Saturday, November 30
Man threatens woman with knife, gets punched out
A man accused of threatening a woman with a knife at an area store got more than he bargained when a customer punched the assailant and knocked him out.

Dissolution of ministry, nonprofits put on hold
New information on the homepage of the Whitefish-based Potter’s Field Ministries website details, among many other things, how the dissolution of the ministry and other related nonprofits — namely the now-shuttered MudMan Burgers chain — will not be happening, at least now for now.

Historic Eureka ranch honored by Cowboy Hall of Fame
At Quirk Cattle Co. near Eureka, sustainability isn’t just a buzzword.

Students tap into Native American art projects
The approximately 250 students who attend Cayuse Prairie School have embarked on art projects with a larger purpose.

Denise M (Charbonneau) Baltadonis, 87
Denise M (Charbonneau) Baltadonis, 87, passed away peacefully on Nov. 29 2019 from complications related to her long battle with Alzheimer’s disease. Born in Cowansville, Quebec in 1932, Denise emigrated to the U.S. with her family as a teenager.

Darvin R. Chambliss, 76
Darvin R. Chambliss, 76, passed away due to natural causes at the Northern Montana Care Center on Friday, Nov. 22, 2019. Cremation has taken place, and in accordance with Darvin’s wishes, no services will be held. Holland & Bonine Funeral Home has been entrusted with arrangements. Please visit Darvin’s online memorial page and leave a message of condolence for his family at

Carol Gracia Dodge, 72
Carol Gracia Dodge was born June 18, 1947 and passed away November 24, 2019. She was the second of 13 children born to Nat and Theresa (Quaresma) Gracia.
Landlord asks for bizarre apology
The Kalispell Police Department received a call about a landlord asking his male tenant to “say sorry to his” genitals, although it was unclear what the original offense had been. The tenant was reportedly calling from his toilet. The landlord had reportedly used drugs in the past and the caller had been drinking alcohol before he called the police. The police concluded there was “no evidence a crime was committed.”

Longtime United Way director resigns
Longtime Northwest Montana United Way Executive Director Sherry Stevens is stepping down from her position today after more than 34 years at the helm of the nonprofit organization.
Case proceeds for man accused of assaulting boy over hat removal
The case of a Superior man who is accused of assaulting a teenage boy for not removing his hat during the national anthem at an Aug. 3 rodeo at the Mineral County Fair has been quietly “in the works,” according to the defendant’s attorney.
Friday, November 29

Pier 1 to close Kalispell store in February
Pier 1 is the latest large retail store to announce it is leaving the Flathead Valley.
Montana court removes potential wilderness mine obstacle
HELENA, Mont. (AP) — The Montana Supreme Court has removed a big obstacle for a mining company seeking to explore a silver and copper deposit potentially worth billions of dollars under the Cabinet Mountain Wilderness in northwestern Montana.
Legals November 29, 2019
No. 26648 NOTICE OF TRUSTEE'S SALE TO BE SOLD FOR CASH AT TRUSTEE'S SALE on March 23, 2020, at 11:00 AM at the East door of the Flathead County Justice Center located at 920 South Main Street, Kalispell MT 59901, the following described real property situated in Flathead County, Montana: A tract of land located in the Southwest Quarter of the Southeast Quarter (SW1/4SE1/4) of Section 12, Township 28 North, Range 22 West, P.M.M., Flathead County, Montana, described as follows: Commencing at the Southeast 1/16 corner of said Section 12; thence South 89°33'54" West on and along the North boundary of said SW1/4SE1/4 a distance of 293.24 feet to a point, which point is the true point of beginning, thence South 89°33'54" West continuing on and along said North boundary a distance of 218.02 feet to a point; thence South 00°38'30" West a distance of 200.00 feet to a point; thence North 89°33'54" East a distance of 218.02 feet to a point; thence North 00°38'30" East a distance of 200.00 feet to the true point of beginning. Tract 1 of certificate of survey No. 10766 Elvis Hilliard, as Grantor(s), conveyed said real property to Charles J Peterson, as Trustee, to secure an obligation owed to Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc., as nominee for Countrywide Home Loans, Inc., as Beneficiary, by Deed of Trust dated on September 6, 2007, and recorded on September 27, 2007, as Document No. 200700029618. The beneficial interest is currently held by LSF9 Master Participation Trust. First American Title Company of Montana, Inc., is currently the Trustee. The beneficiary has declared a default in the terms of said Deed of Trust by failing to make the monthly payments beginning April 1, 2018, and each month subsequent, which monthly installments would have been applied on the principal and interest due on said obligation and other charges against the property or loan. The total amount due on this obligation as of October 31, 2019 is $170,773.18 principal, interest totaling $11,377.01, late charges in the amount of $113.84, escrow advances of $8,823.05, and other fees and expenses advanced of $120,226.35, plus accruing interest, late charges, and other costs and fees that may be advanced. The Beneficiary anticipates and may disburse such amounts as may be required to preserve and protect the property and for real property taxes that may become due or delinquent, unless such amounts of taxes are paid by the Grantors. If such amounts are paid by the Beneficiary, the amounts or taxes will be added to the obligations secured by the Deed of Trust. Other expenses to be charged against the proceeds of this sale include the Trustee's fees and attorney's fees, costs and expenses of the sale and late charges, if any. Beneficiary has elected, and has directed the Trustee to sell the above described property to satisfy the obligation. The sale is a public sale and any person, including the beneficiary, excepting only the Trustee, may bid at the sale. The bid price must be paid immediately upon the close of bidding in cash or cash equivalents (valid money orders, certified checks or cashier's checks). The conveyance will be made by Trustee's Deed without any representation or warranty, including warranty of Title, express or implied, as the sale is made strictly on an as-is, where-is basis, without limitation, the sale is being made subject to all existing conditions, if any, of lead paint, mold or other environmental or health hazards. The sale purchaser shall be entitled to possession of the property on the 10th day following the sale. The grantor, successor in interest to the grantor or any other person having an interest in the property, at any time prior to the trustee's sale, may pay to the beneficiary or the successor in interest to the beneficiary the entire amount then due under the deed of trust and the obligation secured thereby (including costs and expenses actually incurred and attorney's fees) other than such portion of the principal as would not then be due had no default occurred and thereby cure the default. The scheduled Trustee's Sale may be postponed by public proclamation up to 15 days for any reason, and in the event of a bankruptcy filing, the sale may be postponed by the trustee for up to 120 days by public proclamation at least every 30 days. THIS IS AN ATTEMPT TO COLLECT A DEBT. ANY INFORMATION OBTAINED WILL BE USED FOR THAT PURPOSE. Dated: October 29, 2019 Rae Albert Assistant Secretary, First American Title Company of Montana, Inc. Successor Trustee Title Financial Specialty Services PO Box 339 Blackfoot ID 83221 STATE OF Idaho ss. COUNTY OF Bingham On this 29 day of October, 2019, before me, a notary public in and for said County and State, personally appeared Rae Albert known to me to be the Assistant Secretary of First American Title Company of Montana, Inc., Successor Trustee, known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the foregoing instrument and acknowledged to me that he executed the same. Shannon Gavin Notary Public Bingham County, Idaho Commission Expires 01/19/2024 LSF9 Master Participation Trust vs Elvis Hilliard 101088-11 November 22, 29, December 6, 2019 MNAXLP __________________________
Man suspicious of teens 'up to no good'
A man told Kalispell Police Department he heard knocking on his door and didn’t answer it, but supposedly saw a group of five to six teens lying in the roadway and thought they appeared to be “up to no good.”
Col. Falls fine-tuning resort tax proposal
Columbia Falls city leaders continue to work on the finer details of a proposed resort tax, Mayor Don Barnhart told the City Council Monday night.
- Red Cross blood drive, 10 a.m. to 3 p.m., at the center, 126 N. Meridian Road, Kalispell.

Kalispell artist transforms metal into works of art
For five years, Donna Freebury’s idyllic farm south of Kalispell has doubled as an art studio as she has pursued her passion for custom metal art.

Small Business Saturday celebrates 10th year
Shopping small has become a big deal in the Flathead Valley.
Thursday, November 28

Owen (Bud) Olson, 82
Owen (Bud) Olson passed away on Nov. 22, 2019 at the age of 82.
John M.C. Tedrick, 78
John M.C. Tedrick of Columbia Falls passed away in Missoula on Monday, Nov. 18.

Carol Lynne 'Honey' Thompson, 82
Carol Lynne “Honey” Thompson of Kalispell, passed away at the age of 82 on Nov. 6, 2019.
No headline
Arlo Franklin Schmidt, son of Louise Elanore and Korey Allen Schmidt of Kalispell, was born Sept. 23 at North Valley Hospital.

Lorraine Faye Stotts, 75
Lorraine Faye Stotts, 75, passed away peacefully on Nov. 23, 2019, at the Kalispell Regional Medical Center with her family by her side. Lorraine had a medical condition, idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis, which she courageously battled for several years.

Longtime coach, educator reflects on 'roller-coaster' career
Jackie Fuller is someone who approaches life with tenacity and is heading into retirement with the same drive after 34 years in education.
Legals November 28, 2019
No. 26643 406 Storage & More Auction 2465 Hwy 93 South Kalispell, MT 406-407-2656 Personal property will be sold at auction for rent's not paid on or Before 11:45 am Friday Dec. 13th 2019. Cash Only, Directly across from Harley Davidson Motorcycle Shane Coursey - Unit 63 November 28, December 5, 2019 MNAXLP __________________________
Grateful for outpouring of support
Dear Kalispell community — thank you.

Ski resort expansion plans move forward
The Flathead National Forest has released a draft decision and finding of no significant impact for the expansion of lift-served terrain in Hellroaring Basin at Whitefish Mountain Resort.
AG Barr's visit spotlights pair of important issues
Northwest Montana law enforcement officers and tribal officials last week were afforded a rare sit-down with the country’s top cop to talk about two critical issues facing our state.

Whitefish couple grateful for support following debilitating injury
Charlie Powell places a supportive hand on his wife’s back, guiding her across their living room, right past the very staircase that altered Shelby’s life forever six months prior. She moves gingerly in small, but consistent steps, facing forward with her life partner by her side. This small act of crossing the room is a microcosm of her existence these days — there are physical challenges, yes — but she doesn’t face them alone.

Letters to the editor Nov. 28
I enjoyed the recent articles on astrotourism very much. Out here in Marion we have been blessed with lack of light pollution for quite a while now. Unfortunately, with growth and the influx of more folks from the urban areas, we are getting more and more all night flood lights installed locally.
Wednesday, November 27

Lamb murder trial back on schedule after appeal denied
The murder case against a Flathead Valley man accused of killing his boyfriend last year will go forward.

Wind storm knocks out power for thousands in valley
Damaging winds toppled trees and cut off power in some parts of the Flathead Valley on Wednesday as a strong winter storm entered the region.
Legals November 27, 2019
No. 26639 NOTICE OF SALE FOR STATE SCHOOL TRUST LAND The Dept. of Natural Resources and Conservation (DNRC) will offer the following parcels of state land located in Flathead County for sale at public auction on Friday, January 17, 2020 at 10:00 AM at DNRC's Northwestern Land Office at 655 Timberwolf Parkway, Suite 1 in Kalispell, Montana under terms and conditions provided herein. Sale No. 949 Acres: 1.376± Legal Description: Lot 3, Rogers Lake, Sec. 30, T27N-R23W Minimum Bid for Land: $342,000 Value of Improvements on Property: $0 Location: Lot 3, Rogers Lake, Rogers Lane, Kila, MT 59920 Sale No. 950 Acres: 1.654± Legal Description: Lot 5, Rogers Lake, Sec. 30, T27N-R23W Minimum Bid for Land & Improvements: $371,000 Location: 1413 Rogers Lane, Kila, MT 59920 Sale No. 801 Acres: 1.866± Legal Description: Lot 31, Echo Lake, Sec. 5, T27N-R19W Minimum Bid for Land & Improvements: $500,000 Location: 1712 LaBrandt Road, Bigfork, MT 59911 Sale No. 981 Acres: 0.327 ± Legal Description: Lot 3, Echo Lake, Sec. 5, T27N-R19W Minimum Bid for Land & Improvements: $405,000 Location: 1874 Echo Cabin Loop, Bigfork, MT 59911 Sale No. 982 Acres: 1.124± Legal Description: Lot 17, Echo Lake, Sec. 5, T27N-R19W Minimum Bid for Land: $331,000 Value of Improvements on Property: $0 Location: Lot 17, Echo Lake, Echo Cabin Loop, Bigfork, MT 59911 BID PARTICIPATION A bid packet containing an Offer to Purchase and Bid Deposit Receipt Form and Invitation to Purchase State Land at Public Oral Auction and General Terms & Conditions for Sale is available on DNRC's website, or from DNRC upon request. For Open House dates, go to All persons wishing to participate in the auction must submit a bid deposit postmarked by 5:00 PM on Saturday, December 28, 2020. The bid deposit must be in the form of a certified check made payable to DNRC equal to five percent (5%) of the minimum bid indicated for that parcel and submitted with a completed Offer to Purchase and Bid Deposit Receipt Form. Failure to submit the bid deposit or Offer to Purchase and Bid Deposit Receipt Form as provided herein will prohibit participation in the auction. All Offer to Purchase and Bid Deposit Receipt Forms and payments must be sent to: DNRC, Attn: Cabin/Home Site Sales, PO Box 201601, 1539 Eleventh Avenue, Helena, MT 59620-1601, (406) 444-4289 or TERMS OF SALE for SALE No. 801, 949, 950, 981, 982: 1. The improvements and any other personal property on the cabin/home sites are owned by the lessee or other 3rd party. The successful bidder shall be required to pay the appraised value of the improvements in addition to the purchase price of the cabin/home site determined by the highest bid at the auction in accordance with MCA §77-2-318. 2. The minimum acceptable bids for the land are the values indicated above. 3. The parcel will be sold to the high bidder of that parcel. However, the current lessee of the parcel shall retain the option to exercise their preference right for purchase by matching the high bid for that parcel. If that right is exercised, the lessee will be deemed the purchaser of the parcel. If the preference right is not exercised, the high bidder shall be deemed to be the purchaser. The high bidder will be responsible to pay the lessee for the value of improvements located on the property. 4. In addition to the purchase price for each parcel and the purchase of the improvement, the purchaser shall also be responsible for the following costs (if applicable to that particular sale) including, but not limited to: Advertising, Appraisal, Filing Fees, Water Right Transfers, Cost of Closing. All inquiries, bid deposits, or requests for forms must be sent to: DNRC, Attn: Cabin/Home Site Sales, PO Box 201601, 1539 Eleventh Avenue, Helena, MT 59620-1601, (406) 444-4289 or November 20, 27, December 4, 11, 18, 23, 2019 MNAXLP __________________________

Lawrence 'Larry' Schroeder, 96
Larry Schroeder passed away at his home Wednesday, Nov. 20.

