Friday, December 31
Chronic drunk driver sent to prison
Flathead District Judge Ted Lympus sentenced a chronic drunk driver to 20 years in prison Thursday.

Polson soldier, in Iraq, misses birth of his son
POLSON - Having a baby and overseeing the construction of a new home were monumental tasks this year for Laura Burland of Polson, but just as difficult was explaining to her 3-year-old daughter why her father is in Iraq.
Whitefish police are investigating another break-in to a coffee shop. This one is behind Funshine car wash.
Whitefish police
Scouts to buy Melita Island
Today is the deadline for a Boy Scout campaign to raise $1.5 million for the purchase of an island on Flathead Lake, and it appears that target will be met "by the skin of our teeth," the campaign chairman said Thursday afternoon.
Brookelyn Louise Slonaker, daughter of Joseph and Amber Slonaker of Polson, was born Nov. 6 at Kalispell Regional Medical Center.
She weighed 7 pounds, 9 ounces and was 20 inches long.
The City of Kalispell Solid Waste Division will be picking up the 90-gallon rollout garbage containers today as scheduled. There will be no disruption of service. Call the Public Works Department at 758-7720.
Michael Christopher Pendle, son of Kathleen and Robert Pendle of Kalispell, was born Dec. 1 at Kalispell Regional Medical Center.
He weighed 8.06 pounds and was 20 inches long.
Staggering disaster, staggering need
The ever-rising numbers coming out of tsunami-stricken south Asia are staggering.
Tap company offers its annual show times five
Feat x Feet, Montana's only performing tap company, dances its way across the country in its seventh annual show, "Tap Nation."
Bowdrie James Krack, son of Jon and Jennifer Krack of Whitefish, was born Dec. 7 at North Valley Hospital.
He weighed 5 pounds, 7 ounces and was 18 inches long.
Robber free to move south - 25 years later
For almost 25 years, Acrel Hinson has stayed out of trouble. Thursday, he waited in court to find out if he would have to start over on serving a criminal sentence he said he thought he'd satisfied long ago.
Andrew Steven Turner, son of Joshua and Jane Turner of Kalispell, was born Nov. 1 at Kalispell Regional Medical Center.
Blacktail opens at last
The staff at Blacktail Mountain has been ready for business for more than a month, an opening that will finally arrive today.
World-music groups team up for benefit
Drum Brothers and Mandir will perform a special benefit concert for Michael Fiester at 8 p.m. on Jan. 8 in the Flathead High School auditorium.
Golf course open for winter fun
With snow now covering Buffalo Hill Golf Course, cross-country skiing and sledding are available for the general public to enjoy.
United Way nears goal
With just over a day to go in its annual campaign, United Way had raised 93 percent of its goal.
Thursday, December 30
Flathead County Sheriff
Flathead County Sheriff's Office took a call from the Olney Mercantile about a 14-year-old girl who was reportedly out of control. The problem: She couldn't access the Internet.
Whitefish police
Whitefish police are investigating a burglary at the Yoga Center on Lupfer Avenue, where someone broke a window and took a computer.

Campaign trail leads to Helena
For Gov.-elect Brian Schweitzer, 2004 was a whirl of a ride that reached a peak with victory on Nov. 2.
Democrats have a lot of responsibility in Helena
With Tuesday's Supreme Court ruling, the power shift is complete in Helena. And so is the shift in responsibility.
After intense campaign, Brown heads for Missoula
For Bob Brown, the 2004 gubernatorial campaign was both exhausting and rewarding.
Kalispell bird count takes place on Sunday
The National Audubon Society's Christmas bird count continues in the Flathead on Sunday, with the sixth annual Kalispell count.
Kalispell fire department had eight calls. One was to a vehicle accident on Idaho Street Tuesday afternoon and another was to a suicide attempt at Super 8 motel.
Brothers resin the bow on New Year's Eve
Wyatt and Jesse Maws' parents don't have to nag them to practice their instruments. They do it on their own accord.
Kalispell police
Kalispell police are investigating a theft of a portable music player from the locker room at the high school.

Gliding through the moonlight
It seemed strange to be boarding the chairlift in the dark.
Wednesday, December 29
County moving forward with gravel pit decision
The Flathead County Planning Office isn't wasting much time before trying to implement a recent zoning decision related to gravel pits.
Children's Story Hour at 10:30 a.m., Children's Department of the Flathead County Library in Kalispell, 247 First Ave. E. Call Youth Services Librarian Michael Hutchinson at 758-5822.
Restorative-justice program holds offenders accountable
The Flathead Valley is on the verge of having a restorative-justice program for teens that goes well beyond offenders picking up trash and painting park benches as part of their sentence.
Flathead full of parties, events for New Year's Eve
The Flathead Valley has a full slate of New Year's Eve activities awaiting revelers, ranging from a Centennial Gala in Whitefish to country western dancing at the Blue Moon Nite Club.
County moves ahead on gravel pits
If there were no disputes about the law, there would be no need for lawyers.
Francis James MacDonald, 83
Francis James MacDonald, 83, passed away on Thursday, Dec. 23, 2004, at the family home in Whitefish while under the care of his three loving daughters and their families.
Red Sox top list for 2004
The year in sports for 2004 had good and bad stories, as does almost every year, but first I'd like to focus on some remarkable record-breaking performances.
Red Cross coordinates relief effort for tsunami aftermath
The Daily Inter Lake

