Friday, November 30
School employee resigns over embezzlement
A Kalispell Public Schools employee resigned recently after embezzling $17,500 from high school activity funds.
3 14th annual Trego Christmas bazaar 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. today and Saturday; 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. Sunday.

Flathead the team to beat on AA mats
Zemke, Sheeran hope to lead Lady Crusaders to another title
If the Flathead Valley Home School girls' basketball team needed a slogan for the 2007-08 season it could very well be 'Going for Four."
Stillwater starts basketball season with tourney, new coach
Stillwater Christian School basketball coaches Dana Hashley and Denise Topp will have a better understanding of what's to come after opening the season today and Saturday with the Cougar Classic.
Whitefish police arrested a 38-year-old woman for driving under the influence of alcohol after she hit a parked car behind a Central Avenue bar.
Fire Department
The Evergreen Fire Department responded to a hit gas line on U.S. 2.
Soldier adoption sweeps across U.S.
One Bigfork mom's mission to adopt out every member of her son's Army unit in Iraq has gained momentum, attracting volunteers from across the valley and out-of-state to write letters and send care packages.
Feds fine Bigfork company
The Daily Inter Lake
Kalispell police arrested a 34-year-old man, who had been drinking, for criminal trespass to a vehicle after he was spotted rummaging through a car in a First Avenue West parking lot. Nothing was missing except some chocolate, which the man was eating.
Flathead County
A man using a wheelchair belonging to Glacier Park International Airport put it in the back of his truck instead of returning it. He allegedly told Flathead County Sheriff's deputies he took it because he needed it. He agreed to return it today upon his return from Browning.
Braves, Wolfpack grab grid honors
The Daily Inter Lake
Columbia Falls
Columbia Falls police responded to Crescent Drive where some boys were fighting.

Wheels up
A Ray of Hope is the real deal
Inter Lake editorial
Thursday, November 29
Erik L. Mize, 42
Erik L. Mize, 42, a former Kalispell resident, died Nov. 7, 2007, in San Francisco.
Grace J. (Fly) Miles, 91
Grace J. (Fly) Miles, 91, passed away Monday, Nov. 26, 2007, at her home in Columbia Falls.
Blacktail aims for Dec. 8
Blacktail Mountain Ski Area west of Lakeside is entering its 10th season with plans for a Dec. 8 opening.
Columbia Falls
Columbia Falls police responded to the parking lot of a grocery store on Ninth Street West where a car was spinning brodies. The driver was cited for careless driving. Someone was also spotted spinning brodies on Fourth Avenue West and Third Street, but officers were unable to locate that car.
Foundation helps youngsters with free passes for fifth-graders
The Daily Inter Lake
Delisting grizzlies will take time
After surviving a close encounter with a large grizzly bear this week, Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks Commissioner Vic Workman said grizzlies need to be delisted so their numbers can be managed by the state through a limited hunt.
Planning Board backs 3,000-acre Riverdale Neighborhood Plan
The Flathead County Planning Board voted unanimously on Tuesday to recommend approval of the Riverdale Neighborhood Plan to county commissioners.

Access to U.S. 93 unresolved
?Quit putting roadblocks in front of this development?
Many speakers favored Glacier Town Center at a Kalispell Planning Board public hearing on Tuesday.
Kalispell police arrested an 18-year-old man for shoplifting at a sporting goods store in Hutton Ranch Plaza. He allegedly tried to get away with stealing a jacket, shirt, pair of pants, and a hat by putting them on underneath his own clothes.
Boys, 9, suspected of torching local truck
The Daily Inter Lake
Not an en'deer'ing Christmas ornament
A neighbor came onto a woman's South Hilltop Drive property and hung a dead deer in one of her trees. The neighbor then cut off the deer's head, in front of the woman's children. She called Flathead County Sheriff's deputies and asked the neighbor to remove the carcass. He did.
Rockford Alan Plawman, 16
Rockford Alan Plawman, 16, passed away Nov. 25, 2007, in Whitefish. He was born June 25, 1991, in Portland and raised in Whitefish.
3 Red Cross blood drive, 9 a.m. 2 p.m., Libby High School.
The West Valley Fire Department responded to a controlled burn on McMannamy Draw.

Mountain of change
Just some more snow, and a $20 million transformation will be revealed at Whitefish Mountain Resort.
Florence 'Lenora' Palmer, 90
Florence "Lenora" Palmer, 90, of Kalispell, formerly of Polson, passed away on Sunday, Nov. 25, 2007, at Brendan House in Kalispell from natural causes.
Reilly, CWU play Grand Valley St.
Lakers won 4 of last 5 national titles
Wednesday, November 28
John Edward Tietema, 81
John Edward Tietema, 81, of Kalispell, passed away Nov. 25, 2007, at the Brendan House in Kalispell. He was born March 30, 1926, the second of six children, in Havre, to John H. and Rose Tietema.
Patrick Michael Murray, 65
Patrick Michael Murray, 65, died Wednesday, Nov. 21, 2007, after a courageous battle with cancer. He was under the care of Grace Hospice and died at home in the presence of his loving wife and daughter.
Braves set mat lineup for opener
The Daily Inter Lake
County chips in for elk underpass
Conservationists and officials now need to raise less than $10,000 to get a wildlife crossing incorporated into a Montana Department of Transportation shoulder-widening project planned for Montana 206 north of Fairview Crossroad.
Elk crossing would be worth trying
The band of elk that calls the East Valley home is a common sight as it wanders the area of Montana 206, Middle Road and Columbia Falls Stage Road.
Columbia Falls police arrested a 43-year-old man on a Texas warrant for parole violation during a traffic stop on U.S. 2.
Columbia Falls police
Two men face rape charges
The court documents that tell of the alleged crimes read like a parent?s worst nightmare:
Griz dole out more awards
Hilliard, Dwyer receive honors
Attorney: New Whitefish council should break tie
Whitefish City Attorney John Phelps has recommended that the City Council seated in January should break the tie between council candidates Turner Askew and Martin McGrew.
Assault report ends in hospitalization
A passerby reported seeing a man abusing a woman in a car driving down Montana 206. Turns out it wasn't an assault, but the woman in the car may have been suicidal. She was taken to the hospital for a mental health evaluation.
Whitefish police looked for a man reportedly sleeping at a school bus stop near Lion Drive. They were unable to locate anything amiss.
Whitefish police
Florence 'Lenora' Palmer, 90
Florence "Lenora" Palmer, 90, of Polson, passed away on Sunday, Nov. 25, 2007 at Brendan House in Kalispell from natural causes.
The South Kalispell Fire Department responded to a controlled burn on Willow Glen Drive.
3 Kalispell Police Department conducts a saturation patrol today for speeding, and seat belt and equipment violations, today through Nov. 30, at school zones in Kalispell.
Tuesday, November 27
Vandals cause extensive water damage
Someone broke into a residence on Montana 206 near Columbia Falls and flooded it. The owners returned home to find all the faucets turned on, fixtures overflowing, and the hose to the washing machine disconnected. It appears to be more vandalism than burglary, said investigators. Flathead County Sheriff's deputies described the damage as extensive.
Local road wish list tops $112 million
A public hearing on the Kalispell area's proposed new transportation plan is scheduled for Dec. 11 before the city's planning board.

