Friday, December 30
The Simple Life
Story by Nancy Kimball
Braves wrestling well at National Duals
The Daily Inter Lake
Take the Polar Bear Plunge on Sunday
Chill out at the annual Polar Bear Plunge on New Year's Day at The Raven in Woods Bay. Follow the parade starting in front of The Raven at 1:45 p.m. and proceed past the brewing company and The Sitting Duck, before returning to The Raven for the plunge into Flathead Lake.

Flathead freshman Brock Osweiler
Whitefish police arrested a man for driving with a suspended license and having no insurance after a traffic stop near the Super Motel on Spokane Avenue Thursday night.
Whitefish police
Gravel pits have a rocky year in 2005
Disputes over gravel pits came full circle in Flathead County in 2005, with one lawsuit being filed at the beginning of the year and another being pulled at the end of the year.
Pamela 'Pam' J. Johnson, 51
Pamela "Pam" J. Johnson, 51, passed away on Wednesday, Dec. 28, 2005, surrounded by her loving family after suffering with pulmonary fibrosis for four years.

A new life in Libby
Sunriser Lions sponsor their 35th annual Ice Fishing Derby from 7 a.m. to 1 p.m. at Smith Lake near Kila. Prizes, drawings, Lions trailer with hot drinks, chili, hot dogs. Warming fire. Adults, $3; kids, $2; families, $6. All proceeds benefit Sunriser Lions kids' fish pond projects.
Flathead residents make good neighbors
The residents of the Flathead has been unfettered in their generosity over this past year. Time after time, a spirit of creative and steadfast giving has permeated every fund-raiser and food drive, every neighbor in need and each worthy cause across the valley.
First Night promises a fun night
Music, art and plenty of fun await people who attend First Night Flathead on Saturday night.
Thursday, December 29
Angelica A. Andrachick, 17
Angelica is now "sleeping in death with her father, Frank, awaiting Jehovah God's glorious resurrection." Angelica was born Aug. 5, 1988, in Apple Valley, Calif. She moved to Marion in July of 1989.
Lennie Viola Adams, 83
Lennie Viola Adams, 83, passed away Dec. 27, 2005, at Brendan House in Kalispell. She was born Feb. 5, 1922, in Greenleaf, Idaho, to Leonard and Annie May (Ripley) Gray.
Joann Katherine Garding Bleck, 61
On Dec. 23, 2005, Joann Katherine Garding Bleck died as a result of an automobile accident in Spokane. She was born on Dec. 19, 1944, in Kalispell to Erwin and Eleanor Garding She was raised in Kalispell, graduated from Flathead High School and lived in Seattle; and then moved to Spokane.

Tower ready for fire training
When the temperature reaches 1,200 degrees Fahrenheit and smoke reduces visibility
Kalispell Fire Department went to a chimney fire at a home on Underhill Court. Flames were visible on the roof, but there was no smoke inside the house. The occupants were called and informed that their chimney was on fire and the blaze was put out.

Count 'em up: Bird fan tallies 277 species
Helen E. Murphy, 96
Helen E. Murphy, 96, passed away on Tuesday, Dec. 27, 2005, at Immanuel Lutheran Home in Kalispell. She was born in Holt County, near Mound City, Mo., to George W. and Anna E. (Buetzer) Nauman on May 21, 1909. She was the oldest of 11 children.
Red Cross blood drive, noon to 5 p.m., Eureka Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
Columbia Falls police
Columbia Falls police arrested a man for DUI on Beth Road Tuesday night.
People chime in with views about growth
Flathead County residents seem to have some common things they like, but what they
Photo courtesy Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks
Mountain goats are transported by horseback from a trap near Choteau in this 1940 photo.Back from the BrinkNew DVD examines Montana's wildlife resource - and how it was almost wiped outBy DAVE REESESpecial to the Inter LakeIt is a picture painted of sheer dedication, a picture of men in lean times doing whatever had to be done to accomplish one single mission - saving Montana's wildlife.The picture of a rugged Montana work ethic is painted in "Back from the Brink: Montana's Wildlife Legacy," a two-hour DVD recently released by the Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks Foundation.It was produced by Media Works in Bozeman and it depicts the decline and near-extinction in the 1800s of most of Montana's wildlife species, from deer and elk to beaver, pheasant and antelope. But the DVD, in two parts, also celebrates the return of that wildlife through the hardscrabble work of Montana's landowners, ranchers, biologists and sportsmen.They got the job done by wrangling elk on horseback, floating mountain goats in rubber rafts, hauling bighorn sheep by helicopter and most any other means they could imagine to transplant, transport and transform Montana's wildlife - back from the brink.The production has been a labor of love for Jim Williams, wildlife manager for Fish, Wildlife and Parks in Northwest Montana. As the associate producer, Williams was instrumental in developing the documentary over the past several years. Williams was once a student of Dr. Harold Picton, a wildlife biology professor at Montana State University. Picton was one of Montana's early biologists in the Sun River and he trained many of the staff who are working in Fish, Wildlife and Parks today, Williams said.Over the years, as they labored in their respective fields in wildlife management, Williams said he and his colleagues around Montana reflected on the people who pioneered the work they now do every day. "We were interested in the stories these old-timers had, but they were beginning to pass away," Williams said. "So we started gathering their photos and footage from old shoe boxes in their attics."Through his work on the DVD, Williams had a chance to examine Montana's wildlife legacy."It really gives biologists of my generation a whole new appreciation of the work that was required of sportsmen, landowners and biologists," Williams said. "It pioneered the work we do today and gives us a whole new appreciation of the gift we were given."That gift was almost lost in the 1800s, when human encroachment, lack of wildlife management and weather took their toll on Montana's wildlife. The first part of the production outlines the way in which Montana's wildlife populations were severely reduced by trappers in the early 1800s. The trappers harvested beaver and other fur-bearing animals at a rate that the populations could not withstand. In fact, the documentary says that trappers with the Hudson Bay company were encouraged to create a "fur desert" in the western United States.By the 1850s the fur trade was over, but then came Montana's gold and silver rush and the prospectors' demand for meat. This resulted in unregulated market hunting and the slaughter of Montana's deer and elk herds. As the gold rush tapered in the late 1800s, the homesteaders filled the population void. In 1862 the federal homestead act allowed Montanans to claim their own piece of land, and the homesteaders came in droves. Montana counted more homesteaders than any other state, and to serve this demand, steam boats, wagons and railroads followed. Wildlife meat and pelts were commodities to be traded or sold, and game populations took another hit.Cattle grazing offered another assault on Montana's free-roaming wildlife herds. All told, by the end of the 1800s, Montana's wildlife populations were clearly exhausted - victims of subsistence hunting, wanton slaughter and greed.But by the early 1900s, Montana's early conservationists began to take notice of the plight. In 1901, Montana's first game warden was hired. The turning point for Montana's wildlife restoration efforts came in 1937, when Congress created the Pittman/Robertson Act. This law, which still exists, provides state wildlife agencies with an excise tax on the sale of sporting goods used in hunting and fishing. The money generated by this tax helps fund reconstruction, and management of wildlife. The tax is still a vital tool in helping pay for management of Montana's wildlife resources, Williams said.Montana's wildlife restoration efforts even caught the attention of national media. "We were amazed at their speed and agility," says the voice of Marlin Perkins as crews herded bighorn sheep on Wild Horse Island in a 1970s episode of the television show "Wild Kingdom." "Back from the Brink" examines the practices that were used to bring wildlife back, from transplanting elk from the Northern Yellowstone herd to Mount Fleecer near Butte, to installing a mountain goat herd in the Bob Marshall Wilderness - via rubber raft.Many of the practices shown in the production would likely not be politically - or even biologically - correct today, but they are what had to be done at the time. The film features interviews with early Montana biologists, including Robert Cooney, 98, the first Fish, Wildlife and Parks biologist hired in Montana. "He was the first one to start the shift from only enforcement to habitat and wildlife management," Williams said.Since sportsmen were a crucial part of the wildlife-rehabilitation process, they are featured also. Nick Carvey and Arlie Burk are two of the northwest Montana hunters interviewed in the film. The DVD's producer, Terry Lonner, spent 28 years with Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks as chief of research. After he retired from the agency, he began his own production company, Media Works, in Bozeman. "In the 1960s I took the classes on wildlife legacy, but they didn't mean much at the time," Lonner said. "Then I got into the profession and heard about the old-timers who were kind of myths, the men who did phenomenal stays in mountains and would spend 10 days in the wilderness, transplanting goats or doing surveys."They were really dedicated to bringing the wildlife back from what happened in the 1800s. The more I got into it, the more I realized 'Wow there's a real story in this.'"To Lonner, the production isn't as much a wildlife-rescue story as it is a story about the men and women who dedicated their lives and their professions to saving and restoring Montana's wildlife populations."I don't think most people realize how dire things were, 60 or 70 years ago," Lonner said. "Hopefully younger people will realize wildlife conservation is not done just by the experts in the field, it's the people." One of the reasons Montana's wildlife-restoration efforts succeeded is because, Lonner said, "back then, just about everybody hunted. They were all very interested in bringing these animals back." Rod and gun clubs sprang up around the state not just as a means for socialization, but to promote conservation, the script asserts.The DVD is being shown around the state, and Lonner is working on an educational version that can be shown in wildlife classes at colleges and high schools. "I hope we can mobilize the enthusiasm again to get people back in the mix of wildlife management," Lonner said.For Williams, the DVD is a reflection of the work that he and other biologists, conservationists, landowners and sportsmen do every day. The work is not over, but at least Montanans have a solid base to start from."We've inherited a gift and it's our responsibility to share that with future generations," Williams said. "Hunters are the ones who paid for it and we hope people won't forget that. But whether you're a hunter or just like wildlife, this is going to be a fascinating film to watch and enjoy." On the Net:
Flathead County Sheriff
Flathead County Sheriff's Office was called to a youth shelter Wednesday for a report that three teenagers conspired to poison an employee. A deputy investigated and found the two boys and one girl put sleeping pills in coffee, but didn't intend to hurt the employee; they were just allegedly plotting a deep sleep so they could engage in some unsupervised activities together. They were taken to the youth detention center, where the girl was also charged with assaulting jail staff and assault with a bodily fluid for allegedly spitting on an officer. Both of those charges are felonies.
Sofia Marie Anderson, infant
Sofia Marie Anderson passed away Dec. 24, 2005, at the Benefis Neonatal Intensive Care Unit in Great Falls.
Whitefish police
Whitefish police went to a home on Edgewood Place to arrest a man on a probation violation and wound up snaring three other people who were there, too. Charges ranged from possession of drugs to warrants.
Former local man was expert on Nazi war criminals
The Daily Inter Lake
Getting heated over heating bills
The warnings came months ago - higher gas bills on the horizon. And obviously, to the shock of those with opened envelopes in hand, that time has come.
Kalispell police
Kalispell police had to sort through some reports that turned out to be not what they seemed. On Fifth Street West Tuesday night, a woman reported two people sitting in her vehicle. One was smaller and possibly a child, she said. Later, she said the only thing she really saw was a motion-detector light go on.
Tuesday, December 27
Buck (Marshall) Lowell, 102
Buck (Marshall) Lowell died peacefully at home in Kalispell on Dec. 23, 2005. He was 102.

