported random acts of unkindness and senseless acts of hostility.
On Holt Drive, someone keeps calling and asking to speak to a girl's father and then laughing and hanging up. On U.S. 2, teenage girls keep calling to say they can't wait to read the obituary of a woman who lives there.
Whitefish, Flathead golfers off to strong starts
Although the score didn't necessarily excite Whitefish's Chelsea Ray, she was more than satisfied with her placing.
Shawn Henrik Pettersen, 25
Shawn Henrik Pettersen, 25, was 'called back home by God' on Sunday, Sept. 24, 2006, in Kalispell. He was born July 16, 1981, in Sheridan, Mont., the son of Richard 'Rich' Henry and Judy Ann (Clark) Pettersen.
Kudos to Carmichael
Whitefish teacher lauded as best in state

Land bank money may expand state park
Flathead flattens Big Sky
The Daily Inter Lake
Hot Springs author launches children's book
on 11th Street West to the hospital on Thursday.
Kalispell Fire Department's ambulance took someone who was injured in an accident
in his truck outside of a bar and came up with a prognosis that he shouldn't drive.
Kalispell Police read the symptoms of a man who was vomiting and passing out
Polson spoils Bigfork's homecoming
Clock now ticking on petition drive
Friday, September 29
Shawn Pettersen, 25
Shawn Pettersen, 25, died on Sept. 24, 2006, in Kalispell.
Rachael Lee Lapp, 24
Rachael Lee Lapp, 24, died Thursday, Sept. 28, 2006, at Kalispell Regional Medical Center.
The Big Mountain Fire Department went to a report of a broken gas line at Moguls.
The Kalispell Fire Department was needed for a van on fire on Third Avenue East. The department sent an ambulance for someone hurt in a motorcycle accident Thursday on Main Street.
Whitefish police gave a stern warning to a man who hit golf balls at road construction workers Wednesday on Colorado Avenue.
A freeloading bear scavenged through the garbage on West Second Street.
Whitefish spikers rally over Eureka
The Daily Inter Lake
Columbia Falls police were called Wednesday
when a man near the high school crashed a car and then ran naked across a field. He was taken to the hospital for evaluation.
Elementary schools join forces to stop bullying
Kalispell police refereed a number of people's disputes.
Among them was a complaint that teenagers were drinking, harassing and threatening a resident, and breaking bottles in the street on Second Avenue West North.
Mary Irene McKean, 85
Mary Irene McKean, 85, passed away Sept. 25, 2006, at Lakeview Care Center in Bigfork, where she resided for eight years.
Edward Loren 'Ed' Hines, 81
Edward Loren Hines, "Ed" to his friends and family, 81, passed away early Monday morning, Sept. 25, 2006, at his home in Kalispell after a short battle with pancreatic cancer.
Margaret Martinus, 92
Margaret Martinus 'entered into eternal rest' suddenly at Kalispell Regional Hospital on Monday, Sept. 18, 2006.
Two men suspected in thefts
The Daily Inter Lake
The Flathead County Sheriff's Office told a property owner that it's not a good idea to imbed spikes
on his land to discourage speeders. The sharpened rebar just off of a road poses a hazard to children on bikes and others on Taelor Road, and the property owner was told to remove them.
Judge OKs chopper logging in bear habitat
Hot Springs author launches children's book
The Daily Inter Lake
Beginning at 9 a.m. for about three hours Flathead Electric Cooperative members may experience scattered, brief outages due to transport of home by movers. The house will be moved from the 3100 block of Parkwood Lane in Bigfork west to Montana 35 north, turning onto Montana 206 north, west to 400 block of Trap Road in Columbia Falls. Call 751-4411.
Planners support zoning request for Somers area
Donations to college pouring in
Thursday, September 28
Smith Lake Fishing Access Site will be closed today while a culvert is being installed. Call Amy Grout, 752-5501.
Flathead County Sheriff's Office took a report from Corbett Lane,
where someone wrote profanity on a vehicle and a shed with a marker.
Anne H. Archie, 61
Anne Archie died on Sept. 24, 2006, at her home in Kalispell. Her courage, independent spirit, and wry wit remained intact through nearly a year of ups and downs with lung cancer.
Woman reportedly assaulted
Canyon Quick Response Unit and Columbia Falls Ambulance went to Seville Lane Wednesday for a woman who was reportedly assaulted.
Wave lifts policy banning religious music
Kalispell Police were called about snakes on a lane at Birchwood Court,
where a one-and-a-half-foot gray serpent was found.

Slow mow
Rosella Proefrock mows her yard Wednesday afternoon in Kalispell. Proefrock and her family have lived on the land, which is just below Lone Pine State Park, since 1949. "I've been mowing it for a long time," she said. She said she enjoys working in the yard, however she said she hopes this is the last time she'll have to mow it this year. Chris Jordan/Daily Inter Lake
FVCC summer numbers mixed
The Daily Inter Lake

Fisheries managers at halfway point of Flathead Lake plan
Griz, PSU tabbed game of the week
It's the I-AA game of the week, according to The Sports Network: No. 4 against No. 14.
The Underground Railroad apparently runs through Whitefish.
Whitefish Police went to East Edgewood Drive where a man interfered with traffic Tuesday night.
Career curriculum breaks new ground in Flathead
Wednesday, September 27
Trenches win homecoming for FHS
Braves move up to No. 4 with Bozeman loss
Roadless rule not about 'wilderness'
A recent Associated Press story announced last week that a federal judge had reinstated a ban on road construction in "nearly 50 million acres of pristine wilderness."
Jack Joy Whitney, 89
Jack Joy Whitney died on Sept. 25, 2006, at the Kalispell Regional Medical Center.
Prescribed fires planned in Swan Lake District
The Daily Inter Lake
Flathead County Sheriff's Office arrested a man after chasing him around Montana 83 Tuesday afternoon.
A witness saw a bloody woman fall or jump from Kefra Taylor's vehicle near the intersection of Montana 83 and Montana 35. Taylor, 28, reportedly left his truck on Montana 83 and ran into a nearby pond, where he was arrested. He was jailed on charges of family member assault and probation violation.
Kalispell Fire Department sent an ambulance to Smith's parking lot where a child was injured in a fall Monday.
Whitefish Police took a call from a woman
who said two boys outside of a bar asked her to buy them beer. She declined.
AARP Driver Safety Program for all drivers age 50 and older, 9 a.m. to 1 p.m., North Valley Hospital, Whitefish. $10 course fee. Call 863-3630 to register.
Biomass bids for Glacier High due Friday
District seeks salvaged wood to heat new school
Soccer sweep
WHITEFISH - The Whitefish High School boys and girls soccer teams can finally exhale.
Board considers shoreline district
Zoning would restrict land along Flathead Lake to two homes per acre
Columbia Falls Police arrested a girl Monday
for alcohol possession from a Friday night incident.
Subdivision gets favorable review from council
Ready, set, grow
Kalispell man charged in drug case
Bond increased for suspect in sex-assault case
Prosecutors: Thorne may have contacted witness
Tuesday, September 26
Lew E. Wallace, 87
Lew E. Wallace, 87, died of natural causes on Sept. 23, 2006. He was born Jan. 19, 1919, to Enoch and Blanche Wallace in Harrington, Wash., and raised in Eastern Washington.
Backfield brothers
Luke and Zach Fennelly power Whitefish's offense

Endangered Species Act hits a milestone
Spawning bull trout settle into a hole in the Swan River drainage.
3 20th annual Flathead Valley Harvest Food Drive sponsored by the Northwest Montana Association of Realtors. Fill your bags with nonperishable foods and place on doorstop for pickup at 6 p.m. Cereal, peanut butter, canned beans, rice and soup are needed. Call Barb Funk, 862-2333.
Gloria J. Blake, 63
Gloria J. Blake, 63, passed away Friday, Sept. 22, 2006, at St. Luke Hospital in Ronan. Gloria was born Oct. 25, 1942, in Richmond, Calif., to Kenneth and Ruby Christopher and she was raised in Arlee. She graduated from Arlee High School in 1960 and then attended Montana State University in Bozeman.
Kalispell police had trouble with people who didn't know when they were unwelcome.
Reports came from a homeless shelter where a man made threats; from Meridian Road, where a man said four or five drunk people were in his house and wouldn't leave; from Ray of Hope, where an intoxicated man wouldn't leave; and from Seventh Avenue West where a resident wanted a neighbor to get off of his lawn.
The Flathead County Sheriff's Office was called to the Bigfork area Monday afternoon
when a woman fell or was pushed from a moving vehicle. She was taken to the hospital, and officers chased the driver.
Whitefish police took a report of an assault on Wisconsin.
Someone reported that a business that sells items for customers on eBay kept the items and went out of business.
The Kalispell Fire Department sent an ambulance Monday
to a traffic accident with minor injuries on First Avenue East.
Harassment suit filed against tire company
The U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission has filed a lawsuit against Les Schwab Tire Center for allegedly allowing racial harassment against an American Indian employee in Kalispell.

Swan Land Deal wraps up
A $10.7 million deal to protect 1,761 acres of Plum Creek Timber Co. land in the Swan Valley has been completed.
Monday, September 25
Paul Everett Lawson, 76
Paul Everett Lawson, 76, of Bigfork passed away Sept. 23, 2006, at Kalispell Regional Medical Center after fighting a courageous battle with pulmonary fybrosis. He was born Sept. 18, 1930, in Drumright, Okla., to Everett and Daisy (Taylor) Lawson.
The Bad Rock Fire Department put out a vehicle fire on Route 206 Saturday afternoon.
The Bad Rock department and the Three Rivers ambulance service Saturday afternoon took at least one person from a River Road auto accident to North Valley Hospital.
3 AARP Driver Safety Program for all drivers age 50 and older, 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. today and Tuesday at St. John's Lutheran Hospital, Libby. $10 course fee. Call 406-293-0100 to register.