Redemption on the river
Ranger's rescue helped save boy
Ruth T. (Gardiner) Buck, 87
Ruth T. (Gardiner) Buck, 87, of Hot Springs, passed away on Monday, Dec. 27, 2004, at St. Joseph's Hospital in Polson.
Tuesday, December 28
Gordon Ira Broeder, 85
Gordon Ira Broeder, 85, passed away Thursday, Dec. 23, 2004 at Kalispell Regional Medical Center.
Giver receives much-needed present
Chris Jordan/Daily Inter Lake
Francis James MacDonald, 83
Francis James MacDonald, 83, passed away on Thursday, Dec. 23, 2004, at the family home in Whitefish while under the care of his three loving daughters and their families.
Accused casino burglar linked to three others
The Daily Inter Lake
Kansas firm takes over local rail operations
A company that specializes in short-line rail service will take over operations today along 40 miles of railroad in Northwest Montana, including the section between Columbia Falls and Kalispell.

Seniors serve as ski ambassadors
Red Cross blood drive, noon to 5 p.m., at Our Lady of Mercy Church, Eureka.
Big Mountain's Hellroaring Basin opens
The Daily Inter Lake
Legislator proposes wather-rights bill
Convinced that a Washington-based utility can someday cause economic trouble in western Montana, state Rep. Verdell Jackson, R-Kalispell, is proposing legislation that would subordinate power generation water rights to all other water rights in Montana.
Troy Marine killed in Iraq
The Associated Press
Monday, December 27
The Kalispell fire department had six calls, including a car accident at the corner of Reserve Drive and Stillwater Road that sent one man to Kalispell Regional Medical Center's emergency room. The West Valley Fire Department and Montana Highway Patrol also responded to the wreck.
A fight takes place between the Dam Town Tavern in Hungry Horse and the pawn shop next door
The Flathead County Sheriff's Office was notified of a fight taking place between the Dam Town Tavern in Hungry Horse and the pawn shop next door. People were reportedly throwing things at each other, and it looked as though two people were ganging up on a third and perhaps trying to break in to the pawn shop building.

Year to remember: Radio hosts make jump from Seattle to Kalispell
It started simply enough - Benny Bee Jr., as he often does, posed a question to those tuning in to the morning show he shares with co-host Amy Lynn on KBBZ-FM.
FVCC plans for legislature
Her hopes for the 2005 Legislature were on the agenda of Jane Karas as she reported to Flathead Valley Community College trustees on Tuesday.
Norm Calvert is the director of computer services for Flathead County government.
Like his computers, Calvert prefers the cold
Hospital hires new CEO
Special to the Inter Lake
Burglary alarms go off at Best Bet Casino on Idaho Street
Kalispell police and Flathead County Sheriff's Office deputies surrounded the Best Bet Casino on Idaho Street when a burglary alarm went off there shortly after midnight Sunday morning. Through a door, officers saw a man wearing a black coat and a red hat going through cupboards. According to police reports, a man entered the building through the roof and was searching for cash, doing extensive damage to the building in the process. The casino's owner let police into the building and they arrested Daniel Gene Townsend, 26, on felony charges of burglary and criminal mischief.
with PIX
Ervin C. "Bud" Schilling, 86
Sunday, December 26
Kalispell police
Kalispell police heard about someone's suspicions when a man bought a large quantity of lye, then returned later and bought a lot of dry ice.
Donald L. Sabol, 54
Donald L. Sabol, 54, died of a heart attack on Sunday, Dec. 19, 2004, in Sarasota, Fla.
School funding among top priorities for Legislature
Hands down, Flathead area legislators say defining a "quality" education and paying for it will be the dominant issue in the coming legislative session.

A year to remember: Fragile child strengthens family
Flathead County Sheriff
A caller told the Flathead County Sheriff's Office that several skinned carcasses, apparently dogs, were hanging at a house on West Cottonwood. The carcasses were actually dead coyotes and belonged to a trapper.
Paul Jerome Berger, 82
On Dec. 22, 2004, Paul Jerome Berger went to spend Christmas in heaven with his wife, Dorothy, daughter Denise, and his parents, Carl and Emily Berger, who were all waiting for him there.
Spotted Bear cabin may be up for rent
The Spotted Bear Ranger District is proposing an addition to the Flathead National Forest's cabin rental program.
Gordon Ira Broeder, 85
Gordon Ira Broeder, 85, passed away Thursday, Dec. 23, 2004 at Kalispell Regional Medical Center.
Columbia Falls police
Columbia Falls police arrested a 66-year-old woman for DUI after her vehicle ran into a parked car on Nucleus Avenue.
Ervin C. "Bud" Schilling, 86
Ervin C. "Bud" Schilling, 86, passed away on Thursday, Dec. 23, 2004, at Immanuel Lutheran Home in Kalispell.
Marina will be a plus for Lakeside
People could argue endlessly about the appropriate size of a marina for Lakeside. But there can be little dispute about the need for improved boating facilities on Flathead Lake.
Saturday, December 25