With a clear vision for success: Student is learning to see the world through her fingertips
Flathead Valley Community College student Cindy Letcher ends 2005 with her vision nearly gone but with a way of experiencing the world through her fingertips.
High prices, cold weather hit home for gas customers
Coming to a home near you this month: Massive, oversized beasts … screams of terror … tears … pathos … hand-wringing.
Columbia Falls police
arrested a man Saturday for violation of an order of protection after he was released Friday from jail on the same offense.
Mary JoAnn Spencer, 53
Mary JoAnn Spencer, 53, passed away Sunday, Dec. 25, 2005, at her residence in Kalispell. She was born Aug. 5, 1952 in Kalispell, the daughter of Gerald Vern and Patricia Mae (Malone) Caudill.
Kalispell police
made 37 arrests over the holiday weekend; 10 of them were for drunken driving.
3 Those interested in the future of Demersville School are invited to a meeting at 10 a.m. at Snappy's Sports Senter.
Evergreen and Kalispell fire departments
went to a vehicle accident with injuries Monday near Town Pump on West Reserve Drive. The Kalispell fire department checked out a gas leak reported Monday at Norm's News.
Flathead County Sheriff's Office
arrested a teenager in Hungry Horse for allegedly punching his girlfriend so hard in the head that it fractured her skull. Canyon Quick Response Unit and Columbia Falls ambulance were needed; the girl was taken to the hospital.
Whitefish police
arrested a driver for DUI on Little Mountain Lane Monday night. A man was charged with having an open container of alcohol downtown.
An odd approach to airline security
The Homeland Security Agency is supposed to make terrorists, not ordinary Americans, feel less secure.
Sunday, December 25
Big Sky shuts down Vals, 43-30

As the couple sits beside their Christmas tree in their Evergreen home,
3 City of Kalispell Solid Waste Division will not be picking up 90-gallon containers today due to the Christmas holiday. Today's route will be picked up on Tuesday. Have containers out by 7 a.m.
Flu confirmed in Flathead
The Daily Inter Lake
A woman was found dead Christmas morning at her home after apparently taking some pills, according to Kalispell police.
A woman was found dead
The Flathead County Sheriff's Office reported that a man suffered a crushed hand Saturday afternoon at Columbia Falls' aluminum plant. He was taken to North Valley Hospital.
The Flathead County Sheriff's Office
The Columbia Falls Fire Department put out a car fire Saturday afternoon.
Columbia Falls police arrested a 50-year-old man for violating a restraining order on Saturday and Sunday.
Columbia Falls police
Friday, December 23
Jamie Lanham, 16
Jamie Lanham, 16, of Troy, died Tuesday, Dec. 20, 2005, of injuries received in a motor vehicle accident near Troy.
State to stock tiger muskies in Horseshoe
The Daily Inter Lake
A Festivus party for the rest of us
When Kramer answers a call from two sleazy betting-window men from a racetrack who have called Elaine's fake phone number at the H & H Bagel Shop, where Kramer is on strike but using the bathroom, Kramer invites them to the Costanza Festivus celebration, where he is meeting Elaine.

Icy roads glaze way to early break
Schools close, drivers spin
Reversal of fortune: Giving the money back
Sen. Conrad Burns is to be commended for quickly reversing course last week and deciding to return campaign contributions associated with indicted lobbyist Jack Abramoff.
Kalispell police
Kalispell police had to deal with plenty of people whose behavior merited a lump of stocking coal.
One last try for mascot choice
Students will cast final votes
Flathead County Sheriff
Flathead County Sheriff's Office took a call from a man who loaned $100 to someone, prompting events that escalated to threats over repayment.
Red Cross blood drive, 10 a.m. to 1 p.m., Dec. 23 at the center, 17A First Ave., Kalispell.
Columbia Falls police
Columbia Falls police arrested a man for partner assault on Third Avenue West.
Board OKs expansion of gravel pit
Planners limit size of West Glacier operation
Drivers meet ice challenge
The Daily Inter Lake
Trustees agree on three grades
Final vote on configuration expected at January meeting

Big Sky shuts down Vals, 43-30
Whitefish police
Whitefish police cited a man on the viaduct for having an open container of alcohol Wednesday evening.
Kalispell planner Wilson resigns post
Departure comes amid board grumbling about advisory role to council
Bigfork ambulance, Ferndale Fire Department and Montana Highway Patrol went to a rollover Wednesday on Montana 209. Injured people were taken to the hospital.
Bozeman deals Flathead its first defeat in Class AA speech season
The Daily Inter Lake
Thursday, December 22
Richard Lloyd Kirkpatrick, 79
Richard Lloyd Kirkpatrick, 79, "joined with the Lord and his beloved Geraldine," on Monday, Dec. 19, 2005. Dad was born Sept. 12, 1926, in Kalispell, to Warren and Vivian (O'Leary) Kirkpatrick. Richard completed his primary and secondary education while being raised in Kalispell and graduated from Flathead County High School.
Theresa F. Burnham, 99
Theresa F. Burnham, 99, died Monday, Dec. 19, 2005, at her residence in Kalispell. She was born Oct. 3, 1906, in Springfield, Mass., the daughter of Frank and Katherine T. (Fleming) Lyon. Theresa received her primary and secondary schooling in Springfield, Mass. She then attended Northeastern University in Springfield, Mass.
Where the bighorn roam
Court affirms utility manager's firing
Warren McConkey was dismissed by Flathead Electric in February 2002
Rooting out leak source
Columbia Falls water department might wait until spring to fix underground pipe