Playing their cards right
The Sanders County Sheriff's Office is hunting for a Whitefish couple
- in their late 20s - who are suspects in a Saturday evening stabbing incident in Hot Springs.
Swogger, offensive line getting 'er done for Griz
UM quarterback throws for 221 yards, 3 touchdowns
The Flathead County Sheriff's Office arrested a boy shoplifter at Shopko Saturday afternoon.
A mountain lion was spotted Saturday evening in the Haskill Basin area.
A bicycle was stolen Saturday
afternoon from a garage on Eighth Avenue West, Kalispell police reported.
Sunday, September 24
Roger J. Morris Jr., 54
Roger J. Morris Jr., 54, publisher and editor of The Western News, died Thursday, Sept. 21, 2006, in Libby.
A fire did extensive damage to a men's bathroom
A fire did extensive damage to a men's bathroom at Whitefish City Beach. By the time Whitefish police arrived Saturday morning, it had been out for quite a while, but they asked the Whitefish Fire Department to look at it anyway.
Whitefish drills Ronan
The Daily Inter Lake
Griz humble Hornets
Whitefish history teacher named best in state teacher honored
The Daily Inter Lake
Dylan's journey through our times
Bob Dylan's life more or less spans what we think of as the modern era, the time of the greatest advancements in science, technology and human progress ever known to man.
Felon with weapon gets new prison term
The Daily Inter Lake
Three Rivers ambulance
Three Rivers ambulance took a man to the hospital after he fell and hit his head during a fight at a Columbia Falls business.
Montana Loon Society annual meeting is 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. at 6525 Rocky Point Road in Polson; regional reports, loon day count, planning and elections. Bring potluck dish, tableware and lawn chairs. Take U.S. 93 north out of Polson to Rocky Point Road, then go 6.4 miles past King's Point Road; after three cattle guards, take third left; 883-5797.
A woman reported her car stolen
A woman reported her car stolen from her garage on Lion Mountain Drive. Her son said he'd received a voice message that said the car had been in an accident at an unknown location. Flathead County Sheriff's deputies later learned it had never been stolen - her son had wrecked it.
A 20-year-old Woods Bay-area man died early Saturday morning in a one-vehicle accident on Montana 35.
Woods Bay man dies in accident
Columbia Falls police
Columbia Falls police cited and released a woman for assault at the Sportsman's Club. The incident is still under investigation; there may be more charges pending.
Kalispell police
Kalispell police took a couple of stolen-vehicle reports from men who couldn't find their cars after the homecoming game at Flathead High School. One soon remembered where he'd parked and found his car. An officer helped the other man find his.
Healing touches
Alternative treatments gain in popularity with veterinarians
Jerry Harris Winkley, 68
Jerry Harris Winkley, 68, passed away on Wednesday, Sept. 20, 2006, at his lake house in Rollins.
Sex offender gets 10 years in prison
The Daily Inter Lake

Roberts, Eureka bump Bigfork
The latest scandal for Sen. Conrad Burns, R-Mont., is pretty thin gruel, scandalwise.
Latest 'scandal' just a distraction
Barbara Allie Bishop, 60
Barbara "Allie" Bishop, 60, passed away Sept. 18, 2006, at her home in Columbia Falls.
Plan board splits on Kila project
The Daily Inter Lake

Animated suspension
Flathead second at Mountain West run
The Daily Inter Lake

Friends 'til the end
Five couples look back on six decades of adventures together
Saturday, September 23
The Glacier RCers will host the Greater Northwest Model Airplane Fly-In and Swap Meet today and Sunday in a flying field off of Whitefish Stage Road, 10 miles north of Kalispell.
Fly-in scheduledthis weekend near Whitefish
Janice 'Jan' K. Tullett, 57
Janice K. Tullett passed away Wednesday, Sept. 20, 2006, at Kalispell Regional Medical Center.

Braves bounce back nicely
New leash on life for survivors
A couple of fat and sassy puppies have new leashes on life thanks to veterinarian Art Otto's lifesaving efforts at The Animal Clinic in Kalispell.
Crews halt most fires in one day
Satellite tracks roaming grizzly
The Daily Inter Lake
Whitefish Police
Whitefish Police were called Thursday to a home on Woodland Place where a man didn't know when to leave.

Four Kalispell students in October will represent Montana at national tech competition in Indianapolis
Season titles on the line at raceway
The Daily Inter Lake
Krause, Iverson lead 'Dogs, Braves
The Daily Inter Lake
Wilson, Wildcats pillage Vikings

Teen goes to prison for rape
Columbia Falls Fire Department went to a burning field on Montana 40 Wednesday evening.
News Staff
Guess what happened
Guess what happened to the bike on Fifth Avenue East North with a sticker that says, "Race it like you stole it"?
Free exchange
Flathead Valley boasts state's largest Freecycle group
Flathead Lutherans for Life, annual rummage sale from 8 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. at Faith Free Lutheran Church, 405 Liberty St. in Kalispell; most proceeds benefit Hope Pregnancy Center; call 756-8344.
The alpine portion of Going-to-the-Sun Road remains temporarily closed due to winter weather in Glacier National Park.
Sun Road still closed
Flathead County Sheriff's Office
Flathead County Sheriff's Office went to Harmony Road, where a resident reported that a man with a rifle was threatening to shoot the resident's dog. Besides a weapon, the man had a warrant for his arrest.
Friday, September 22
Maurice Edward Kellogg Johnson, M.D., 88
Maurice Edward Kellogg Johnson, M.D., died Sept. 19, 2006.
Makana Zachary Breckenridge
Makana Zachary Breckenridge son of Lucas and Kelbi Breckenridge of Dayton, was born Sept. 19 at North Valley Hospital.He weighed 7 pounds and was 20 inches long.
Maeva Angele Malcheski
Maeva Angele Malcheski daughter of Brendt and Angelique Malcheski of Kalispell, was born Sept. 18 at North Valley Hospital.She weighed 7 pounds, 6.5 ounces, and was 20 inches long.
Jocelyn Marie Browning
Jocelyn Marie Browning daughter of Dave and Schelee Browning of Whitefish, was born Sept. 19 at North Valley Hospital.She weighed 8 pounds, 13 ounces, and was 20 1/2 inches long.
Adie Louise Corbett
Adie Louise Corbett daughter of Jesse and Carrie Corbett of Kalispell, was born Sept. 9 at home.She weighed 9 pounds, and was 21 1/2 inches long.
Leila Veronica Weprek
Leila Veronica Weprek daughter of Amber Weprek of Kalispell, was born Aug. 25 at Kalispell Regional Medical Center.She weighed 8 pounds, 4 ounces, and was 19 3/4 inches long.
Vanessa Irene Palin, daughter of Melissa Palin, was born Aug. 30, at Kalispell Regional Medical Center.
She weighed 5 pounds, 2 ounces, and was 18 inches long.
Columbia Falls Ambulance was called for a woman who passed out
in the booking area of the Police Department. The crew also went to the high school for a cheerleader who hurt herself catching another cheerleader.
America Reads program needs mentors for students
The Daily Inter Lake
Exploring new territory
Glacier Symphony and Chorale adds a few twists to its traditional season
When are you going to turn down the music?
one neighbor asked Wednesday night to another on Eighth Street West. "When the cops come," was the answer. Kalispell police went over. The volume went down.
School asks for bond levy
Hungry Horse developers stress project's affordability
Let's hope bypass starts in south
While we applaud the state Department of Transportation for its willingness to "let the community" decide which phase of the U.S. 93 bypass to build first, we're not convinced the process has been very helpful to meeting that goal.

Ambrozuk returns
Suspect in 24-year-old homicide appears in Flathead court, ordered held without bond
Columbia Falls police arrested woman for second DUI
Columbia Falls police arrested a woman for her second DUI after midnight Thursday on U.S. 2.
Hockaday offers holiday art classes
The Hockaday Museum of Art in Kalispell offers holiday-themed art classes for children and adults in September and October.
Music ban makes waves at health club
Three Whitefish residents say action by The Wave raises constitutional questions

Showing the way
Flathead senior linebacker Coltin Weber leads Braves on and off the field
He took his suspected burglar-fu pose somewhere else.
On O'Brien Terrace, a resident heard a noise outside and saw a man in a crouch.
Hellgate burns Bravettes
The Daily Inter Lake
Snow closes section of Sun Road
The Daily Inter Lake
Are you ready for a Griz blowout?
Don't be surprised if Sac State plays UM closer
On the Gridiron Tonight
Libby at Eureka, 7 p.m.
Bypass decision not set
Thursday, September 21
Grace May Albright, 87
Grace May Albright went peacefully Sept. 16, 2006, surrounded by her loving family in Kalispell.
Cynthia Lynn Richards, 43
Cynthia Lynn Richards, 43, passed peacefully "into heaven" at her home in Woods Bay, out of Bigfork this past weekend.
George A. Johnsrud, 63
George A. Johnsrud, 63, of Columbia Falls, passed away Sept. 16, 2006.
Kalispell police dealt with strange behavior Tuesday.
On East Washington Street, a teenager lay face-down on a sidewalk. He explained that he was fine. An officer had a word with him and his parents. On Main Street, a woman exposed herself to passing drivers until she agreed to go to the hospital. A man on Charlotte Avenue was moved to try to direct traffic until he, too, went to the hospital.
Whitefish police took a report from Idaho Avenue where a woman said her ex-boyfriend threatened to kill her new boyfriend.
A man was arrested after a traffic stop near Town Pump. Charges include DUI, possession of drugs and paraphernalia, and driving with a suspended license.
AARP Driver Safety Program for all drivers age 50 and older, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. at Bigfork Area Senior Center. Bring a sack lunch. $10 course fee. Call 837-4157 to register.
The West Valley Fire Department went to a slash pile Tuesday on McMannamy Draw.
when six sets of unfriendly husky eyes deterred firefighters from entering the property.
Enjoy the park now more than ever
A portion of Glacier Park's Going-to-the-Sun Road closed for construction on Monday, but that doesn't mean visitors can't enjoy the park's many attractions.
Columbia Falls to develop Cedar Creek land
Planners OK new Forest Service site
Proposal for federal agency's Flathead headquarters goes before City Council
Columbia Falls police took a report of someone who drove up
to Veterans Drive, appeared to be digging frantically, and took off. Officers tracked down the vehicle and found that the driver had been just been picking sage.
FWP mixing up
the local catch