Ice is nice
Jane Adams, left, and her daughter Molly Adams-Hyde skate on the smooth ice of a slough of the Stillwater River on Sunday afternoon.
The Evergreen Fire Department responded to Mountain View Drive for a possible gas leak.
Kalispell police arrested a 64-year-old man for trespassing after he locked himself in the heated bathrooms at Woodland Park. Again.
Hunt improves on final weekend
The 2007 big game season ended with a lot of bangs on Sunday in Northwest Montana, with hunter numbers and the deer harvest up substantially across the region.
Town Center plan faces public hearing
Wolford firm seeks 485-acre annexation
Kalispell Police Department conducts a saturation patrol today for speeding, and seat belt and equipment violations, at Third and Fourth Avenues East.
Whitefish police arrested a 23-year-old man for driving under the influence of alcohol, possession of drug paraphernalia, driving without a license, and driving without insurance during a traffic stop on U.S. 93.
Hip shot deters charging grizzly
'It was just a monster bear'
Columbia Falls
Kids lighting fireworks by the city pool were gone when Columbia Falls police arrived.
Monday, November 26
Finding strengths in the Flathead
Economic development chief sees great promise in valley progress
Paul Michael Boe Mosby, 21
Paul Michael Boe Mosby died Nov. 15, 2007, at the age of 21, as the result of injuries sustained in a motor-vehicle accident.
3 Children's Story Hour at 10:30 a.m., Children's Department of the Flathead County Library in Kalispell, 247 First Ave. E. Call 758-5822.
Columbia Falls
A 47-year-old man, who had been ill, was found dead with some blood by his head Sunday afternoon in a Columbia Falls home. No foul play is suspected, the Flathead County Sheriff's Office said.
Kalispell council to discuss wish list
The Daily Inter Lake

One special family
Kalispell police arrested a 25-year-old man from Fernie, British Columbia, on suspicion of hitting another man outside of Red's Wines and Blues early Sunday morning.
Fire Department
The Columbia Falls Fire Department responded to a flatbed truck on fire Sunday afternoon on South Hilltop Road.
Whitefish police arrested a 40-year-old woman on suspicion of disorderly conduct and resisting arrest Saturday evening at the Grizzly Den.
Sunday, November 25
Raymond Oscar Williams, 69
Raymond Oscar Williams, 69, "was called home to the Lord" on Wednesday, Nov. 21, 2007.

Pre-dawn shopping takes a lot of stamina
This much I know is true: "Black Friday" shopping is not for wimps.

Six decades of Snappy's
Evergreen store evolved from 1947 gas station
Robert James Hunt, 63
Robert James Hunt, 63, of Kalispell, 'left us for a better place' on Nov. 20, 2007, at Kalispell Regional Medical Center with his wife, Barbara, at his side.
It's the end of the world as we know it, stupid!

Creature feature
Project aims to help elk cross highway
John Russell Treweek, 36
John Russell Treweek, 36, passed away Saturday, Nov. 17, 2007, at his home in San Diego from complications of a rare heart disorder.
The Three Rivers Emergency Medical Service responded late Friday afternoon to a medical call at Majestic Valley Arena.
Gary David Hower, 24
Gary David Hower, 24, passed away Thursday, Nov. 22, 2007, at his residence in Kalispell.
A construction trailer was broken into Saturday morning at Glacier Bank, Whitefish police reported.
Whitefish police
3 Linda Lanier in concert today at 10:40 a.m. and 6 p.m., Assembly of God Church, 738 Third Ave. W., Columbia Falls. Call 892-3949.

Wofford upsets Grizzlies
Dan Carpenter's last-second field goal attempt sails wide left
Schools in touch with the times
As the world roars inexorably deeper and deeper into the digital age, it's reassuring to see local schools are keeping up with the electronic times.
Collision sends 2 to hospital
A two-vehicle collision Friday afternoon sent two injured people to Kalispell Regional Medical Center, Kalispell police said.

Kalispell woman surrounds herself with rehabilitated and new creations
Woman pleads not guilty to obstruction charge
A woman charged with obstructing justice for allowing two men to live on her property knowing they were fugitives pleaded not guilty Wednesday in Flathead County District Court.
Peterson wins bull riding title
Zach Peterson did something the other nine finalists failed to do Saturday night in the short go of the Rocky Mountain Extreme Bull Riding Challenge at Majestic Valley Arena.
The Flathead County Sheriff's Office responded to an assault on Ridgewood Drive early Saturday morning.
The Flathead County Sheriff
Columbia Falls police arrested a 51-year-old man Friday evening on suspicion of drunken driving at U.S. 2 and Riley Lane.
Columbia Falls police
Ruth Cecelia Hunter, 84
Ruth Cecelia Hunter, 84, of Polson, died on Thursday, Nov. 22, 2007, at St. Joseph Hospital in Polson.
Saturday, November 24
Rev. John Bruce Plummer, 93
Rev. John Bruce Plummer, 93, of Polson, died of natural causes early Tuesday morning, Nov. 20, 2007, at St. Joseph Hospital in Polson. Father Plummer was a Catholic priest for 67 years, and was the eldest priest in the Helena Diocese.

Promoting a positive playground
Family dispute ruffles feathers
Flathead County sheriff's deputies helped settle a Thanksgiving Day dispute between family members on Sixth Street West in Columbia Falls. No one was arrested.
The Evergreen Fire Department responded to a grass fire in a field off U.S. 2.
A 27-year-old woman
A 27-year-old woman was reported missing by her husband from a bar on Nucleus Avenue. Columbia Falls police broadcast her description. The woman heard that people were looking for her and called police to say that she was fine.
Whitefish police
Whitefish police arrested a 43-year-old intoxicated pedestrian next to the library.

Friend takes top honors on 1st night
It was a match of opposites.
John Russell Treweek, 36
John Russell Treweek, 36, passed away Saturday, Nov. 17, 2007, at his home in San Diego from complications of a rare heart disorder.
3 Riverside Senior Living fifth anniversary open house celebration, 1 to 4 p.m.. Open tours, music, door prizes, food and drinks.
A Ray of Hope still shines
Kalispell shelter a safety net for the homeless
Friday, November 23
Jack Rickard, 75
On Nov. 18, 2007, Jack Rickard, 75, "returned to our Father."
Liv Anne Kittilsby, 72
Liv Anne Kittilsby, 72, passed away Nov. 16, 2007, at Immanuel Lutheran Home in Kalispell.
Deborah Kay Horn Wilke Beesley, 47
Deborah Kay Horn Wilke Beesley, 47, died Tuesday, Nov. 20, 2007, at her home in Columbia Falls.
Columbia Falls police tracked down a driver who backed her vehicle into another car in the parking lot of a grocery store on Nucleus Avenue. She was unaware she had hit another vehicle.
Columbia Falls police
Whitefish police arrested an 18-year-old man on suspicion of possession of alcohol after a disturbance on Columbia Avenue.
Whitefish police
Hill 4th at CFR
The Daily Inter Lake
Michael Danny Bolla, 61
Michael Danny Bolla, 61, passed away at his home in Brownsville, Ore., on Sept. 14, 2007.
Fighting back against cancer
Inter Lake editorial
Griz playoff game free on Big Sky TV
The Big Sky Conference and Broadcast International have announced that Saturday's first-round NCAA Division I Football Championship playoff game between the University of Montana and Wofford will be available free on Big Sky TV.
Kalispell police
The owners of a Teal Drive home went out of town and left their cat outside. A neighbor called Kalispell police twice, saying the cat was noisy and trying to get back into the house. Dispatchers told her there wasn't much they could do about it. She replied that if she found the cat dead in the morning, she would bring it in for dispatchers to see.
Legal dispute resumes
State commission receives complaint about Jerry O'Neil
3 Mission Mountain Winery wine education program for holidays, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. today and Saturday, at the winery, on U.S. 93 in Dayton, west shore of Flathead Lake.
8-year sentence for felon
Illegal alien hits 'grand slam of criminal activity'
The Evergreen Fire Department responded to a fire on East Cottonwood Drive. The fire, if there was one, had been extinguished when they arrived.
Evergreen Fire Department
Betty Jane Friske, 78
Betty Jane Friske, 78, died Monday, Nov. 19, 2007. Born on Dec. 10, 1928, in Columbia, S. C., she was a true southern belle. Betty married Donald G. Friske of Polson shortly after the Korean War. Betty was a faithful member of The Church Of Jesus Christ Of Latter-day Saints, serving as a Sunday school teacher for children, young women, and adults. She also served in her community. Betty had a zest for life and a sparkle in her eyes. She was an accomplished home designer and interior decorator. Betty was an amazing cook. Her grandchildren especially loved her buttermilk pancakes. She had a knack for turning any gathering into a festive occasion and often hosted holiday celebrations. Her family and friends will miss her wise, empathetic counsel.
Thursday, November 22
A man, who had been drinking, cut another driver off then pulled into the parking lot of a bar on U.S. 93 South. According to a report taken by Kalispell police, the man fell while exiting his vehicle, threatened to beat the other driver up, then offered to sell him some marijuana.
Finance director fighting cancer, too
Mike Eve's cancer came with little warning, just a nagging cough that refused to go away.