Local rider wins team penning with Magic
Red Cross blood drive, noon to 4 p.m., Kalispell Regional Medical Center conference center.
President wisely using 'bully pulpit'
President Bush has taken back the offensive in the war on terror - not from the enemy abroad, which has been on defense for four years as a result of the president's aggressive strategy - but from the war critics at home, who have loudly bemoaned their unwillingness to see American lives lost on behalf of Iraqi freedom.
Edna Marie Myers Wise, 85
Edna Marie Myers Wise, 85, passed away Saturday, Dec. 17, 2005, at Kalispell Regional Medical Center in Kalispell.
Kalispell police
sent an animal warden to round up a goose in the road on Woodland Park Drive. The bird was relocated to Woodland Park, but didn't seem inclined to honor the park boundaries.
Cold-case confessions melt woman's heart
Kalispell resident discovers 'there are good kids out there'
Foes present water issues in Boardwalk project
Many wetland issues need to be resolved before the Boardwalk at Whitefish Lake resort development should be allowed to move forward, opponents of the project maintained last week during a third round of discussion on the controversial project.
Kalispell Fire Department
checked out a gas smell at Four Seasons motel.
Whitefish police
dispatched a corps of rescuers to the Baker Street Bridge at 5 a.m. Wednesday when a deer was stuck in ice on the river. With the help of a half dozen or so officers, divers and rescue units, a path through the ice was cleared and the exhausted animal was freed.
College approves bond sale
The Flathead Valley Community College Board of Trustees made official Monday the issuance of its remaining $5.9 million in bonds for the expansion of the Kalispell campus.
Governor turns on charm for radio ads
The Daily Inter Lake
Parole hearing scheduled for killer
Jacob Woods convicted in 1978 murders of two young men in Kalispell
Flathead County Sheriff's Office
launched a search Tuesday afternoon for a woman who got turned around when she walked a dog in the woods near her Happy Valley home. She called 911 on her cell phone to report herself lost. A deputy drove to the area and sounded his siren; the woman walked toward the sound until she reached the patrol car. She returned home unscathed.
Columbia Falls police
were called to a fight at the high school Wednesday.
Wednesday, December 21
Edna Marie Myers Wise, 85
Edna Marie Myers Wise, 85, passed away Saturday, Dec. 17, 2005, at Kalispell Regional Medical Center in Kalispell.
Columbia Falls ambulance and Fire Department
along with Highway Patrol, went to Half Moon Road where a snowmobiler suffered a possibly broken leg Monday.
Kalispell focuses on new lighting standards
The Kalispell City Council wrestled Monday with how the city's new lighting-standards law should be enforced.
The Flathead County Sheriff's Office
was called at 1:15 a.m. Tuesday by a resident on Hathaway Lane when a strange man appeared at the door. He wore one shoe and asked for help, but wouldn't say what kind of help he needed. He said he was cold and looking for someone from church. A deputy found that he is a registered sex offender who was in violation of no laws but the law of gravity, given his ability to stand upright with a high level of intoxication. He was given a ride home and was left with the hope that when he sobered up later, he would be able to find his missing shoe and a pickup he also lost.
Moratorium considered on major subdivisions
Discussion will be on the Whitefish City Council's first agenda of new year

Helena shuts down Hashley, Bravettes
After the first few minutes of Tuesday's Class AA opener between Flathead and Helena, it seemed like a case of deja vu for the Bravettes.
Stop waffling on the Wolfpack
Last month we wondered whether the school board was being overly sensitive when it delayed a decision on a mascot for Glacier High School.
3 Children's Story Hour at 10:30 a.m., Children's Department of the Flathead County Library in Kalispell, 247 First Ave. E. Call 758-5822.
Baucus: 'Libby fix' stays in bill
The Daily Inter Lake
Whitefish police
arrested a man downtown for having an open container of alcohol.
Columbia Falls police
arrested a man Monday night after he reportedly took a bet and a naked sprint for a half block on Nucleus Avenue. His path took him right in front of a patrol officer who happened to be driving by. The 35-year-old man darted into Los Caporales bar, where he had reportedly left his clothes and quickly redressed, but it was too late. The streaker was charged with disorderly conduct.
Alice E. Beutel Price, 100
Alice E. Beutel Price, 100, died Dec. 19, 2005. She was the oldest native-born resident of the Tobacco Valley.
Michael Ray Helms, 52
Michael Ray Helms, 52, of Kalispell, passed from this life peacefully and beautifully Saturday, Dec. 17, 2005, after a year- long courageous battle with cancer.
Kalispell police
took a report of a man in a black hooded sweatshirt who aroused suspicion by standing outside a window on Kirsten Drive and then leaving quickly when someone arrived. On Third Avenue West, a woman didn't like the looks of a man who approached her in baggy jeans, a dark hooded sweatshirt and a ski mask.
Kalispell police use Taser to subdue man
The Daily Inter Lake
Council deadlocks on Cottonwood sewage
Tie vote means application to use Kalispell treatment plant remains active
Vivian Jean Managhan, 94
Vivian Jean Managhan, 94, passed away Monday, Dec. 19, 2005, at Heritage Place in Kalispell.

Rush hour
Tuesday, December 20
Smith Valley and Kalispell fire departments went to U.S. 2 on Sunday when a man jumped out of a moving car and then stopped moving, himself.
Shootout with Eureka police lands suspect in hospital
Repeat DUI offender gets 13 months
"You're done drinking and driving," District Judge Stewart Stadler told a man who has been arrested for DUI eight or nine times.
Evelyn A. Pitcher, 79
Evelyn A. Pitcher, 79, passed away Thursday, Dec. 15, 2005, at the Deaconess Medical Center in Spokane. She was born in Olga, N.D., on Aug. 18, 1926, to Henry and Veronica Denault. Evelyn came from a family of 10 children, seven older brothers and two younger sisters. Evelyn grew up and received her education there in Olga.
State issues study of West Valley gravel pit
Comments due Dec. 30 on proposal
Kalispell police
were called to a fight at the Finish Line bar, but none of the three men involved wanted to sign a complaint.
William 'Bill' Karl Kayser, 58
William "Bill" Karl Kayser "was taken to his Lord" on Friday, Dec. 9,
Columbia Falls police
went to a domestic disturbance on Martha Road early Monday morning. No one was arrested.
Joyce Elaine Arnold, 82
Joyce Elaine Arnold, 82, passed away Dec. 19, 2005, at Heritage Place in Kalispell. She was born in Seneca, S.D., on Feb. 26, 1923, to Clifford and Selma Slasor. The family moved to Polson, where she attended and graduated from high school.
3 Red Cross blood drive, 2-6 p.m. at the center, 17A First Ave., Kalispell.
Whitefish police
took a report from Baker Street Bistro, where someone stole a Christmas tree, decorations and all.
Big Mountain Fire Department
was dispatched by Flathead County Sheriff's Office to rescue a dog in despair Monday afternoon on Ridgerun Drive. The Yorkshire terrier was getting a bath when one of the pads on its feet slipped beneath the metal drain, and the animal couldn't free it without cutting the sensitive pad. Fearless and resourceful paramedics and firefighters arrived and employed dish soap, oil, and wooden sticks to free the dog without so much as a bite. "We like dogs. It was a great ending" said firefighter/paramedic Matt Kinsey.
Monday, December 19
Lloyd Fagerland, 79
Lloyd Fagerland, 79, passed away Saturday, Dec. 17, 2005, at his residence at Buffalo Hill Terrace in Kalispell. He was born Oct. 15, 1926, in Kalispell, the son of Ernest and Bernice (Dyer) Fagerland.
Donald Lee Amundson
Donald Lee Amundson, 85, passed away Thursday, Dec. 15, 2005, at Immanuel Lutheran Home in Kalispell.
Soldier's mom ships real Montana evergreen to Iraq
In the expansive, desolate desert north of Baghdad, eight American soldiers in a helicopter repair shop will have a green Christmas.
Kalispell police
responded to several hit-and-run calls, including one at Cogar's Coffees where a woman said a purple truck did about $3,000 in damage to her truck.
3 Flathead County Democratic Women annual holiday luncheon noon, Vista Linda Restaurant, 240 Boon Road, Somers. Installation of new officers and entertainment by Marcia Siblerud and Mary Reckin. Reservations requested. Call Karen Richardson at 857-3381.
Sherwin Arthur Bevan, 63
Sherwin Arthur Bevan, 63, "went home to be with his Lord and Savior" on Dec. 16, 2005, as a result of injuries sustained from an auto accident.
Scott Keller, 87
Scott Keller 'went home to be with his Lord and Savior Jesus Christ' after 87 years of fighting a good fight.
Flathead County sheriff's deputies
and the county animal wardens responded to several calls of vicious dogs this weekend.
Hospitality pair not so hospitable to robbers
Two armed bandits tried to rob a Kalispell motel on Saturday, but a quick-thinking office manager slammed the door on them.
Sunday, December 18
Sylvia Alice Gelinas-Langston, 71
Sylvia Alice Gelinas-Langston, 71, of Elmo, passed away suddenly Tuesday, Dec. 13, 2005. Sylvia died while visiting family in Pomona, Calif.
Whitefish police
Whitefish police arrested a man, 22, by the Bulldog. He was charged with assault, resisting arrest, and obstructing an officer.
Band-Aid affixed; system still broken
The Montana Legislature's special session wrapped up in a timely, efficient manner, but the state's school funding dilemma did not go away.
Kootenai Lodge plan cut back
Developer Paul Milhous has announced that he intends to reduce the home density and make other changes in his plans for the historic Kootenai Lodge on Swan Lake.
Braves settle for 3rd at Holiday Classic
The Daily Inter Lake
Flathead County Sheriff
Flathead County Sheriff deputies received a report of criminal mischief on Shady Lane. Reindeer were beheaded and all the decorations were knocked over sometime Friday night.
Columbia Falls
Columbia Falls police arrested a woman, 22, on an outstanding warrant for contempt.
Two weeks left in United Way donation effort
The Daily Inter Lake
Kalispell police
Kalispell police had some heavy lifting to clear up a traffic snarl in front of Lowe's Saturday when 60 or 70 bricks were dumped in the left-hand turn lane of U.S. 93.
FHS swimmers take 3rd at relays
The Daily Inter Lake
Getting past the dreaded college 'wait list'
While you're worrying about finding that perfect Christmas gift for someone, highly motivated prospective college students are sweating bullets over their future.