Trump administration signals support for CSKT water compact
HELENA — Through two top cabinet officials, the
Woman worried about sci-fi technology
A woman told the Flathead County Sheriff’s Office she was worried about another woman living in a U-haul vehicle who thought “people are using microwave rays on her.”

Janet Rae (Barnard) Lasater, 75
Janet Rae (Barnard) Lasater, 75, of Kalispell, passed away peacefully Thursday, Nov. 21 with her family by her side after a long and courageous battle with multiple sclerosis. Janet’s strength and determination were an inspiration to all and she will be deeply missed.

Letters to the editor Nov. 27
Most mornings in the local news we get an update of Jordana Hubble, the 6-year-old girl who was struck by a vehicle as she was exiting a school bus in Flathead County on Nov. 12, when a driver chose not to stop, and ran through the bus’s blinking red lights. This child is fighting for her life due to this driver’s willingness to disobey the law.

Jerry Kasala, 90
Jerry Kasala, 90, passed away Nov. 21, 2019 surrounded by his family, in the very home he skillfully crafted with his own hands some 50 years prior.
Tuesday, November 26

Asbestos aftermath: Libby puts focus on natural resources for town's rebirth
Mark Peck is tired of typing “Libby” into his Google search bar and seeing stories of asbestosis pop up, as though the town and the disease are synonymous.

Thanksgiving storm targets Northwest Montana
A push of winter weather is set to arrive in Northwest Montana just in time for the Thanksgiving travel crunch.
Legals November 26, 2019
No. 26641 Storage auction to be held on Dec. 10, 2019 at 10:00 a.m. for the following units: #426 Sandon #6 Tucker #723 Twitty #708 Willaman #511 Winters # 53 & 316 Mohlenhoff #9A Hardgrove # 114 & 104 & 83 & 333 Hansonl #76 Esseltine #301 Basnett #210 Averett/Gangewer #19 Alden Grizzly Mini Storage 466 Ash Road Kalispell, Mt 59901 November 26, December 3, 2019 MNAXLP __________________________
Walking woman greeted with shovel
A man allegedly hit a woman in the head with a shovel while she was walking somewhere in Martin City, but said she didn’t need medical attention. She reportedly named a suspect to Flathead County Sheriff’s Office and claimed he had warrants.
Northwest Montana deer harvest remains steady
As the season enters its final week, Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks has checked more than 11,600 hunters in Northwest Montana so far this season, and the percentage of hunters with harvested big game is ahead of last year.
Lakeshore variance request denied
During a public meeting on Monday, the Flathead County Commissioners voted unanimously to deny a request for a major lakeshore variance after determining the application’s accompanying environmental impact study was incomplete.
All State, All Conference players named for Class A & B volleyball
All state and all conference volleyball selections for Class A and B were announced last week, headlined by host of local athletes.
Monday, November 25
Alcohol suspected in fatal crash in Yaak
A 51-year-old Victor man is dead after he was thrown from a pickup truck he was driving when it rolled on the Yaak Highway Thursday in Lincoln County.

Montana records first case of CWD in wild elk
Montana recorded its first suspected case of chronic wasting disease in wild elk Monday.
Legals November 25, 2019
No. 26652 November 14, 2019 FINDING OF NO SIGNIFICANT IMPACT TO ALL INTERESTED GOVERNMENTAL AGENCIES AND PUBLIC GROUPS As required by state and federal rules for determining whether an Environmental Impact Statement is necessary, an environmental review has been performed on the proposed action below: Project Bigfork Bay Sewer Replacement Location Bigfork, Montana Project Number C304243 Total Cost $2,760,000 From the 2018 Preliminary Engineering Report (PER), the Bigfork County Water & Sewer District identified the need to replace the gravity sewer that serves downtown Bigfork and runs along the edge of Bigfork Bay of Flathead Lake. The District is concerned with the condition of the existing Bay Sewer Main and the additional effort required for maintenance, given the limited access. The Bay Lift Station is more than 50 years old and in need of replacement. Furthermore, the proximity of this existing infrastructure to the bay and lake poses a risk to public health and safety should an overflow occur. The proposed sewer main replacement and relocation includes installation of roughly 25 individual grinder pumps; nearly 3,100 feet of low pressure sewer main and services; and a short segment of 8-inch gravity sewer main. A new lift station would be constructed on Bridge Street and pump through a new 1,000-foot-long force main along Osborne and Cascade Avenues where it would discharge into the existing A-Line sewer main. The existing gravity sewer main, Bay Lift Station, and force main would be properly abandoned in place. The new collection system will eliminate maintenance issues and public health and safety concerns and better protect state waters. The project will take roughly four months to construct, following system design and approval. Construction is scheduled to begin in March 2020, prior to the peak tourist season in Bigfork. Federal and State grant/loan programs will fund the project. Environmentally sensitive characteristics such as wetlands, floodplains, threatened or endangered species, and historical sites are not expected to be adversely impacted because of the proposed project. Public participation during the planning process demonstrated support for the selected alternative. No significant long-term environmental impacts were identified. An environmental assessment (EA), which describes the project and analyzes the impacts in more detail, is available for public scrutiny on the DEQ web site ( and at the following locations: Jeremy Perlinski, P.E. Julie Spencer, District Manager Department of Environmental Quality Bigfork County Water & Sewer District 1520 East Sixth Avenue 108 Harbor Heights Blvd. P.O. Box 200901 Bigfork, MT 59911 Helena, MT 59620-0901 Comments on the EA may be submitted to the Department of Environmental Quality at the above address. After evaluating comments received, the department will revise the environmental assessment or determine if an environmental impact statement is necessary. If no substantive comments are received during the comment period, or if substantive comments are received and evaluated and the environmental impacts are still determined to be non- significant, the agency will make a final decision. No administrative action will be taken on the project for at least 30 calendar days after release of the Finding of No Significant Impact. Sincerely, Kevin B. Smith, P.E. Engineering Bureau Water Quality Division Montana Department of Environmental Quality November 25, 2019 MNAXLP __________________________
No shoes, no shirt, no creepy guys
A manager reportedly wanted Kalispell Police Department to move along “creepy guy” who went into a shop after he had been in there for about 30 minutes.
No headline
- Red Cross blood drives: 11:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saint John Paul II Church, Bigfork, sponsored by Knights of Columbus; 1-6 p.m. at the center, 126 N. Meridian Road, Kalispell.
Council discusses updating utility fees, TIF funding
The Kalispell City Council will discuss an ongoing study to update city water and sewer rates at tonight’s work session. The process to update Kalispell utility rates began in September and the council plans to propose adopting the new rates in March 2020.

Benefield pushed for justice until someone noticed
Think what you will of Gayla Benefield, but on more occasions than one and often to the dismay of many in Libby, she’s been the town’s iconoclast.

The need for ongoing research continues
Leroy Thom remembers the first time he thought those in charge of the W.R. Grace mine in Libby where he worked might be hiding something from employees.

Libby clinic remains on front line of care
At the Center for Asbestos Related Disease, where new patients still walk through the doors on a weekly basis, fingers crossed for a negative diagnosis, the clinic’s research and medical staff understand with the utmost clarity their mission in Libby is far from over.
Sunday, November 24
Births NVH
Aria Lee Daniels, daughter of Stephanie Hines and Kenneth Daniels of Hungry Horse, was born Sept. 14 at North Valley Hospital.

20 years later, health crisis still casts shadow in Libby
When Jinnifer Mariman first skimmed her client list at McGarvey, Heberling, Sullivan & Lacey Law after joining the firm last year, she was hard-pressed to find a name she didn’t recognize.

Teena Marie Frank, 48
On Saturday, Oct. 5, 2019, Teena Marie Frank passed away at the age of 48 after a long battle with cancer.

EPA reaches milestone in Libby after decades of asbestos cleanup
When the U.S. Environmental Protection agency sent Mike Cirian to Libby in 2005 to spearhead cleanup efforts at the Libby Asbestos Superfund Site, he was told the project would only be a three- to five-year undertaking.
Cleanup challenged by distrust in government, research
Even though the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency promised early on the federal government would do what it could to clean up asbestos contamination in Libby, EPA officials weren’t quite sure what they were up against.
Legals November 24, 2019
No. 26557 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING The Board of Commissioners of Flathead County, Montana, herby gives notice, pursuant to Section 76-2-205(1), M.C.A., that it will hold a public hearing to consider a request from the Flathead County Planning Board to amend the text of the Flathead County Zoning Regulations (FZTA-19-02). The proposed amendments include the following: 3.08.040 regarding lot coverage and fence height in the SAG-5 zone, 3.30.030 and 3.31.030 regarding mini storage in the I-1 and I-1H zone, 3.35.130 and 150 regarding conditional use review and regulation review in the Ashley Lake zone, 3.42.020 regarding guest houses and temporary uses in the West Valley zone, 4.04 regarding caretaker's facility in the SAG-15, R-2.5 and R-1 zones, 4.05 regarding cluster development in residential zones and covenants, and 8.05.160 regarding the definition of a "dwelling, accessory." The Flathead County Zoning Regulations apply in all County zoning districts created under Section 76-2-205, M.C.A., and are on file for public inspection at the Office of the Board of Commissioners, located at 800 South Main, Room 302 Kalispell, Montana, the Flathead County Planning and Zoning Office, 40 11th Street West, and on the Flathead County Planning and Zoning Office's website at: Documents related to the proposed amendments to the Flathead County Zoning Regulations are on file for public inspection at the Office of the Board of Commissioners and at the Flathead County Planning and Zoning Office. The public hearing will be held on the 2nd day of December, 2019 at 9:00 o'clock a.m. in the Commissioners' Chambers, Third Floor, Old Courthouse, Kalispell, Montana. At the public hearing, the Board of Commissioners will give the pubic an opportunity to be heard regarding the proposed changes to the text of the Flathead County Zoning Regulations. Written comments are encouraged and will be reviewed by the Commissioners prior to the hearing if received by the Flathead County Commissioners' Office at least three business days prior to the hearing. DATED this 8th day of October, 2019. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Flathead County, Montana By: /s/ Philip B. Mitchell Philip B. Mitchell, Chairman November 17, 24, 2019 MNAXLP __________________________
Public access to public property
This is in response to a resent request by Seeley Lake District Ranger Quinn Carver concerning illegal access to public roads needing community solutions. I come from several generations of Montanans and my property borders one mile of the Forest Service’s Rice Ridge Fire property.

Roving restaurant moves into Bigfork
After carting their smoked meats around the valley for years, Porteus BBQ has settled down in Bigfork. The well-known barbecue purveyor held a grand opening in the former Montana Club building on Montana 35 in October.
Group opposes proposed Smith River mine
The Montana Conservation Elders are opposed to the proposed mine that would threaten the legacy and preciousness of the Smith River. Our group consists of seniors who have spent their lives defending Montana’s wild places in our various roles as citizens, agency personnel, teachers, journalists, authors, professionals, career conservationists, outfitters and Congressional staff. We created our organization to work together to continue our lifetime passions for Montana’s outdoors.

Sharon Stewart Finney
On the morning of Nov. 18, 2019, Sharon Stewart Finney passed away at St. Joseph Medical in Polson, following several years of failing health.

Decontamination of Libby mine and forest remain
The dozens of employees that worked for years in hazmat suits and gas masks to remove toxic amphibole asbestos dust from residences in Libby and Troy have finished their cleanup duties, but that doesn’t mean the arduous task of decontaminating the entire Libby Asbestos Superfund Site is done.
Lessons from Ireland
Though a “news junkie” I’ve grown deeply weary of the unrelenting impeachment coverage, and so was grateful to escape for a recent vacation to the Emerald Isle of Ireland.

Dave Hofstad, 66
Dave Hofstad, “A Child of the King,” passed into heaven on Nov. 21, 2019, at the age of 66.
In Libby, optimism emerges as asbestos cloud lifts
Libby has been in the asbestos spotlight for a long, long time.
Letters to the editor Nov. 24
A recent Los Angeles Times editorial published in the Daily Inter Lake states that all of California’s recent fires are caused by (man-made) global climate change. If this is true why has Montana and other states such as Idaho and Wyoming had more than typical years of fires? Montana, Idaho and Wyoming have as much forest land as California. The answer is California government and environmentalists have prevented PG&E and Southern California Edison power companies and others from clearing trees, tree limbs and brush near power lines.

Structured recess at East Evergreen School stimulates creativity, activity
One of the most important parts of a young student’s day at school is recess, where students have the opportunity to move, play and socialize.
A meditation on mindfulness
The other evening I happened to notice I was grinding coffee beans with my left hand while shaking the salad dressing bottle with my right. I’ve pretty much been this way (doing two things at once) since I became a parent many years ago.
Friendship apparently stronger than coffee
Someone told the Kalispell Police Department he saw a man throw coffee on another man during a fight, and then both the coffee-thrower and his victim got into the same vehicle and drove away together.
No headline
- Red Cross blood drives: 11:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saint John Paul II Church, Bigfork, sponsored by Knights of Columbus; 1-6 p.m. at the center, 126 N. Meridian Road, Kalispell.
Saturday, November 23

PHOTOS: Eureka defeats Manhattan 20-6 for Class B championship
Photos from Eureka’s 20-6 win over Manhattan in the Class B State Championship in Manhattan on Saturday.