Answering the call
Bailey Ortley is one of state's top waterfowl callers
Patricia Lou (Martin) Blood, 69
Patricia Lou (Martin) Blood, 69, of Columbia Falls died of Lou Gehrig's disease Sept. 18, surrounded by family and friends.
Griz prepare without Murphy
Not another secret injury.
More charges in suspected sexual assaults
The Daily Inter Lake

Fire scorches housing complex
Board balks at fast review
Body found on lawn
The Daily Inter Lake
The Flathead County Sheriff's Office took a report from the West Glacier area, where a man said another man broke out the window of his truck
and struck him in the face. More face-punching was reported on Cobbler Village Road, where a man was arrested.
Wednesday, September 20
Robert Morris Blake, 72
Robert Morris Blake was born to proud parents, Morris E. and Leah V. Blake, Feb. 10, 1934; and passed away peacefully in his home surrounded by all his children and loving wife in Aug. 20, 2006, after battling cancer for several years.
Kalispell Fire Department sent an ambulance to an injury accident near the Sportsman Ski Haus parking lot Monday afternoon.
Whitefish Fire Department went to a gas line that was hit on Haugen Heights Road and one that was hit on Silver Berry Lane in Iron Horse.
Realtors decry Whitefish slope law
South 93 bypass gets local nod
Officers spoke with some people and advised them to empty the trash from an unregistered vehicle.
Columbia Falls Police took a report of smelly garbage on Darlene Road.

Woman dies in crash
Pope's message reinforced by reply
There is an unmistakable irony in the controversy surrounding Pope Benedict's recent remarks about faith, reason and violence.
Whitefish review board targets 'snout' houses
Flathead's Classroom of Defeat
Whitefish Police dealt with animals on four legs, two legs, and no legs.
It was at about noon on Tuesday that a grizzly showed up on Barkley Lane. A crowd gathered to watch the bear eat apples. It eventually moved on to Mountain Harbor, where an animal warden tranquilized and captured the 2- to 3-year-old bruin.
Kalispell Police arrested a man for obstructing an officer
after a complaint that he had an open container of alcohol downtown.
City, state mapping out traffic stoppers
Planning Board to consider Smith Valley subdivisions
The Daily Inter Lake

With Clements Mountain in the background Kalen Karstens a eastside trail crew member for Glacier National Park carries snow guide poles
to the upper boardwalk section of the Hidden Lake Trail on Logan Pass. The guide poles are used in the spring to aid in finding the trail after snow buries the pass. Craig Moore/Daily Inter Lake

Flathead sweeps Columbia Falls
Flathead County Sheriff's Office took a report of a cabin that was burglarized in Polebridge.
A domestic problem was reported in Evergreen, but the participants were gone when deputies arrived.
Suspect charged with assault in car ramming
The Daily Inter Lake
Tuesday, September 19
Gladys N. Shoop, 83
Gladys N. Shoop, 83, passed away Saturday, Sept. 16, 2006, at Imrnanuel Lutheran Home in Kalispell.
Gene Messina, 56
Gene Messina, 56, lost his battle with cancer on Sept. 14, 2006.
Kalispell police arrested a man, 33, after he crashed his pickup into another vehicle
just after midnight Monday in a casino parking lot on West Montana Street. The man was taken to the emergency room at Kalispell Regional Medical Center for minor injuries, and was then ticketed on suspicion of driving under the influence of alcohol, third offense, and resisting arrest. He may face other charges.
Joseph John 'Joe Dog' Feisman, 73
Joseph John "Joe Dog" Felsman, 73, a former tribal chairman and war veteran, died Sunday in Missoula after a long battle with cancer.
Whitefish kickers boot Polson twice
The Daily Inter Lake
Amber Maxine Smith/Nelson, 20
Amber Maxine Smith/Nelson, 20, passed away Thursday, Sept. 14, 2006.
3 AARP Driver Safety Program for all drivers age 50 and older, 8 a.m. to noon today and Wednesday at St. Matthew's Parish Rectory meeting room, Kalispell. $10 course fee. Call 752-6788 to register.
Deadline requested on growth-policy review
Flathead County commissioners want Planning Board to finish by Oct. 15
Meeting discusses massive subdivision
Developers want to build 1,000 housing units in three years
Tarr, Uibel Two Bear Marathon winners
The Daily Inter Lake
Olive L. Burgin Field, 85
Olive L. Burgin Field, 85, passed away Sept. 16, 2006, at Brendan House in Kalispell.
The Flathead County Sheriff's Office is investigating the discovery of a stolen vehicle
near the Red Meadow Road north of Polebridge. The vehicle was found "totally burned out" behind a gated forest road by a Forest Service enforcement officer.
Woman, 86, assaulted in her home
The Daily Inter Lake
Barry 'Bear' Spooner, 73
Barry Spooner, 73, went peacefully in his sleep "to his heavenly reward" on Sept. 16, 2006.
Monday, September 18
Jazmyn Michelle Bonny
Jazmyn Michelle Bonny daughter of Jacob and Amber Bonny of Columbia Falls, was born Aug. 30 at Kalispell Regional Medical Center.She weighed 9 pounds, 2 ounces, and was 21 1/2 inches long.
Kobe Jacob Schlegel
Kobe Jacob Schlegel son of Jerry Schlegel and Tanya Turner of Somers, was born Sept. 5 at Kalispell Regional Medical Center.He weighed 8 pounds, and was 21 inches long.
Maxwell Gage Violett
Maxwell Gage Violett son of Rachel and Stacy Violett of Polson, was born Sept. 4 at Kalispell Regional Medical Center.He weighed 8 pounds, 14 ounces, and was 20 inches long.
Ayden Zachary Snedigar
Ayden Zachary Snedigar son of Heather and Michael Snedigar of Missoula, was born July 10 at Community Hospital in Missoula.He weighed 8 pounds, and was 19 1/2 inches long.
Isaac Charles Dane Deda
Isaac Charles Dane Deda son of Chad and Aralyn Deda of Kalispell, was born Sept. 6 at Kalispell Regional Medical Center.He weighed 8 pounds, 13 ounces, and was 21 inches long.
Wyatt Winston Elwell
Wyatt Winston Elwell son of Don and Lori Elwell of Bigfork, was born Aug. 28 at Kalispell Regional Medical Center.He weighed 8 pounds, 1 ounce, and was 20 inches long.
Devin Wesley Carper
Devin Wesley Carper son of Boe Carper and Michelle Pellett of Kalispell, was born Sept. 2 at Kalispell Regional Medical Center.He weighed 9 pounds, 1 ounce, and was 21 1/2 inches long.
Ethan James Bowland
Ethan James Bowland son of James and Angela Bowland of Eureka, was born Aug. 28 at Kalispell Regional Medical Center.He weighed 7.8 1/2 pounds, and was 19 1/2 inches long.
Zoe Wendt
Zoe WendtShe weighed 7 pounds, 1 ounce, and was 20 inches long.
Tosh Miles Layton
Tosh Miles Layton son of Jason and Jan Layton of Whitefish, was born Sept. 1 at Kalispell Regional Medical Center.He weighed 8 pounds, 4 ounces, and was 20 1/2 inches long.
Jenna Nicole Wagar
Jenna Nicole Wagar daughter of Murphy and Michelle Wagar of Marion, was born Aug. 29 at Kalispell Regional Medical Center.She weighed 8 pounds, 3 ounces, and was 19 1/2 inches long.
Alexander Lagan Roker
Alexander Lagan Roker son of Brian and Jaime Roker of Kalispell, was born Aug. 29 at Kalispell Regional Medical Center.He weighed 7 pounds, 1 ounce, and was 19 1/2 inches long.
Brooke-Lynn Mae Hankinson
Brooke-Lynn Mae Hankinson daughter of Will and Elisha Hankinson of Kalispell, was born Aug. 26 at Kalispell Regional Medical Center.She weighed 6 pounds, 11 ounces, and was 20 1/2 inches long.
Vanessa Irene Palin
Vanessa Irene Palin daughter of David and Melissa Palin of Kalispell, was born Aug. 30 at Kalispell Regional Medical Center.She weighed 5 pounds, 2 ounces, and was 18 inches long.
Logan James Bingham
Logan James Bingham son of Kelcey and Tawnya Bingham of Whitefish, was born Sept. 10 at North Valley Hospital.He weighed 6 pounds, 11 ounces, and was 20 1/4 inches long.
Cortney May Jackson
Cortney May Jackson daughter of Lola Craft and Gerald Jackson Jr., of Kalispell, was born Sept. 2 at Kalispell Regional Medical Center.She weighed 5 pounds, 7 ounces, and was 18 inches long.
Maddison Joyce Ella Markwardt
Maddison Joyce Ella Markwardt daughter of Martina Martin and David Markwardt of Kalispell, was born Sept. 9 at Kalispell Regional Medical Center.She weighed 7 pounds, and was 20 1/2 inches long.
Madeleine Kristina Matson
Madeleine Kristina Matson daughter of Louise Adamson and Eric Matson of Whitefish, was born Sept. 9 at North Valley Hospital.She weighed 6 pounds, 14 ounces, and was 20 1/2 inches long.
Kaden Ryan Kamerer
Kaden Ryan Kamerer son of Kari Smart and Kevin Kamerer of Kalispell, was born Aug. 31 at Kalispell Regional Medical Center.He weighed 8 pounds, 7.4 ounces, and was 21 1/2 inches long.
Amber LaRue Jones
Amber LaRue Jones daughter of Richard and Tressa Jones of Columbia Falls, was born Sept. 6 at Kalispell Regional Medical Center.She weighed 7 pounds, 7 ounces, and was 19 inches long.
Bodee Alan Hanson
Bodee Alan Hanson son of Daniel and Kimberly Hanson of Whitefish, was born Sept. 1 at Kalispell Regional Medical Center.He weighed 7 pounds, 2 ounces, and was 19 3/4 inches long.
Chloe Maye Marvin
Chloe Maye Marvin daughter of Kristy Schmidt and Dustin Marvin of Kalispell, was born Sept. 2 at Kalispell Regional Medical Center.She weighed 6 pounds, 11 ounces, and was 19 1/2 inches long.
Sophia Lee Mullis
Sophia Lee Mullis daughter of Daniel and Sarah Mullis of Kalispell, was born Sept. 1 at Kalispell Regional Medical Center.She weighed 5 pounds, 8 ounces, and was 18 1/2 inches long.
Dominick Thomas Meyer
Dominick Thomas Meyer son of Michael and Heather Meyer of Kalispell, was born Aug. 28 at Kalispell Regional Medical Center.He weighed 7 pounds, 8 ounces, and was 20 inches long.
Daniel James Shimiza
Daniel James Shimiza son of Alicia and Richard Shimiza of Kalispell, was born Sept. 4 at Kalispell Regional Medical Center.He weighed 6 pounds, 11 ounces, and was 19 1/2 inches long.
Mariah Faith Cross
Mariah Faith Cross daughter of Tionne and Camellia Cross of Whitefish, was born Sept. 9 at Kalispell Regional Medical Center.She weighed 9 pounds, 13 ounces, and was 22 1/2 inches long.
Oliver Hudson Stoll
Oliver Hudson Stoll son of Nathan and Joni Stoll of Kalispell, was born Aug. 30 at Kalispell Regional Medical Center.He weighed 6 pounds, 15 ounces, and was 19 1/2 inches long.
Ryan Isaiah Leo Stacy
Ryan Isaiah Leo Stacy son of Kris Stacy and Elisabeth Abram of Whitefish, was born Sept. 5 at North Valley Hospital.He weighed 7 pounds, 13 ounces, and was 20 1/2 inches long.
Jaxon Wayne Austin
Jaxon Wayne Austin son of Michael and Brigitte Austin of Kalispell, was born Sept. 2 at North Valley Hospital.He weighed 6 pounds, 13 ounces, and was 19 1/2 inches long.
Blaise Austin Nicholson
Blaise Austin Nicholson son of Abigail Davis and Jesse Nicholson of Whitefish, was born Aug. 29 at Kalispell Regional Medical Center.He weighed 7 pounds, 12 ounces, and was 20 1/2 inches long.
Kalispell police arrested a 43-year-old man for disorderly conduct Saturday afternoon
on the 600 block of South Main Street.
Jaxon Wayne Austin, son of Michael and Brigitte Austin of Kalispell, was born Sept. 2 at North Valley Hospital.
He weighed 6 pounds, 13 ounces, and was 19 1/2 inches long.
CMR upends Flathead
The Daily Inter Lake