Northern exposure
Lodge expands area's meeting spaces
Flathead County's available meeting spaces will increase by 16 percent Monday when the Lodge at Whitefish Lake opens its doors.
Sherwin Arthur Bevan, 63
Sherwin Arthur Bevan, 63 went home to be with his Lord and Savior on Dec. 16, 2005, as a result of injuries sustained from an auto accident.
William H. 'Wild Bill' Brown, 62
William H. "Wild Bill" Brown, 62, passed away on Wednesday, Dec. 14, 2005, at the Kalispell Regional Medical Center in Kalispell.
Finding the reason for the season
"Are you ready for Christmas yet?"
Amelda Lucille Bruch, 83
Amelda Lucille Bruch, 83, passed away on Wednesday, Dec. 14, 2005, at the Immanuel Lutheran Home in Kalispell.

Boyer scores 23 points as C-Falls rolls 79-44
Dispute makes for eventful events center
County still doesn't own fairgrounds building
Old school has new options
LIBBY - The old high school building in downtown Libby may have a new lease on life following a meeting last week between the school board and a Spokane developer interested in renovating the nearly 90-year-old structure.
Saturday, December 17
Buy Scandinavian gifts at craft sale
The Sons of Norway invite you to its Scandinavian gift and craft sale from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the lodge, 347 First Ave. E., in Kalispell.
Columbia Falls police
Columbia Falls police took a report of a flute stolen at the junior high school.
Two die in Creston collision
Two men died in a vehicle collision on Montana 35 near Creston Friday morning.

Bird counts offer a winter treat
Flathead County Sheriff
Flathead County Sheriff' Office is investigating another burglary to a business in Bigfork. This time, a padlock on an office door was broken. Two other businesses reported possible attempted burglaries Friday.

Making the grade
International Baccalaureate diploma program turns in first-year report card
Kalispell and West Valley fire departments and highway patrol went to a vehicle accident with minor injuries on West Reserve Drive and U.S. 93 Thursday afternoon.
Costa gets 40 years in prison
Admitted firing five shots at a man in a vehicle
Roberts' double-double helps Eureka upend Arlee
The Daily Inter Lake

Bravettes bounce Wildkats, 56-37
Holiday spirit was in the air downtown
Downtown was jumping Friday night, Dec. 2, during the annual Kalispell Art Walk.
Whitefish police
Whitefish police arrested a driver for DUI on Colorado Avenue.
Kalispell police
Kalispell police took errant Squirrel No. 27 into custody after it caused a problem on College Avenue. It will likely join other ne'er-do-well rodents in an improvised squirrel relocation camp in Lawrence Park.
Polson 51, Whitefish 34
POLSON - Kara Huyser scored 11 points and hauled in 8 rebounds, and Tatianna Kimler added 10 points off the bench as Polson won the Northwestern A opener 51-34 over Whitefish Friday night.
32nd annual Bigfork Christmas Bird Count. Call Dan Casey of Flathead Audubon to participate. Call 756-2681, days; 857-3143, evenings. Cost $5. Potluck at 5 p.m. at Bigfork Senior Center.
A great way to start the year
The Daily Inter Lake
Front court leads Braves past Wildcats
Osweiler, Hogan combine for 41 points in 63-56 Flathead win
Quantum leap
Super scanner gives detailed view of beating heart
Friday, December 16
Cael Eugene Schwecke,
son of Jacob and Jovane Schwecke of Moscow, Idaho, was born Nov. 26.
Stacia Rose Aquino,
daughter of Michelle Strozzi and John Aquino of Kalispell, was born Nov. 17 at Kalispell Regional Medical Center.
LaVona Mae Tucker, 80
LaVona Mae Tucker, 80, passed away Wednesday, Dec. 14, 2005, at Brendan House in Kalispell.
Sophia Evelyn Himsl,
daughter of Sandy and Nick Himsl of Kalispell, was born Nov. 17 at Kalispell Regional Medical Center.
Seline Kendra Totten,
daughter of Alden and Andrea Totten of Kila, was born Dec. 8 at North Valley Hospital.
Anthony Caige Sperry,
son of Jason and Amanda Sperry of Columbia Falls, was born Dec. 5 at North Valley Hospital.
Janet Mary 'Jan' Sarasua, 50
Janet Mary "Jan" (Stockinger) Sarasua, 50, passed away Dec. 13, 2005, at Healthcenter Northwest in Kalispell.
Kalispell police
took a complaint from a man who didn't like the way a man was scrutinizing his daughter at a restaurant. The suspect had two children with him and stared at the girl from a nearby table and then cruised around the parking lot when she left, the father said.
Watkins, Braves tame Bulldogs
WHITEFISH - Beau knows the long ball.
Evergreen and Kalispell fire departments and Highway Patrol
went to a vehicle rollover on Woodland Park Drive.
Finley Lynne McCarthy
daughter of Richard and Cody McCarthy of Whitefish, was born Dec. 9 at North Valley Hospital.
Columbia Falls police
arrested a teenager of possession of drug paraphernalia at a used-car dealership.
Snappy Sport Senter recently posted a message on their billboard that let everyone know where they stand on the happy holidays versus merry Christmas debate.
Have a merry, happy Christmas Taking sides at Christmas holiday debate
Hailey Marilyn Green
daughter of Kari Esper and Jamey Green of Columbia Falls, was born Nov. 18 at Kalispell Regional Medical Center.
Food for thought
Flathead acting class play a parable of individuality
Morgan Ann Quarles
daughter of Michael and Ann Quarles was born Oct 30, in Honolulu, Hawaii.
Whitefish police
are investigating a report of identity theft.
Hospital encourages donations as gifts

No gravel-pit resolution yet
Planning Board will continue next week discussion of West Glacier project
Is Flathead waste deep in people?
Are there more of us here in the valley than we think?
Brantly Cooper Salmonsen
son of Nathan and Kelly Salmonsen of Kalispell, was born Nov. 16 at Kalispell Regional Medical Center.
Axel Ray Jones,
son of Hank and Abbie Jones of Kalispell, was born Dec. 8 at North Valley Hospital.

Bench steps up as Bravettes win big
Suspect in assault pleads not guilty
The Daily Inter Lake
Male wolf found dead near Marias
The Daily Inter Lake
Winners of art show named at Hockaday
The Hockaday Museum of Art is pleased to announce the winners of the People's Choice Awards in its fourth annual "Members Only! A Members Salon."
Man suspected in Ole's burglary arrested in Utah
A local man was arrested in Utah on Thursday on suspicion of burglarizing Ole's Country Store in Kalispell on Oct. 28.
Red Cross blood drive, 11 a.m. to 2 p.m., Northwest Montana Human Resources, Main Street, Kalispell.
Kalispell clinic suspects flu in Flathead Valley
Family Health Care reports 3 positive tests in past week for type A influenza
Man who burned transient gets prison
Judge sentences Raskiewicz for March 23 attack
Flathead County Sheriff's Office
took a call from the hospital emergency room, where a man said he was run over by a woman he was trying help push out of a ditch on U.S. 2 north of Kalispell.
Thursday, December 15
The Flathead County Sheriff's Office
is investigating burglaries in Bigfork. Reports came early Wednesday from Showthyme restaurant and Swan River Cafe, where someone smashed the back door, trashed the kitchen and stole money.
Libby man, 47, pleads guilty to sexual abuse of teenage girl
Special to the Inter Lake
Judge says killer must serve extended sentence
A man convicted in 1995 of stabbing a transient to death near Whitefish was back in court last week on charges he violated his probation. The suspended portion of his 10-year-old sentence was reimposed.
Whitefish police
took a call from a man who complained that a bartender was harassing him. A dispatcher explained that the bartender probably wanted him to leave because it was closing time. The man got himself safely back to his motel.
Howling about the Wolfpack
With a nod to political correctness, school board delays mascot decision

Expanding horizons
Braves soccer coach resigns after 14 years
Winning was never the only goal for Tom McFarlane's soccer teams, but success was. And he measured success by fitness, tactical awareness, skill and class, not just notches in the "W" column.
Bigfork Fire Department
checked out smoke reported on Peaceful Drive. Creston and Kalispell fire departments and Highway Patrol went to a vehicle accident with injuries on Columbia Falls Stage Road on Wednesday.
Evergreen sewage plant clears zoning hurdle
The Daily Inter Lake
Red Cross blood drive, noon to 5 p.m., Libby VFW.
Mining measure stripped from bill
Montana coalition helps defeat legislation that would have allowed sale of federal lands
Vera C. Peacock, 94
Vera C. Peacock, 94, passed away Monday, Dec. 12, 2005, at Prestige Assisted Living in Kalispell.
Columbia Falls police
are investigating a report that someone forged an elderly man's checks and cleaned out his bank account.
Vickie Lee Hamilton, 54
Vickie Lee Hamilton, 54, passed away Saturday, Dec. 10, 2005, in Kalispell.
Kalispell police
took a complaint from a woman who said her ex-boyfriend was in her house, refusing to leave and making threats; he left. At Magic Diamond Casino was a man who reportedly passed out, came to, and still didn't want to leave the establishment. He did.
Burns needs to use common sense
Montana to Conrad: Give the money back.
Would-be Flathead deputy arrested again
Rick Rossmiller accused of stalking, felony endangerment, witness tampering
Park, county consider bus plan
A possible partnership between Flathead County and Glacier National Park could result in expanded bus service for Eagle Transit.
Wednesday, December 14
Board confronts W. Glacier gravel-pit plan
The Daily Inter Lake
Whitefish Fire Department
went to Whitetail Lane where burned plastic filled a garage with smoke Tuesday morning.
Mine's 'major' status steps up scrutiny
At first glance, news that a Canadian company intends to pursue a "major" mining project in the headwaters of the North Fork Flathead River may seem alarming. But oddly enough, folks in Montana's Flathead Basin should be glad that Cline Mining Corp. is not pursuing its previous plans to develop a mine through a small-mines permit from the British Columbia government.
Elections ahead for land-use group
The Daily Inter Lake
One eye on the rear view mirror
Last year, the Billings Skyview wrestling team painted the Billings Metra royal blue and silver, winning the Class AA state title by 31 points while Flathead played the despondent bridesmaid.
Bigfork Parentshare meets at 9:30 a.m. at the Community United Methodist Church. Danielle McClenahan will talk about Stroller Strides. Child care is provided. Call Denise at 982-3257 or Dana at 837-4408.
Teens arrested in break-ins
The Daily Inter Lake