Ifanse, Montana State run over Montana 48-14
BOZEMAN — Isaiah Ifanse ran for 171 yards and three touchdowns to lead Montana State to a resounding 48-14 win over Montana on Saturday in the 119th Cat-Griz game.
Legals November 23, 2019
No. 26640 INVITATION FOR BIDS: The Bigfork Fire District is currently seeking sealed bids on a 2020 Ford Type 1 Ambulance per specifications dated November 14th, 2019 that can be located at Sealed bids shall be addressed to the Bigfork Fire District, ATTN: Board Chairman/Sealed Bid Specifications November 14th, 2019, 810 Grand Drive Bigfork, MT 59911. Bids will be received by the Bigfork Fire District until 4:00 p.m. on December 17th, 2019. Questions can be directed to Bigfork Fire District at 406-837-4590. All bids will be publicly opened and read aloud at 5:30 p.m. during the District Board Meeting December 17th, 2019 at 810 Grand Drive Bigfork, MT 59911. Electronic bids will not be accepted. Nov. 16, 23, 2019 MNAXLP

Jacquelyn 'Jackie' Castleberry, 73
Jacquelyn “Jackie” Castleberry passed away into God’s loving arms on Wednesday, Nov. 20, 2019, in Billings Clinic Hospital at the age of 73 after a brief battle with cancer. She was peaceful and surrounded by the love of her family and friends.

Kalispell Middle School students learn how to tan hides
Out in the courtyard of Kalispell Middle School on Wednesday was an unusual sight — deer and elk hides stretched tautly with rope on wooden frames lying fur side down on tarps.
Injured girl still in medically induced coma
Family members of the 6-year-old girl who was critically injured in a vehicle incident west of Whitefish are thankful for the continued outpouring of support they have received and are hopeful for her recovery.
Free Thanksgiving dinners offered
Pocketstone Cafe

No headline
Dunn scores three TDs, leads Lions to another Class B championship
MANHATTAN — Winning three state championships in four years is an impressive and rare feat but the Eureka Lions pulled it off on Saturday in Manhattan.
Friday, November 22

AG Barr hears firsthand about state's meth problem
To address a methamphetamine problem in Montana he called “staggering,” Sen. Steve Daines, R-Mont., hosted a roundtable on Montana’s meth crisis with U.S. Attorney General William Barr, Montana Attorney General Tim Fox and other local law-enforcement figures on Friday afternoon at the Flathead County Sheriff’s Posse.

Tester talks health care, gun reform
Sen. Jon Tester, D-Mont., said during a conversation with the Daily Inter Lake editorial board on Friday that health care is the “number-one issue” he hears about in Montana.

Attorney general unveils plan on missing Native Americans
PABLO (AP) — Attorney General William Barr announced a nationwide plan Friday to address the crisis of missing and slain indigenous people as concerns mount over the level of violence they face.
Grizzly moved from C-Falls to North Fork
Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks last week captured a grizzly bear near Columbia Falls and moved the bear to a remote location in the North Fork Flathead River drainage.
Legals November 22, 2019
No. 26622 MONTANA ELEVENTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT COURT, FLATHEAD COUNTY In re the Marriage of: Cheyenne Miller, Petitioner, and Jacob Miller Freasier, Respondent Cause No.: DR 19-788C SUMMONS FOR PUBLICATION THE STATE OF MONTANA SENDS GREETINGS TO THE ABOVE-NAMED RESPONDENT: You, the Respondant, are hereby summoned to answer the Petition in this action, which is filed with the Clerk of this Court, a copy of which is herewith served upon you, and to file your answer and serve a copy thereof upon the Petitioner within twenty-one (21) days after service of this Summons, exclusive of the day of service; and in case of your failure to appear or answer, judgment will be taken against you for the relief demanded in the Petition. DATED this 5th day of November, 2019 /s/ PEG L ALLISON Clerk of Court /s/ Amanda Mosser Deputy Clerk November 8, 15, 22, 2019 MNAXLP __________________________
Weekend update
Smith Valley School hosts its annual pie bingo at 6 p.m. today at the school, located at 2901 U.S. 2 W., in Kalispell. Full concessions will be available.

Shannon Elizabeth Cushing, 25
Shannon Elizabeth Cushing, 25, passed away on Tuesday, Nov.19, 2019, at her home in Kalispell.

Dedicated crew handles exterior decorating for holiday season
The exterior of the Conrad Mansion Museum and surrounding grounds are decked out for the holidays, thanks to a corps of volunteers both young and young at heart who showed up last weekend to trim trees, hang lights and create a festive look.

Jerad Avery, 50
Jerad Avery, born Feb. 2, 1969, in Grand Island, Nebraska, died Nov. 18, 2019, in Kalispell.
Teen gets hair-raising experience
Flathead County Sheriff’s Office received a report from U.S. 93 in Kalispell where a driver allegedly stopped her car and proceed to pull a teen out of a vehicle by the hair.

Coalition sues feds over bull trout recovery plan
A coalition of local organizations filed a complaint on Tuesday challenging the U.S. Fish and Wildlife’s 2015 Bull Trout Recovery Plan, claiming the plan fails to incorporate certain requirements outlined in the federal Endangered Species Act.
Lincoln County man accused of violent assault seeks new trial site
A Lincoln County man sentenced to 25 years in the Montana State Prison after allegedly running over a bicyclist and nearly killing him in 2016 is once again seeking his freedom after the state Supreme Court reversed his conviction.
Thursday, November 21

Whitefish man pleads guilty to killing father
A Whitefish man accused of killing his father during a dispute more than a year ago pleaded guilty to the offense Thursday afternoon in Flathead County District Court.

Montana Lottery approves rules for sports betting
The Montana Lottery Commission on Thursday approved a draft of rules that will legalize sports wagering in Montana.
Blues Society celebrates silver anniversary
The Flathead Valley Blues Society’s is celebrating its 25th anniversary with a Holiday Blues celebration Saturday, Dec. 7, at the Kalispell Elks Club and Events Center,1820 U.S. 93 S. in Kalispell.

Somer's Middle School Theater presents 'Frozen Jr.'
The royal gates of Arendelle open with Somers Middle School Theater’s production of “Frozen Jr.,” at 6:30 p.m. Friday, Nov. 22; and 2 p.m. Saturday, Nov. 23 at Somers Middle School.

Frame of Reference hosts Smaller Works show
Frame of Reference Fine Art will host its third annual 235 Smaller Works Show featuring the original work of more than 80 artists from the United States and Canada, ranging in age from 18 to 91, including 46 female artists.

'Last of the Dogmen' story takes in Montana
The Historic Film Club screens the Western adventure film “Last of the Dogmen,” at 7 p.m. Tuesday, Nov. 26, at the Northwest Montana History Museum.

Glacier Symphony presents 'Danubia' MasterWorks 3
Danubia highlights music from cultures of Central Europe including Austrian, Czech and Romanian. The concert opens with George Enescu’s Romanian Rhapsody No. 2 in D major composed in 1901. The nostalgia and romance of this music is palpable and seduces the listener into a cultural world few have known.

Port Polson Players stage musical comedy for the holidays
The Port Polson Players are celebrating their 45th season with a musical comedy and “Fable Of Thanks” with “The Beggar’s Bounty.”

A day in the life of a professional dancer
Professional dancer Abby Cockrell with Northern Ballet in England will be dancing the role of the Snow Queen in Noble Dance’s “The Nutcracker.”
Legals November 21, 2019
No. 26603 Montana Eleventh Judicial District Court Flathead County In the Matter of the Name Change of Amber-Jae Reynolds: Amber-Jae Reynolds, Petitioner Cause No. DV-19-989B ROBERT B ALLISON Notice of Hearing on Name Change This is notice that Petitioner has asked the District Court for a change of name from Amber-Jae Leeann Reynolds to Icarus Elaine Leeann Reynolds. The hearing will be on 12/11/2019 at 8:30 am. The hearing will be at the Justice Center in Flathead County. Date: October 8, 2019 PEG L. ALLISON Clerk of District Court By: /s/ AYLA M HILL Deputy Clerk of Court October 31, November 7, 14, 21, 2019 MNAXLP __________________________
Busted teeth strengthens best-friend bond
A woman who allegedly got into a “tussle” with her friend when they both fell to the ground and told Kalispell Police Department her teeth were “busted out” after she hit the back of her head on a parking divider and her teeth hit the concrete. She denied medical attention and reportedly didn’t want to pursue any criminal charges because they were “best friends.”

Child injured at bus stop 'making small progress'
Support continues to pour in for a 6-year-old girl and her family after the child was hit by a vehicle after exiting a school bus last week.

James F. Wood, 89
James F. Wood, 89, passed away at his home in Bigfork on Friday, Nov 15, 2019, surrounded by his family.
Forest projects a win on multiple fronts
The Flathead Valley scored a pair of big wins this week as the Forest Service approved a long-discussed forest project in Whitefish and moved closer to finalizing another in Columbia Falls.

Letters to the editor Nov. 21
On behalf of the teachers in Columbia Falls District 6, I want to express our sincere appreciation for the voters who supported our recent building levy. We take our part of providing a quality education to our kids very seriously, and knowing the majority of the voters recognize the importance of investing in modern buildings to support our efforts is truly inspirational. Together we can continue to strive for preparing our students for the bright futures they deserve.
No headline
- Kalispell Public Schools Policy and Communications Committee meets 8:30 a.m., superintendent’s office. IT Committee meets 8:30 a.m. IT office.

Polson grad Rensvold living the Grizzly dream
Go 70 miles south of Polson on busy Highway 93 and you come out in Missoula, home of the University of Montana.
Wednesday, November 20
Drug bust nets four Kalispell men
Four Kalispell men were arrested Tuesday on drug and other charges following several complaints from residents on the west side of the city.

U.S. Attorney General Barr to visit Kalispell for meth roundtable
Sen. Steve Daines, R-Mont., will host U.S. Attorney General William Barr for a roundtable discussion on Montana’s methamphetamine crisis at 2 p.m. Friday at the Flathead County Sheriff’s Posse Center.
Legals November 20, 2019
No. 26617 NOTICE OF TRUSTEE'S SALE OF REAL PROPERTY NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN by LINDY M. LAUDER, as successor Trustee, of the public sale of the real property hereinafter described pursuant to the "Small Tract Financing Act of Montana" (Section 71-1-301, et seq., MCA). The following information is provided: THE NAME OF THE GRANTOR, ORIGINAL TRUSTEE, THE BENEFICIARY IN THE DEED OF TRUST, ANY SUCCESSOR IN INTEREST TO THE BENEFICIARY OR GRANTOR, ANY SUCCESSOR TRUSTEE, AND THE PRESENT RECORD OWNER IS/ARE: Grantors: Paul J. Noworyta and Merrilee D. Kimmons, husband and wife Original Trustee: Insured Title Successor Trustee: Lindy M. Lauder, an attorney licensed to practice law in the State of Montana (the "Trustee") Original Beneficiary: "MERS" Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems as nominee for Wintrust Mortgage, a division of Barrington Bank and Trust Co., N.A., its successors and assigns (the "Beneficiary") Current Beneficiary: Wintrust Mortgage, a Division of Barrington Bank and Trust Co., N.A. Present Record Owner: Paul J. Noworyta and Merrilee D. Kimmons as joint tenants THE DESCRIPTION OF THE PROPERTY COVERED BY THE DEED OF TRUST IS: The real property and its appurtenances in Flathead County, Montana, more particularly described as follows: Lot 3 of the resubdivision of Lot 38, Wagsmith Villa, according to the map or plat thereof on file and of record in the office of the Clerk and Recorder of Flathead County, Montana. With an address of 114 Middle Fork Lane, Hungry Horse, Montana 59912. RECORDING DATA: The following instruments and documents have been recorded in the Clerk and Recorder's Office in Flathead County, Montana. Deed of Trust dated July 12, 2017, and recorded July 12, 2017, as Instrument No. 2017-000-14379; and Assignment of Deed of Trust dated June 13, 2019, and recorded August 19, 2019, as Instrument No. 201900018970; and Substitution of Trustee dated September 5, 2019, and recorded September 13, 2019, under Document No. 201900022689. THE DEFAULT FOR WHICH THE FORECLOSURE IS MADE IS: Nonpayment of monthly installments of $1,896.56 due under the Promissory Note dated July 12, 2017, which is secured by the Deed of Trust. The borrower is due for the February 1, 2019, payment and for each subsequent monthly payment. THE SUMS OWING ON THE OBLIGATION SECURED BY THE DEED OF TRUST AS OF SEPTEMBER 19, 2019, ARE: Principal: $277,270.95 Interest: Interest continues to accrue at a rate of 3.75% per annum. As of September 19, 2019, the interest balance is $7,480.54 and interest accrues at the rate of $28.88 per day. Late fees: $428.89 The Beneficiary anticipates and intends to disburse such amounts as may be required to preserve and protect the real property, and for real property taxes that may become due or delinquent, unless such amounts or taxes are paid by the Grantor or successor in interest to the Grantor. If such amounts are paid by the Beneficiary, the amounts or taxes will be added to the obligation secured by the Trust Indenture. Other expenses to be charged against the proceeds of the sale include the Trustee's and attorney's fees, and costs and expenses of sale. THE TRUSTEE, AT THE DIRECTION OF THE BENEFICIARY, HEREBY ELECTS TO SELL THE PROPERTY TO SATISFY THE AFORESAID OBLIGATIONS. THE DATE, TIME, PLACE AND TERMS OF SALE ARE: Date: February 19, 2020 Time: 11:00 a.m., Mountain Standard Time or Mountain Daylight Time, whichever is in effect. Place: Crowley Fleck PLLP, 1667 Whitefish Stage Road, Kalispell, Montana 59901 Terms: This sale is a public sale and any person, including the Beneficiary, and excepting only the Trustee, may bid at the sale. The bid price must be paid in cash. The conveyance will be made by Trustee's Deed. The sale purchaser shall be entitled to possession of the property on the 10th day following the sale. Dated this 23rd day of September, 2019. /s/ Lindy M. Lauder LINDY M. LAUDER Trustee STATE OF MONTANA :ss. County of Missoula This instrument was acknowledged before me on the 23rd day of September, 2019, by Lindy M. Lauder, as Trustee. /s/ Roxie Hausauer Printed name: Roxie Hausauer Notary Public for the State of Montana Residing at: Lolo, Montana My commission expires: January 06, 2021 File No.: 096708-000004 November 6, 13, 20, 2019 MNAXLP __________________________

Forest signs off on Whitefish trail project
Construction of an extensive trail system that connects Whitefish with the upper reaches of the Whitefish Range has received final approval from the U.S. Forest Service.
No headline
- Flathead County Water and Sewer District-Evergreen board meets 7 a.m., District Office, 130 Nicholson Drive.