Providing lessons in the Blackfeet way
Forest may build new ATV trails
For the first time in a long time, there is an effort to expand motorized recreation opportunities on the Flathead National Forest.
Woman who starved six horses put on probation
The woman responsible for the starvation deaths of six horses and the severe malnourishment of two others will spend the next two years on probation.
A day to cherish our blessings
Thanksgiving has become a whirling holiday, where loved ones brave crowded airports and bad roads to reach family. It's known for turkey, pumpkin pie, busy living rooms, and napping in front of the TV while the Dallas Cowboys or Detroit Lions are playing.
Whitefish police arrested a 26-year-old man after a traffic stop at the intersection of Third Street and Spokane Avenue for driving under the influence of alcohol and driving without a license.
The Kalispell Fire Department and Evergreen Fire Department responded to Montana 35 where a 60-year-old man who may have overdosed on prescription pills was taken to Kalispell Regional Medical Center.
Man gets early start on holiday gifts
An adult entertainment store was burgled on South Cedar Drive in Evergreen. When Flathead County Sheriff's deputies arrived, they found the door kicked in. Videos and toys were reported missing.

Fire chief battles cancer with stem-cell transplant
There's a clarity that comes from staring down death as cancer refuses to give up its grip.
Reilly's Wildcats ready for rematch with Omaha
Central Washington in 2nd round of playoffs
Columbia Falls
Columbia Falls police arrested a 43-year-old man on suspicion of his second DUI during a traffic stop on Nucleus Avenue.
3 Evergreen Disposal is closed. Service for customers today and Friday will be delayed one day.
Robert 'Bobby' Scheeler, 56
Robert "Bobby" Scheeler, 56, passed of natural causes in Federal Way, Wash., on Nov. 18, 2007. He was born April 21, 1951, to Valentine M. Scheeler and Josephine (Stang) Scheeler in Missoula.

Terriers quick, confusing on offense
Wednesday, November 21
Norma Jeane Latzel, 75
Norma Jeane Latzel, 75, of Sunland, Calif., (formerly of Kalispell) passed away Nov. 13, 2007, at Kaiser Permanente Hospital in Panorama City, Calif., after complications with a lower aorta aneurysm.
Orville D. 'Ozzie' Shock, 84
Orville D. "Ozzie" Shock, 84, longtime Kalispell resident, died Nov. 19, 2007, at Libby Care Center in Libby. He was born June 6, 1923, in Detroit Lakes, Minn., the youngest of five children, all of whom preceded him in death. Orville was raised in Detroit Lakes, where he graduated from high school.
State will have to resolve bypass dilemma
The Kalispell City Council wants Plan A.
Patricia 'Pat' M. Ray, 72
Patricia "Pat" M. Ray, of Bellevue, Wash., died at Virginia Mason Medical Center in Seattle on Thursday, Nov. 15, 2007. She was 72 years of age.
Kalispell police arrested a 20-year-old woman and a 31-year-old man at a bar on U.S. 93 South for obstructing justice.
Kalispell police
Deputies investigating BB shooting
A 23-year-old man was shot in the leg with a BB in the parking lot of a store on U.S. 2 in Evergreen. Flathead County Sheriff's deputies are investigating.
Paul Michael Boe Mosby, 21
Paul Michael Boe Mosby, 21, died Nov. 15, 2007, as the result of injuries sustained in a motor vehicle accident.
Mining issues getting noticed in B.C.
Potential industrial development in the Canadian Flathead drainage is gaining a higher profile in British Columbia, with possible environmental consequences that would counter international law, Canadian speakers said at a gathering Monday in Whitefish.
Aril Ryder Engebritson, 93
Aril Ryder Engebritson, 93, of Kalispell, passed away Saturday, Nov. 17, 2007, at his home.
3 City of Kalispell discontinues leaf pickup today. Leaves must raked two feet into the street or avenue prior to today. Any remaining leaves must be bagged and placed at the curb or in the alley for pick up.

Even P.E. gets a high-tech boost
In schools, few subjects haven't felt technology's impacts.
Robert Henry Schock, 82
Robert Henry Schock 'departed this world' on Nov. 14, 2007, 'to join his wife, Dorothy Swensen Rismon Schock, in the loving partnership which will never again be interrupted.'
Tuesday, November 20
Cheyanne Kay Renee Coxen, 13
Cheyanne Kay Renee Coxen "went to be with the Lord and her Papa Earl Coxen" quietly in her sleep on Nov. 18, 2007, in Missoula, surrounded by her loving family, close friends, and favorite Community Medical nurses. Cheyanne came into this world three months early on Aug. 28, 1994, in Corvallis, Ore., with fight and the will to live.
Kalispell police responded to a bar on Woodland Park Drive where a man punched out a car window after getting into an argument with his girlfriend. Police gave the woman a ride home. The man was treated for injuries to his hand.
Whitefish council race ends in a tie
City Council will make appointment
Fern H. 'Gramma T' Tiemyer, 84
Our beloved mother, Fern H. Tiemyer, affectionately known to all who knew and loved her as "Gramma T," passed away on Wednesday, Nov. 7, 2007. She died peacefully with her family by her side at Village Health Care in Missoula. She was born on Aug. 19, 1923. She was one of 10 children born to Clarence and Eunice Donaldson.
Irene Jeanette Engelbach, 92
Irene Jeanette Engelbach, 92, died Wednesday, Nov. 14, 2007, at the Immanuel Lutheran Home in Kalispell.
Whitefish police arrested a 45-year-old man for partner assault on Mountain Park Drive.
Deputies arrest a fugitive from Boise
Flathead County Sheriff's deputies were notified that a probation violator from Boise may be in the North Fork Road area. They found the 24-year-old man and arrested him on warrants for drug possession, possession of drug paraphernalia, driving under the influence of alcohol, and contempt of court. He is also considered a fugitive from justice. The man is being held in the Flathead County Detention Center on $20,725 bail.
New school wired (and wireless) for the future
Jon Kaps hears a common refrain from visitors to Glacier High School: "I wish we had that when I was in high school."
Robert 'Bob' J. Denning, 64
It is with great sadness that the family of Robert "Bob" J. Denning announce his passing. After a courageous battle with pancreatic cancer, Bob, 64, died peacefully in his sleep on Nov. 14, 2007, at his home in Bigfork.
Columbia Falls
Columbia Falls police visited the high school to arrest a girl for disorderly conduct.
Richard F. Gove, 81
Richard F. Gove, 81, of Kalispell, passed away Friday, Nov. 16, 2007, at the Brendan House in Kalispell. He was born on Oct. 2, 1926, in Lewistown, to Richard Frederick Gove I and Virginia Stowell.
The Evergreen Fire Department responded to Ridgewood Drive where a 55-year-old man accidentally overdosed on pain medication.

Kalispell Police Department conducts a saturation patrol today for speeding, and seat belt and equipment violations on Sunnyside Drive and surrounding area.
Monday, November 19
Paul Hollister Larson, 66
Paul Hollister Larson, 66, passed away Nov. 17, 2007, at his home in the Many Lakes area.

For the record Whitefish city clerk keeps track of myriad transactions
Columbia Falls
Columbia Falls police arrested a 20-year-old man on suspicion of assault and possessing drugs Saturday afternoon on Seventh Avenue East North.
Children's Story Hour, 10:30 a.m., Flathead County Library, 247 First Ave. E., Kalispell. Call 758-5822 for more information.
Whitefish police arrested a 31-year-old woman on suspicion of partner or family member assault at the Downtowner hotel late Saturday evening.
Fire Department
The Somers Fire Department responded to an out-of-control slash pile fire Sunday afternoon on Boon Road.
Flathead County
Two bucks had their horns locked together in the Bigfork area Saturday and Sunday, the Flathead County Sheriff's Office said. State Fish and Wildlife officials were notified.