Rivalry's new dawn
Vickie Lee Hamilton, 54
Vickie Lee Hamilton, 54, passed away Saturday, Dec. 10, 2005, in Kalispell.
Ellen Eckert, 76
Ellen Eckert, 76, passed away Monday, Dec. 12, 2005, at her Kalispell residence.
Whitefish tweaks planning-overlay tool
The Daily Inter Lake
Kalispell police
having solved the problem of bad Squirrel No. 22 on Monday, moved on to co-conspirators Squirrel No. 23 and Squirrel No. 24 on College Avenue. They were trapped and sent to exile in Lawrence Park.
Kalispell considers sidewalk crackdown
The Kalispell City Council wants to crack down on substandard sidewalks.
Whitefish police
towed a woman's vehicle after they found it parked in the road on Somers Avenue.
Attendance falls short on planning board
Attendance records for the Flathead County Planning Board indicate that seven of the nine members fail to meet the board's own rules.
Flathead County Sheriff's Office
and others were busy with traffic accidents - some causing serious injuries. There were a number of slide-ins and other minor events. At 8 a.m. Tuesday, Hungry Horse and Martin City fire departments and Columbia Falls ambulance went with highway patrol to U.S. near Berne Park. Extrication equipment was needed and at least two injured people were taken to the hospital.
Henry E. Patterson, 79
Henry E. Patterson, 79, of Whitefish, died Sunday, Dec. 12, 2005, at North Valley Hospital in Whitefish.
Tuesday, December 13
Whitefish police
arrested a man early Monday after he was allegedly seen trying to open doors on vehicles on Edgewood Drive and then evidently stole one vehicle.
Lawyer: 'A good day for justice'
The lawyer for a girl who sued former Kalispell businessman Dick Dasen Sr. said Monday he got what he wanted, on more than one level.
Sewer foes urge county to deny change
More than two dozen letters of opposition have come in on a proposed zoning text amendment related to sewage-treatment plants.
Dasen must pay $2 million to teen victim
A federal jury has ordered former Kalispell businessman Dick Dasen Sr. to pay a teenage girl $2.2 million to compensate her for what the jury concluded was a sexual assault while the girl was a minor.
Kalispell police
were called Monday about a troublesome squirrel on College Avenue. It was trapped and transferred to a rodent reform area in Lawrence Park. Then, another squirrel - known to Animal Control as especially bad Squirrel No. 22 - also was scooped up and taken to the Lawrence Park party.
Flathead County Sheriff's Office
went to a business on Montana 40 on Sunday, where a man was moved to protest the business with a sign urging buyers to beware. He said he'd had an unhappy experience with the business. He was told to stay off the business's property and limit his protest to the public highway.
3 Free public community lecture, "Essential Resources fro Improving Wellness and Recovery," presented by Cynthia Miller of Ascent Behavioral Health Services, Meridian, Idaho, from 7:30-9 a.m., at Pathways Treatment Center, 200 Heritage Way, Kalispell.
Fire victim could be home for Christmas
A Somers woman injured in a Thanksgiving fire in Somers could be home from the hospital by Christmas.
Monday, December 12
3 Montana Silver Foxes Legislature meets at noon for a Christmas celebration at Perkins Restaurant conference room.
Kalispell police
arrested two men for fighting outside of Scotty's Bar early Sunday morning.
The Columbia Falls and Bad Rock fire departments
put out a Saturday evening fire at a dust collector section of the Plum Creek plant in Columbia Falls. No one was hurt. A portion of a building was damaged.
A burglary
with a cash bag gone through, and a stolen computer and sunglasses at the Bigfork Athletic Club was reported Saturday evening to the Flathead County Sheriff's Office.
A 16-year-old girl
was caught throwing snowballs and eggs at a house early Sunday, and ended up arrested by the Whitefish police for being a minor possessing alcohol.

Up for adoption
Sunday, December 11
Consultant hired to study 911 system
A consultant soon will begin studying how to overhaul 911 dispatch services in Flathead County.
'Nobody is going to walk away happy'
School-funding effort may lead to more legal action
Brady, Streit lead FHS in swimming
The Daily Inter Lake
Bravettes hang on to win opener
Looking at the action on Saturday, it was easy to tell it was Flathead's first game of the season. Poor shooting, missed free throws and turnovers mired the Bravettes' season opener against Lake City (Idaho).
The Kalispell and Smith Valley fire departments responded to a kitchen fire on Second Street West Friday evening. They had the fire under control within five minutes.
While Montanans have responded generously to help ease suffering from natural disasters in Mississippi, Louisiana and in far-flung parts of the globe, the local United Way drive is an opportunity to meet growing needs closer to home.
A short and tragic history of portable music scene
A Web site called "iPod Garage" claims to be the "voice of the iPod generation."
Flathead County Sheriff
There have been several reports of elusive livestock in Flathead County the last few days.
Furniture family
Couple expands company to its hometown
Silent auction benefits Deer Park school
The Daily Inter Lake
Kalispell police
Kalispell police and Flathead County deputies responded to a number of intrusion alarms at various area businesses on Friday and Saturday. They proved to be false alarms.

Ripe for the picking
Jacob Wendell 'Jake' Hill, 82
Jacob Wendell "Jake" Hill, 82, passed away on Sunday, Dec. 4, 2005, at Lakeview Care Center in Bigfork.
Seeley Lake's Christmas at the Barn, sponsored by the Historical Society. Call 406-677-2880.
Forest land sells for $2.3 million
An online auction for 90 acres of Forest Service land plus buildings that include the old Hungry Horse Ranger Station has closed with a final bid of $2.38 million.

A new breed
Columbia Falls police
Columbia Falls police arrested two 37-year-old men for DUIs, in separate incidents.

Osweiler comes up big for Braves
A huge scandal rocked baseball a few years ago after it was discovered that hundreds of players, from Little League to the majors, were fudging their ages to appear younger.
Whitefish police
Whitefish police arrested a 22-year-old man for felony aggravated assault, criminal mischief and simple assault, following a fight in Casey's Bar early Saturday morning.
Saturday, December 10
Get your pet photos taken with Santa 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., Murdoch's Ranch and Supply, 2330 U.S. 93 South, Kalispell. All proceeds benefit Human Society. Call 752-PAWS.
Libby cleanup hits $107 million
So far, 570 of 1,400 area's homes cleaned
Kalispell Police
A woman complained to the Kalispell Police Department Thursday about members of her church showing up unwanted at her home.
Wild about tiles
Pair of friends create ceramic magic by molding colorful clay
Every step they take
Middle-school students count walking as important part of fitness routines
The Daily Inter Lake
RONAN - Winless a year ago, Whitefish opened the 2005-06 boys basketball season on a triumphant note.
Whitefish Police
The Whitefish Police Department looked into a car hitting a deer Thursday on U.S. 93.