Judy Kay Brown, 80
Judy Kay Brown, 80, passed away on Nov. 17, 2019, at her home in Kalispell.
Tester to hold town-hall meeting at FVCC
Sen. Jon Tester, D-Mont,. will host an in-person town-hall meeting at noon Friday in Flathead Valley Community College’s Art and Technology Building Room 139.
Rena Ellen (Hissong) Naumann, 83
Rena Ellen Naumann passed away on November 18, 2019 after long struggle with Alzheimer’s disease. Rena was born in 1936. Her mother, Rena Hissong, raised her and her four younger brothers in Kalispell. In 1954 Rena married the love of her life, Ralph Naumann. Their daughter Laurie was born in 1957.

Alleged abuser pleads not guilty to assault charges
Jacob Morris, 32, pleaded not guilty Monday in Lincoln County District Court to four counts of assault with a weapon and one count of partner or family member assault, first offense.
Kalispell council OKs first responder equipment purchases
The Kalispell City Council approved various new equipment additions for the city’s first responders at its Monday meeting.
Man not fooled by magazine scam
A man told the Flathead County Sheriff’s Office he reportedly received a scam phone call from someone claiming to be with Reader’s Digest and wanted to send someone to his house to talk about his winnings or they were going to break his legs. Understandably, the man refused to provide his address. He was provide a phone number to report the phone number.
Donald Frank McAdam, 70
Donald Frank McAdam, 70, passed away peacefully on Nov. 13, 2019, with his loving wife at his side at his home south of Kalispell. Don had a long battle with cancer which eventually took his life.
Open house for 16th Street Offset project
The Kalispell Planning Department will hold an open house from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. on Thursday at Kalispell City Hall to gather input about the proposed intersection project at Airport Road, 18th Street and First Avenue East.
Flathead jobless rate up slightly in October
The unemployment rate for Flathead County increased slightly in October, posting at 3.9% compared to 3.6% in September, according to the Montana Department of Labor.

Sen. Daines lauds action on conservation, park maintenance
Sen. Steve Daines, R-Mont., called Tuesday an “exciting day for Montana” as a key U.S. Senate panel approved a bill to fully and permanently fund the Land and Water Conservation Fund.
Tuesday, November 19
Community rallies to support Glacier High following death of guidance counselor
Counselors and therapists throughout the valley are supporting Glacier High School staff and students following the reported death by suicide of guidance counselor Jerad Avery on Monday.
Legals November 19, 2019
No. 26627 NOTICE OF SALE Department of Natural Resources & Conservation Timber Sale The Meadow Peak Timber Sale is located within Section 16, T27N - R26W, on the State's Kalispell Unit. Approximately 21,084 tons, consisting of mixed conifer sawlogs, are offered for sale. Sealed bids will be opened at the Department of Natural Resources & Conservation, 2705 Spurgin Road, Missoula, Montana on December 11, 2019 at 2:00 p.m. Bids may be hand delivered or mailed and will be accepted any time prior to the bid opening. DNRC recommends that bidders contact the Trust Land Management Division (406-542-4300) prior to the bid opening to ensure that your bid has been received. Bids must be accompanied by a deposit of $17,900.00, representing 5% of the minimum bid value of the sale in cashier's check, certified check, bank money order or bank draft to be applied to the first sale invoice for the successful bidder. Bid bonds will be accepted and, for the successful bidder, will be closed upon execution of the Timber Sale Contract. The sale will be awarded to the highest responsible bidder. Award of the timber sale is conditional upon approval of the timber sale by the State Board of Land Commissioners at their November 21, 2019 meeting. If the successful bidder is unable to execute the contract within 30 calendar days from the date the sale is awarded, the bid deposit will be retained by the Department as liquidated damages. The right is reserved to reject any or all bids. Prospective bidders can obtain the sale prospectus, sale contract and bid forms from the Department of Natural Resources & Conservation, Trust Land Management Division, in Missoula (406-542-4300) or the Northwestern Land Office in Kalispell (406-751-2257). Visit our website at for upcoming sales and bid results. November 12, 19, 26, December 3, 2019 MNAXLP __________________________

Sales brisk for units in senior community
The first building is still months from completion, but many of the units in The Woodlands active adult condominium community in Evergreen have already been sold sight-unseen.

C-Falls trail project moves forward
A proposal to construct an extensive trail network on U.S. Forest Service land adjacent to Columbia Falls is moving forward.
Man in custody following SWAT-team incident
A Kalispell area man is being held at the Flathead County jail on pending charges of assault with a weapon following an incident late Friday evening that resulted with the Sheriff’s Office SWAT team responding, according to a press release Monday afternoon from Sheriff Brian Heino.
Flathead takes second, Glacier third at Missoula invitational
Bozeman High Speech and Debate team took the lead at the Garden City Invitational in Missoula this weekend, outscoring Flathead and Glacier high schools, which took second and third place, respectively, in the first tournament of the season to feature all Class AA teams.
Success picks up for hunters in NW Montana
With two weeks left in Montana’s general hunting season, the percentage of hunters with harvested game is slightly ahead of last year in Northwest Montana.
Proposal aims for increased oversight of big projects
The Whitefish Planning Board on Thursday will discuss proposed city-initiated changes to zoning regulations along the U.S. 93 South corridor that would require stricter oversight for large developments such as hotels and gas stations.
Hooligans target home with snowballs
A First Avenue resident in Hungry Horse heard pounding on her home, but looked outside and didn’t see anyone and the pounding stopped, according to the Flathead County Sheriff’s Office. When it started again she called officers back, reportedly saying she heard a “boom” then saw “snow fly” on her house. Officers made contact with two youths who claimed they stopped two other teens from throwing snowballs at her house.
Monday, November 18

Letters to the editor Nov. 18
In regard to the letter to the editor “Historic perspective” on the Conrad Drive/Woodland Avenue intersection. The writer says the solution to the Montana Department of Transportation’s concerns would be to install a stop sign at the top of the grade, requiring uphill traffic to come to a halt. This would be the worst possible solution.
Law agencies investigating death of man on bypass
At about 2 p.m. Monday the Kalispell Police Department responded to a report of a man outside the chain link fence on the Three Mile Drive overpass above the U.S. 93 bypass.

Raw weather to hit today
Raw, wintry conditions are expected to hit Northwest Montana Tuesday afternoon, which could make for a dicey evening commute.
Legals November 18, 2019
No. 26600 Montana Eleventh Judicial District Court Flathead County In the Matter of the Name Change of Connie Kristine Hursh: Connie Kristine Hursh, Petitioner Cause No. DV-19-1032B ROBERT B ALLISON Notice of Hearing on Name Change This is notice that Petitioner has asked the District Court for a change of name from Connie Kristine Hursh to Kristine Hursh. The hearing will be on 12/18/2019 at 8:30 am. The hearing will be at the Justice Center in Flathead County. Date: October 22, 2019 PEG L. ALLISON Clerk of District Court By: /s/ AYLA M HILL Deputy Clerk of Court October 28, November 4, 11, 18, 2019 MNAXLP __________________________
Kalispell eyes investment in first responder equipment
The Kalispell City Council will consider adding new equipment for the city’s first responders at its meeting tonight.
No headline
- Flathead County Republican Women meet noon to 1 p.m., Hampton Inn, Kalispell. Guest speaker is Sen. Al Olszewski. Call Heidi Roedel, 270-5606.
Water runs dry for woman
An employee called Kalispell Police Department to report a woman who was supposedly stealing water from a hose and filling a large water tank sitting in the bed of a gray pickup and refusing to leave when asked.

In sewing machine world, repair technician ensures a seamless experience
Like pieces of fabric quilted together one by one to tell a story, so have the people and places come together in Samantha Leonard’s life to form who she is today.
Whitefish to assess traffic restrictions, impact fees
The Whitefish City Council will look at a traffic and parking restriction ordinance and review the annual Impact Fee Report during its biweekly meeting tonight at 7:10 p.m. at City Hall.
Sunday, November 17
No headline
Arlo James Means, son of John and Alison Means, was born Sept. 3 at North Valley Hospital.

No headline
- Signs Now Kalispell has been recognized as one of the country’s top-performing printers by SurveyAdvantage’s Print Buyer Satisfaction Index. Results are based on feedback from customers at more than 650 independently owned printers across the U.S., the U.K. and Canada.
Know the laws regarding school buses
Last week, a 6-year-old student at Olney-Bissell elementary was sent to the hospital with serious injuries when she was hit by a car after getting off the school bus west of Whitefish.

Letters to the editor Nov. 17
Daylight saving time? I’m tired of hearing about it. I wish to point out that the reason it was established to begin with is that various national retail associations want it to exist. Retailers discovered that people spend more money when the sun shines. Do you find that surprising? Look at your history book. This country was founded by and for big business. Who are the American people to interfere with that? It is time for this debate to come to an end.

Harvest season puts focus on rural broadband gap
Early autumn means the start of harvest season for thousands of farmers across Montana. But for many, their ability to compete in an increasingly challenging and globalized agriculture market is hampered by a lack of broadband connectivity.
Daylight saving a matter of perspective
Of all the petty annoyances in life few things seem to set people to fuming and fussing more than having to adjust their lives to the change from daylight saving time to standard time and vice-versa. Imagine, then how people felt in 1883 when cities and small towns, each of which had its own time system, were forced to set their local times to a national standard. But it wasn’t government that forced the change on this most fundamental example of local control, it was the railroads which made them do it.
Celebrating our nation's heroes and hidden heroes
November is not only National Veterans Month but also National Family Caregivers Month, a time to recognize and thank the more than 40 million family caregivers in the U.S. This November, we should honor and pay respect to both: those who served our country in uniform and the hidden heroes caring for our veterans at home.
Legals November 17, 2019
No. 26621 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City Council on the 4th day of November, 2019, passed Resolution No. 5947 declaring an intention to create a business improvement district within the City of Kalispell, pursuant to Title 7, Chapter 12 Montana Code Annotated and specifically § 7-12-1111(4), that is directed toward the common purpose of providing overnight stays at lodging facilities. The properties within the business improvement district are more particularly described in Exhibit "A" which can be requested by emailing Said Resolution No. 5947 declares that the creation of such a business improvement district will promote the health, safety, prosperity, security, and general welfare of the inhabitants thereof and will be of special benefit to the property within the boundaries of the district. Upon the creation of such a business improvement district, a board of trustees will be appointed by City Council, which board shall have such authority as permitted by MCA Section 7-12-1131 and shall recommend to the City Council, pursuant to MCA Section 7-12-1133, a method of levying an assessment on the property within the district which will best ensure that the assessment on each lot or parcel is equitable in proportion to the benefits to be received. NOTICE is further given that for a period of fifteen (15) days after November 10, 2019, that date being the first day of publication of this Notice in the Daily Inter Lake, the City Clerk will receive from the property owners in the area proposed to be included in the business improvement district, written protests against the extent or creation of the district to be assessed, or both. The City Council of the City of Kalispell shall hold a public hearing on the 2nd day of December, 2019, at 7:00 p.m., in the Council Chambers, City Hall, Kalispell, Montana and consider all communication received by the City Clerk pursuant to this Notice. After considering the same, the Council shall proceed to hear and pass upon all protests and may duly and regularly pass and adopt a Resolution approving the creation of the business improvement district as described in Exhibit "A". Its decision shall be final and conclusive. If passed, the time when the said Resolution shall go into effect shall be fixed by said Resolution. Aimee Brunckhorst, CMC, City Clerk November 10, 17, 2019 MNAXLP __________________________
Rai Royal Rolston, 80
Rai Royal Rolston, 80, passed away on Nov. 10, 2019, at his home in Bigfork.

Committee aims to address leachate problem
The Flathead Valley’s ongoing battle with septic leachate, or the liquid that remains after wastewater drains through septic solids, was a primary topic of conversation at a recent Flathead Basin Commission meeting in which members and guests agreed not enough is being done to address the problem.

Linn L. Mitchell Morse, 62
Linn L. Mitchell Morse passed away Nov. 6, 2019, in Palm Springs, California.
Man seen on roof without fiddle
Someone asked the Kalispell Police Department to check on a man on the roof of a porch. The caller said he thought it was “weird” and wondered what he was doing up there.
Donald Wade Metteer, 88
Donald Wade Metteer, 88, of Whitefish, passed away Nov. 5, 2019, at his residence.

William Jon Meyers, 75
William Jon Meyers, 75, of Bigfork, died on Nov, 11, 2019, Veterans Day.

Mother-daughter duo share rodeo queen history
For Nuggett and Talli Carmalt, rodeo royalty travels by bloodline.
Ruth Hattie (Probert) Willett, 84
Ruth Hattie (Probert) Willett passed away peacefully in Kalispell on Nov. 10, 2019, at the age of 84.

Bigfork woman walks with widows through grief
Barbara Moore first spotted the man who would be her husband in an alleyway, of all places. She was babysitting for her sister’s kids and had taken the children out back to play when Don pulled up in a red convertible. For their first date, he took her to an amusement park and she remembers being thrown against him when they rode a spinning contraption called The Mixer.

Entrepreneurial couple operate a mix of businesses on their West Valley ranch
On their 28-acre West Valley ranch, Randy and Renee Downing lead humble lives with a focus on simplicity, though their thriving business suggests there’s also some entrepreneurial fortitude in the mix.