Education on the big screen
Every morning, Sean Kelly's fifth-graders start their math lesson with five warm-up questions.
Decision on bypass expected
The Daily Inter Lake
Kalispell police arrested a 25-year-old woman on suspicion of stealing at the Sportsman and Ski Haus, as well as for possessing drugs and drug paraphernalia, plus for unauthorized use of a vehicle Saturday evening.
Sunday, November 18

Opponent to be announced
Would-be robber gets prison for driving drunk
Johna Criner avoided incarceration after crashing a getaway car with two small children in the rear seat after a botched armed robbery in 2005.
Lakeside access meets opposition
An offer of public lake access in Lakeside is proving to be more complicated than the county had anticipated.
Cherry harvest reaches 4 million pounds
This year's Flathead Lake cherry harvest surpassed expectations.

Confessions of a bona fide band geek
I don't recall why I chose the flute in sixth grade as my cadet-band instrument of choice.
A woman told Flathead County sheriff's deputies that a 15-year-old boy had done 10 shots at the Blue Moon - but she was lying. She has a dispute with someone at the bar.
Flathead County sheriff
Columbia Falls police arrested a 45-year-old man on suspicion of vehicle theft.
Columbia Falls police
Whitefish police arrested a 25-year-old man fighting in the Pin and Cue on suspicion of disorderly conduct.
Whitefish police
Elderly couple handles teens
A caller told Kalispell police that an elderly couple was beating up a group of teenagers.
Election adjustments are needed
We're glad to see that Flathead County Clerk and Recorder Paula Robinson is putting together a task force in preparation for the 2008 primary and general elections. As the race for president heats up, it's bound to be an active year for voters and the county needs to be ready for the onslaught.

Ruling the roost

High-tech teaching
3 Whtiefish City Christmas decoration volunteers needed today at 8:30 a.m., at the corner of Second and Central (Haines Drug). Dress warmly, wear gloves and bring wire cutters or pliers. Phone Bruce Tate at 862-4888. All help is appreciated.

Grizzlies blast Cats
2008 campaign is now a horserace
Now that everyone is sick and tired of presidential politics, it is getting interesting.

Paint it green: Colors without toxins
Eric Howard is no newcomer to freshening up and coloring his world.
Saturday, November 17
'Suspicious' man was just looking for dog
A Snowline Drive resident called Flathead County Sheriff's deputies about a man running through her yard with a flashlight. An hour later she called again, saying the man had just run past another time. Turns out it was a neighbor looking for a lost dog.
3 Kalispell Elks Lodge No. 725 will hold its Veterans Spaghetti Dinner from 5 to 7 p.m. at 1820 U.S. 93 South, Kalispell. Everyone is welcome.
Police arrested 42-year-old man a on warrant for assault when he turned himself in at the station.
Four spikers collect Class A all-state honors
They are: Whitefish's Ferda, Menegazzi; Bigfork's Fierro; Libby's Hageness
Svennungsen 24th at Nike run
The Daily Inter Lake
Brown speaks in Kalispell
By JIM MANN/Daily Inter Lake
2 men survive collision with elk
The Daily Inter Lake

Popcorn prodigy
The Kalispell Fire Department and South Kalispell Fire Department responded to an accident on Willow Glen Drive.
Columbia Falls
Police arrested a 46-year-old man for driving under the influence of alcohol during a traffic stop on U.S. 2.
Police are investigating an alleged car jacking that occurred Thursday night on Center Street. A man claimed two men with masks threatened him with a knife and then took off in his Ford F-250. However, the truck was found two hours later on 11th Avenue West, where it had been parked earlier in the day. The man reporting the crime is not the vehicle's registered owner.
No final decision until 2008
Whitefish shedules workshop for Dec. 6
Center with a cause
By JOHN STANG/Daily Inter Lake
Helen (Marker) Schilling, 88
Helen (Marker) Schilling, 88, of Kalispell, passed away on Wednesday, Nov. 14, 2007, at Immanuel Lutheran home of natural causes.
Friday, November 16
Carolyn DeeAnn (Lasater) Aldous, 65
Carolyn DeeAnn Lasater Aldous, 65, passed away Saturday Nov. 10, 2007, at her home in Salt Lake City.
That street needs a new name
Flathead County sheriff's deputies responded to Peaceful Drive in Bigfork, where a man allegedly put his hands around his son's throat, but no one there wanted to press charges.
Bus crash kills one, injures dozens
A bus carrying about two dozen state prison employees struck a deer and overturned early Friday on a highway near Warm Springs, killing one person and injuring several others, authorities said.
Fixing election glitches
Flathead County office still 'working to get it right'
Whitefish police arrested a 44-year-old man on suspicion of driving under the influence of alcohol during a traffic stop on Baker Avenue.
Whitefish police

Former Flathead QB Mike Reilly
Central Washington quarterback Mike Reilly looks to throw on the run in this 2007 file photo. Photo courtesy of CWU.
Cat-Griz game has local flavor
Ready or not, the Cat-Griz game is Saturday in Bozeman.
3 Red Cross blood drive, 11 a.m. to 3 p.m., St. John's Hospital, Libby.
Holm announces retirement
Glacier National Park superintendent will leave in January
Columbia Falls police arrested a 21-year-old man on suspicion of trespassing at a house on Martha Road.
Columbia Falls police
Kalob Michael Connors, 3
Kalob Michael Connors, 3, "was suddenly taken from his beloved family" on Nov. 11, 2007, at Community Medical Center in Missoula.

Eyes on the prize
Quarterback Reilly takes Central Washington into playoffs
Flathead Boxing ready to rumble
Local club welcomes public
State's football fans deserve better
Montana college football got another black eye this week at a time when football fans usually are celebrating the "big game" - Cats vs. Griz.
Crash victim dies Saturday crash
The Daily Inter Lake
It's Cat-Griz week
Game blemished, but there's still a lot on the line
Thursday, November 15
Kalob Michael Connors, 3
Kalob Michael Connors, 3, "was suddenly taken from his beloved family" on Nov. 11, 2007, at Community Medical Center in Missoula.
Joyce Nadine Smith, 79
Joyce Nadine Smith, 79, of Milwaukie, Ore., passed away Saturday, Nov.10, 2007, at her home.

Car crash
3 Kalispell Police Department conducts a saturation patrol today for speeding and seat belt and equipment violations, on South Main Street.
Congress' slim accomplishments
"Americans think Congress is doing a pretty lousy job," a recent CNN report states, citing cellar-dwelling poll numbers for Washington lawmakers.
Whitefish police arrested a 42-year-old man on a warrant for failure to comply with his court sentence and for driving on a suspended license during a traffic stop on U.S. 93.
Kalispell police arrested a 23-year-old man for drug possession and obstructing a police officer on U.S. 93 South. Officers observed him sitting near the sidewalk trying to keep warm and stopped to see if he needed any help. When officers noticed a suspicious container next to him, the man took off running.
Town Center project unfolding
Shopping center the first phase of Wolford plan
Drunk and angry: Not a good combination
A Lariat Lane woman, who had been drinking, started breaking things when a man at the residence prevented her from getting behind the wheel of a car. Flathead County Sheriff's deputies responded to the home and spoke with her. Thinking the woman had calmed down, they left. But when deputies returned 45 minutes later, she was still breaking things around the house. The woman was sent home with a relative.
The Whitefish Fire Department responded to an accident at the intersection of U.S. 93 and Montana 40. No one was injured.