How many of us are there?
Flathead undefeated at Mining City duals
The Daily Inter Lake
Residents say thanks for helping
After two years of concerted effort, the gazebo that lies along Whitefish River and the bicycle/pedestrian trail is complete. Luke Haberkern thanks everyone who helped see his Eagle Scout project through to completion.
Have your pet's picture taken with Santa Claus
The Humane Society of Northwest Montana hosts its annual Santa Paws Pet Photo event from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. today at Murdoch's Ranch and Supply, 2330 U.S. 93 S., in Kalispell. Pet owners will have the opportunity to have holiday photos of their pets taken with Santa.
Flathead County Sheriff
The Flathead County Sheriff's Office found a stolen pickup truck on Nicholson Drive Thursday afternoon. A company employee in Polson took the truck on an unauthorized trip to the Kalispell area.
Columbia Falls Police
The Columbia Falls Police Department arrested a 43-year-old man on U.S. 2 early Friday morning for drunken driving.
Friday, December 9
Ann Louise Lawson, 51
Our beloved friend, mother, sister and companion, Ann Louise Lawson, "went into the embrace of the Lord," having passed away from cancer on Wednesday, Dec. 7, 2005. Throughout her illness and her last days, Ann was surrounded by people whom she loved and who loved her. Ann united all of us with her ability to make each of us feel central in her life. Whether rich or poor, professional or unemployed, young or elderly, athletic or disabled, each of us was equally embraced by Ann's fundamental respect and graciousness.
Acoustic music to warm up a few cold nights
Former Flathead Valley musicians Tim Torgerson and Larry Pattis have returned to the area to collaborate on "Winter Guitar," a series of concerts of original and seasonal music.
Board votes against Creston subdivision
A major subdivision on the valley's east side earned a negative recommendation from the Flathead County Planning Board on Wednesday.
The Somers Fire Department
responded Thursday night to a trailer home that was on fire off School Addition Road.
Austin Alan Schabel
Son of Katie Schabel and Jason Deshazer of Kalispell, was born Oct. 22 at Kalispell Regional Medical Center.
Lake County tavern owners fret about gambling talks
Lake County's non-Indian casino operators are getting anxious that new gaming compact talks between Montana and the Confederated Salish and Kootenai Tribes have not yet begun.
Kalispell police
arrested two boys, ages 10 and 11, for shoplifting at Rosauers on Wednesday night.
Logan Lawrence Jochim
Son of Todd and Kerry Jochim of Lakeside, was born Oct. 27 at Kalispell Regional Medical Center.
Blacktail ski season starts today
The Daily Inter Lake
Destinee Mae Phillips
Daughter of Donna Kessler and Derek Phillips of Kalispell, was born Oct. 27 at Kalispell Regional Medical Center.
Flathead High School speech team stays unbeaten
The Flathead High speech and debate team remained undefeated by winning the Dusty Roads Invitational in Helena this past weekend.
County considers new funding sources
Faced with a mounting list of infrastructure and capital replacement needs, Flathead County officials have identified several "revenue enhancement" opportunities to help pay for these projects.
Hospital takes spill precautions
Procedures are in place to prevent a repeat of an October chemical discharge from Kalispell Regional Medical Center into the city's sewer system.
Sophia Katherine Isakson
Daughter of Tracy and Kayte Isakson of Spokane, was born Oct. 26 at Kalispell Regional Medical Center.
Madison Sylvie Mahlen
Daughter of Jason and Anna Mahlen of Kalispell, was born Oct. 30 at Kalispell Regional Medical Center.
Charlotte Catherine Sommerhoff
Daughter of Hans and Jenni Sommerhoff of Kalispell, was born Nov. 1 at Kalispell Regional Medical Center.
Whitefish police
are investigating an indecent exposure incident that occurred Wednesday evening on Seventh Street.
New armory is welcome addition
Military outfits in the Flathead Valley have a new base of operations just north of Kalispell.
Audrey Joyce Nelson
Daughter of Andrew and Melanie Nelson of Kalispell, was born Oct. 25 at North Valley Hospital.
Tanner John Heichel
Don and Chad and Denise Heichel of Kalispell, was born Sept. 24 at Kalispell Regional Medical Center.
School District 5 and Flathead High School district board Transpiration Committee meets at 7 a.m., at the district office.
Head for the town of 'Tuna'
Flathead Valley Community Theatre will present "Greater Tuna," a hilarious comedy about Texas' third smallest town, where the Lion's Club is too liberal and Patsy Cline never dies.
Kylie Lynn Hunter
Daughter of James Hunter and Megan Sewell of Kalispell, was born Oct, 28 at Kalispell Regional Medical Center.
Kaylie Marie Pitts
Daughter of Justin and Stephanie Pitts of Columbia Falls, was born Oct. 27 at Kalispell Regional Medical Center.
With the help of OnStar satellite technology,
the Flathead County Sheriff's Office on Thursday recovered a Chevy Silverado that recently had been stolen from Polson's Main Street. The vehicle was found off the road at Nicholson Drive, and detectives were investigating a suspect.
Thursday, December 8
Shannon Lynn Tallman, 47
Shannon Lynn Tallman of Whitefish passed away Dec. 4, 2005.
Pearl Ethel Kolden, 85
Pearl Ethel Kolden, 85, passed away at the Immanuel Lutheran Home on Dec. 4, 2005, from pneumonia. "By leaving us she was able to be in the presence of her husband and her family in heaven with God at her side."
Numerous fender benders
kept Kalispell police officers busy Wednesday.
Whitefish police officers
investigated a complaint of harassment at Glacier Medical Clinic on Wednesday. A patient was impatient for drugs.
Ty Bradley Bjelland
Son of Jason and Jennifer Bjelland of Boise, Idaho, was born Sept. 4.

Cold shatters three weather records
Sawyer Dillon Gardner
Son of Tim and Ky'le Gardner of Kalispell, was born Oct. 31 at North Valley Hospital.
Seanna Grace Dube
Daughter of Shalie Dube of Columbia Fall, was born Oct. 31 at Kalispell Regional Medical Center.
Hailee Elaine Allen, daughter of Nathan Allen and Kim Broderick of Kalispell, was born Oct. 26 at Kalispell Regional Medical Center.
She weighed 5 pounds, 15.7 ounces, and was 20 inches long.
A resident on Nordic Loop
reported to Flathead County Sheriff's Office a case of suspected Internet fraud. He provided a $3,000 deposit but received no vehicle.
State to map North Fork flood plain
The Daily Inter Lake
Dalton Lee Brown
Son of Duane Brown and Marri Thornton of Whitefish, was born Aug. 31 at the Midwifery Place.
Dylan Jack Benson
Son of David and Rosee' Benson of Kalispell, was born Oct. 25 at Kalispell Regional Medical Center.
Plowing season means mailboxes take a hit
The Daily Inter Lake

Senator dedicates new reserve center.
Joshua Brandon Eagleton
Son of Trevor and Ashley Eagleton of Kalispell, was born Oct. 27 at Kalispell Regional Medical Center.
Kenzy Jenae Buttrey
Daughter of Jessica and Edward Buttrey of Bigfork, was born Oct. 28 at Kalispell Regional Medical Center.
Where to ride
With all of the excellent snowmobiling around the Flathead Valley, it's hard to put your finger on the best places to go.
Keep rates reasonable for CFAC
It's now or never for the Columbia Falls aluminum plant.

Kalispell Rotary girls basketball: Taking their best shots
Olivia Marie Gilley
Daughter of Reynold and Ann Gilley of Kalispell, was born Oct. 22 at Kalispell Regional Medical Center.
Columbia Falls police
received a report of a cell phone stolen from a teacher at Columbia Falls Junior High School.
Court upholds convictions in double murder
The Montana Supreme Court on Tuesday upheld Troy McGarvey's double homicide conviction.
Charles Wayne Hanson
Son of Rachel and James Hanson of Kalispell, was born Oct. 25 at Kalispell Regional Medical Center.
B.C. mine plan goes 'major'
Project would require much more environmental review
Jack Thompson, 71
Jack Thompson, 71, passed away Dec. 4, 2005, after a lengthy illness.
Wednesday, December 7
Hailee Elaine Allen
Hailee Elaine Allen daughter of Nathan Allen and Kim Broderick of Kalispell, was born Oct. 26 at Kalispell Regional Medical Center.She weighed 5 pounds, 15.7 ounces, and was 20 inches long.
Kylie Lynn Hunter
Kylie Lynn Hunter daughter of James Hunter and Megan Sewell of Kalispell, was born Oct, 28 at Kalispell Regional Medical Center.She weighed 6 pounds, 4 ounces, and was 19 inches long.
Logan Lawrence Jochim
Logan Lawrence Jochim son of Todd and Kerry Jochim of Lakeside, was born Oct. 27 at Kalispell Regional Medical Center.He weighed 9 pounds, 9 ounces, and was 21 inches long.
Seanna Grace Dube
Seanna Grace Dube daughter of Shalie Dube of Columbia Fall, was born Oct. 31 at Kalispell Regional Medical Center.She weighed 5 pounds, 10 ounces and was 19 inches long.
Charles Wayne Hanson
Charles Wayne Hanson son of Rachel and James Hanson of Kalispell, was born Oct. 25 at Kalispell Regional Medical Center.He weighed 5 pounds, 7 ounces and was 19 inches long.
Kenzy Jenae Buttrey
Kenzy Jenae Buttrey daughter of Jessica and Edward Buttrey of Bigfork, was born Oct. 28 at Kalispell Regional Medical Center.She weighed 8 pounds, 11 ounces and was 21 inches long.
Madison Sylvie Mahlen
Madison Sylvie Mahlen daughter of Jason and Anna Mahlen of Kalispell, was born Oct. 30 at Kalispell Regional Medical Center.She weighed 7 pounds, 10 ounces, and was 21 3/4 inches long.
Dylan Jack Benson
Dylan Jack Benson son of David and Rosee' Benson of Kalispell, was born Oct. 25 at Kalispell Regional Medical Center.He weighed 8 pounds, 14 ounces, and was 21 1/4 inches long.
Rachel Lynn Wang
Rachel Lynn Wang daughter of Colette and Shawn Wang of Kalispell, was born Oct. 25 at Kalispell Regional Medical Center.She weighed 7 pounds, 2 ounces, and was 20 inches long.
Sophia Katherine Isakson
Sophia Katherine Isakson daughter of Tracy and Kayte Isakson of Spokane, was born Oct. 26 at Kalispell Regional Medical Center.She weighed 6 pounds, 9 ounces, and was 20 inches long.
Olivia Marie Gilley
Olivia Marie Gilley daughter of Reynold and Ann Gilley of Kalispell, was born Oct. 22 at Kalispell Regional Medical Center.She weighed 7 pounds, 10 ounces, and was 19 1/2 inches long.
Charlotte Catherine Sommerhoff
Charlotte Catherine Sommerhoff daughter of Hans and Jenni Sommerhoff of Kalispell, was born Nov. 1 at Kalispell Regional Medical Center.She weighed 8 pounds, 4 ounces, and was 21 1/4 inches long.
Austin Alan Schabel
Austin Alan Schabel son of Katie Schabel and Jason Deshazer of Kalispell, was born Oct. 22 at Kalispell Regional Medical Center.He weighed 6 pounds, 12 ounces, and was 21 inches long.
Dalton Lee Brown
Dalton Lee Brown son of Duane Brown and Marri Thornton of Whitefish, was born Aug. 31 at the Midwifery Place.He weighed 9 pounds, 15 ounces and was 21 inches long.
Sawyer Dillon Gardner
Sawyer Dillon Gardner son of Tim and Ky'le Gardner of Kalispell, was born Oct. 31 at North Valley Hospital.He weighed 8 pounds, 8 ounces, and was 21 inches long.
Joshua Brandon Eagleton
Joshua Brandon Eagleton son of Trevor and Ashley Eagleton of Kalispell, was born Oct. 27 at Kalispell Regional Medical Center.He weighed 6 pounds, 4 ounces, and was 19 inches long.
Ty Bradley Bjelland
Ty Bradley Bjelland son of Jason and Jennifer Bjelland of Boise, Idaho, was born Sept. 4.He weighed 5 pounds, 5 ounces, and was 18 inches long.
Destinee Mae Phillips
Destinee Mae Phillips daughter of Donna Kessler and Derek Phillips of Kalispell, was born Oct. 27 at Kalispell Regional Medical Center.She weighed 7 pounds, 2 ounces, and was 20 inches long.
Kaylie Marie Pitts
Kaylie Marie Pitts daughter of Justin and Stephanie Pitts of Columbia Falls, was born Oct. 27 at Kalispell Regional Medical Center.She weighed 8 pounds, 3.6 ounces, and was 21 inches long.
Audrey Joyce Nelson
Audrey Joyce Nelson daughter of Andrew and Melanie Nelson of Kalispell, was born Oct. 25 at North Valley Hospital.Audrey joins Adam, 2 1/2.