Pastors look for new ways to convey messages of Christmas
Public invited to Christmas dinner
One of the beneficiaries of the Northwest Healthcare Foundation is the ALERT helicopter service. Inter Lake file photo
Year-end giving opportunities abound with local foundations
'Jack' Sheldon Dalton, 71
"Jack" Sheldon Dalton, 71, of Charlo, passed away on Wednesday, Dec. 22, 2004, at home. His big heart finally gave way.
Brendan House spreads 'random acts of Christmas'
Activities director Cheryl Lowe came up with an idea that spread cheer throughout Brendan House and beyond.
Whitefish police officers were kept busy with calls from taverns Friday.
Early Friday morning, officers arrested a 21-year-old male at the Great Northern Bar. He was charged with disorderly conduct and obstructing an officer.
Caring work helps soldier connection
Columbia Falls police nabbed three 15-year-old males
Columbia Falls police nabbed three 15-year-old males Friday and charged them with possession of tobacco. Additional investigations are underway regarding the subjects.
Kalispell police investigated a report that two boys who were seen pointing a pellet gun at a tree on Sixth Street East Friday. Officers counseled the boys and they agreed to put the gun away.
An employee reported her purse was stolen at Motel 6.
Flathead County Sheriff's deputies received a report that a black lab was tied up and left without food or water for four days on Smith Lake Road.
A vehicle rolled over near Rogers Lake Road. ALERT transported people with injuries to Kalispell Regional Medical Center. No other details were available.
William 'Bill' Tatum Haines, 51
William "Bill" Tatum Haines, 51, died on Tuesday, Dec. 22, 2004, at his home in Libby.
Community rallies to help orphaned teens
The Daily Inter Lake
Friday, December 24
Performing a Melita Island miracle
Last-minute generosity might push the Melita Island purchase project to success.
Whitefish police
Whitefish police took reports of a bike stolen at Central School and a garden hose stolen on Fairway Drive.
Kalispell police
Kalispell police were called to a home on Ninth Street East Thursday, when a boy was seen climbing through the window of a home. Officers learned that the boy lived there and had just sneaked outside for a cigarette. His mother will take care of it.
Two receive sentences for sex offenses
Two men were sentenced Thursday for molesting children under very different circumstances.
Kids explain Christmas mysteries
Along with all the magic that surrounds Christmas, there also are plenty of unanswered questions.
The City of Kalispell Solid Waste Division will be picking up the 90-gallon rollout garbage containers today as scheduled. There will be no disruption of service. Call the Public Works Department at 758-7720.
Electric rates to decrease
The Daily Inter Lake

Hashley's free throws lift FHS
Park chalets to be run by single company
The Daily Inter Lake
Flathead owns top ranking in Class AA mat poll
The Daily Inter Lake

First Night a festive alternative
The alcohol-free community celebration First Night Flathead continues with a diversity of acts to suit all tastes, offered in venues throughout downtown Kalispell.
Flathead County Sheriff
Flathead County Sheriff's Office sent a deputy to the North Fork Road, where two sisters worked out a disagreement over some money.
New call center now employs 200
Less than two months after it opened, TeleTech's new call center in Kalispell has about 200 employees and it continues to take applications for future positions.
Kalispell fire department had nine calls. The department sent an ambulance to the jail for a 19-year-old man who had chest pains Wednesday. No one needed medical attention at traffic crashes on Montana 82 Wednesday and on South Main Street Thursday. Lakeside Quick Response Unit and Somers fire department also went to the Montana 82 report, which turned out to be just stalled cars.
Rob Quist gathers a host of local talent
Friends and families will be getting together for what is for one of the valley's longtime traditions at Rob Quist's Gathering of Friends reunion concert and dance Monday evening at the WestCoast Outlaw Hotel.
Betty Lou Elliot, 94
Betty Lou Elliot, 94, of Greenwood Village, Colo., passed away Dec. 1, 2004.
Lack of snow delays Blacktail opening
Despite a forecast for snow, Mother Nature didn't cooperate, and Blacktail Mountain Ski Area at Lakeside won't be open for Christmas Eve.
Capital clips Braves in OT
The Daily Inter Lake
Columbia Falls police
Columbia Falls police stopped a vehicle on U.S. 2 and arrested two girls for underage possession of alcohol.
Thursday, December 23
Kalispell fire department went on 13 calls. One was to a vehicle accident on U.S. 93 and Church Drive, where a woman was hurt Tuesday afternoon. No one was hurt in a crash near Creston later in the day; ALERT helicopter and Creston fire department were also notified.
Eric Altenburg, 95
Eric Altenburg, 95, died at Community Hospital in Monterey, Calif., on Dec. 18, 2004.