Shake, rattle and roll
During the rut, rattling is a handy hunting technique
Critical-areas debate continues tonight
The Whitefish City-County Planning Board will consider another round of revisions to the beleaguered critical areas ordinance as it concludes a public hearing tonight on the drainage legislation.
Columbia Falls
Columbia Falls police arrested a 16-year-old boy for shoplifting after he tried to steal a pack of gum from a convenience store.
Wednesday, November 14
Elaine J. Schlenker, 68
Elaine J. Schlenker, 68, of Bozeman, passed away Oct. 19, 2007, in Seattle due to a cerebral aneurysm and strokes.
Wind knocks out power
The Daily Inter Lake
Gas leak causes concern of explosion
The Flathead Electric Cooperative, Northwestern Energy, and Kalispell Fire Department responded to Fifth Avenue East Tuesday afternoon where fumes from a ruptured gas line collected in an electrical transformer, creating a risk for an explosion.
Columbia Falls police apprehended a runaway juvenile at the high school while the mother was at the station filling out the paperwork necessary to report the teen missing.
Columbia Falls police
Somers school bond fails
Voters rejected the Somers School District's $7.125 million bond request Tuesday, quelling district officials' hopes for a new school building by 2010.
State efforts pay off at Lone Pine
There's nothing easy about coming up with money for new state park lands, and in the Flathead, there's nothing easy about finding the land itself.
Daniel John 'Dan' Wright, 46
Daniel John "Dan" Wright, 46, beloved husband, father, son and brother passed away Saturday, Nov. 10, 2007, at Kalispell Regional Medical Center.
The Somers Fire Department responded to a controlled burn near a subdivision on U.S. 93 in Lakeside.
Three anchor stores planned at new center
A public hearing on the Glacier Town Center project at the north end of Kalispell is set for Nov. 27.
Whitefish police arrested a 28-year-old man on Waverly Place for partner assault and a Highway Patrol warrant for speeding violations.
Whitefish police
Woman involved in trooper's death pleads no contest
The driver responsible for the traffic death of Montana Highway Patrol trooper David Graham pleaded no contest Tuesday to one count of careless driving resulting in a death.
3 Kalispell Police Department conducts a saturation patrol today for speeding, and seat belt and equipment violations, on East Idaho.
Tuesday, November 13
Maxine Arlys (King) DeSaussure, 69
Maxine Arlys (King) DeSaussure, 69, of Ronan, passed away at her home of natural causes on Sunday, Nov. 11, 2007.
Patricia Ann (Enevold) Knutson, 74
Patricia Ann (Enevold) Knutson, 74, of Kalispell (formerly of Great Falls and Havre), died on Nov. 9, 2007 in a Missoula Hospital of natural causes. She was disabled.
Saddlehorn part two goes before plan board
The Daily Inter Lake
Flathead County
A brother and sister reportedly got into a physical altercation with their mother in the Juniper Bay area. Flathead County Sheriff's deputies separated the trio until they calmed down.

This dog can find you
Muldown Elementary School second-grader Julia Matelich pets Brenner, a Flathead County Search and Rescue Belgian shepherd, during a visit to the school on Friday. Flathead Valley Search and Rescue brought three rescue dogs to May Koopal's second-grade class and gave a presentation on how to prevent getting lost in the woods - and what to do if they do get lost.
Kalispell police arrested a 27-year-old man for driving under the influence of alcohol after he was involved in an accident on Airport Road.
Columbia Falls
Columbia Falls police responded to a suspicious vehicle complaint at a business on Second Avenue East North. The vehicle was authorized to be there.
Lion pounces on hunter
Backpack saves man from more serious injuries
Tot's death ruled an accident
The Daily Inter Lake
3 Kalispell Police Department conducts a saturation patrol today for speeding, and seat belt and equipment violations, on U.S. 93, from the KRMC to Reserve Drive.
The Whitefish Fire Department responded to an accident on Montana 40 and transported a person involved to North Valley Hospital.
Unscheduled early out for Flathead High
A faulty wire knocked out power Monday to Flathead High School. The outage began at about 1:45 p.m. As of 4 p.m., Flathead Electric Cooperative crews were still trying to make repairs. The wire ran from a utility pole to the school, so the school was the only building affected. The outage forced administrators to send students home early.
Whitefish police arrested a 23-year-old man for driving under the influence of alcohol during a traffic stop on U.S. 93.
Monday, November 12
Elizabeth Grace Holien
Elizabeth Grace Holien daughter of Michael and April Holien of Whitefish, was born Nov. 5 at North Valley Hospital.She weighed 6 pounds, 4 1/2 ounces, and was 19 inches long.
Willow Sherree Loveless
Willow Sherree Loveless daughter of Jeffrey and Tiffany Loveless of Kalispell, was born Oct. 16 at Kalispell Regional Medical Center.She weighed 6 pounds, 10 ounces, and was 19 inches long.
Zayden Joseph Fletcher
Zayden Joseph Fletcher son of Chad Darrington and Dezirae Fletcher of Kalispell, was born Oct. 14 at Kalispell Regional Medical Center.He weighed 8 pounds, 2 ounces, and was 20 inches long.
Marcello Anthony Gannon-Tolomeo
Marcello Anthony Gannon-Tolomeo son of Michael Tolomeo and Clarissa Gannon of Eureka, was born Oct. 30 at home.He weighed 9 pounds, 8 ounces, and was 21 inches long.
Wayne Samuel Cox
Wayne Samuel Cox son of Sam and Alisa Cox of Kalispell, was born Oct. 14 at Kalispell Regional Medical Center.He weighed 7 pounds, 15 ounces, and was 20 inches long.
Frank William Dooley
Frank William Dooley son of Frank E. Dooley and Elizabeth R. Baker of Kalispell, was born Nov. 3 at North Valley Hospital.He weighed 9 pounds, 7.3 ounces, and was 21 1/2 inches long.
Wyatt Dane Carlson
Wyatt Dane Carlson son of Dustin and Tiffany Carlson of Kalispell, was born Oct. 14 at Kalispell Regional Medical Center.He weighed 7 pounds, 13 ounces, and was 21 inches long.
Sadie Maude Shook, 80
Sadie Maude Shook was "received into the loving arms of her Lord and Savior" on Sunday morning, Nov. 4, 2007.
George Emil Hanson
George Emil Hanson son of Drew and Debbie Hanson of Ronan, was born Oct. 28 at St. Luke Community Hospital.He weighed 6 pounds, 15 ounces.
Ryan Edward Ogle
Ryan Edward Ogle son of Justin and Julie Ogle of Kila, was born Nov. 7 at North Valley Hospital.He weighed 8 pounds, 15 ounces, and was 22 inches long.
Savannah Faith Underdahl
Savannah Faith Underdahl daughter of Jeff and Lisa Underdahl, was born Nov. 1 at North Valley Hospital.She weighed 8 pounds, 3 ounces, and was 18 inches long.
Zoie Amelia McDonald
Zoie Amelia McDonald daughter of Jed and Tomi McDonald of Whitefish, was born Nov. 3 at North Valley Hospital.She weighed 6 pounds, 8 ounces, and was 19 1/2 inches long.
Hudson Lee Jones
Hudson Lee Jones son of Jesse and Melanie S. Jones, was born Oct. 31 at North Valley Hospital.He weighed 6 pounds, 11 ounces, and was 19 1/2 inches long.
Anna Rae-Lynn Libby
Anna Rae-Lynn Libby daughter of Ernie and Kristy Libby of Coram, was born Oct. 15 at Kalispell Regional Medical Center.She weighed 7 pounds, 7 ounces, and was 21 inches long.
Cooper Dean Masa
Cooper Dean Masa son of Andy and Jodi Masa of Kalispell, was born Oct. 15 at Kalispell Regional Medical Center.He weighed 8 pounds and was 21 inches long.
Noah Paul Ryan
Noah Paul Ryan son of Shannon and Annie Ryan of Kalispell, was born Oct. 15 at Kalispell Regional Medical Center.He weighed 8 pounds, 10 ounces, and was 20 1/2 inches long.
Winds fanned several slash-pile fires Saturday, bringing the Smith Valley, Marion and Big Mountain fire departments to the scenes to monitor them.
Winds fanned several slash-pile fires
A rifle, hunting knife and shells were stolen Sunday afternoon from a vehicle on Grandview Drive early, Kalispell police reported.
A rifle, hunting knife and shells were stolen
Wyatt Dane Carlson, son of Dustin and Tiffany Carlson of Kalispell, was born Oct. 14 at Kalispell Regional Medical Center.
Boy, 3, drowns in tub
The Daily Inter Lake
Grant helps Missoula firm train more truckers
The Daily Inter Lake
3 City of Kalispell Solid Waste Division will not be picking up 90-gallon containers today due to the Veterans Day holiday. Today's route will be picked up on Tuesday. Have containers out by 7 a.m. Call 758-7720.
The Bigfork Fire Department ambulance took an unknown number of people to Kalispell Regional Medical Center from an early Sunday morning rollover on Montana 209.
The Bigfork Fire Department
First look at Wolford plan due Tuesday
The Daily Inter Lake