'The refineries are driving the ship'
Petroleum industry changes drive consolidation in distribution field
3 Flathead Valley Republican Women meet for lunch at the Outlaw Inn in Kalispell at noon. Phyllis Burns, wife of Sen. Conrad Burns, R-Mont., is guest speaker; public invited.
The Bigfork Fire Department responded Saturday afternoon to a man, who touched a yellow powder in a mailbox on Swan River Road.
The powder apparently burned his hand and caused breathing problems. However, he decided not to be taken to a hospital.
A bear and four cubs tangled with some dogs on Rhodes Draw
late Saturday evening, with one bear being chased up a tree, the Flathead County Sheriff's Office reported. Late on Sunday morning, the same five bears showed up at the same place, with the adult bear charging a woman while she got into a car.
Sunday, September 17
Kathleen Gloraine Donovan, 69
Kathleen Gloraine Donovan, 69, a longtime Whitefish resident, passed away Wednesday morning, Sept. 13, 2006, at Kalispell Regional Medical Center of natural causes.

Sasquatch attack
Stories by JOHN STANG
Expansion projects under way for banks, credit union
Bulldogs serve up win over Wildkats
Broken glass, a hairy arm: Scenes from a movie
It was time to ratchet up the mayhem.
John Higson, 70
John Higson, 70, passed away Tuesday, Sept. 12, 2006, at North Valley Hospital.
Lloyd 'Glenn' Hartman Jr., 57
Lloyd "Glenn" Hartman Jr., 57, of Kalispell passed away on Sept. 14, 2006, as a result of complications from diabetes at the Kalispell Regional Medical Center.
Banking boom
Board backs affordable housing
Will we fight terrorism or not?
Thank God for Jack Bauer.
Flathead blanks Butte; Whitefish, C-Falls post wins
The Daily Inter Lake

Sasquatch lives
Growth policy should be adopted
As the Flathead County Planning Board struggles through its review of the county's draft growth policy, a critical deadline is looming.
across the street from her when she let her dogs out in the morning.
A woman on Shady Glen Drive called the Flathead County Sheriff's Office to report a mountain lion
Beverly Trodgon Lieberman, 54
Beverly Trodgon Lieberman, 54, of Highland Beach, Fla., and of Bigfork, 'peacefully left us' on Sept. 11, 2006, after a 12-year-long battle with breast cancer. Her healing spirit, love of family and friends, and her ability to light up a room will be greatly missed.
parking lot to check on a middle-aged man who was holding his chest.
Kalispell Fire Department ambulance went to the Walgreens
but two other bikes were swiped from Columbus Park after the kids that rode them there forgot about them and left them overnight.
Columbia Falls police recovered a bicycle that had been reported stolen,

Habel able to go for Bravettes
Junior outside hitter totals 13 kills on sprained ankle in sweep of Bulldogs
Whitefish police arrested four boys
for drug possession and MIP.
Saturday, September 16
Polson throttles Columbia Falls, 26-6
Snow to put final damper on fires
Kalispell Police fielded complaints about people driving badly.
Among them was a black Charger-type vehicle swerving on North Main Street until the driver hit the meridian and wound up in the wrong lane of traffic, a driver who went too fast and displayed too many fingers at the roundabout at Costco, a person who almost caused a head-on accident on West Idaho Street, and drag racers on U.S. 93 near the college.
Reel in summer memories
As fall routines take root again, memories of those warm summer days will carry us through to the next.
Doggy Dash today in Polson
The Mission Valley Animal Shelter's Doggy Dash 2006 kicks off this morning at Boettcher Park in Polson, rain or shine.
Flathead County Sheriff's Office took a call from someone who was concerned about a man on U.S. 93, north of West Reserve Drive Friday.
He was wearing a camouflage jacket and a black beret and had a gun strapped to his back and "a bad attitude on his face."
Grossman, Braves capture firsts at Great Falls meet
The Daily Inter Lake

The sound of Music Man
Teenage leading ladies share a last name but will take to separate stages this fall
Karen Thompson Glick, 67
Karen Thompson Glick, 67, passed away on Tuesday, Sept. 12, 2006, at Brendan House in Kalispell.
Boy accused of grave crime
Columbia Falls Police took a call about a black bear cub
in a tree on Crescent Avenue, where it was treed by a dog Thursday and presumably came down later.
Krause, Denning help WHS finish 2nd
The Daily Inter Lake

Winless Bigfork falls short
That's my kidney
Dialysis in Kalispell serves as lifeline for Hungry Horse woman

Muddy mess
John Bosteder, left, and excavator operator Jack Rick, both with Blend Design & Build, work to install a street sign at the future site of the Cedar Commons apartment complex on Third Avenue East in Kalispell. Craig Moore/Daily Inter Lake
Friday, September 15
Douglas William Crutcher, 76
Douglas William Crutcher, 76, passed away at his residence in Kalispell, on Monday, Sept. 11, 2006.
Kalispell police took a complaint about a woman's scary driving Wednesday afternoon.
Then someone else called. A third caller said the driver almost hit other vehicles head-on. She was stopped on Center Street and was arrested on suspicion of her second DUI and careless driving.
Sun Road section to close
Motorists can still reach Logan Pass from the west
Commissioners approve $61 million budget
The Daily Inter Lake
On the Gridiron tonight
Ronan at Libby, 7 p.m.
Whitefish police arrested a teenager Wednesday evening
for alcohol possession and trespassing on Columbia Avenue.
Unbeaten Braves face winless CM Russell
Truth be told, Flathead head football coach Grady Bennett would just as soon the circumstances surrounding this Saturday's Class AA football game with Great Falls Russell were a little different.
School gets new name, new colors
The Creston Fire Department went to a grass fire on Middle Road.
ALERT helicopter, Hungry Horse Fire Department, and Columbia Falls were called about a motorcyclist who went over an embankment at Lake McDonald. He was taken to the hospital.
Columbia Falls police arrested an 18-year-old driver
for DUI and underage alcohol possession.
Schools assign teachers
Vo-Ag, Laser and middle school make placements
Commissioners delay action on Church Slough
Officials end ban on fires
The Daily Inter Lake