Good Santa: The magic in the mall
With Santa Claus so busy at the North Pole this time of year, it's no wonder that he needs many helpers.
Is state liable for asbestos cases?
A divided state Supreme Court decided this month that state officials had a responsibility to warn employees of the W.R. Grace vermiculite mine at Libby about the health hazards of asbestos exposure.

Skier visits down, lodgers up at Big Mountain; Blacktail may open Friday
Houston resident Gail Lilly had never skied on Big Mountain before, but after her first day at the resort Wednesday, she was sold.
Commissioners OK bid on trail project
The Daily Inter Lake
Commissioners reverse decision on subdivision
The Daily Inter Lake
County hires administrator - finally
Flathead County officials have finally found someone to fill the post of county administrator, a position that's been vacant since the end of 2003.
New justice of the peace selected
The Daily Inter Lake
Celebrate Montana's gifts this Christmas
Saturday it's Christmas. 'Tis the season for American's to be especially thankful for our wealth of blessings. Since this column is not designed to discuss world peace, nuclear proliferation or other trivial matters, let's mention a few of our outdoor recreation blessings.
Von Trapp children to sing in the holidays
They rode a bullet train in Japan, held rare New Zealand kiwi birds in their laps and learned how to write their names in Korean this year.
Whitefish police
Whitefish police are investigating a report of forgery and unauthorized use of a vehicle in town.
Red Cross blood drive, noon to 4 p.m., at Kalispell Regional Medical Center.
Flathead County Sheriff
Flathead County Sheriff's Office took a call from a pilot who was disturbed about a comment he heard at a grocery store. The man reportedly mentioned that he would fly over some people's property and was told that people in an area west of town shoot at low-flying aircraft.
Florence V. Homuth
Florence V. Homuth "went to be with our Lord Jesus Christ" on Sunday, Dec. 19, 2004.
A million for Melita
Donation brings scouts close to goal
Columbia Falls police
Columbia Falls police are investigating the theft of a speaker from Fox's Drive-In.
Kalispell police
Kalispell police warned a former employee at Hine's Automotive that if he returns again to the business, where he is unwanted, he'll be charged with trespassing.
Wednesday, December 22
County OKs planning deal
Flathead County Commissioners approved a new planning agreement with Columbia Falls on Tuesday, but made revisions that raised concerns for the city.
Teenagers who lost parents adjusting well
Two Marion teenagers orphaned after a shooting on Nov. 23 are doing well, according to the neighbors who have welcomed them into their home.
Flathead County Sheriff
Late Monday, the Flathead County Sheriff's Office received a report of a vehicle crashing into a power pole on U.S. 93 about three miles north of Whitefish. A man was temporarily stuck in the vehicle and there were downed power lines involved. The man was taken by ambulance to North Valley Hospital and Flathead Electric Cooperative was dispatched to manage the downed lines.
Downtown's future being written
Downtown Kalispell is a sleeping giant, but it may be about to wake up.
Santa gets carloads of help from students
Santa got carloads of help from the 110 students at Deer Park School this season.
Half of businesses pass alcohol compliance checks
The Daily Inter Lake
C-Falls overcomes big deficit to pin Libby
The Daily Inter Lake
Road to Big Mountain on the table
State negotiators now expect to reach agreements with landowners on road right-of-way along Big Mountain Road, a key development that should allow a long-delayed improvement project to proceed.
Flu brings run on last of county's vaccine
The Flathead City-County Health Department has exhausted its supply of adult vaccine for this flu season.
Evergreen School board meets at 6:30 a.m. in the Evergreen School District administration board room.
Columbia Falls Police
Columbia Falls police arrested two 19-year-old males at U.S. 2 and Grove Street late Monday for being minors in possession of alcohol.
A rash of car crashes spread across the Flathead Valley Tuesday with the arrival of snow and slick roads.
Woman convicted in Dasen prostitution case
A woman who characterized her relationship with Kalispell businessman Dick Dasen Sr. as "an affair" was convicted at trial Tuesday.

Burlington Northern Santa Fe adds 40 jobs in Flathead County
Kalispell police
A bus stop assault was reported Monday afternoon on Airport Road, with Kalispell police responding to arrest two juveniles for striking another juvenile. A boy, 13, and a girl, 14, were arrested.
Edwin W. "Bud" Jordan, 79
Edwin W. "Bud" Jordan, 79, passed quietly at his winter home in Manzanillo, Mexico, on Dec. 18, 2004.
Whitefish Police
The Whitefish Police Department received a report of vandals tearing down a stop sign at city beach and throwing it into the water, and vandalism to a city light pole on Spokane Avenue.

Braves trip Bengals in OT
The Flathead Braves weren't about to let this one get away.
Luminarias again will light up Christmas Eve
A Flathead Valley tradition gets under way Christmas Eve with the lighting of the Rose Crossing luminarias.
Tuesday, December 21

Crashes increasing on busy West Reserve Drive
Sirens and emergency-vehicle lights on West Reserve Drive have nearly become part of the landscape as accidents between U.S. 93 and U.S. 2 increase.