In it for the long haul
Sunday, November 11
Kyler Logan Croft
Kyler Logan Croft son of Daniel and Keity Croft of Kalispell, was born Oct. 12 at Kalispell Regional Medical Center.He weighed 8 pounds, 3.5 ounces, and was 21 inches long.
Whitefish spikers place second
BOZEMAN - There was no four-peat.
SBA loans add up for small firms
In a state where virtually every business may be considered a small business, the $76.4 million in Small Business Administration loans approved last year was a direct boon to 421 separate interests.
One year later, most road damage repaired
It was a year ago when Glacier National Park officials were just coming to realize just how badly a torrential rainstorm had damaged the historic Going-to-the-Sun Road.
Terms of surrender: An early rough draft
Whitefish thinclads compete in Boise
The Daily Inter Lake
Bravettes claim third
BOZEMAN - No regrets.
So did officers flock to the site?
A Colorado woman told Flathead County sheriff's deputies that her sister's husband is mentally abusing her by forcing her to help butcher sheep.

Six kids in one house will make a mom busy
The other night one of my sisters called from Colorado, and about 10 seconds into our talk, the phone beeped, signaling there was another person trying to break into the conversation.
James Arthur Kauffman, 80
James Arthur Kauffman, 80, 'was called home to God' on Wednesday, Nov. 7, 2007, at the Libby Care Center in Libby.
Caroline 'Kerry' Felecia Facincani, 82
Caroline "Kerry" Felecia Facincani, 82, passed away at home Nov. 7, 2007.

Powerful thirst
Honor our veterans today, always
Less than a month ago, a report out of Washington, D.C., revealed continuing challenges for veterans who need health care and other services in the aftermath of service to their country.
3 Veterans Day ceremony begins at 11 a.m. at Depot Park, Kalispell. Guest speaker is Col. Michael Stone. VFW Club will be open to all, immediately following, at 330 First Ave. W., Kalispell.
Tayler Ann Greene, daughter of Todd and Jaimee Greene of Columbia Falls, was born Oct. 6 at Kalispell Regional Medical Center.
Libby football loses in semis
The Daily Inter Lake
Columbia Falls police arrested a 36-year-old man at a bar for disorderly conduct.
Columbia Falls police
Hilliard misses game, Bagley injures arm
The Daily Inter Lake

Army mom offers up son's unit for adoption
Saturday, November 10
Columbia Falls police arrested a 24-year-old woman on Seventh Street West on suspicion of partner or family member assault after she allegedly hit her boyfriend.
A house on Martha Road was paintballed.
Whitefish eliminates Libby
Both advance to face each other
Bravettes win thrice
Play today for a brass
Inmates: I dis you, you dis me
An inmate of the Flathead County Detention Center punched another inmate in the face after an argument in which derisive names were exchanged. Neither decided to press charges.
Candidate to seek recount
Whitefish City Council candidate Turner Askew said Friday he will file for a formal recount of votes in the race he first won by four votes and later lost by two votes.

Former deputy shifts from skulls to fanciful scenes
By CANDACE CHASE/Daily Inter Lake
The Whitefish Fire Department and Whitefish ambulance responded to 10th Street for a possible broken back.
4th arrest in Creston disturbance
A fourth person has been arrested in connection with an Oct. 25 disturbance at a Creston home in which two men allegedly shot at responding deputies.
Hoffenbacker, Ogden soaking up playing time
Kalispell's Brandon Hoffenbacker and Dan Ogden were thrust into more action last week for the Montana State football team and both responded with their best games of the season.
For a shot at all the marbles
Libby takes on Billings Central in semis
Teen enjoys a very sweet 16
Lauren Callan wanted her 16th birthday to be memorable.
Live from Iraq
Sergeant with Flathead tiesreports from the inside
Thomas Douglas 'Doug' Egan, 73
Thomas Douglas "Doug" Egan, 73, died Nov. 6, 2007, in Yuma, Ariz.
A person showed up drunk for a hearing in City Court. Kalispell police requested a Breathalyzer test and then sent the person home in a taxi after seeing the results.
A person showed up
Friday, November 9
Judith Lorene Sheils, 61
Judith Lorene Sheils, 61, "went to sleep in death" Tuesday, Nov. 6, 2007.

Gifts to behold, little Shepard
Haeli Shepard, 4, of Kalispell eyes a display of ornaments Thursday afternoon during the International Gift Festival at the Mountain View Mennonite Church in Creston. Festival organizer Twila Brenneman said the event promotes fair trade and benefits artisans from Third World countries. The ninth bi-annual gift festival continues from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. today and from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday.
Punching bag ISU up next for Griz
Griz have won 21 of last 23
Somers school-bond ballots due Tuesday
More than 40 percent of registered voters in the Somers School District have returned their ballots to the district office. Those who still want to vote in the bond election have a few more days to do so.
Kalispell police arrested a 24-year-old man on a warrant for failure to comply with court orders after he tried to climb into an occupied car at a grocery store on Third Avenue East North.
Brandan Keith Owens, 47
Brandan Keith Owens, 47, of Kalispell passed away of a brain aneurysm Wednesday, Nov. 7, 2007, at Kalispell Regional Medical Center.
Killer's appeal denied
State Supreme Court upholds conviction of Ferndale murderer
Whitefish loses in second round
BOZEMAN - It doesn't get much more exciting than 17-15 in the fifth game.
The Whitefish and West Valley fire departments responded to hit gas lines on Fox Hollow Court and Wisconsin Avenue.
Libby spikers advance, lose in second round
BOZEMAN - Too many mistakes and too much Fergus County Eagles.
Can't we unbraid this hairy knot?
The Inter Lake finds itself with the unenviable task of challenging the wisdom of the State Board of Barbers and Cosmetologists for the second time in recent years.
A man reportedly was standing in the parking lot of a U.S. 93 restaurant with his shirt off. A woman was licking his back. Whitefish police were unable to locate the pair.
Henry 'Ed' Triplett, 82
Henry "Ed" Triplett, 82, a native Flathead Valley resident, died "in peace" Tuesday, Nov. 6, 2007, with many family members present.
Achieving folklore status
Hauck: Rarely-mentioned Dwyer most popular Griz teammate
Glen Merl Ames, 74
Glen Merl Ames, 74, is 'mendin' fences in heaven.' He passed away Wednesday, Nov. 7, 2007, at his Kalispell home.
Stalled getaway car trips trio
A man called Flathead County Sheriff's deputies after observing three men going through his Conrad Drive shop. The men tried to take off in a white sedan, but the car stalled. The men were last seen pushing the car northbound. Deputies were unable to locate the trio, who must have started the car eventually.
Richard 'Dick' Cecil Guymon, 78
Richard "Dick" Cecil Guymon passed away of natural causes Sunday, Nov. 4, 2007, in Kalispell, surrounded by his loved ones.
No bids on trees blackened by fire
The Flathead National Forest opened bidding Thursday for 3.5 million board feet of blackened hazard trees in the Brush Creek Fire area - and nobody showed up.
3 Kalispell Police Department conducts a saturation patrol today for speeding, and seat belt and equipment violations, on Woodland Avenue.
Bravettes bounced
BOZEMAN - Quick, subtle, deadly.
Forest considers options for fire area
It is a sprawling burn, with blackened trees covering one slope after another for miles and miles. And the Tally Lake Ranger District is now deep into the task of figuring out what to do with the landscape burned by the Brush Creek Fire last summer.
Thursday, November 8
The Somers Fire Department and Lakeside Quick Response Unit responded to a Wagner Lane residence reported to be full of smoke. Responders didn't find a fire, but did help a man who was having difficulty breathing.
McGrew by 2 - for now
After two recounts on Wednesday, Whitefish City Council candidate Martin McGrew has emerged the winner by a two-vote margin in a tight race with Turner Askew.
Whitefish police arrested a 46-year-old man for attempting to steal beer from a convenience store on U.S. 93.
Columbia Falls
Columbia Falls police arrested a 15-year-old boy for shoplifting at a grocery store on First Avenue West.