Whitefish sweeps C-Falls
Jazz greats reunite for swing through Flathead Valley
Legendary jazz musicians Billy Wallace and Floyd Standifer play four dates in the Flathead Valley in September.
Governor Judge's legacy is secure
Montanans paid their respects this week to Tom Judge, a governor who - like the state he served - was a little larger than life.
Fundraiser takes aim at diabetes
Flying to the football
Flathead's Dan Ogden has combined deceptive speed, agility and quickness to help the Flathead Braves to a 2-0 start on the season
Get into the 'Flow' at country duo's concert
The country classic duo Bellamy Brothers will be performing at Flathead High School on Sunday at 7:30 p.m.
The Flathead County Sheriff's Office went to Columbia Mountain Road
where a tent, lots of garbage, and a terrible odor were reported. A deputy thinks a camp that was set up there has been abandoned. With the property owner's permission, it will be disposed of.
Thursday, September 14
Polly Elizabeth (Gilham) Huser, 88
Polly Huser, 88, passed away July 1, 2006, in Silverdale, Wash., at the Clearbrook Inn.
Arlene Wheat, 63
Arlene Wheat, 63, passed away Tuesday, Sept. 12, 2006, at Kalispell Regional Medical Center.
Teaching rosters established for high schools
Terrence Edward 'Terry' Culbertson Sr., 70
Terrence Edward "Terry" Culbertson Sr., 70, of Fortine, died Monday, Sept. 11, 2006, at his home in Fortine following a courageous battle with cancer.
Man suffers head injury.
ALERT helicopter flew a man from Logan Pass to Kalispell Regional Medical Center Tuesday.
Commissioners delay impact-fee appointments
The Daily Inter Lake

Little lobsters
Crayfish are an exciting and tasty critter to hunt
Door-to-door scam?
Kalispell Police took reports about people going door-to-door, saying they are selling magazine subscriptions to pay for college.
After midnight Tuesday.
Flathead County Sheriff's Office dispatched fire crews to the Smith Valley area Tuesday morning
Flathead burn successful
Cooler weather this weekend should mean end of fire season
C-Falls, Whitefish set to brawl
O'Brien Byrd grew up in Columbia Falls and played soccer at Columbia Falls High School from 1991-94.
Open space preservation out of draft growth policy
Fire crews dispatched
Flathead County Sheriff's Office dispatched fire crews to the Smith Valley area Tuesday morning
No signatures without answers first
A lone Kalispell woman has decided that the months of work and public input on a new Kalispell growth policy don't suit her, so she is trying to substitute her own.
C. Falls Planning Board rejects rezone
Blue Moon development now goes to City Council
FVCC courses span writing to blood drawing
Flathead Valley Community College initiates a new semester with a range of noncredit classes from novel writing to phlebotomy (blood drawing).
Petition on growth hits snag
Fights - Turns self in.
Whitefish Police arrested a man who turned himself in Tuesday on charges from a Saturday night fight.
Wednesday, September 13
Betty Ann (Elizabeth) Woods, 54
Betty Ann (Elizabeth) Woods, 54, of Columbia Falls, grabbed a ray of sun and rode away while held by her family Sept.10, 2006, at HealthCenter NorthWest in Kalispell.
Bridge work may begin next year
Smith Valley Fire Department went to a burn up Hoffman Draw Monday evening.
Kalispell Fire Department sent an ambulance to Glacier Park International Airport for a passenger having a drug reaction.
Don't let public access slip away
It appears a public access dilemma on Church Slough may be solved. And hopefully future threats to public access can be deterred just as easily.
Kelli Kay (Bowden) Stephenson, 37
Kelli Kay (Bowden) Stephenson, 37, passed away Sept. 8, 2006, as the result of a motorcycle accident.
Kalispell fighter Brandon Olsen wins
The Daily Inter Lake
Developer may provide Church Slough access
Offer may defuse road abandonment conflict
City, Valley Bank work on land swap
Four projects up for hearings before board
The Daily Inter Lake
Harold Kellam, 65
Harold Kellam, 65, 'was safe in the arms of Jesus' following an accident at his home in Kalispell, on Saturday, Sept. 9, 2006.
Darlene Tkachyk, 69
Mary Darlene Tkachyk, 69, 'was received into the loving arms of our Savior' on Sept. 9, 2006, at Kalispell Regional Medical Center in Kalispell.
Money a primary obstacle to plans to revamp 911 system
A man was startled to find a barefoot, dirty, barely coherent woman in his driveway on Harmony Road after midnight.
The resident kept her warm in his truck until deputies arrived and began a long search to find a place for her. She was finally allowed to sleep in the Flathead County Sheriff's Office lobby until she sobered up and could go to a homeless shelter.
Fugitive agrees to return to Flathead
Braves one of three unbeatens
A ball-control offense? Who'd of thunk that out of the Flathead High School football team?
Rove coming here to help boost Burns
Tuesday, September 12
Whitefish police had 10 arrests duirng the weekend
for disorderly conduct and disturbing the peace. On Saturday night, five people were arrested in one fight and three were arrested in another.
Big burn planned this week
Intentionally setting fire to a crackling-dry forest that already has multiple fires burning may seem harebrained, but it may not be if you're expecting a sudden turn to winter weather.
The Whitefish Fire Department went to a brush fire on Scholar Boulevard.
The Somers Fire Department went to a report of an electrical fire on White Basin Road and to a fire that wasn't in a required pit on Snowcup Lane.
Antonio Pete 'Tony' Carbonari, 81
Antonio Pete "Tony" Carbonari, 81, lately of Portland, passed over during the evening of Sept. 2, 2006. "He sought the hand of his wife who had gone before him."
Michael 'Mike' Alan Sacherer, 35
"The heavens rejoiced and the Angels sang," on Sept. 7, 2006, when Michael "Mike" Alan Sacherer "went home to be with his Lord arid Savior."
Kalispell police reported vandalism
that included two slashed tires on Hawthorne, a rock through a window at Amerigas and graffiti on an electrical box near Blimpie's.
The Flathead County Sheriff's Office had a run on threats calls Sunday.
Among them were calls from the inappropriately named Harmony Road, Patrick Creek Road - where the problem is about a missing cat - Big Mountain at a construction site, and Good Creek Road, where a man was arrested.
Fleet-footed driver caught
The Daily Inter Lake
Monday, September 11
Rose Eva Keck, 77
Rose Eva Keck, 77, "passed peacefully into the arms of our Lord" after suffering with COPD. She fought a long and difficult battle against Spinal Stenosis.
A vehicle and a bike collided Sunday afternoon
at the intersection of U.S. 2 and West Cottonwood Drive. The bicyclist, a young man, was taken to Kalispell Regional Medical Center, the Flathead County Sheriff's Office reported.
JoAnne Pauline Feist, 22
JoAnne Pauline Feist, 22, 'was carried to Heaven by her Angels' on Saturday, Sept. 9, 2006.
Whitefish police arrested five men for fighting outside of Casey's bar
early Sunday morning. One also provided false information to police.
Kalispell police are investigating an incident on the Sawbucks property
that ended with an intoxicated man who being treated Sunday morning for a stab wound in his hand at Kalispell Regional Medical Center.
Special teams make a difference for Griz
MISSOULA - Saturday was a record-setting day for the University of Montana football team in more ways than one way.

Bigfork, Ferndale hold vigil
Kalispell's Fire Department dealt with towels burning in a dryer
at Kalispell Regional Medical Center Sunday morning.
A hard day to forget, but do we remember?
I remember.
Sunday, September 10

Salmon river of no return
Scientists use salmonless Flathead system as a control for studies of sea-going fish
FHS girls tie Capital; Braves best Bruins, 3-1
The Daily Inter Lake
A dazed-looking woman
A dazed-looking woman standing along the side of Whitefish Stage Road alarmed passersby. She didn't have shoes or a helmet and was standing next to a motorcycle. When she went for gas to fill her empty tank, someone called to let the Flathead County Sheriff's Department know she was very intoxicated.
Three guys
Three guys were reportedly throwing rocks at houses near the intersection of Three Mile Drive and Meridian Road. When a Kalispell police officer arrived, he discovered they were throwing pears, not rocks. The flung fruit hadn't done any visible damage, but the trio were busy picking up pears for a while.
Ceremony honors agent who died in 1925
Joseph Riley was the first U.S. Border Patrol inspector to die in the line of duty along the Canadian border
Coming full circle
Zone change aired for U.S. 2 corner