Great Northern celebrates 100 years - or so
Like a lot of memories formed over a few drinks at The Great Northern Bar and Grill, the precise history of the iconic Whitefish watering hole is somewhat hazy and imprecise, but legendary all the same.

High-end kitchen store opens in Whitefish
Julie Hickethier has cooking down to a science.
Feminist issues still hot-button topics
I happened to see internationally known feminist and writer Gloria Steinem being interviewed on one of the late-night talk shows recently. She’s been making the rounds to promote her latest book.
No headline
- Bowl for Kids’ Sake, Pick’s Bowling Center, Bigfork. Theme is “Back to the ‘80s.” Put together a team of 4-6 players. Fundraiser for Big Brothers Big Sisters of Flathead County. Go to to register.
Saturday, November 16

PHOTOS: Eureka tops Red Lodge 39-35, advances to Class B championship
Photos from Eureka’s 39-35 win over Red Lodge in a Class B semifinal matchup at Lincoln County High School in Eureka on Saturday. Eureka advances to the Class B championship where it will play Manhattan in Manhattan on Saturday, Nov. 23.
Legals November 16, 2019
No. 26640 INVITATION FOR BIDS: The Bigfork Fire District is currently seeking sealed bids on a 2020 Ford Type 1 Ambulance per specifications dated November 14th, 2019 that can be located at Sealed bids shall be addressed to the Bigfork Fire District, ATTN: Board Chairman/Sealed Bid Specifications November 14th, 2019, 810 Grand Drive Bigfork, MT 59911. Bids will be received by the Bigfork Fire District until 4:00 p.m. on December 17th, 2019. Questions can be directed to Bigfork Fire District at 406-837-4590. All bids will be publicly opened and read aloud at 5:30 p.m. during the District Board Meeting December 17th, 2019 at 810 Grand Drive Bigfork, MT 59911. Electronic bids will not be accepted. Nov. 16, 23, 2019 MNAXLP

New construction, rehab projects win city architecture awards
The Kalispell Architectural Review Committee will recognize some of the highlights of the city’s recent growth by presenting architectural awards at the Kalispell City Council meeting Monday. The awards acknowledge quality new buildings constructed throughout 2017 and 2018.

St. Matthew's students get lessons in life skills
Most people in the business world know the importance of a firm handshake. It’s the opportunity for a first impression, and a powerful communication tool.
Kalispell schools move forward with off-site clinic
Approximately 550 Kalispell Public Schools employees currently on the district’s self-funded health insurance plan, their dependents and retirees will have another option for their primary care at a potential savings.

Fundraisers begin for critically injured girl
Multiple fundraisers are taking place to support the recovery for 6-year-old Jordana Hubble following an accident on Tuesday.
Click-clacking a cause for concern
An older woman called the Whitefish Police Department because she heard “clicking and clacking” in her house. She was particularly concerned because “it is the holiday season and there are predators out there.” She clarified she was “not paranoid,…just old.”

Flathead senior 'leads with grace and kindness'
Flathead High School senior Chloe Nadeau is someone who “leads with grace and kindness,” according to Flathead teacher and National Honor Society adviser Melanie Dardis.
No headline

Eureka title bound once again
EUREKA — For the third time in four years, the Eureka Lions are headed back to the Class B state title game.
Friday, November 15
Fee changes for snowmobile trail passes
Snowmobilers and other groomed trail users in Montana will see changes to trail passes for the upcoming riding season. Last spring, the Montana Legislature passed HB 355 which adjusted fees and designated a new non-resident pass.
Legals November 15, 2019
No. 26622 MONTANA ELEVENTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT COURT, FLATHEAD COUNTY In re the Marriage of: Cheyenne Miller, Petitioner, and Jacob Miller Freasier, Respondent Cause No.: DR 19-788C SUMMONS FOR PUBLICATION THE STATE OF MONTANA SENDS GREETINGS TO THE ABOVE-NAMED RESPONDENT: You, the Respondant, are hereby summoned to answer the Petition in this action, which is filed with the Clerk of this Court, a copy of which is herewith served upon you, and to file your answer and serve a copy thereof upon the Petitioner within twenty-one (21) days after service of this Summons, exclusive of the day of service; and in case of your failure to appear or answer, judgment will be taken against you for the relief demanded in the Petition. DATED this 5th day of November, 2019 /s/ PEG L ALLISON Clerk of Court /s/ Amanda Mosser Deputy Clerk November 8, 15, 22, 2019 MNAXLP __________________________

Suspect in Bigfork armed robbery still at-large
The Flathead County Sheriff’s Office is still on the hunt for the female suspect who robbed the Jackpot Casino in Bigfork at gunpoint Tuesday morning.

Jon Paul Engle, 33
Jon Paul Engle, a son, brother and friend, passed away on Nov. 11, 2019.

Great Chief Award goes to Foys to Blacktail Trail leaders
Two civic leaders who have been instrumental in the development of the Foys to Blacktail Trail system have received the Kalispell Chamber of Commerce’s top award.

After 54 years, Columbia Falls man finds his birth mother
A small crowd gathered around Craig Blair as he nervously waited to greet his mom at Glacier Park International Airport on Oct. 16.

Raymond Earl Sherlock, 92
Raymond Earl Sherlock, 92, passed away at the Montana Veterans Home in Columbia Falls on Nov. 12, 2019.
Whitefish-based NXGEN merger announced
Whitefish-based NXGEN International, a payments processing service, has undergone a series of big mergers with Payroc LLC and other businesses.
Woman finds missing clothes on her friend
A woman told Kalispell Police Department she ran into a friend who was allegedly wearing her clothes, which the friend supposedly stole while house-sitting a month ago.
Weekend update
The annual International Gift Festival is this weekend at Mountain View Mennonite Church in Kalispell.
Haskill, Trumbull easements focus of meeting
The public is invited to attend a liaison team meeting between Montana Fish, Wildlife & Park and landowners for the Haskill and Trumbull Creek conservation easements on Monday, Nov. 18.

Patricia Anne 'Patti' Lyonais Slack, 81
On Monday, Nov. 11, 2019, our beloved wife and mother passed to eternal life surrounded by family, due to complications from a recent diagnosis of metastatic lung cancer.
End of season for Polson, C-Falls at State A volleyball tourney
BOZEMAN — Despite fighting back to force five sets, the Columbia Falls Wildkats’ season ended with a loss to the Havre Blue Ponies in loser out play at the State A volleyball tournament on Friday at Brick Breeden Fieldhouse in Bozeman.
Thursday, November 14
No headline
- Immanuel Lutheran Communities’ annual holiday bazaar, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m., Immanuel Skilled Care Center, 185 Crestline Ave., Kalispell. Homemade lefse, cinnamon rolls and gifts.
First moose tests positive for chronic wasting disease
A moose in Northwest Montana has tested positive for chronic wasting disease, marking the first time the disease has been detected in the species in the state, according to Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks.
Feds penalize Kalispell Regional for compliance failure
According to the Office of Inspector General, Kalispell Regional Healthcare was penalized $65,000 for failing to comply with certain requirements of a corporate integrity agreement signed in September 2018.

With bison perhaps returning, Glacier to study east side elk herd
Glacier National Park will embark on a comprehensive study of its east side elk herd in the coming years.
Entering the rut
Hunting season is entering the best two weeks of this deer and elk hunting season. Many veteran hunters have spent lots of time afield for the last several weeks, but have been reluctant to pull the trigger on any deer unless it was a trophy buck. We have now entered the peak of the deer rut or breeding season, when mature bucks lose their ordinary wariness as they feel the need to mate with a cute brown-eyed doe.

Family knows importance of landowner relations
Relationships between hunters and landowners can be testy at times but one Flathead Valley family has put in the time and effort to ensure all parties benefit each other.
Glacier Park invites artists to apply for 2020 Artist-in-Residence Program
Artists are encouraged to apply for the 2020 Glacier National Park Artist-in-Residence Program. The application period will be open until Jan. 6.

FVCC stages two one-acts
FVCC Theatre Department’s double-feature production of “The Bald Soprano” by Eugene Ionesco and “The Dumb Waiter” by Harold Pinter opens today, Nov. 14, in the campus theater in the Arts and Technology Building. Performances are scheduled at 7 p.m. today, Nov. 15 and 16 and Nov. 21 to 23. A brief intermission will separate each one-act play.

Songwriter Festival to debut in Whitefish next fall
The Whitefish Songwriter Festival (WFSF) will debut in downtown Whitefish Sept. 17 to 19, 2020.

Museum's new 'Rendezvous' exhibit explores past and present
The Northwest Montana History Museum in Kalispell will open a new exhibit titled “Rendezvous” Nov. 20. The exhibition was developed in partnership with the Bad Rock Settlement Museum in Columbia Falls. Bad Rock Museum proprietor and true mountain man Stu Sorensen has lent numerous artifacts from his collection as well as his expertise to this exhibition.

Great Art on Screen explores Prado Museum
The Great Art on Screen documentary “The Prado Museum: A Collection of Wonders” will be broadcast at the Whitefish Performing Arts Center at 11 a.m. Friday, Nov. 15.

Von Kleist stars in 'hilarious escapade of estrogen'
Multi-instrumentalist Erica von Kleist is fresh off her NYC Cabaret debut and is back in Whitefish with her riotously funny show, “BOOBS and other stories.” This hilarious escapade of estrogen features Erica’s insane original songs about mansplaining, manspreading, menstruation and, of course, boobs! The show is being held in conjunction with Whitefish Ladies Night.
Bigfork Playhouse Children's Theater holds auditions for 'A Christmas Story'
The Bigfork Playhouse Children’s Theater invites students in grades three through 12, and adults of all ages, to audition for its annual Holiday production “A Christmas Story.”

'Danubia' highlights music from Central European cultures
The Glacier Symphony Orchestra, under the direction of conductor John Zoltek, will perform “Danubia” MasterWorks 3 Nov. 23 and Nov. 24.
Weekly events

'Nutcracker' rings in the holidays
Forty-four dancers. Sixty-five handmade costumes. Ten weeks of rehearsals. That’s just a hint of what it takes behind the scenes to bring the Northwest Ballet Company’s beloved “Nutcracker Ballet” to the Flathead Valley. The Company continues its popular tradition with five memorable performances Thanksgiving weekend at the Bigfork Center for the Performing Arts.
Letters to the editor Nov. 14
For years Montana values have been under attack by liberal Democrat governors in Helena. They impose their radical agendas on the state, and Montana becomes less and less the state we all know and love. In November 2020, we need to put a stop to this. We need to elect strong conservatives up and down the ballot, but no race is more important than the governor’s race.
Dark sky ordinances paying off
Montana’s dark skies are becoming quite a drawing card for visitors who want see the stars.
Sheriff's Office seeks info on Hungry Horse bar robbery
Flathead County Sheriff’s Office deputies responded to a robbery early Tuesday morning at the Dam Town Tavern in Hungry Horse.
Creepy elevator man is alleged bully
Kalispell Police Department received a report from someone saying a man who was “kind of creepy” allegedly followed them into an elevator the previous day. The reporting party “was not injured or anything,” but supposedly felt the man “is a bully.”

Airport No. 2 in nation for on-time departures in October
Glacier Park International Airport ranked second in North America and 33rd globally for on-time departures for the month of October, according to a press release.
Mini-golf developers ask for parking variance
The developers of a proposed 18-hole miniature golf course in Whitefish are asking the Whitefish Board of Adjustment for a variance to parking requirements.