Commissioners support effort to regulate gravel pits
Two Flathead County commissioners say they'll look for ways to retain some say in how gravel pits operate in the valley, despite a formal ruling on Thursday that undermined their authority to regulate the industry.
Helena Pannell Blend, 88
Helena Pannell Blend, 88, of Bigfork, died Friday, Dec. 10, 2004, in Phoenix.
St. Matthew's Church sponsors a Red Cross blood drive, 3-6 p.m., at the center, 17A First Ave., Kalispell. Kalispell.
Birth anouncements
Andrew Steven Turner, son of Joshua and Jane Turner of Kalispell, was born Nov. 1 at Kalispell Regional Medical Center.
Whitefish planners OK compromise on Lion Mountain development
Spot zoning and compromise were the buzz words of the Whitefish City-County Planning Board's Thursday night meeting.
Windstorm keeps officers busy
A windstorm Sunday evening activated burglary alarms, started a small fire by tipping over a heater, and took down some power lines. Kalispell and South Kalispell fire departments went to Willow Glen Drive where power lines arced. A firefighter who was hit by a vehicle went by ambulance to the hospital.

County OKs Lakeside marina variance

Dasen lawyer may need more time
School opts for construction manager
Kalispell school trustees set aside tradition this week and opted for a "construction manager at risk" process to steer $50.7 million worth of school building projects over the next 2 1/2 years.

County planning director leaving for new position
Flathead County Planning Director Forrest Sanderson submitted his resignation on Monday, effective Jan. 3, saying he wanted to pursue a new opportunity in state lands management.
Planning should be cooperative
First it was Flathead County and its three cities planning together.
Monday, December 20
Kalispell council considers sewer issues
The Daily Inter Lake
Whitefish ambulance was called to the Great Northern bar for a woman who looked to have alcohol poisoning.
Man found dead up the North Fork
The Daily Inter Lake
Kalispell Police
Staff at the Outlaw Inn called Kalispell police when hotel security had to keep an inebriated man in a black suit from pushing his way into the hotel. As it turned out, he was a member of a bridal party who'd been reported missing, and someone showed up to give him a ride.
Whitefish police
Whitefish police went to a disturbance on Karrow Avenue and ended up arresting a 20-year-old man for underage alcohol possession.
The film that sank a studio: 'Heaven's Gate' was filmed here 25 years ago
As one of the world's best-known blues harmonica players, Norton Buffalo understands another artist's need for perfection.
Evagene Shonkwiler, 89
Some say letter-writing is a lost art. But letter-writing was a profound pleasure for Evagene Shonkwiler, who spent her life giving to others, serving her family, and staying in touch through lively correspondence with a vast network of friends stemming back to childhood days. She died Thursday, Dec. 16, 2004, at her Hamilton home of complications related to Parkinson's disease. She was 89.

The summer Hollywood came to town
The filming of "Heaven's Gate" was a financial salvation for Kalispell in the summer of 1979, a year when dry gas pumps and soaring prices created a gloomy outlook for tourism.
Columbia Falls police arrested three teenagers for minor in possession of alcohol on U.S. 2 and 10th Avenue West, and a 35-year-old man for DUI at U.S. 2 and Grove Street.
Columbia Falls Police
Flathead County sheriff
Flathead County sheriff's deputies toook a report that four boys assaulted another boy who was skiing on Big Mountain. Deputies detained a man who allegedly slammed a woman's head into the ground in the 3800 block of Montana 40. The woman drove herself to North Valley Hospital.
LaMar "Bud" Orndorff, 87
Bud Orndorff, 87, passed away on Thursday, Dec. 16, 2004, at the Immanuel Lutheran Home in Kalispell.
Sunday, December 19

Flathead places 2nd at CMR mat tourney
Flathead County Sheriff
A Helena Flats Road resident complained to the Flathead County Sheriff's Office when a woman called multiple times and said her husband needed to pick up his pornography.
Southgate Mall group files suit against Dasen
Southgate Mall Associates, LLP, of Missoula, is suing Kalispell businessman Dick Dasen Sr. for more than $1 million.
Columbia Falls police
Columbia Falls police stopped a 26-year-old man in the Sunrise Bakery parking lot and arrested him for DUI.
Thomas E. "Tom" Hilton, 60
Thomas E. "Tom" Hilton, 60, passed away Wednesday morning, Dec. 15, 2004, at the North Valley Hospital in Whitefish.