Black Hawk overhead

Lone Pine rising
Creating Lone Pine State Park from scratch today would be difficult if not impossible, and that's one reason why the urban-forest park on the western fringe of Kalispell has been a priority for improvements over the last year.
No jail time for homeowner
Loic Rogers, 3, drowned in septic tank in January at home owned by Tommie Cates
A Kenway Drive woman told Kalispell police that her grandson, who just got out of jail, threatened to rob her of her pain medication.
The Daily Inter Lake
With a circulation of 20,000 daily and 21,100 on Sunday, the print edition of the Daily Inter Lake reaches over 46,000 potential customers for your goods and services on a daily basis.
3 Kalispell Police Department conducts a saturation patrol today for speeding, and seat belt and equipment violations, on Whitefish Stage from U.S. 2 to West Reserve Drive.
Writers strike: Good for reading?
Hollywood writers are on strike for the fourth day today, and the horrific effects on the very fabric of American society are beginning to be felt.
Pair tries to steal unmentionables
Flathead County Sheriff's deputies cited a 22-year-old woman and an 18-year-old man for theft after the pair were caught trying to steal lingerie from a store in Evergreen. Deputies also found a marijuana pipe in the man's pocket.
Wednesday, November 7
Robert Bruce Owen, 69
Robert Bruce Owen died Nov. 3, 2007. Born April 23, 1938, in Riverside, Calif., to Dorothy Owen Powers and Lawrence Terrill Owen, he retired to his beloved Montana, a place he had visited every summer throughout his childhood.
Robert William Smith, 19
Robert William Smith, 19, passed away at his Kalispell residence on Nov. 2, 2007. He was born Jan. 7, 1988, in Weiser, Idaho, and was raised in Weiser and Kalispell.
Lakesidesubdivision approved
Flathead County commissioners approved a subdivision proposal Tuesday morning that eventually could add 821 more housing units to the Lakeside area.
Bill Johnson, 54
Bill Johnson, 54, passed away early Sunday morning, Nov. 4, 2007, due to a one-vehicle car accident. Bill was born Aug. 15,1953, in Eureka, Calif.
A former renter threatened to be a Cemetery Road landlord's worst nightmare. Flathead County Sheriff's deputies are investigating.
Nightmare on Cemetery Road
Pakistan's crisis is world's crisis
President Gen. Pervez Musharraf is perhaps the most important man in the world today. As both the military and political leader of Pakistan, he has assumed sole responsibility for keeping the spark of Islamic fundamentalism away from the powderkeg of nuclear war.
Whitefish chooses Jenson for mayor
Kalispell incumbentswin by wide margin
Whitefish police arrested a 19-year-old man for possession of alcohol during a traffic stop on Armory Road. The man was speeding and ran a stop sign.
Whitefish police
Columbia Falls police found broken garbage can lids and mail scattered all over at the post office.
Columbia Falls police
Kalispell Police Department conducts a saturation patrol today for speeding, and seat belt and equipment violations, on North Meridian Road.
Kalispell police
Kalispell police advised a man observed urinating on a logging truck near a U.S. 2 construction site to move along.
County, city split on bypass
The Kalispell City Council and the Flathead County commissioners have split on how the U.S. 93 Bypass should be tackled.
Rodney W. Triplett, 78
Rod Triplett, 78, 'went to meet Jesus' Nov. 4, 2007, at Kalispell Regional Medical Center. He fought hard to overcome pulmonary and congestive heart failure. Rod was born in San Francisco on Nov. 17, 1928. He graduated from Albany High School in Albany, Calif., in 1946.

New traffic light goes up
Tuesday, November 6
Grant Bernard Arend, 45
Grant Bernard Arend was born in Riverside, Calif., to Bob and Margaret Brown Arend on Dec. 28, 1961. He died in Cedar City, Utah, on Nov. 3, 2007. His father, Robert Arend, already misses him.
The Daily Inter Lake
With a circulation of 20,000 daily and 21,100 on Sunday, the print edition of the Daily Inter Lake reaches over 46,000 potential customers for your goods and services on a daily basis.
Maulingvictim recovering
A 23-year-old man who was mauled by a grizzly bear Friday at the Great Bear Adventure Park near Coram is recovering, and the park is in compliance with its license and state regulations, a state official said Monday.
Columbia Falls
Columbia Falls police arrested a 40-year-old man on a Montana Highway Patrol warrant for traffic violations during a traffic stop on a truck route.
The Whitefish Fire Department and Smith Valley Fire Department responded to Antelope Trail for a reported house fire. The reporting party had the fire out before firefighters arrived.
Whitefish police arrested a 24-year-old man during a traffic stop on Shiloh Avenue on a Cascade County warrant for writing bad checks.
Fire held to 6 acres
'It's just super dry out there'
City elections under way today
The Daily Inter Lake
Kalispell police arrested a 40-year-old woman for partner assault after she allegedly smashed her spouse on the head with a frying pan during an argument at their Empire Loop residence. The man received medical attention for the cut on his head.

Upset Griz
The blank stare on Lex Hilliard?s face in the press conference after the Grizzlies? loss to Wofford last Saturday said it all.

Roof trusses go up on fire hall
Clerk calls deputies about customer
A man allegedly asked a clerk at a convenience store on U.S. 2 some strange questions. He wanted to know if she wanted to buy some drugs and if she could open the safe. The clerk called Flathead County Sheriff's deputies, who are using surveillance tapes in an attempt to identify the suspicious customer.
Vikkie Linn Olsen, 52
Vikkie Linn Olsen, 52, died Friday, Nov. 2, 2007, at her home in Libby following a valiant battle with cancer. Vikkie had most recently owned and operated a commercial painting business in the Libby area.
Kalispell Police Department conducts a saturation patrol today for speeding, and seat belt and equipment violations, on South Main Street.
Monday, November 5
Flathead County
The Sheriff's Office arrested a 23-year-old man on suspicion of drunken driving early Sunday morning in Evergreen.

Pole position: Barber symbol shrouded in dispute with state
Police arrested a 39-year-old man on suspicion of punching another person late Saturday afternoon at Smith's grocery.
Kalispell man dies in crash
The Daily Inter Lake
Pairings set for state volleyball tourney
The Daily Inter Lake
Police reported a purse stolen in the downtown area early Sunday morning.
Columbia Falls
Police arrested a 23-year-old man on suspicion of drunken driving at Third Avenue East and Eighth Street early Sunday morning.
Whitefish man suing Teamsters
By NICHOLAS LEDDEN/The Daily Inter Lake
Bad Rock
The Fire Department and Flathead Electric Cooperative responded to a downed power pole near Columbia Falls late Saturday evening.
Sunday, November 4
Florence Elvira Slethaug, 97
Florence Elvira Slethaug, 97, a longtime resident of the Flathead Valley, died Oct. 29, 2007, at Kalispell Regional Medical Center.
Emily Currie, 88
Emily Currie, 88, passed away Nov. 2, 2007, at St. Joseph Hospital in Polson.
Libby spikers regroup, top 'Dogs
RONAN - Like flipping a switch.
Candidate says city too cozy with developers
Kalispell Planning Board member Rick Hull thinks the city government has caved in too frequently to developers.