Whitefish drops season opener to Sentinel
Kalispell police
responded to a rash of car crashes on slick roads Monday night and Tuesday. Three accidents were on U.S. 93 North, along with other wrecks scattered across town, none resulting in serious injury.
Whitefish takes top honors at home speech meet
In what Whitefish High head speech and debate coach Gil Jordan called "truly a team effort," 25 of 26 Bulldog competitors placed in their home-tournament events Saturday to secure a 161-150 win over cross-valley rival Columbia Falls.
The Flathead County Sheriff's Office
also received reports of vehicular mayhem on local roads. The calls included at least six accidents, two involving injuries, along with seven vehicles that either had been abandoned after going off roadways or had broken down.
Dalton Lee Brown, son of Duane Brown and Marri Thornton of Whitefish, was born Aug. 31 at the Midwifery Place.
He weighed 9 pounds, 15 ounces and was 21 inches long.
Association donates $174,500 to Glacier
The Daily Inter Lake
Whitefish police
arrested a man, 24, on a contempt warrant out of Whitefish on Tuesday.
Senior housing to get new owners
A California firm is selling all of its low-income and senior housing projects in Montana, including four apartment complexes in Flathead County and one in Libby.

Record low temperatures are predicted
School District 5 and Flathead High School district board Personnel Committee meets at 7 a.m., district office.
Kathleen B. 'Kate' Isakson Keyser, 46
Kathleen B. "Kate" Isakson Keyser, 46, passed away Nov. 27, 2005, at her home in Kalispell.
City ponders how to set architectural rules
Guidelines vs. standards.
Columbia Falls police
responded to a report of a student stealing a cell phone from a teacher at Columbia Falls High School on Tuesday. The phone was recovered.
Making college affordable again
The median family income in Montana is around $35,000 a year.
Whitefish approves Bridgewater subdivision
The Whitefish City Council on Monday OK'd the controversial Bridgewater Trails subdivision on the east side of Whitefish, but strapped on conditions to require additional infrastructure improvements from the developer.
Rare cancer follows state rail lines
Mesothelioma study tracks Montana cases
Tuesday, December 6
Mary Ann Holzapfel, 65
Mary Ann Holzapfel, 65, passed away Tuesday, Nov. 29, 2005, at her home in Kalispell. Mary Ann was born Aug. 20, 1940, in Pittsburgh, to Anthony and Amelia Shelkons Stugan. Mary Ann was raised with two brothers and four sisters. She graduated from Allegheny High School in 1957.
Whitefish police
arrested a man, 46, for reckless driving and no proof of insurance Sunday night.
Columbia Falls police
received a report Monday of a theft of stereo equipment from a vehicle on Seventh Street.

Looking for a few good students: UM woos those priced out of college
The Flathead County Sheriff's Office
dispatched a coroner to Les Mason Park in Whitefish on Monday afternoon to recover the body of a woman in a suspected suicide. Flathead County Search and Rescue initially was called to search for the woman, until the body was discovered.
Kalispell ambulance
transported two people to Kalispell Regional Medical Center on Sunday afternoon after they were injured in a snowmobile accident near Shelter Valley Road.
A visit from Old Man Winter: Snow, then cold descend on Valley
The Daily Inter Lake
Kalispell police
are investigating an armed robbery that was reported late Sunday, allegedly involving a man in a red Corsica who tried to rob a pedestrian at knifepoint. The car pulled up alongside the pedestrian near Fifth Avenue East and Center Street, with the driver asking whether the man needed a ride. The man said no, and the driver got out of the car and allegedly pulled a knife, demanding money. The pedestrian said he had none, and was able to walk to Tidyman's to call for help.
3 School District 5 and Flathead High School district board Finance Committee meets at 6:45 a.m., district office.
Marjory Lura Pack, 98
Marjory Lura Pack, 98, died Nov. 23, 2005, in Kalispell. She was born Dec. 21, 1906, in Barton, Iowa, to Arthur and Lura Hostetler. She spent her early life on the ranch near Raleigh, N. D., where her parents homesteaded and raised their six children.
Monday, December 5

From home with love
It was Bad Drivers Night in Kalispell on Saturday.
Kalispell police made a traffic stop just before midnight and charged two men, ages 24 and 25, with possession of dangerous drugs, DUI, resisting arrest, having no valid driver's licenses, no proof of insurance and speeding.
Flathead County sheriff's deputies
made an arrest after a road rage incident Saturday evening. A woman in her 20s and a man driving a pickup reportedly pulled a rifle on people as it drove through traffic on LaSalle Road. The man, 21, was charged with felony assault with a weapon.
3 Red Cross blood drive, 2-6 p.m., at the center, 17A First Ave., Kalispell.
Helping hands: Kalispell volunteers work on 'Home Makeover' project
Christmas came early for an Idaho family in need, and a group of Kalispell volunteers got a chance to help.
Armin Albert Schmidt, 82
Armin Albert Schmidt, 82, passed away Thursday, Dec. 1, 2005, at Heritage Place in Kalispell.
Whitefish police
were receiving a report of a reckless driver on U.S. 93 South on Sunday afternoon when suddenly the caller exclaimed, "Look at the moose!" Excited children's voices in the background accompanied the explanation of the moose running down the middle of the highway. That was the end of the reckless driver report.
Stuck gas pedal sends car into river
A Columbia Falls woman escaped with only a broken arm and a few minor injuries Sunday evening after her gas pedal stuck and sent her car plunging into an icy Flathead River.
Columbia Falls ambulance
was called for a head injury to a child sledding Sunday afternoon.
Sunday, December 4

FHS swimmers steal show
The Daily Inter Lake
United Way helps wide variety of local groups
Current member agencies of the United Way are completing their annual membership applications for 2007 in the local umbrella agency that helps a broad variety of charities.
Welder finishes 20th at Foot Locker regional
The Daily Inter Lake
Class A race is wide open
Parity abounds in area girls hoops
Flathead County Sheriff
Flathead County Sheriff's Office deputies responded to the Kila green-box containers for a report that someone had left an entire deer carcass in a dumpster. Officers could only find properly boned-out carcasses.
Short-staffed FWS comes with costs
It always seems like federal bureaucracy moves slow, but in the kaleidoscopic world of the Endangered Species Act, things have slowed to a crawl here in Montana. And no wonder.
Bad Rock Fire Department and the Columbia Falls ambulance went to a head-on collision with minor injuries at Montana 206 and Elk Park Road.