I saw the sign
HARDIN COUNTY, Tenn. - High atop Lookout Mountain near Chattanooga on Friday afternoon, just hours before the Griz would lose to James Madison, I stumbled across one of those you-can't-write-this-stuff coincidences while visiting the Civil War memorials in Point Park.
Twists of fate forcing paint store to close
When large retailers come to town, smaller competitors must and often do change to meet the new challenge - adjusting inventory, improving customer service, and finding and focusing on the customers that are key to business survival.
Whitefish police
Whitefish police went to a reported disturbance at the Hideout bar on U.S. 93 and charged a 34-year-old man with disturbing the peace. Another man later reported an assault that was the cause of that disturbance.
Maurice Glen Simonson, 83
Maurice Glen Simonson, 83, passed away at 10:10 p.m. Saturday, Dec. 3, 2004, at the Montana Veterans Home in Columbia Falls.
Medicaid program needs legislative attention
John Gardner can sum up the state welfare program's upcoming legislative agenda in one word: Medicaid.
Kalispell fire department had 11 calls, including an accident on U.S. 2 in Evergreen in which a 10-year-old girl and a 27-year-old woman were taken to Kalispell Regional Medical Center. An ambulance went to Scotty's Bar when someone was reported choking there, but the victim managed to expel the food before emergency personnel arrived.
School safety still paramount issue for administrators
By most educators' accounts, school is one of the safest places for a student to be.
In need of a Melita Island miracle
Concerning good causes: a fund-raiser to purchase Melita Island on Flathead Lake for the long-term benefit of Boy Scouts struck us as one of the best to come along in years.

Glacier Bancorp to acquire Citizens
Glacier Bancorp Inc. of Kalispell announced Wednesday the signing of an agreement to acquire Citizens Bank Holding Co. of Idaho for $17.2 million in cash and stock.

Marina project up for a hearing
The Daily Inter Lake
Septic inspection fees increase
The Flathead City-County Board of Health voted Thursday to increase fees for septic system permits.
Kalispell police
Kalispell police officers went to the Fatt Boys bar and grill when employees became suspicious of the driver's license presented by a would-be patron. Police seized the license, but the person offering it had already taken off when they arrived.
Kay Beller, 69
Kay Beller, 69, passed away to be with her Lord and Savior on Dec. 14, 2004.
Survey to tackle Libby air problem
Libby residents are encouraged to participate in a survey on wood-stove use.
H. Jean Moore, 80
H. Jean Moore, 80, passed away at North Valley Hospital on Thursday, Dec. 16, 2004, of a heart attack.
There's nothing less cool than comfort
Though it's less than a week until Christmas, a Fourth of July story will be more relevant to the many parents out there trying to get their teenagers through the winter months.
Saturday, December 18
C-Falls defense downs Braves
COLUMBIA FALLS - Defense wins basketball games.
Chattanooga boo-hoo
CHATTANOOGA, Tenn. - The Montana Grizzlies' dream season came up one win short.

Flathead fans follow Griz to Chattanooga
Columbia Falls police
Columbia Falls police arrested at boy at the high school for disorderly conduct, threatening an officer, and activating a fire alarm Friday. At the junior high, a boy was charged with possession drugs and paraphernalia.
Wayne Van Voast
Wayne Van Voast of Helena and Butte, passed away Tuesday, Dec. 14, 2004.
Churches build for the future
As the valley's population grows, a number of local churches are trying to make sure there are enough seats to go around, with church building projects in progress throughout the valley.
Vandals damage Bigfork decorations
The Daily Inter Lake

Dukes upend Grizzlies for I-AA national title
CHATTANOOGA, Tenn. - The Montana Grizzlies' stellar season came crashing to bitter finish Friday, a stunning 31-21 defeat to James Madison in the Division I-AA national championship at Finley Stadium.
Christmas at Our House dinner at the National Guard Armory, 1840 U.S. 93 S., Kalispell, from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Call John Gisselbrecht at 755-2238. Free and all are welcome.
First nurses finish MSU here
What began as a conversation eight years ago resulted in eight students earning their bachelor's degrees in nursing this month without leaving the Flathead Valley.

Creston students raise money to adopt a family
Nobody has to tell Creston School students what Christmas is all about.
Whitefish police
Whitefish police checked out a report of teens in hooded sweatshirts at a construction site on Colorado Avenue. They weren't found.

Inside, outside punch catapults Flathead over the Wildkats
COLUMBIA FALLS - Inside and out.
Ban on regulating gravel pits is upheld
Efforts to resurrect Flathead County's ability to regulate or put conditions on new gravel pits fell one vote short on Thursday, leaving local homeowners and elected officials scrambling for help.
Ice time helps keep local skater young
Generation after generation of local families has headed to Woodland Park for winter recreation.
Ronald Jay Ford, 74
Ronald Jay Ford, 74, passed away Dec. 13, 2004, in his home in Ronan after a brief battle with cancer.
The Troy Winter Carnival gets under way at 11 a.m. today in Troy's Roosevelt Park. Participate in a wide variety of games and competitions including Santa sack relays and Yeti costume contests.
Troy Winter Carnival gets under way today
Sheila M. (Cavanaugh) Braun, 47
Sheila M. (Cavanaugh) Braun, 47, passed away on Tuesday, Dec. 14, 2004, after a courageous battle with cancer, and the family thanks Dr. Ward and his staff for their kind and loving care.
Kalispell police
Kalispell police took several reports of vandalism and misbehavior.
Flathead County Sheriff
Flathead County Sheriff's Office took a report of a man who went home drunk Thursday night and threatened to burn down someone's house and kill a man named Kelly. But when officers arrived, the man had gone to sleep and presented little risk of arson or violence.
Kalispell fire department had six calls. No one was seriously hurt in a partial rollover of a vehicle near Wal-Mart Friday afternoon. No one was hurt, either in a wreck on Idaho Street Thursday afternoon. A woman went to the hospital after a crash at the intersection of Main and Idaho streets Friday afternoon.
Friday, December 17