Plowing ahead

Loggers get loose, roll on

Loggers get loose, roll on
LIBBY - The East-meets-West showdown was as fierce as expected - and a lot more fun.

A knack for yaks

Help (still) wanted
Labor crunch continues to challenge employers
Montana's Hilliard, Dwyer go out in style
MISSOULA - Kalispell's two Montana Grizzlies had monster games Saturday against Portland State on Senior Day - UM's final regular-season home game.
Whitefish police arrested a 47-year-old Calgary man when he urinated behind a downtown bar.
Whitefish police
Florence Elvira Slethaug, 97
Florence Elvira Slethaug, 97, a longtime resident of the Flathead Valley, died Oct. 29, 2007, at Kalispell Regional Medical Center.
Giving away the store, and the ocean, too
Columbia Falls police arrested two drunken drivers Friday night.
Columbia Falls police

Plowing ahead
Despite changes, farming expected to endure
Anna Marie Graham, 102
Anna Marie Graham, 102, died Tuesday, Oct. 30, 2007, at Mountain View Manor in Eureka.

Help (still) wanted
Thief swipes weapons, coins
Five firearms and a gallon jug of loose change were stolen in a burglary on Shelter Valley Drive. The thief kicked open the garage door to enter the house, dumped out dresser drawers and attempted unsuccessfully to pry the flat-screen TV off the wall.

A knack for yaks
Spring Brook Ranch featured on Discovery Channel
Griz assert dominance
Defense pitches 2nd-half shutout; Hilliard records 16th 100-yard game

What you can learn from spam
On any given day, the spam filters watching over our newsroom computers are working overtime. They ruthlessly divert hundreds of unsolicited e-mails (and sometimes a few crucial e-mails we really needed) to the abyss known as the "junk mail" folder.
3 Glacier Nordic Club invites volunteers to help set up night skiing lights at noon, Grouse Mountain Lodge. Call Fred Longhart, 752-8976.
Changing times: Good, bad and ugly
There's a yin and yang in the Flathead's booming economy.
County sees rash of suicides
The Daily Inter Lake
Saturday, November 3
3 "Having Fun with Diabetes" workshop for kids, teens and parents, 8:30 a.m. to 2 p.m., The Summit. Dr. Michael Swinyard will be presenter. Games activities and education sessions. Free. Pre-registration required by 10/31. Call 751-5454.
The Columbia Falls Fire Department responded to a debris fire on Grove Street.
Flathead rally falls short
The Daily Inter Lake
Columbia Falls police arrested a junior high student for starting a fight at school.
Columbia Falls

Grizzly mauls man at bear park
Libby spikers in title match
The Daily Inter Lake
Board: Progress was made during setback workshop
Despite a discontented crowd and a number of audience outbursts, the Flathead County Planning Board managed to make headway on riparian setbacks during a subdivision regulation workshop Thursday night.

A native education
Fire burns 20 acres
The Daily Inter Lake
A 5-foot iguana went missing from a Pheasant Run home. Kalispell police were notified in case somebody reported seeing a monster in their yard.
Kalispell Police
Groups express concern about coal-bed plans
Several Montana conservation groups are concerned about plans to expand a coal-bed methane operation with continued discharge of wastewater into an Elk River tributary.
Truck recovered from local sewage pond
The Daily Inter Lake
Deputies end young couple's fight
An 18-year-old woman barricaded herself in the closet of her boyfriend's Mission Trail Road home. The boyfriend, who didn't want her there, called Flathead County Sheriff's deputies. Officers returned the young woman to her parents' home.
Thompson Falls eliminates Eureka
The Daily Inter Lake
Loggers brace for physical game
Host Sidney in quarterfinals of Class A football
Friday, November 2

Bravettes KO Wolfpack; head to state
It was a moment between teammates.
Anna Marie Graham, 102
Anna Marie Graham, 102, died Tuesday, Oct. 30, 2007, at Mountain View Manor in Eureka.
3 Kalispell Police Department conducts a saturation patrol today for speeding, and seat belt and equipment violations, at Glacier High School and surrounding area.
Dillon Michael Melton, 2 months
Dillon Michael Melton, 2 months, passed away on Tuesday, Oct. 30, 2007, at the Community Medical Center in Missoula.

Dust devil
Solutions, money elusive as county looks at unpaved roads
School and city issues do matter
The latest school district to take steps to keep up with the phenomenal growth in our area is Somers.
Columbia Falls police cited an 18-year-old man for gas theft. They also took a report about an identity theft.
Columbia Falls police
Couple fights and flees from deputies
A man and his girlfriend, fresh from a bar in Somers, were driving next to each other in separate cars down U.S. 93 when the man threw a multi-tool through the window of the other car. His girlfriend, whose window had just been shattered, pulled over and a fight ensued. Flathead County Sheriff's deputies arrived and the pair took off on foot, leaving their startled passengers sitting in the car.

Armed & dangerous
Harold S. 'Bud' Cottet Sr., 84
Harold S. "Bud" Cottet Sr., 84, of Kalispell, passed away Monday, Oct. 29, 2007, at Montana Veterans Home in Columbia Falls.
Hill competing in PBR World Finals
The Daily Inter Lake
The Columbia Falls Fire Department put out a fire in a Dumpster on U.S. 2.
Whitefish police arrested a 72-year-old man for violating a protection order.
Whitefish police
Safe Havens to remain open, for now
Funds have been found to keep the Nurturing Center's Safe Havens Visitation and Safe Exchange program open until at least the middle of January, the center's board of directors announced Wednesday.
Council veteran Kenyon worries about Kalispell's growing pains
Kalispell's rapid growth worries Randy Kenyon, an 8-year city council veteran seeking a third term.
James J. Hendrick, 78
James J. Hendrick, 78, passed away on Oct., 28, 2007, from cancer, at his home in Evergreen. Jim was born Aug. 9, 1929, to James and Ella Hendrick on the family homestead in Sweetgrass. He was raised on the family farm with his three older sisters.
Thursday, November 1
Viola I. Dybwad, 79
Viola I. Dybwad, 79, formerly of Kalispell, "passed from this world to her heavenly home" on Oct. 23, 2007. A celebration of her life was held on Saturday, Oct. 27, at Pilgrim Lutheran Church in Ontario, Ore.
Huge wilderness bill is scary mess
The sheer size and scope of the Northern Rockies Ecosystem Protection Act is enough to send shivers down the spine.
Northern A soccer all-conference awards announced
The Daily Inter Lake
Father spreads message of kindness
Kindness and compassion will change the world.
The Evergreen Fire Department responded to a chimney fire on Cynthia Drive and an unattended burning pile of garbage on Spring Creek Drive.
Columbia Falls
Columbia Falls police cited two 18-year-old women for disorderly conduct after they got into a fight at Columbia Falls High School.
Nation's bests hit Missoula
Grizzlies No. 1 D faces Portland State's No. 1 passing attack
Couple gets into the frying pan
Flathead County Sheriff's deputies arrested a 71-year-old man for partner assault after he allegedly shoved his wife during an argument over how to cook bacon. The man became angry after grease from the pan splattered onto the stovetop and his wife wouldn't use a screen to control the mess. Then she became angry because he allegedly shoved her, took over the job, and burned the bacon. Deputies were called in to settle the matter.

Height, mass of new structures are weighty issues for Whitefish
Whitefish ParentShare meets 11 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. at Kiddie Park. Call Rachel, 863-2987 or Ronna, 862-5346.
Kalispell police arrested a 32-year-old man for criminal trespass to vehicle near the intersection of Main and Idaho streets after he tried to climb into a woman's car while begging for money.
Sidney football team coming to Libby
Loggers looking to improve to 5-4 in playoffs under Fuller
Setback workshop is tonight
The Daily Inter Lake
Harold S. 'Bud' Cottet Sr., 84
Harold S. "Bud" Cottet Sr., 84, of Kalispell, passed away Monday, Oct. 29, 2007, at Montana Veterans Home in Columbia Falls.
Whitefish police arrested a 26-year-old man, who had been drinking, for urinating in public behind a bar on Central Avenue.