A 'living wage'
Kalispell police
Parents with an apparent penchant for art left their 11-year-old son at a downtown Kalispell business while they participated in the Art Walk. Two and a half hours later, Kalispell police were called to help the boy find his missing parents. Police took the boy to his house, but no one was home, so he was turned over to other family members.
Collector inspired by Nativity scenes
For Joan Latimer, the smell of fresh pine boughs mingled with Christmas carols takes her back decades to Christmas Eve in the tough mining town of Butte, Montana.
Boyer's late surge sparks Wildkats
COLUMBIA FALLS - The zone is hard for any basketball player to find, but once they do - look out.
Holiday Tour of historic Kalispell homes 1-5 p.m. Tickets $20 for Northwest Montana Historical Society members, $25 for non-members. Outlets are Western Outdoor, Books West, Flathead Travel and Museum at Central School. Call 756-8381.
Whitefish police
Drunk drivers kept Whitefish police busy. They arrested a 21-year-old Kalispell man for DUI and no insurance.

Wild life
Local photographer circles the globe in pursuit of award-winning nature shots
A fetish for fine fruitcake adds spice to life
I'm making fruitcake this weekend. Don't hate me for it.
Nonprofits as an economic force
Study outlines impact on Montana economy
Columbia Falls police
Columbia Falls police arrested a 21-year-old man for DUI at Nucleus and Seventh Street. Their first indication the driver was drunk was when the man spun his vehicle around 360 degrees in front of a squad car.
Benefit features favorite images
Award-winning photographer Tom Ulrich will present a digital photo show on Dec. 6 and 13 of his work in the past year in North America and the Falkland islands.
Saturday, December 3
Flathead County Sheriff
He said his name was Hiawatha. Flathead County Sheriff's Office deputies determined he was tripped out on drugs, and took him to meet his father.
Kalispell Fire Department and Kalispell Ambulance reported 10 calls.

Northwestern A loaded for another challenging season
Get ready to wrestle.
Montanans pitching in for Michael
While 11-year-old Michael Lavin fights to beat leukemia, his friends, fans and neighbors aren't pulling any punches to help him get the job done.

Flathead swim squad experienced, devoted
Kalispell police standoff ends peacefully
Laser School evacuated, streets and alleys cordoned off for two blocks
Whitefish police
Whitefish police spotted the erratic driving at Fourth and Spokane late Thursday, then ended up charging the 22-year-old woman behind the wheel with DUI and possession of dangerous drugs. She also was wanted on two county warrants.
Lakeside Holidayfest 9 a.m. to 4 p.m., Lakeside Elementary School gym. Over 30 art and handcrafted gift exhibitors, Kids-Only Market. Free photos with Santa until 11 a.m. Fresh baked goods and "Festival of Flavors" food at noon. Live auction at 1 p.m. Musical entertainment by students. Silent auctions close at noon and 3 p.m. Sponsored by Somers/Lakeside PTA. Call 844-3880.

Cribbage novice draws a once-in-a-lifetime hand
Kalispell police
Kalispell police had little trouble tracking down and charging a man, 43, with criminal trespass, disorderly conduct and resisting arrest early Friday. First, the "scary looking man" visited the Black Angus casino, passed out in the bathroom, then headed out to the parking lot. He'd made it to the nearby Finish Line within a half hour, where he threw himself on the floor and started yelling.

Deep powder
Braves stick mat loss on Butte
The Flathead Braves wrestlers won in convincing fashion over Butte Friday afternoon, 49-30. The win makes it a hat trick for Flathead against the ever-competitive Bulldogs.
Rehberg: 'Progress is being made' in war effort
Just after returning from his second trip to Iraq, Rep. Denny Rehberg, R-Mont., said Friday that "progress is being made" by coalition forces there, but American leaders have an obligation to acknowledge and learn from mistakes in the war effort.
Alton O. 'Al' Dybwad, 78
Alton O. "Al" Dybwad, 78, of Fruitland, Idaho, went gently from this life to his heavenly home on Nov. 25, 2005.
Take holiday tour of historic homes
The Holiday Tour of Historic Homes takes place from 1 to 5 p.m. Sunday, Dec. 4.
Focus on fathers
New support group helps dads get involved
Friday, December 2
Bertha R. Monroe, 100
Bertha Rein Monroe, 100, passed away quietly at her home in Whitefish with her family at her side Oct. 15, 2005.
Judge won't lower bond in DUI case
District Judge Ted Lympus refused to lower bond from $100,000 for a young man charged with four felony counts of endangerment.
Whitefish police
arrested a man after an assault was reported at a downtown bar Wednesday night.
One thing not to do
if your neighbor's barking dog bothers you is to go take it and tell the neighbors that the dog is headed for the animal shelter. Kalispell police talked to someone on Liberty Street about the consequences of that. They include theft and trespass charges.
Songs of Christmas past
Popular annual holiday concert features music of the millennium
Kalispell Fire Department
sent an ambulance to Dry Bridge Park, where someone was hurt in a sledding accident Wednesday.
Red Cross blood drive, 9 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Bigfork High School.
Mike Sisich, 88
Mike Sisich, 88, passed away Nov. 24, 2005, in Kalispell.
Phone switch may save thousands
The Daily Inter Lake
Flathead bands celebrate season
The Flathead High School bands will be presenting their annual holiday concert on Tuesday at 7:30 p.m. in the high school auditorium.
Flathead County Sheriff's Office
took a complaint from a driver on U.S. 2 who said a semi truck passed at speeds of 85 to 90 mph. A deputy found the truck driver, who said the person who complained was driving 30 mph on the highway.
Columbia Falls police
charged two boys with disorderly conduct after a fight at the junior high.
W.R. Grace lawyers seek change of venue
Lawyers for seven indicted W.R. Grace executives compared the extraordinary media coverage of their case to the Oklahoma City bombing trial as they argued in U.S. District Court on Thursday for an out-of-state change of venue.
Soldiers doing great job for all of us
The American soldier is many things to many people.
A bureaucratic bottleneck
Pinched by a reduced staff and an increasingly complex workload, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service in Helena is struggling to keep up with "consultation" reviews for the Forest Service and other agencies.
David Milton Monroe
David Milton Monroe was born in Nelsonville, N.Y., on Nov. 13, 1919, to David Y. and Alice H. Monroe. He passed away in Whitefish on Aug. 4, 2005.
CFAC future may hinge on BPA plan
The future of Columbia Falls Aluminum Co. could be determined in the next few months, when the Bonneville Power Administration lays out its plan for future wholesale power rates.
Ferda leaves WHS football program
The Daily Inter Lake

Hoop Dreams
If you had walked through the halls of Columbia Falls High School a decade ago, basketball was likely the last thing on people's minds. After all, the Wildcats never had much of a winning tradition on the floor - if anything, they were an easy win for the rest of western Montana.
Man gets 20 years in sex assault case
The Daily Inter Lake
SWAT team arrests three in Evergreen
The Flathead County Sheriff's Office SWAT team arrested three people on drug charges Wednesday night in Evergreen.
Thursday, December 1
Carl Edward Rauthe, 75
Carl Edward Rauthe, 75, passed away Monday Nov. 28, 2005, at Kalispell Regional Medical Center in Kalispell.
Ruth Grosswiler McKay, 69
Ruth Grosswiler McKay, 69 , beloved wife, mother, grandmother, teacher, sister and friend, passed away Nov. 28, 2005, at Immanuel Lutheran Home in Kalispell.
Another domestic violence arrest
Hungry Horse man accused of threatening wife with electric saw
You'll find plenty of places to play on skinny skis
The Daily Inter Lake
Noel D. Aronson, 71
Our loving father and grandfather, Noel D. Aronson, peacefully passed away Nov. 29, 2005, in his home after a battle with cancer and MS. Private family services will be held Saturday, Dec. 3, in Kalispell.
Flathead County Sheriff's Office
was called to a home on Stoner Creek Road for a fight between two sisters. Over the melee, a dispatcher heard a grandmother in the background say, "I'm not in on this." The dispute was over earrings. The family worked it out.
Creston Fire Department
was sent to Foothills Road for a report of a burning mobile home. It was purposely set on fire by a property owner there.
Klothes Kloset Christmas store 9 a.m. to 2 p.m., 286 Nucleus Ave., Columbia Falls. Proceeds go to special area organizations. Call 892-4534.
Kalispell police
went to Smith's where an older man caused concern with his wandering ways. He left after getting upset and flinging a carton of milk.
Another arrest in Fatt Boys case
A second suspect has been arrested in the burglary and theft of a safe Nov. 7 at Fatt Boys.
David Dyer, 74
David Dyer, 74, passed away Thursday, Nov. 24, 2005, at his Kalispell residence.
Grace trial should remain in state
W. R. Grace and Co. wants to make sure it is not Montanans who hear the federal case against the company and its top managers.
Whitefish police
arrested a man on Edgewood Drive who allegedly tried to elude police on a snowmobile, but stayed on roads where they could easily follow him.
Kalispell plans new well, water tank
Kalispell plans to dig a new well and build a new water storage tank to serve the city's growing population.
Diaper caper fails miserably
Ex-wrestler pins would-be thieves
College program focuses on senior care
Flathead Valley Community College trustees adopted a new program Monday linked to the aging population.