C-Falls 1-1 at State A tourney
BOZEMAN — The Columbia Falls Wildkats beat Hardin in first round play but fell to Billings Central in the second round later in the day at the State A volleyball tournament at Brick Breeden Field House in Bozeman on Thursday.
Wednesday, November 13
Olney-Bissell student struck by vehicle as she exited school bus
A 6-year-old girl was struck by a vehicle and sustained injuries after school on Tuesday as she was getting off the school bus just west of Whitefish on U.S. 93.
Victim of logging truck collision identified
The Flathead County Sheriff’s Office has identified the man who died in a collision with a logging truck near Glacier Park International Airport on Friday,Nov. 8, as Jeffrey Louis Welle, 64, of Columbia Falls.
Child exiting school bus hit by vehicle in Whitefish
WHITEFISH (AP) — A 6-year-old exiting a school bus in Whitefish has been seriously injured after being struck by a vehicle that failed to stop.
Legals November 13, 2019
No. 26617 NOTICE OF TRUSTEE'S SALE OF REAL PROPERTY NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN by LINDY M. LAUDER, as successor Trustee, of the public sale of the real property hereinafter described pursuant to the "Small Tract Financing Act of Montana" (Section 71-1-301, et seq., MCA). The following information is provided: THE NAME OF THE GRANTOR, ORIGINAL TRUSTEE, THE BENEFICIARY IN THE DEED OF TRUST, ANY SUCCESSOR IN INTEREST TO THE BENEFICIARY OR GRANTOR, ANY SUCCESSOR TRUSTEE, AND THE PRESENT RECORD OWNER IS/ARE: Grantors: Paul J. Noworyta and Merrilee D. Kimmons, husband and wife Original Trustee: Insured Title Successor Trustee: Lindy M. Lauder, an attorney licensed to practice law in the State of Montana (the "Trustee") Original Beneficiary: "MERS" Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems as nominee for Wintrust Mortgage, a division of Barrington Bank and Trust Co., N.A., its successors and assigns (the "Beneficiary") Current Beneficiary: Wintrust Mortgage, a Division of Barrington Bank and Trust Co., N.A. Present Record Owner: Paul J. Noworyta and Merrilee D. Kimmons as joint tenants THE DESCRIPTION OF THE PROPERTY COVERED BY THE DEED OF TRUST IS: The real property and its appurtenances in Flathead County, Montana, more particularly described as follows: Lot 3 of the resubdivision of Lot 38, Wagsmith Villa, according to the map or plat thereof on file and of record in the office of the Clerk and Recorder of Flathead County, Montana. With an address of 114 Middle Fork Lane, Hungry Horse, Montana 59912. RECORDING DATA: The following instruments and documents have been recorded in the Clerk and Recorder's Office in Flathead County, Montana. Deed of Trust dated July 12, 2017, and recorded July 12, 2017, as Instrument No. 2017-000-14379; and Assignment of Deed of Trust dated June 13, 2019, and recorded August 19, 2019, as Instrument No. 201900018970; and Substitution of Trustee dated September 5, 2019, and recorded September 13, 2019, under Document No. 201900022689. THE DEFAULT FOR WHICH THE FORECLOSURE IS MADE IS: Nonpayment of monthly installments of $1,896.56 due under the Promissory Note dated July 12, 2017, which is secured by the Deed of Trust. The borrower is due for the February 1, 2019, payment and for each subsequent monthly payment. THE SUMS OWING ON THE OBLIGATION SECURED BY THE DEED OF TRUST AS OF SEPTEMBER 19, 2019, ARE: Principal: $277,270.95 Interest: Interest continues to accrue at a rate of 3.75% per annum. As of September 19, 2019, the interest balance is $7,480.54 and interest accrues at the rate of $28.88 per day. Late fees: $428.89 The Beneficiary anticipates and intends to disburse such amounts as may be required to preserve and protect the real property, and for real property taxes that may become due or delinquent, unless such amounts or taxes are paid by the Grantor or successor in interest to the Grantor. If such amounts are paid by the Beneficiary, the amounts or taxes will be added to the obligation secured by the Trust Indenture. Other expenses to be charged against the proceeds of the sale include the Trustee's and attorney's fees, and costs and expenses of sale. THE TRUSTEE, AT THE DIRECTION OF THE BENEFICIARY, HEREBY ELECTS TO SELL THE PROPERTY TO SATISFY THE AFORESAID OBLIGATIONS. THE DATE, TIME, PLACE AND TERMS OF SALE ARE: Date: February 19, 2020 Time: 11:00 a.m., Mountain Standard Time or Mountain Daylight Time, whichever is in effect. Place: Crowley Fleck PLLP, 1667 Whitefish Stage Road, Kalispell, Montana 59901 Terms: This sale is a public sale and any person, including the Beneficiary, and excepting only the Trustee, may bid at the sale. The bid price must be paid in cash. The conveyance will be made by Trustee's Deed. The sale purchaser shall be entitled to possession of the property on the 10th day following the sale. Dated this 23rd day of September, 2019. /s/ Lindy M. Lauder LINDY M. LAUDER Trustee STATE OF MONTANA :ss. County of Missoula This instrument was acknowledged before me on the 23rd day of September, 2019, by Lindy M. Lauder, as Trustee. /s/ Roxie Hausauer Printed name: Roxie Hausauer Notary Public for the State of Montana Residing at: Lolo, Montana My commission expires: January 06, 2021 File No.: 096708-000004 November 6, 13, 20, 2019 MNAXLP __________________________

Patrick Joseph Burns, 66
Dr. Pat Burns passed from this life unexpectedly Nov. 4, 2019, while caring for his land and the trees he so loved. His beloved dogs were by his side.

Ray Lagleder Sr., 98
Raymond Edward Lagleder, Sr., 98, of Kalispell, died Friday, Nov. 8, 2019.

Ronald Arthur Becker, 81
Ronald Arthur Becker, 81, passed away at his home on Nov. 9, 2019.
No headline
- Red Cross blood drive, noon to 4:15 p.m., Homewood Suites, Kalispell.
Libby pool advocates will put plan before voters
The Libby Park District board met last week to discuss the progress and path forward of the Kootenai Wellness and Aquatic Center (KWAC).

Terry Rae Johnson, 64
Terry Rae Johnson, 64, of Bigfork, was born on Nov. 17, 1954, at St. James Hospital in Butte to Ray and Carol Johnson. In 1965 Terry moved to Bozeman with her family. She lived in Bozeman until she graduated from Bozeman High School in 1973. After high school Terry moved back to Butte where she worked miscellaneous jobs until she married Jim Johnson on Sept. 6, 1975.

Theresa Evelyn Vincent, 62
Theresa Evelyn Vincent, 62, of Kalispell, after fighting a long battle with cancer, passed away peacefully at home surrounded by her family on Monday, Oct. 21, 2019.

ImagineIF joins global literary initiative
ImagineIF Library in Kalispell joined millions of readers across the country and the world as they “Read for the Record” on Thursday.
Kalispell schools seek input on hiring super
Kalispell Public Schools is requesting the community’s input on hiring a new superintendent through an upcoming community focus group and online survey.

Bill Lowthian, 73
Kalispell resident Bill Lowthian passed away peacefully at home on Nov. 5, 2019, holding the hands of his two daughters, Lee and Jill. He was 73.

Launa Crede Lackey, 74
Launa Crede Lackey, 74, passed away at home on Nov. 2, 2019, after an 18-month battle with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS).
C-Falls' Josie Windauer signs letter of intent for Montana soccer
Six players signed National Letters of Intent for the University of Montana soccer program on Wednesday, including Columbia Falls standout Josie Windauer.
Tuesday, November 12
Visit from 'Cat in the Hat' not welcome
A woman on Swamp View Lane in Kila told Flathead County Sheriff’s Office a man purportedly wearing a “Cat in the Hat” style red and white top hat and black sweats showed up and tried to get into her house to use the restroom. The man, who supposedly smelled of alcohol, claimed he knew her husband, but she had never seen him before and didn’t let him in. Officers made contact with Mr. Cat in the Hat on U.S. 2 and advised him to stay away.
Two grizzly bear deaths reported in last week
Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks reported the deaths of two grizzly bears on Tuesday.
Harvest numbers increase in third weekend
Big game check stations in Northwest Montana reported an increase in harvest numbers over previous weeks, Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks reported on Tuesday.

Bigfork schools on lockdown following casino robbery
Bigfork schools were on lockdown Tuesday as the Flathead County Sheriff’s Office looked for a suspect in an armed robbery that occurred Tuesday morning at the Jackpot Casino in Bigfork.
No headline
- National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI)/Local Advisory Council meets 1 p.m., Literacy Center of Northwest Montana, Gateway Community Center, Kalispell. Call 854-2323.
Legals November 12, 2019
No. 26627 NOTICE OF SALE Department of Natural Resources & Conservation Timber Sale The Meadow Peak Timber Sale is located within Section 16, T27N - R26W, on the State's Kalispell Unit. Approximately 21,084 tons, consisting of mixed conifer sawlogs, are offered for sale. Sealed bids will be opened at the Department of Natural Resources & Conservation, 2705 Spurgin Road, Missoula, Montana on December 11, 2019 at 2:00 p.m. Bids may be hand delivered or mailed and will be accepted any time prior to the bid opening. DNRC recommends that bidders contact the Trust Land Management Division (406-542-4300) prior to the bid opening to ensure that your bid has been received. Bids must be accompanied by a deposit of $17,900.00, representing 5% of the minimum bid value of the sale in cashier's check, certified check, bank money order or bank draft to be applied to the first sale invoice for the successful bidder. Bid bonds will be accepted and, for the successful bidder, will be closed upon execution of the Timber Sale Contract. The sale will be awarded to the highest responsible bidder. Award of the timber sale is conditional upon approval of the timber sale by the State Board of Land Commissioners at their November 21, 2019 meeting. If the successful bidder is unable to execute the contract within 30 calendar days from the date the sale is awarded, the bid deposit will be retained by the Department as liquidated damages. The right is reserved to reject any or all bids. Prospective bidders can obtain the sale prospectus, sale contract and bid forms from the Department of Natural Resources & Conservation, Trust Land Management Division, in Missoula (406-542-4300) or the Northwestern Land Office in Kalispell (406-751-2257). Visit our website at for upcoming sales and bid results. November 12, 19, 26, December 3, 2019 MNAXLP __________________________

Lottery on cusp of offering sports betting
Montanans will be able to bet on sports in designated locations by the end of the year, if the Montana Lottery Commission approves the final rules at its Nov. 21 meeting.

Fire destroys camper, damages house in C-Falls
A camper was destroyed and a home was damaged in a fire Sunday night in Columbia Falls, but no one was injured.
Avalanche safety workshop set for Whitefish
The ninth annual Northern Rockies Snow and Avalanche Workshop is scheduled for Saturday, Nov. 16, at the O’Shaughnessy Center in Whitefish.
Volunteers sought for income-tax assistance program
Volunteers are needed for the 2020 VITA — Volunteer Income Tax Assistance program.
Abuse alleged after shooting in Trego
A Trego man is being held on a $500,000 bond on assault with a weapon charges after his wife shot him following years of alleged threats and abuse at his hands.
Flathead ski foundation launches fall fundraisers
The Flathead Valley Ski Education Foundation announced two fall events skiers won’t want to miss.

Ski area takes steps to ease powder-day parking crunch
Powder hounds at Whitefish Mountain Resort will be encouraged to carpool or take public transportation this winter to help relieve parking congestion on busy holidays and weekends.
Monday, November 11
Legals November 11, 2019
No. 26600 Montana Eleventh Judicial District Court Flathead County In the Matter of the Name Change of Connie Kristine Hursh: Connie Kristine Hursh, Petitioner Cause No. DV-19-1032B ROBERT B ALLISON Notice of Hearing on Name Change This is notice that Petitioner has asked the District Court for a change of name from Connie Kristine Hursh to Kristine Hursh. The hearing will be on 12/18/2019 at 8:30 am. The hearing will be at the Justice Center in Flathead County. Date: October 22, 2019 PEG L. ALLISON Clerk of District Court By: /s/ AYLA M HILL Deputy Clerk of Court October 28, November 4, 11, 18, 2019 MNAXLP __________________________

Veteran has passion for those who serve
Like many veterans and former law enforcement officers, Bill Miles like to sit with his back to a wall.
Hearing to address ongoing bottling plant litigation
A Flathead County District Court Judge will consider a motion for summary judgment during a hearing Tuesday morning in ongoing litigation regarding the operation of a contested bottling plant in Creston.
No headline
- Evergreen Disposal will be running normal routes. Have containers out by 6 a.m. for pick up.
Shoplifter completes clothing ensemble
Maybe a woman was looking to complete her outfit and match the tannish brown skirt she was seen wearing when she allegedly stole a “coat of some sort” that had “brownish cloth.”
Sunday, November 10
Lockwood crowned PBR World Champion
LAS VEGAS – Backed by a dominant 5-for-6 showing, including four 90-point rides, 2017 PBR (Professional Bull Riders) World Champion Jess Lockwood of Volborg surged to the top of the leaderboard to win the PBR World Finals event, and became the youngest two-time champion in the sport’s history on Sunday.
Births NVH and KRMC
Kacen Jack Cotcamp, son of Rylie Williams and Kendall Cotcamp of Kalispell, was born July 4 at North Valley Hospital.

Honoring vets never goes out of style
A hundred years ago communities across the Flathead Valley were making preparations to celebrate the first anniversary of Armistice Day — Nov. 11, 1919.
Letters to the editor Nov. 10
Back in the ’80s, companies sprung up with the sole purpose of convincing American business owners to move their manufacturing to other countries. How much wealthier they would be if they didn’t have to put up with American workers who wanted things like paid vacations, health insurance, safe work places.
Small Business Administration stands with Trump in support of veterans
Over the last three years, President Trump has made it his priority to highlight the importance of our nation’s veteran entrepreneurs. He has empowered the U.S. Small Business Administration with the tools needed to help our veteran’s transition from military service to small business ownership. During November, the country will celebrate the accomplishments of veteran, service member and military spouse small business owners nationwide. This year’s National Veterans Small Business Week theme is Mission #VetBiz Success.
Combatting addiction must remain top priority
Two and a half years ago, Attorney General Tim Fox and I stood on the steps of the state capitol with other lawmakers announcing a major long-term initiative to address the impacts of drugs (Aid Montana). Since then, our successes outnumber our defeats, and we are ready for the next phase to combat the addiction crisis in Big Sky Country.

Critical issue of Colstrip 4
If you are a customer of NorthWestern Energy then you should be interested in its latest Resource Procurement Plan.

New pub puts focus on customer needs
Francois Zanni and Christpher Languein bring decades of restaurateur experience to the new First Avenue Taphouse, but they have made it clear the customers are in charge of shaping the restaurant’s identity.
Legals November 10, 2019
No. 26621 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City Council on the 4th day of November, 2019, passed Resolution No. 5947 declaring an intention to create a business improvement district within the City of Kalispell, pursuant to Title 7, Chapter 12 Montana Code Annotated and specifically § 7-12-1111(4), that is directed toward the common purpose of providing overnight stays at lodging facilities. The properties within the business improvement district are more particularly described in Exhibit "A" which can be requested by emailing Said Resolution No. 5947 declares that the creation of such a business improvement district will promote the health, safety, prosperity, security, and general welfare of the inhabitants thereof and will be of special benefit to the property within the boundaries of the district. Upon the creation of such a business improvement district, a board of trustees will be appointed by City Council, which board shall have such authority as permitted by MCA Section 7-12-1131 and shall recommend to the City Council, pursuant to MCA Section 7-12-1133, a method of levying an assessment on the property within the district which will best ensure that the assessment on each lot or parcel is equitable in proportion to the benefits to be received. NOTICE is further given that for a period of fifteen (15) days after November 10, 2019, that date being the first day of publication of this Notice in the Daily Inter Lake, the City Clerk will receive from the property owners in the area proposed to be included in the business improvement district, written protests against the extent or creation of the district to be assessed, or both. The City Council of the City of Kalispell shall hold a public hearing on the 2nd day of December, 2019, at 7:00 p.m., in the Council Chambers, City Hall, Kalispell, Montana and consider all communication received by the City Clerk pursuant to this Notice. After considering the same, the Council shall proceed to hear and pass upon all protests and may duly and regularly pass and adopt a Resolution approving the creation of the business improvement district as described in Exhibit "A". Its decision shall be final and conclusive. If passed, the time when the said Resolution shall go into effect shall be fixed by said Resolution. Aimee Brunckhorst, CMC, City Clerk November 10, 17, 2019 MNAXLP __________________________
No headline
- Evergreen Disposal will be running normal routes. Have containers out by 6 a.m. for pick up.
Face to face with Facebook
Social media fans may have a bone to pick with me after reading this column about their daily penchant to peruse online posts.