Flathead claims team titles
A prep career that's just emerging and another one in its prime were on display Saturday afternoon at the Flathead Invitational cross country meet at Kidsport.
Kalispell woman killed in one-car accident
A 22-year-old Kalispell woman died Saturday in a single-vehicle accident between Kalispell and Whitefish.
A 22-year-old man
A 22-year-old man might have only received a warning for his open container had he not taken a swig, stuck the drink in his pants and tried to leave. After that, Whitefish police arrested him.
Naola 'Red' L. Hansen, 75
Naola "Red" L. Hansen, 75, of Polson, passed away peacefully at her home, surrounded by her family on Sept. 7, 2006.
13th annual Antique Engine and Tractor Show and Threshing Bee continues 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. today, Olsen Memorial Park, near Columbia Falls. Turn east off U.S. 2 onto Pioneer Road at mile marker 129.9. Follow half mile to Helena Flats Road. Vintage tractors parade, displays, threshing, draft horse and mule plowing demonstrations, miniature train rides, thresher's lunch, entertainment. Admission $5. Call Mark, 862-6275; Nick, 253-2213; or Bob 752-2469.
People began coughing
People began coughing and choking when they caught a whiff of a strange odor at an RV Park on Shady Lane. Someone had used pepper spray on a dog, and the chemical lingered in the air. Evergreen Fire Department was notified, but no one needed to go to the hospital.
Bergquist shows swagger of Swogger
Bravettes second in volleyball tourney
The Daily Inter lake

Out of the ashes
Photographer's book is poignant account of Glacier fires, son's autism
Zone changes on hold until growth policy adopted
Josephine 'Josie' Boetcher, 77
Josephine "Josie" Boetcher, 77, passed away on Thursday, Sept. 7, 2006, at Heritage Place in Kalispell.
'Squeezing a St. Bernard through the cat door'
Saturday, September 9
Teagan Hunter Opheim
Teagan Hunter Opheim son of Kara and Jason Opheim of Columbia Falls, was born Sept. 1 at North Valley Hospital.He weighed 7 pounds, 2 ounces, and was 19 1/2 inches long.
Parker Keith Strohschein
Parker Keith Strohschein son of Marty Strohschein and Jacqueline Sutherland of Bigfork, was born Aug. 27 at Kalispell Regional Medical Center.He weighed 8 pounds, 4 ounces, and was 22 inches long.
Caleb Dion Kinniburgh
Caleb Dion Kinniburgh son of Steve and Maria Kinniburgh of Kalispell, was born Aug. 23 at Kalispell Regional Medical Center.He weighed 6 pounds, 3 ounces.
Lexus Pearl Jones
Lexus Pearl Jones daughter of Kelsey and Dustin Jones of Kalispell, was born Sept. 1 at North Valley Hospital.She weighed 6 pounds, 7 ounces, and was 19 inches long.
Ryley Crandall Burton Shaver
Ryley Crandall Burton Shaver son of Timothy and Christy Shaver of Columbia Falls, was born Aug. 31 at North Valley Hospital.He weighed 5 pounds, 15 ounces, and was 18 inches long.
Caleb Edward Fleming
Caleb Edward Fleming son of Cody and Amanda Fleming of Whitefish, was born Aug. 31 at North Valley Hospital.He weighed 7 pounds, 9.4 ounces, and was 21 inches long.
Mary Elizabeth Beard
Mary Elizabeth Beard daughter of Lacy Smith and Kenneth Beard of Somers, was born Aug. 30 at North Valley Hospital.She weighed 9 pounds, 1.5 ounces, and was 21 inches long.
Zion Charles Bilal
Zion Charles Bilal son of Sarah and Kheri Bilal of Whitefish, was born Aug. 29 at North Valley Hospital.He weighed 7 pounds, 5 ounces.

A stitch in time
Bigfork annual Sidewalk Art Contest 9 am. to noon Electric Avenue. Artists of all ages and ability welcome to participate. Prizes awarded. Call Flathead Bank, 837-1600.
Antique tractor show rolls this weekend
The Northwest Antique Power Association's 13th annual Antique Engine and Tractor Show and Threshing Bee gets under way today and Sunday.
Emma Elizabeth Poch, daughter of Matt and Jackie Poch of Eureka, was born Aug. 20 at Kalispell Regional Medical Center.
Kalispell Police
Kalispell Police took a call about a girl who cut off her fingers Thursday. It turned out that she was actually in a garage in Columbia Falls, where she had been allegedly huffing gasoline and hallucinating. She was not injured.
Evergreen Fire Department
Evergreen Fire Department went to flames in a field on U.S. 2 Thursday. Evergreen and West Valley fire departments went to a gas-line break on Sunset Drive.
County reaps tax windfall
The Daily Inter Lake
Wilson sccores 4 TDs to life 'Cats
COLUMBIA FALLS - Sophomore running back Josh Wilson rushed for 272 yards and four first-half touchdowns as the Columbia Falls beat Ronan 46-15 in its Northwestern A football opener Friday night.
25th annual quilt show Sept. 22-24
The Flathead Quilters Guild will stage its 25th annual show, "Wildflower Memories," Sept. 22-24 at the Flathead County Fairgrounds.
Cooperating for better schools
Education group helps teachers across the valley
Whitefish Police
Whitefish Police took a report of a wake board and boots stolen at Whitefish Lake.
Crash takes second life
The Daily Inter Lake

Pollen party

Braves blast Sentinel
It only took a moment to turn it all around.
Summer Games focus on soccer, friendships
Annual event began in early 1980s; attracts teams from Canada, Montana, Washington
Kindness always is nearby
Phyllis Putter, her husband, Al Winegarten, and grandson Julian Picard were traveling July 20 to Glacier Park when they were involved in a serious accident. Their recreational vehicle rolled down an embankment and overturned, causing serious injuries to her husband, and some bruises and scrapes to Putter and her grandson. Fortunately, all walked away.
Three Flathead coaches moving to Glacier High
Three Flathead High School head athletic coaches are moving to Glacier High School next fall, Flathead activities director Mark Dennehy announced Friday.
Fire lines holding in
Judge defended legacy in history interview
Friday, September 8
Steven E. Laxson, 56
Steve looked forward to meeting his maker, 'and his day came' when he sustained a severe heart attack Sept. 5, 2006.
Volleyball powers reside in the west
Roadless rally set in Helena
The Flathead County Sheriff's Office was called at 9:30 p.m. Wednesday about a hiker who hadn't come home from Strawberry Lake
Trail. Searchers on foot and on a motorcycle looked for him. He was located at about 5:30 a.m. at Wildcat Lake. He was fine.
Gridiron Tonight
Polson at Libby, 7 p.m.
Columbia Falls police were notified that Glacier County authorities arrested a man on Columbia Falls warrants
for two felony counts of criminal endangerment and one felony count of possession of cocaine. He also was arrested on a drug charge in Glacier County.
The bear up there
Officer questions obit claim of bear attack
The Daily Inter Lake
County hires expert to study dispatch problems
Spartans, Braves feature pass-happy attacks
'F' 'A' Langston, 78
"F" "A" Langston, 78, of Elmo, passed away from natural causes Sunday, Sept. 3, 2006, while archery hunting in Beaverhead County.
Ohio State, Texas game has Flathead connection
Saturday's college football game in Austin, Texas, between top-ranked Ohio State and No. 2 Texas has a Flathead Valley connection.
Hearing draws one speaker

Jock of all trades
Local authors' books published
Two Bigfork authors have had books published recently by PublishAmerica.

Flathead battling new lightning fire
Night of contemporary dance in Whitefish
A vivacious company of seven offers a smorgasbord of contemporary dance, featuring funny, athletic and thought-provoking work when Headwaters Dance Company performs on Saturday, Sept. 16, at 7:30 p.m. at the O'Shaughnessy Center in Whitefish.
The Kalispell Fire Department went Thursday to a garage on Eighth Avenue East North for a report of an electrical fire.
The crew put out a campfire left on West Center Street. An ambulance went to a wreck with minor injuries on East California Street. The ambulance also met up with a vehicle taking a man to the hospital after an encounter with a Skil saw on Van Sant Road.
West Nile virus case reported in Hot Springs
The Daily Inter Lake
College-cost study just a squeeze play?
The headline was cause for concern: "Montana gets 'F' for college affordability."
Whitefish police took a report of a break-in at the Whitefish Motel
where someone apparently really wanted to do some laundry.
Into the breach
Kalispell police were called about the driver of a red Ford Escort
who was weaving in traffic Wednesday on South Meridian Road. She wasn't intoxicated; she was applying makeup.
Red Cross blood drive, 10:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m., Browning Hospital.
Thursday, September 7
June Luella Hughes, 85
June Luella Hughes, 85, of Missoula passed away of congestive heart failure at St. Patrick Hospital on Sept. 4, 2006.
Regional fires foul valley air
Red Cross blood drive, 10:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m., Flathead County Health Department, Kalispell.
Columbia Falls police added another citation to the pile they plan to give to a man
who sped past officers again on his motorcycle Tuesday evening.
Petition targets Kalispell growth plan