Chris Jordan/Daily Inter Lake
'Kinder, gentler board meetings'
It's just a small procedural change, but it might lead to more amicable meetings.
CHATTANOOGA, Tenn. - Here's a look at how the Griz and the Dukes match up:
Griz QBs and receivers
Kalispell Chamber of Commerce luncheon 11:45 a.m. to 1 p.m., WestCoast Kalispell Center Hotel. Governor-elect Brian Schweitzer will be featured speaker. Cost is $15 or $110 for reserved table of eight.
Flathead County Sheriff
Flathead County Sheriff's Office was summoned to Hodgson Road Wednesday, when a caller said it's not the first time a woman threw things and tried to run over a man there; she was arrested for partner assault.
Planning board gets new faces
The Daily Inter Lake
The Griz play for the Division 1-AA title
CHATTANOOGA, Tenn. - Almost a week of buildup has led to this - Montana versus James Madison for the Division I-AA championship.
Former county attorney arrested
Former Flathead County Attorney Patrick Springer is charged with two counts of felony theft for allegedly stealing money from a former client.
James Andrew "Jim" Connelly, 87
James Andrew "Jim" Connelly, 87, of Quartzsite, Ariz., former longtime Kalispell resident, passed away on Sunday, Dec. 5, 2004, due to complications of congestive heart failure.
Lucy (Echanis) Conder, 76
Lucy (Echanis) Conder, 76, of Polson, a longtime Pendleton, Ore., resident and businesswoman, passed away at her home in Polson, on Wednesday, Dec. 15, 2004, after a lengthy illness.
Kalispell Police
A witness was concerned after seeing a young couple physically fighting in a vehicle traveling on Third Street West. The witness confronted the pair and the man told her to mind her own business while the young woman sobbed. When the witness went to get her cell phone to call police, the vehicle left. Officers tracked it down, though, and the woman said the couple had an argument. They separated for the night.
Bravettes clip Bulldogs
The Daily Inter Lake
Child beater gets maximum sentence
Convicted of beating a child nearly to death, Kristopher Stevens will live for 10 years in the state prison before he's even considered for release.
Whitefish police
Whitefish police said that even though she's been warned to stop it, a woman living in a car is still approaching students at Central School.
Kalispell fire department had nine calls. One, with West Valley fire department, was to a vehicle crash on Farm to Market Road Wednesday night. There was evidence that a vehicle had gone into the ditch and tipped a stop sign, but it was gone when rescuers arrive. The department's ambulance took a man to the hospital after a bike crash on South Cedar Drive Thursday. A woman called for an ambulance at 1 a.m. Thursday, saying she suffered arm pain from when she was arrested the day before.
Resource policy recommended for approval
Despite numerous calls for a more thorough public review process, the Flathead County Planning Board recommended approval of a proposed natural resource policy on Wednesday.
Whitefish students gather toys for Iraqi children
How many children do you know who would be absolutely thrilled to get a solid rubber ball for Christmas?
Blacktail opening delayed
Warm weather has led to a delay in the season opener for Blacktail Mountain Ski Area near Lakeside.
Quist, Gladstone brings West to life
Rob Quist and Jack Gladstone team up to bring their unforgettable "Odyssey West" to the O'Shaughnessy Center in Whitefish at 8 p.m. on Dec. 28.
Flathead High School presents 'Les Miserables'
The Flathead High School Theatre Department will present the classic drama "Les Miserables" Dec. 17-18.
Thursday, December 16
Fire salvage plans scaled back
Flathead Forest Supervisor Cathy Barbouletos has approved a plan for managing areas burned by the 2003 Robert and Wedge Canyon fires.
Planning board OKs Two Rivers master plan amendment
The Daily Inter Lake
Flu cases crop up in Flathead
Flathead County health officials announced Wednesday that 15 people have tested positive for the flu here.
Postcard: Southern man
LYNCHBURG, Tenn. - Within the opening 90 minutes of my first foray into the Volunteer State I was called "hon," "honey," "love," "dear," "baby" and "darlin'," served grits at a late-night diner that even a greasy spoon would be embarrassed to be in, and saw a miniature Confederate flag.