Montana's dark skies spur astrotourism
One doesn’t need to be in love to see what spring is like on Jupiter or Mars, as is suggested by Bart Howard’s 1954 melody “Fly Me to the Moon,” a tune later made famous by Frank Sinatra. Instead, starry eyes can be traded for a clear night in Montana, a good telescope and a pinch of pragmatism.
Botched haircut leads to fight
The Kalispell Police Department was called when a hair salon client became upset about her haircut and “wanted a refund.” When her request was refused, she started “trying to fight people” and reportedly assaulted the salon owner.

Military wives find camaraderie, support through the years
There’s a tradition among military spouses of forming close bonds in a hurry.

Roland Joseph Newton, 80
Roland Joseph Newton, 80, devoted husband, father, friend, community leader, banker, and Whitefish treasure, passed away at home in Whitefish on Nov. 5, 2019, with family at his side.
County seeks AG opinion on paid benefit
The Flathead County commissioners have requested an opinion from the Montana Attorney General on whether or not paid bereavement leave is an employee benefit that is separate from paid sick or vacation leave.
Debra 'Deb' Miller, 63
Dr. Debra “Deb” Miller, 63, passed away peacefully in her sleep on Nov. 2, 2019, in Butte.

No headline
Veterans Day assemblies around the Flathead Valley give members of the community a chance to express our gratitude for our veterans and active military who have served in times of war and peace to protect America’s freedom. The following events are scheduled on Veterans Day, Monday, Nov. 11:

Phyllis Theresa Fischer, 88
Phyllis Theresa Fischer, age 88, passed away on Oct. 31, 2019. Phyllis was born to Boyd and Margaret Morgan on June 10, 1931 in Leon, Iowa. After completing high school in Lamoni, Iowa, she attended and graduated from Graceland College in Lamoni.

Taco Bell coming to C-Falls
Columbia Falls residents can look forward to more Mexican food in their neighborhood next year. Taco Bell plans to open a new location in Columbia Falls, although the upcoming restaurant is months away from serving up its first batch of tacos.
Saturday, November 9
Kalispell Regional nears deal to take over HealthCenter
Kalispell Regional Healthcare is nearing a deal to take on full ownership of The HealthCenter, following discussions with the Flathead Physician Group board.
Survey results gauge impact of tourism in Whitefish
More than 80% of those who responded to a city tourism survey believe Whitefish is overcrowded.

ImagineIF joins global literary initiative
ImagineIF Library in Kalispell joined millions of readers across the country and the world as they “Read for the Record” on Thursday.
No headline
- AARP Driver Safety Course, 9 a.m. to 1 p.m., Bigfork Community Center; $20 fee ($15 for AARP card-holding members.) Call 837-4157.
Dog owner seeks hefty reimbursement
A dog owner paid $10,000 for multiple surgeries after his dog was hit by a car. He called the Flathead County Sheriff’s Office to see how he could get the driver to pay him back for the expenses, but the person who responded said there was nothing he could do by county ordinance.
Horse trainer lawsuit alleges breach of contract
It appears the relationship between two well-known Flathead Valley horsemen has soured after one sued the other in an apparent business disagreement.
Ex-Blackfeet chair pleads guilty to Head Start fraud
The former chairman of the Blackfeet Tribe on Wednesday admitted his role in an overtime pay scheme in which persons who worked in the tribe’s Head Start program, including his wife, defrauded the child assistance program of $174,000.
Eureka bound for Class B semis; Libby blown out
EUREKA — For the third time in four years, the Eureka Lions are headed to the Class B football semifinals.
C-Falls spikers 2nd at Western A
DILLON — Columbia Falls earned the No. 2 Western seed to the state volleyball tournament with its second place finish at the Western A Divisional on Saturday in Dillon.

PHOTOS: Grizzlies pull away from Idaho, 42-17
Photos as the Montana Grizzlies beat the Idaho Vandals 42-17 at Washington-Grizzly Stadium in Missoula on Saturday, Nov. 9.
Friday, November 8

ATV driver dies in crash with logging truck
Law enforcement and emergency personnel were on the scene of a fatal accident near Wishart Road and U.S. 2 Friday afternoon.
Kalispell schools aim to close student gap in math
Kalispell Public Schools continues its efforts to close the gap in math achievement as it heads into year two of a five-year strategic plan.

The iconic Izaak Walton
In the 1920s and ’30s, men who worked on the Great Northern Railway near Essex had a tough life in the winter. Their jobs were to keep the railroad line over Marias Pass free and clear of snow — no small task considering the numerous storms that walloped the region and the frequent avalanches that shot over the tracks.
Legals November 8, 2019
No. 26622 MONTANA ELEVENTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT COURT, FLATHEAD COUNTY In re the Marriage of: Cheyenne Miller, Petitioner, and Jacob Miller Freasier, Respondent Cause No.: DR 19-788C SUMMONS FOR PUBLICATION THE STATE OF MONTANA SENDS GREETINGS TO THE ABOVE-NAMED RESPONDENT: You, the Respondant, are hereby summoned to answer the Petition in this action, which is filed with the Clerk of this Court, a copy of which is herewith served upon you, and to file your answer and serve a copy thereof upon the Petitioner within twenty-one (21) days after service of this Summons, exclusive of the day of service; and in case of your failure to appear or answer, judgment will be taken against you for the relief demanded in the Petition. DATED this 5th day of November, 2019 /s/ PEG L ALLISON Clerk of Court /s/ Amanda Mosser Deputy Clerk November 8, 15, 22, 2019 MNAXLP __________________________
Employee locks man in the loo
A man called Kalispell Police Department from inside a bathroom because he believed employees locked him inside and he needed assistance getting out. The store was called and an employee said he locked the bathrooms 15 minutes ago and assured law enforcement he would let man out.

Larry Tipton Stidmon, 79
Larry Tipton Stidmon passed away on Saturday, Nov. 2, 2019, in Kalispell.
California man convicted for local meth trafficking
A jury on Wednesday convicted a California man on methamphetamine trafficking crimes after he was accused of bringing the drug to the Kalispell area for distribution.
Former teacher sentenced for sexual abuse of two students
An East Glacier woman who taught elementary school on the Blackfeet Indian Reservation was sentenced Wednesday to two years in prison and five years of supervised release for sexually abusing two students.
Unbeaten Butte blows by Glacier in AA playoff, 51-14
BUTTE — Football season drew to a close for the Glacier Wolfpack on Friday with a 51-14 loss to the unbeaten Butte Bulldogs in a Class AA second round playoff game at Naranche Stadium.
C-Falls still alive, Polson 4th at Western A
DILLON — Polson punched its ticket to the state tournament with its fourth place finish at the Western A Divisional Tournament in Dillon on Friday.
Eureka spikers fall in loser out play at Western B
EUREKA — The Eureka Lions volleyball season ended with a loss to Deer Lodge in loser out play at the second day of the Western B Divisional tournament in Eureka on Friday.
Thursday, November 7
Legals November 7, 2019
No. 26587 DARRELL T. PETERSON PETERSON, PETERSON & SHORS, P.C. Attorneys at Law P.O. Box 10 Cut Bank, Montana 59427 Telephone (406) 873-2231 MONTANA ELEVENTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT COURT, FLATHEAD COUNTY IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF RONALD S. BEALER, Deceased. File No. DP19-270A AMY EDDY NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the undersigned has been appointed personal representative of the above named estate. All persons having claims against the said deceased are required to present their claims within four months after the date of the first publication of this notice or said claims will be forever barred. Claims must either be mailed to Carole L. Bealer, the personal representative, return receipt requested, at %Darrell T. Peterson, Attorney at Law, Peterson, Peterson & Shors P.C., P. O. Box 10, Cut Bank, Montana 59427, or filed with the Clerk of the above-entitled Court. I declare under penalty of perjury and under the laws of the State of Montana that the foregoing is true and correct. DATED this 9th day of October, 2019. Carole L. Bealer 248 2nd Ave. West Kalispell, MT 59901 Attorney October 24, 31, November 7, 2019 MNAXLP __________________________
Roger Charles Sting, 71
Roger Charles Sting, 71, passed away on Sunday, Nov. 3, 2019, at Brendan House in Kalispell.
Tester pushes for community health center funding
With congressional funding for the nation’s community health centers set to expire on Nov. 21, Sen. Jon Tester, D-Mont., is fighting to get the funds reauthorized.
City tourism district could be renewed after expiration
The Kalispell City Council is gearing up to extend the life of the city’s Kalispell Tourism Business Improvement District.
Mustachioed man in black alarms woman
A man in a black trench coat and alleged fake mustache raised the suspicions of a woman who thought he may be hiding something underneath and told Kalispell Police Department “it’s not normal for someone to hold their trench coat closed the way he was.”
Eureka spikers 1-1 in pool play at Western B
EUREKA — Florence swept Eureka in the quarterfinals on the first day of the Western B Divisional volleyball tournament held at Eureka High School on Thursday.
C-Falls headed to Western A Divisional volleyball semifinal
DILLON — The Columbia Falls Wildkats are undefeated in pool play after the first day of action at the Western A Divisional volleyball tournament, which runs through Saturday in Dillon.
Wednesday, November 6
Legals November 6, 2019
No. 26589 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING The Board of Commissioners of Flathead County, Montana, hereby gives notice, pursuant to Section 7-33-2125(1)(b), M.C.A., that it will hold a public hearing to consider a petition from Stoner Creek Cabins, LLC to annex territory from the Flathead County Fire Service Area into the Somers Rural Fire District. The property proposing to be annexed can legally be described as: Parcel C of Certificate of Survey No. 14793, located and being in the Southwest Quarter of the Northeast Quarter of Section 13, Township 26 North, Range 21 West, P.M.M., Flathead County, Montana. And Parcel B of Certificate of Survey No. 14793, located and being in the Southwest Quarter of the Northeast Quarter of Section 13, Township 26 North, Range 21 West, P.M.M., Flathead County, Montana. The Board of Commissioners has received a petition in writing by the owners of 100% of the land of the area to be annexed into the Somers Rural Fire District, thereby altering the boundaries of the Flathead County Fire Service Area by transferring the property as described above into the Somers Rural Fire District. The public hearing will be held on the 12th day of November, 2019 at 9:45 o'clock a.m. in the Commissioners' Chambers, Third Floor, Courthouse, 800 South Main Street, Kalispell, MT. At the public hearing, the Board of County Commissioners will give the public an opportunity to be heard regarding the proposed annexation. Written comments are encouraged and will be reviewed by the Board of Commissioners if received in the Flathead County Commissioners' Office at least three business days prior to the hearing. Dated this 21st day of October, 2019. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Flathead County, Montana By: /s/ Philip B. Mitchell Philip B. Mitchell, Chairman October 30, November 6, 2019 MNAXLP ________________________

Evelyn Louella (Burlingham) Meuli, 91
Evelyn Louella (Burlingham) Meuli, wife of 48 years to Selmer Meuli, passed away peacefully Oct. 29, 2019, at the age of 91.
Lake Koocanusa water quality focus of meetings
The Kootenai River Network will host two public meetings this month to discuss water quality in Lake Koocanusa.
Man with unexpected extra phone says he 'is not a thief'
A man on Montana 35 in Kalispell came home to find he had an extra phone on him and claimed not to know how he obtained it. The “very concerned” man purportedly told Flathead County Sheriff’s Officer “he’s not a thief,” didn’t know who the phone belonged to and wanted an officer to pick it up.

Decoy patrol car totaled in Somers
Deputy Doug, better known as the dummy police officer that sits in his decoy squad car in Somers waiting to scare the daylights out of speeding motorists oblivious to his never-changing outpost, was forced to retire his trusty Crown Victoria after a driver totaled the parked vehicle early Monday morning.
Community needs public hearing is Thursday
There will be a public hearing on community development needs at 1 p.m. Thursday, Nov. 7, at the Kalispell City Council Chambers, 201 First Ave. E.

Roger Frank Cole, 89
Roger Frank Cole made his final salute Oct. 30, 2019.

Judy Lynn Roquette Larson, 61
On Nov. 2, 2019, at approximately 8:15 p.m., the world lost its brightest light. Judy Lynn Roquette Larson (Kalispell) passed away peacefully surrounded by her family. Her sharp wit and love of joking carried with her all the way up to the end.
Tuesday, November 5
Butte beats Glacier in four in volleyball playoff opener
Class AA volleyball playoffs are getting underway this week across the state.

Challenger beats incumbent in Kalispell council upset
Kalispell City Council challenger Ryan Hunter unseated Ward 3 incumbent Rod Kuntz in Tuesday’s municipal election.

Letters to the editor Nov. 4
I support Ryan Hunter for Kalispell City Council Ward 3. I agree with his priorities and see them as having immediate value while also being investments in the long-term health of Kalispell.
Coming soon to a campground near you
The Interior Department
Make the Census count for Montana
One of the most important civic duties Montanans will participate in next year is filling out and responding to the 2020 U.S. Census. At just nine-questions long, the questionnaire might not seem like a big deal, but it is.

Montana senators deserve credit for their leadership
You have most likely heard plenty in the recent months about the Land and Water Conservation Fund (LWCF) and the political football being played back in Washington, D.C. to secure permanent, full, dedicated funding for the program. While we aren’t all the way there yet, we are closer than we have been in decades. Montana can be proud that both Senator Steve Daines and Senator Jon Tester have been bipartisan champions for reauthorization and funding of this critical program. To say otherwise just isn’t accurate or authentic.
Another look at background checks
As this writer has stated before about when I was a lad in the U.S. Army, my first sergeant claimed that the purpose of a pistol was to defend oneself until he could reach his rifle. And the rifle contained more than 10 rounds.