Bringing back the old ways
Development gets early OK from C. Falls

Tractor Trove
Retired C.Falls mechanic loves all things John Deere
The Flathead County Sheriff's Office dispatched firefighters Wednesday to Haskill Basin Road
where a fire in the woods was knocked down before it could reach a home, 50 feet away.
Braves hungry to achieve
Whitefish police took a complaint about a woman who barreled through a construction zone
on East Edgewood and then yelled at a construction worker.
'F' 'A' Langston, 78
"F" "A" Langston, 78, of Elmo, passed away from natural causes Sunday, Sept. 3, 2006, while archery hunting in Beaverhead County.
Ambrozuk to fight extradition
The Daily Inter Lake
The Evergreen Fire Department was called to smoke sighted by Snappy's.
It turned out to be a transient's camp fire and it was extinguished.
Kalispell police found that a shirtless man in repose behind Albertson's was fine.
He caused a complaint less than hour later on North Meridian Road. He decided to settle down somewhere and detoxify his body for the night. In the morning, there was a complaint of a man sleeping at the fairgrounds.
Good deeds, and an untimely death
Whitefish is a pacesetter once again, this time with a rescue hovercraft that can skim over ice and water, hover in location and rotate a full 360 degrees.
Grizzly captured, released
Havoc in Helena
Kalispell's Brandon Olsen fights Saturday
Whitefish water rates going up 15 percent
Griz prepare for Jackrabbits
South Dakota State nearly took Montana to OT last season
Fishing, hunting are in high gear
Fall season may not arrive on the calendar for another two weeks, but fall is definitely here in Northwest Montana.
Wednesday, September 6
Alexandra Robbin, 71
Alexandra Robbin, formerly of Bigfork and Creston, passed away Aug. 7, 2006 in Minneapolis. She was 71.
Larry Dean Kelch, 65
Larry Dean Kelch, 65, passed away on Sunday, Sept. 3, 2006, at Kalispell Regional Hospital from heart arrhythmia due to complications of cancer. Dean was born July 22, 1941, in Kalispell, to Everett and Edna Kelch. He grew-up in the Flathead Valley except for two years, when the family moved to Seattle where his father and mother worked in the shipyards during World War II.
Douglas Duane Konshur, 70
Douglas Duane Konshur, 70, was born in Minot, N.D., on Aug. 18, 1936, to William and Lettie Konshur. Douglas passed away Sept. 3, 2006, in Apache Junction, Ariz.
Mill levy would increase 3.8 percent
The Flathead County commissioners will hold a public hearing this morning on the $60.73 million budget proposed for fiscal 2006-07.
Braves hungry to achieve
FHS joins 5 other undefeated teams
Wrecks keep safety crews busy
Flathead County Sheriff's Office dispatched rescuers to two accidents with possibly serious injuries Monday evening.
Whitefish Police went to disturbances
at the Remington and Casey's bars.
Columbia Falls Police took a 911 call Monday night about a vehicle
that hit a parked car and a stop sign and kept going. Less than a minute later, the same vehicle reportedly hit a tree and could cause no further mayhem. The driver was arrested for DUI.
Ambrozuk described fatal crash to friend
Details come from recorded phone call
Smith Valley Fire Department went to a grass fire at Eagle Crest Court, which a resident put out with a garden hose.
Ruth E. (Winchester) Cobler, 64
Ruth E. (Winchester) Cobler, 64, passed away on Monday, Sept. 1, 2006, at her home following a lengthy illness. Ruth was born on April 28, 1942, in The Dalles, Ore., to Edwin and Esther Winchester.
No new funds for growth work
Flathead County's preliminary budget doesn't set any new money aside for implementation of the growth policy, but officials say that doesn't indicate a lack of support for the planning document.
3 AARP Driver Safety Program for all drivers age 50 and older, 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. today and Thursday, The Summit, Kalispell. $10 course fee. Call 751-4500 to register.
Tuesday, September 5
Kalispell police
Kalispell police took a call about a man in jeans, a black leather vest, and a cowboy hat who seemed a little unsteady in traffic on Colorado Street and U.S. 93. No such detailed clothing description was available for the man who darted around on Second Street West. He was naked.
Big Mountain Ambulance
Big Mountain Ambulance helped a woman with a possibly broken wrist after a bike accident Sunday.
The Flathead County Sheriff's Office
The Flathead County Sheriff's Office took a call Sunday about a bear and her brood on Reservoir Road near Whitefish. One cub was separated from its two siblings and the sow by a fence. A game warden was called.

Timber transition: Timber future less than certain
3 Red Cross blood drive, 2-6 p.m., at the center, 126 N. Meridian Road, Kalispell.
Columbia Falls police
Columbia Falls police arrested a man after a report of partner assault happening at Town Pump. The man reportedly ran from police - straight into a sheriff's deputy who had gone to another Town Pump to find him. He was arrested on charges of resisting arrest, obstructing an officer, and partner assault, and on a felony warrant from the sheriff's office and another warrant from Missoula.
Gold, Donald win Labor Day golf titles
The Daily Inter Lake
Whitefish police
Whitefish police arrested a man for DUI on Ramsey and U.S. 93 Sunday night.
Monday, September 4
at Conrad cemetery, the Flathead County Sheriff's Office reported.
Several headstones were found knocked over Sunday afternoon
The Three Rivers ambulance took at 16-year-old girl kicked by a horse
Saturday afternoon to North Valley Hospital.

Timber transition: Long logging history cut short
National forests can't meet needs of timber mills
Columbia Falls police arrested a 23-year-old man for partner/family assault Saturday evening.
Police arrested a man for drunken driving early Sunday morning.
Harry A. Riley, 84
Harry A. Riley, 84, of Columbia Falls, passed from this life Aug. 31, 2006, 'to be with his Savior.'
3 City of Kalispell Solid Waste Division will not be picking up 90-gallon containers today due to the holiday. Today's route will be picked up on Tuesday. Have containers out by 7 a.m.
Whitefish police cited a boy Saturday afternoon for possessing alcohol.
Police arrested a man Saturday evening for disorderly conduct.
Charles Leigh Thompson, 94
Charles Leigh Thompson, 94, of Columbia Falls and formerly of Cut Bank, passed away Thursday, Aug. 31, 2006, at North Valley Hospital in Whitefish.
Millwright trains for new career
Man commutes 120 miles a day to become law officer
Kalispell police arrested a 28-year-old man for disorderly conduct for a fight Saturday evening
in the Sawbucks parking lot.
Sunday, September 3
Jeanne Arlee Gallentine, 69
Jeanne Arlee Gallentine, 69, of Ennis, passed away Wednesday, Aug. 30, 2006.

Frustrating outcome for Bravettes
Kalispell business felt effects from Owens & Hurst closure
Seventh annual Huckleberry Pancake Breakfast 8 a.m. to noon today and Monday, Laughing Horse Lodge, on Montana 83, mile marker 71.5, Swan Lake. Fundraiser for Red Cross of Montana.
Columbia Falls police
Columbia Falls police arrested a 19-year-old man for DUI. They also arrested two kids for shoplifting at a grocery store.
A recent ruling from the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals that blocks a fuel reduction project on the Bitterroot National Forest is a head-scratcher, for sure.
Ninth Circuit goes to forestry school
A woman called Kalispell police
A woman called Kalispell police after the driver in front of her swerved all over the road and nearly hit the underpass heading into Kalispell on U.S. 2. Police eventually caught the 51-year-old man and arrested him for DUI, criminal possession of dangerous drugs, criminal possession of drug paraphernalia and violation of a restriction on his probationary license.
Whitefish police
Whitefish police made three arrests within half an hour, beginning at about 2 a.m. Saturday. A 29-year-old Whitefish man was arrested for possession of drug paraphernalia and criminal mischief. A 25-year-old Whitefish man who urinated in public was arrested for disturbing the peace. A Canadian man was arrested for obstructing an officer.
Creston Fire Department
Creston Fire Department went to an accident with reported injuries on Montana 35, only to discover everyone involved had already left the scene. Later, the fire department put out a flaming roof on Van Sant Road.
Man dies in motorcycle accident
The Daily Inter Lake
Whitefish girls victors over Laurel
WHITEFISH - Whitefish evened its record in non-conference Class A soccer record Saturday with a 3-0 victory over Laurel.
Bulldogs claim championship at the Ronan Tip-Off Tournament
The Daily Inter Lake
'Outing' the outrage: News only matters if it hurts Bush
Where is the outrage now?
Knaff leads Braves to win over Big Sky
The Daily Inter Lake
Mae Guffey Campbell, 98
Mae Guffey Campbell, 98, died in her home in Kalispell with her beloved husband, Harry Campbell at her side on Aug. 31, 2006.
Saving the baby
Old School Station on its way
Judith 'Judy' Smith, 88
Judith "Judy" Smith, 88, passed away Wednesday, Aug. 30, at her daughter's home in Lolo. She had been living at the Clark Fork Riverside senior residence up until two days before her death.

A new arrangement
Flathead citizens weigh in on proposed growth plan
The Daily Inter Lake
Saturday, September 2
Jacob Steven Randall Schnetter
Jacob Steven Randall Schnetter son of Chandra Schreckendgust-Norris and Shane Schnetter of Kalispell, was born Aug. 25 at Kalispell Regional Medical Center.He weighed 7 pounds, 3 1/2 ounces, and was 20 inches long.
Keni Elizabeth Wade
Keni Elizabeth Wade daughter of Curt and Marshelle Wade of Bigfork, was born Aug. 18 at Kalispell Regional Medical Center.She weighed 6 pounds, 12 ounces, and was 19 inches long.
Joseph Aiden Sanders
Joseph Aiden Sanders son of Cassandra Myers and Mark Sanders of Kalispell, was born Aug. 26 at Kalispell Regional Medical Center.Paternal grandparents are Bob and Lynn Buck of Kalispell. Maternal grandparents are Susan and Steven Myers of O'Fallon, Mo.
Ty Allen Crofts
Ty Allen Crofts son of Dana and Jessica Crofts of Kalispell, was born Aug. 10 at Kalispell Regional Medical Center.He weighed 7 pounds, 1/2 ounce, and was 20 1/2 inches long.
Alessandro Joshua Pipolo
Alessandro Joshua Pipolo son of Joshua and Kari Pipolo of Kalispell, was born Aug. 17 at Kalispell Regional Medical Center.He weighed 7 pounds, 3 ounces, and was 20 1/2 inches long.
Kailie Victoria Owens
Kailie Victoria Owens daughter of Stephanie and Sean Owens of Kalispell, was born Aug. 22 at Kalispell Regional Medical Center.She weighed 6 pounds, 12 ounces, and was 19 inches long.
Kaylynn LeeAnn Nelson
Kaylynn LeeAnn Nelson daughter of Jonathan and Debra Nelson of Columbia Falls, was born Aug. 18 at Kalispell Regional Medical Center.She weighed 8 pounds, 5 ounces, and was 21 inches long.
Kadin Samuel Coberley
Kadin Samuel Coberley son of Jeremy and Kim Coberley of Columbia Falls, was born Aug. 23 at Kalispell Regional Medical Center.He weighed 8 pounds, 6 ounces, and was 21 1/2 inches long.
Benjamin George Winters
Benjamin George Winters son of Jake and Shannon Winters of Kalispell, was born Aug. 21 at Kalispell Regional Medical Center.He weighed 9 pounds, 7 ounces, and was 21 1/2 inches long.
Samuel Greg Plummer
Samuel Greg Plummer son of Jeremy and Plummer of Kalispell, was born Aug. 15 at Kalispell Regional Medical Center.He weighed 8 pounds, 4 ounces, and was 22 inches long.
Dustin Paul Farnes
Dustin Paul Farnes son of Brandon and Leah Farnes of Kalispell, was born Aug. 10 at Kalispell Regional Medical Center.He weighed 7 pounds, 10 ounces, and was 20 inches long.
Lavender Kay Ashby
Lavender Kay Ashby daughter of Jeremy and Valerie Ashby of Kalispell, was born Aug. 10 at Kalispell Regional Medical Center.She weighed 7 pounds, 15 ounces, and was 21 inches long.
Ariana Jeanette Waters
Ariana Jeanette Waters daughter of George Waters and Megan Williams of Kalispell, was born Aug. 12 at Kalispell Regional Medical Center.She weighed 6 pounds, 2 ounces, and was 19 1/2 inches long.
Emma Elizabeth Poch
Emma Elizabeth Poch daughter of Matt and Jackie Poch of Eureka, was born Aug. 20 at Kalispell Regional Medical Center.She weighed 9 pounds, 2 ounces, and was 21 3/4 inches long.
Elizabeth Ruth Ann Jones
Elizabeth Ruth Ann Jones daughter of Mitch and Kayla Jones of Kalispell, was born Aug. 17 at Kalispell Regional Medical Center.She weighed 6 pounds, 15 ounces, and was 21 inches long.
Patrick Michael Sullivan
Patrick Michael Sullivan son of Cindi Lea and Jeffrey Sullivan of Kalispell, was born Aug. 18 at Kalispell Regional Medical Center.He weighed 8 pounds, 2.2 ounces, and was 21 1/4 inches long.
Dylan Isaac Morris
Dylan Isaac Morris son of Robert and Michelle Morris of Kalispell, was born Aug. 24 at Kalispell Regional Medical Center.He weighed 6 pounds, 4 ounces, and was 20 inches long.
Naomi Rae Hill
Naomi Rae Hill daughter of Calvin and Devona Hill of Kalispell, was born Aug. 24 at Kalispell Regional Medical Center.She weighed 7 pounds, 8.6 ounces, and was 21 inches long.
Madison Kay Degele
Madison Kay Degele daughter of Erin and Jarred Degele of Kalispell, was born Aug. 16 at Kalispell Regional Medical Center.She weighed 7 pounds, 2 ounces, and was 19 1/2 inches long.
Andrew Calvert Wallen
Andrew Calvert Wallen son of Dan and Alison Wallen of Bigfork, was born Aug. 10 at Kalispell Regional Medical Center.He weighed 8 pounds, 12 ounces, and was 21 1/2 inches long.
Gracie Rae Olson
Gracie Rae Olson daughter of Kye Olson and Jenny Thorne of Kalispell, was born Aug. 15 at Kalispell Regional Medical Center.She weighed 7 pounds, 14.5 ounces, and was 19 3/4 inches long.
Mikenna Lee Conan
Mikenna Lee Conan daughter of Gary and Katrina Conan of Kalispell, was born Aug. 15 at Kalispell Regional Medical Center.She weighed 8.5 pounds, and was 20 1/2 inches long.
Bailey Marshall Hines
Bailey Marshall Hines son of Billy Hines and Brandy Johnson of Kalispell, was born Aug. 16 at Kalispell Regional Medical Center.He weighed 8 pounds, 9 ounces, and was 20 inches long.
Addison Corinne Turner
Addison Corinne Turner daughter of Wesley and Jennifer Turner of Kalispell, was born Aug. 10 at Kalispell Regional Medical Center.She weighed 5 pounds, 7 ounces, and was 20 inches long.
Alyssandra Taliah Cowan
Alyssandra Taliah Cowan daughter of William and Lisa Cowan of Kalispell, was born Aug. 21 at Kalispell Regional Medical Center.She weighed 7 pounds, 10 ounces, and was 20 inches long.
Braddock Gabriel Olsen
Braddock Gabriel Olsen son of Gabriel and Jessica Olsen of Bigfork, was born Aug. 24 at Kalispell Regional Medical Center.He weighed 7 pounds, 15 ounces, and was 21 inches long.
Haven Andrew Bulgar
Haven Andrew Bulgar son of George Bulgar and Alicia Irwin of Kalispell, was born Aug. 25 at Kalispell Regional Medical Center.He weighed 6 pounds, 5 1/2 ounces, and was 20 3/4 inches long.
Caleb Dibn Kinniburgh
Caleb Dibn Kinniburgh son of Steve and Maria Kinniburgh of Kalispell, was born Aug. 23 at Kalispell Regional Medical Center.He weighed 6 pounds, 3 ounces.
Klayton James Schouten-Holt
Klayton James Schouten-Holt son of Lynnella Schouten and Corey Holt of Whitefish, was born Aug. 17 at Kalispell Regional Medical Center.He weighed 6 pounds, 7 ounces, and was 20 1/2 inches long.
Kootenai Forest wins access lawsuit
So far, so good
Columbia Falls schools begin a new era this fall as District 6 starts up a new alternative high school
Kalispell Police Department conducts a saturation patrol for Fifth Avenue West and Second Street West.
The hovercraft has landed in Whitefish
Sandpoint ruins Flathead sweep
The Daily Inter Lake
Flathead County Sheriff's Office
Flathead County Sheriff's Office took a report from Pinnacle on U.S. 2 where a man said he confronted two people who were breaking into his truck and they attacked him.
Whitefish Police
Whitefish Police were called to a bar fight downtown.
Dustin Paul Farnes, son of Brandon and Leah Farnes of Kalispell, was born Aug. 10 at Kalispell Regional Medical Center.
Kalispell Fire Department
Kalispell Fire Department went to a possible chimney fire on First Avenue West North Thursday. The crew sent an ambulance to an accident with injuries at Underpass Hill and went to a vehicle fire on Buffalo Hill and to a gas spill at Valcon.
Ambrozuk to fight extradition
Defending champs back for Labor Day golf

Braves' air attack scuttles Skyview
Whitefish starts fast, blanks Corvallis

There's nothing plain about these flower gardens

Neighbors protest family's message
Consultant finds growth plan lacking
Kalispell Police
Kalispell Police arrested two drivers for hit-and-run accidents Thursday night. One was charged with DUI, having an open container of alcohol and other charges. The other was charged with a probation violation, DUI, and obstructing an officer.
Walk this way
The Flathead is a hikers' haven. Throughout the year and particularly in the summer months, volunteer organizations invite the public to join their birding and wildflower forays and along treks into the backcountry.
Fields to play Sunday in Great Falls
Columbia Falls native Josh Fields will make his first two-inning pitching performance since last year's injury Sunday in Great Falls.
Friday, September 1
Combat flag flying for ALERT
It might seem a small thing to some but not to veterans: The ALERT crew at Kalispell Regional Medical Center had a lot of veterans but no flag at the helicopter hangar.
Kalispell Police Department conducts a saturation patrol today for East Idaho and U.S. 2.
Goguen land exchange detailed at trail meeting
Football season finally arrives for Braves
Don't sign secretive Kalispell petition
There's a petition going around Kalispell seeking a public referendum on repealing changes in the city's growth policy.
Entrepreneur pulls mansion from auction
New public-works director eases into C. Falls
Sharp turns ahead
The Daily Inter Lake
The Badrock Fire Department and Columbia Falls Ambulance went to Eckelberry Drive on Wednesday
when a girl fell off a swingset.
Tonight on the Gridiron
Polson at Stevensville, 7 p.m.
Commissioners approve forest-plan comments
The Flathead County Sheriff's Office walked on the wild side a little Wednesday:
Callers' topics included a bear or two that reportedly chased a girl in Marion, and a moose that died in a collision with a vehicle near McGregor Lake. A deer also got the rough end of an encounter with a vehicle.
Columbia Falls police arrested a 13-year-old boy for family member assault on Fourth Avenue West.
A man on Beth Road was arrested for felony partner assault and misdemeanor assault on a different person.
Kalispell police went to College Avenue on Wednesday when there was a report of a man yelling
and trying to get into a home. Officers discovered it was a dispute over cats. An officer explained that if the cats end up in other people's homes, the cats change ownership.
Bravettes defeat Hellgate
The Daily Inter Lake
24 years later, questions remain
Flathead County detective would like a sit-down with murder suspect Ambrozuk
Changes proposed for growth policy
Would-be deputy accused of forgery
Flathead kickers blank Sentinel