Letters to the editor Nov. 3
I wonder if President Trump, Ryan Zinke, or any of the members of the Outdoor Recreation Advisory Committee that recommended modernizing and privatizing National Park campgrounds (Daily Inter Lake, Oct. 19) have read Freeman Tilden’s classic and definitive book on the National Park experience: “The National Parks; What They Mean to You and Me.” I don’t think so, because their recommendations do not reflect the spirit of the unique character and purposes of the National Park System so well defined by Tilden.
Legals November 5, 2019
No. 26620 FLATHEAD MUNICIPAL AIRPORT AUTHORITY PUBLIC MEETING NOTICE The Flathead Municipal Airport Authority Board will meet on Friday, November 8, 2019 at 1 P.M. to evaluate contractor proposals at Glacier Park International Airport; on Monday, November 11, 2019 at 8 A.M. to conduct contractor interviews at Country Inn and Suites, 4150 Highway 2 E., Kalispell, MT; and on Tuesday, November 12, 2019 at 1 P.M. for the annual audit presentation, at 2 P.M. for contractor proposal review, and 4 P.M. for the regular meeting of the Flathead Municipal Airport Authority Board at Glacier Park International Airport, 4170 Highway 2 E., Kalispell, MT. November 5, 2019 MNAXLP __________________________
Mule deer, elk harvests ahead of last year
The second weekend of Montana’s general hunting season saw an uptick in hunters, and the numbers of harvested white-tailed bucks, mule deer and elk are slightly ahead of last year across Northwest Montana.
City Council elections underway today
Municipal elections are underway today in Flathead County, with contested City Council races in all three of the county’s incorporated cities.

Paraplegic hunter bags trophy elk
Annie Crone of Kalispell is paralyzed from the waist down, but on opening day of the 2019 hunting season she had an experience many able-bodied hunters spend years seeking out.
Glacier takes AA title at Kalispell Kickoff
Glacier High School Speech and Debate pulled ahead of Flathead High School to win the Kalispell Kickoff in Class AA over the weekend.

Bigfork Playhouse alum in the running for Broadway role
Bigfork Summer Playhouse alumnus and Belmont University musical theater senior Ginny Swanson was named a semi-finalist in the national search for Broadway’s next Roxie Hart in the hit musical :Chicago.”
Report finds microplastic prevalent in waterways
An environmental research group recently tested water from 50 river access sites at 32 water bodies throughout Montana for microplastic and found that, of those tested, more than half contained one or more types of the pollutant.
Maybe the hunting isn't going so well
A caller told the Kalispell Police Department that a tall, disgruntled man wearing an orange coat was threatening employees. When an officer arrived, the man had left, but the officer caught up with him and cited him for trespassing.
Monday, November 4

Fisher offers experience; supports resort tax
Darin Fisher
Legals November 4, 2019
No. 26600 Montana Eleventh Judicial District Court Flathead County In the Matter of the Name Change of Connie Kristine Hursh: Connie Kristine Hursh, Petitioner Cause No. DV-19-1032B ROBERT B ALLISON Notice of Hearing on Name Change This is notice that Petitioner has asked the District Court for a change of name from Connie Kristine Hursh to Kristine Hursh. The hearing will be on 12/18/2019 at 8:30 am. The hearing will be at the Justice Center in Flathead County. Date: October 22, 2019 PEG L. ALLISON Clerk of District Court By: /s/ AYLA M HILL Deputy Clerk of Court October 28, November 4, 11, 18, 2019 MNAXLP __________________________
Police seize peanut butter mystery delivery
A delivery company received a suspicious package with duct tape on the top and paper tape on the bottom. The box reportedly fell and opened, revealing a jar of peanut butter containing something strange at the bottom that was wrapped in foil. Kalispell Police Department seized the package.

Independent physical therapist makes house calls
An appointment with a physical therapist can feel like another trip to the doctor, but Jay Shaver is trying to change the typical therapy experience for his patients.
Whitefish mulls changes to utility billing regs
A number of proposed changes to Whitefish utility regulations as they pertain to property owners and renters are the focus of the Whitefish City Council’s work session from 5:30 to 7 p.m. tonight at City Hall.
No headline
- Red Cross blood drive, 1-6 p.m. at the center, 126 N. Meridian Road, Kalispell.
Kalispell council poised to award $286,079 for new vehicles
The Kalispell City Council will consider awarding $286,079 for multiple vehicles at its meeting tonight.
Bulldogs dump Browning in play-in
WHITEFISH — Kaiah Moore had nine kills and Luci Rideway added 10 digs and nine service aces as the Whitefish Lady Bulldogs downed visiting Browning Monday in a Northwestern A volleyball play-in match. Scores were 25-14, 25-18, 25-11.
Sunday, November 3

Mary R. Severns, 87
Mary R. Severns, 87, of Great Falls, left this world peacefully on Monday, Oct. 28, 2019, surrounded by her family.
KRMC births
Miles Patrick Sarnoski, son of James and MIchelle Sarnoski of Columbia Falls, was born Aug. 23 at Kalispell Regional Medical Center.
Legals November 3, 2019
No. 26567 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING MAJOR LAKESHORE VARIANCE: FLATHEAD LAKE The Board of Commissioners of Flathead County, Montana, hereby gives notice, pursuant to the Flathead County Lake and Lakeshore Protection Regulations, Section 5.1(B)(2)(f), that it will hold a public hearing to consider a request by Jolene Dugan for a Major Lakeshore Variance to the fill standards of the Flathead County Lake and Lakeshore Protection Regulations, specifically Sections 4.3F(2)(h)(1),(2),(4),(5), and (6). The applicant is seeking to construct a 'Modified Dynamic Equilibrium Beach' on the shore of Flathead Lake. The subject property is located at 440, 482, and 494 Holt Drive in Bigfork, Montana and can be legally described as: Parcel A of Certificate of Survey No. 19916 in the Northeast Quarter of Section 35, Township 27 North, Range 20 West, P.M.M. Flathead County, Montana; and Tract 2AB in the West Half of the Northeast Quarter of Section 35, Township 27 North, Range 20 West, P.M.M. Flathead County, Montana The Flathead County Lake and Lakeshore Protection Regulations are on file for public inspection at the Flathead County Planning and Zoning Office, 40 11th Street West, Kalispell, Montana, and on the Flathead County Planning and Zoning Office's website at: Documents related to the proposed Major Lakeshore Variance are also on for file for public inspection at the Office of the Flathead County Board of Commissioners, 800 S Main, Room 302, Kalispell, Montana, and at the Planning and Zoning Office. The public hearing will be held on the 25th day of November, 2019 at 10:00 o'clock a.m. in the Commissioners' Chambers, Third Floor, Old Courthouse, Kalispell, Montana. At the public hearing, the Board of Commissioners will give the public an opportunity to be heard regarding the proposed Major Lakeshore Variance request. Written comments are encouraged and will be reviewed by the Commissioners prior to the hearing if received by the Flathead County Commissioners' Office at least three business days prior to the hearing. DATED this 10th day of October, 2019. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Flathead County, Montana By: /s/ Philip B. Mitchell Philip B. Mitchell, Chairman November 3, 2019 MNAXLP __________________________

Verlaine Kay Van Atta, 73
Verlaine Kay Van Atta, 73, of Billings, left us on Tuesday, Oct. 15, 2019, from natural causes and surrounded by her loved ones. She entered the arms of her Lord Jesus and her precious mother Ella.

Firehouse Subs coming to Kalispell
A portion of proceeds helps first responders and schools
No headline
- Red Cross blood drive, 1-6 p.m. at the center, 126 N. Meridian Road, Kalispell.

Construction starts on Eagle Valley Ranch
Construction is underway on the first of multiple apartment buildings planned for property north of Kalispell near Rose Crossing.
Interactive map pinpoints development properties
In anticipation of replacing the railroad tracks with the Kalispell Trail in the Kalispell Core Area, Montana West Economic Development and the city of Kalispell have placed new, detailed development information and an interactive map featuring properties for sale on the website.

Helge L. 'Joe' Helgeson, 95
Helge L. “Joe” Helgeson, 95, passed away at Kalispell Regional Medical Center on Friday, Oct. 25, 2019.

New boutique bills itself as 'lifestyle shop'
Everything is by design at a new boutique shop on Electric Avenue. Kathleen Hennen hand-picks or hand-makes all of the products she sells at Bigfork Design, with items ranging from tables to T-shirts. “I really want to believe in what I buy,” she said. “I won’t sell anything I wouldn’t have in my own home.”

Laurie Ann (Wallace) Blake, 64
Laurie Ann (Wallace) Blake, 64, passed away at Kalispell Regional Medical Center on Oct. 21, 2019, surrounded by her family after a long battle with COPD. Laurie was fortunate to have her health care needs taken care of at her home by her daughter Julie Blake.
Still 'Golden' after all these years
After a recent stressful day, one of the millennial staffers in the newsroom said all she wanted to do was go home, curl up and watch “The Golden Girls.”
Guilty teens return pilfered pumpkin
A man told the Kalispell Police Department he caught a group of young people stealing pumpkins from porches. The man yelled at them so they returned his pumpkin. The police located the pumpkin thieves and “they were counseled on stealing pumpkins.”
New Kids Fund to help homeless students
Whitefish Community Foundation this week announced a new program focused on helping North Valley youth experiencing homelessness.

Groups threaten to sue BNSF over bear deaths
A growing number of grizzly bear fatalities along Montana’s railroad tracks has prompted two conservation groups to submit a letter to BNSF Railway Co., announcing their intentions to sue the agency for violating the federal Endangered Species Act.

Caroline Carrie Catherine Elizabeth Herriges Fisher, 87
Caroline “Carrie” Fisher, 87, was born to Nicholas and Anastasia Herriges on Feb. 16, 1932, in Whitefish, and left this life peacefully on Oct. 21, 2019, with her husband Rod at her side.

John Patrick Hiilani Figueira Araujo, 53
John Patrick Hiilani Figueira Araujo, age 53, passed away on Oct. 19, 2019 in Kalispell. John was born on Dec. 12, 1965 to John Figueira and Anna K. (Nahinu) Araujo in Honolulu, Hawaii. Pat was raised in Waimanalo, Hawaii, and graduated from Kailua High School. He served his country honorably in the United States Navy and later became an electrician for many years, belonging to the IBEW union. He loved beach volleyball, canoe paddling and lifting weights. Pat was preceded in death by his father and sisters, Paula and Audrey. He is survived by his children Alexcia and Kalene, mother Anna Nahinu, sisters and brothers Kelly, Corey, Anuhea and Wendell and one grandchild, Jahsiah. A celebration of life service will be held at 2 p.m. on Saturday Nov. 9, 2019 at Buffalo Hill Funeral Home with a reception following the service at Buffalo Hill Funeral Home. Friends are encouraged to visit our website at to leave notes of condolences for the family. Buffalo Hill Funeral Home and Crematory is caring for the family.
Norma L. McLauchlin-Burns, 81
Norma Burns, 81, of Kalispell, passed away at Kalispell Regional Medical Center on Saturday, Oct. 12, 2019.

Longhorn cattle yield jewelry business for Columbia Falls farmers
No two horns are alike, just as no two pieces of jewelry Sally Torres crafts from them are exactly the same.
Saturday, November 2

PHOTOS: Eureka tops Baker 65-24 in Class B first round
Photos from Eureka vs. Baker in the first round of the Class B high school football playoffs at Lincoln County High School in Eureka on Saturday. Eureka won, 65-24.
Man has road rage in own driveway
A neighbor told the Flathead County Sheriff’s Office to report a man threatening to run a woman over with his truck. The neighbor saw the man “gun the truck while she was standing in front of it.” The angry driver was also seen opening the door to spit on the woman and throwing “stuff” out of the vehicle. Both parties had left in the truck before law enforcement arrived.
Debo Powers ready to represent district
Debo Powers may live off the grid, but she’s prepared to plug into Montana politics as the new representative for House District 3.
Whitefish, C-Falls ready to battle for Class A top spot
Reigning Class A state speech and debate champion Columbia Falls High School is aiming for a 15th consecutive win this season as it competes against state runner-up Whitefish High School.

Kalispell's high schools aim for another year of success
It’s going to be all talk for the next few months as speech and debate members starts the competitive season today with the Kalispell Kickoff.

Libby eliminates Butte Central in playoff opener
The Libby Loggers axed the Butte Central Maroons in a 49-28 win in the opening round of Class A football playoffs Nov. 2.

Bulldogs remain on top with second straight title
For the second straight year, the Bulldogs are state champs.

Eureka rolls over Baker; Red Lodge edges Bigfork
Nearly midway through the first quarter of their Montana Class B high school football playoff game, the underdog Baker-Plevna Spartans led the host Eureka Lions, 16-14.
UM's Frissell 10th in Big Sky cross country
Polson star distance runner Beatrix Frissell earned a top 10 finish Saturday at the Big Sky Championships in Greeley, Colorado.
Friday, November 1
Kalispell ties month's record for cold temps
Some early-season winter weather made this October one of Kalispell’s all-time chilliest.
Legals November 1, 2019
No. 26579 Notice of Political Subdivision Election Notice is hereby given that in Flathead County, on November 5, 2019 a Kalispell City Municipal General Election will be held at the Trade Center of the Flathead County Fairgrounds for voting on Council Members. Kalispell City election will be conducted by voting at the polling place and by absentee ballot. Absentee ballots are available in person or by applying by mail to the Flathead County Election Department, 40 11th St West Suite #230, Kalispell, MT 59901. The polls will be open at 7:00 a.m., and continue to be open until 8:00 p.m., on Election Day, November 5, 2019. DATED this 15th day of October, 2019 Debbie Pierson Election Administrator October 18, 25, November 1, 2019 MNAXLP __________________________
State agencies battle report release
The Montana Department of Justice recently petitioned a judge to review official reports detailing incidents in which social workers with the state Department of Public Health and Human Services reportedly mishandled cases of alleged child abuse or neglect.
Wolfpack rally past Great Falls for playoff triumph
The Glacier Wolfpack football team will be moving to the quarterfinals of the Montana Class AA football playoffs after they went to Great Falls and beat the Bison, 33-24, Friday night.
Flathead bows to Billings West in playoff opener
The Flathead Braves were within a touchdown and a conversion of Billings West in the Class AA playoff opener Friday, but in the end the Golden Bears had too much in a 51-22 win.