Mall lawsuit goes to judge for a decision
Whitefish police
Whitefish police arrested a 71-year-old man for disorderly conduct after complaints at the Remington and VFW bars. A 25-year-old man was also charged with disorderly conduct at the VFW.
Business as usual for Griz
Montana begins preparations for title showdown with James Madison
Kalispell fire department had seven calls. One was to a four-vehicle accident on Main Street and 18th Street. An injured man went to the hospital. The department also sent an ambulance, along with West Valley fire department and highway patrol, to an accident on Farm to Market Road.
Avalanche center enters 10th year of education
"If you go out in the woods today you'd better go in disguise.
Columbia Falls police
Columbia Falls police arrested a man for DUI on C Street on Wednesday morning.
Braves No. 1 in poll
The Daily Inter Lake
Jeanne Mildred Knox Brown, 84
Jeanne Mildred Knox Brown, 84, of Whitefish, died peacefully of natural causes at the Whitefish Colonial Manor on Sunday, Dec. 12, 2004. She suffered from Alzheimer's disease the last years of her life.
Wednesday, December 15
Columbia Falls Police
Columbia Falls police took reports of CDs stolen from the junior high school and Christmas lights stolen from Third Avenue West.
Earl Pugh, 78
In loving tribute to our husband, father, grandfather and friend, Earl
New Big Mountain plan has merit
You've probably heard the catch phrase "Go big or stay home." That all-or-nothing sentiment might work for some things in life, but rarely is life that black and white.
Kalispell fire department had 10 calls. One, with highway patrol and West Valley fire department, was to a report of a rolled pickup on Birch Grove Drive, but it wasn't found. South Kalispell fire department assisted with accidents on Willow Glen Drive Tuesday.
Ronan holds back Whitefish
WHITEFISH - Every answer.
David Rex McMurdo, 79
David Rex McMurdo, 79, passed away Saturday, Dec. 4, 2004.
Whitefish Police
Whitefish police took a report from a pedestrian who said a vehicle passed and showered rocks at the walker Monday. On Tuesday, the resident found the vehicle. A school resource officer talked to an occupant from the vehicle, who said the projectiles weren't rocks; they were walnuts. An apology to the shell-shocked pedestrian is planned.
Court: Montana had duty to warn of asbestos dangers
HELENA, Mont. (AP) - State officials had a responsibility to warn miners about decades of dangerous health conditions at a Libby vermiculite mine, but a trial is needed to determine if government officials failed to fulfill that duty, a divided Montana Supreme Court said Tuesday.
The Daily Inter Lake
State council pulls plug on fund-raising effort
For a group of former Boy Scouts, purchasing Melita Island was a task worthy of a herculean effort, but a fund-raiser to buy the Flathead Lake island is now on the verge of collapse.
Flathead Sheriff
Flathead County Sheriff's Office took reports of vehicles stolen Monday and Tuesday. A silver 1993 Ford Tempo was last seen in Whitefish. Inside is duffel bag with hockey gear. Penalty: Five for thieving in that case.
Theresa Jambor Williams, 45
Theresa Jambor Williams, 45, died Sunday morning, Dec. 12, 2004, from
Kalispell police
Kalispell police were called about a driver at the Verizon store on U.S. 93 North. Reportedly upset about a cell-phone car charger, he put his vehicle in reverse and charged out of the parking lot at high speed.
Robert A. "Bob" Bartel, 73
Robert A. "Bob" Bartel, 73, passed away on Monday, Dec. 13, 2004, at
Montana's ability to regulate gravel pits is limited
A recent zoning decision that eliminates Flathead County's ability to regulate most new gravel pits leaves residents here at the mercy of an industry-friendly state permitting process, according to a local homeowners group.
Tuesday, December 14
Blue Angels return to Kalispell
The Navy's Blue Angels performance flying team will return to the Flathead Valley in July, providing the centerpiece to the Kalispell Chamber of Commerce's Mountain Madness Air Show.
Getting there is half the fun?
Griz fans scrambling for flights to national championship game
Columbia Falls police
Columbia Falls police arrested a woman on warrants from town, the sheriff's office and highway patrol.
Kalispell police
Kalispell police are investigating a burglary at Big John's saw shop late Sunday. A window was broken in the front of the business and someone grabbed a number chain saws and other items as an alarm sounded and then fled. Also under investigation is a theft of a computer and radios at the fairgrounds, where someone broke a window Friday night.
Bigfork Edward Jones representative Beth Morgenstern offers a free video program, "Leaving a Legacy, Your Guide to Estate Planning and Charitable Giving," 9:30 a.m. and 6:30 p.m. at the office, 8270 Montana 35, Bigfork. Call 837-1013 to reserve a seat.
Fan forgoes title game to coach junior-high hoopsters
Consider the plight of Bob Applegate.
Woman dies after Saturday crash
The Daily Inter Lake
Flathead County Sheriff
Flathead County Sheriff's Office found that a fight on Olney Loop Road was between a teenager and his father. On Meadowlake Drive, a woman locked herself in a bedroom to report a domestic problem. On Sunday, a boy reportedly threatened to shoot people at school on Monday; officers took precautionary steps.

Issue gravels neighbors
Whitefish police
Whitefish police took a report of tools stolen on West Second Street.
Elderly man missing from Dayton
The Daily Inter Lake

Young killer poised for release
Terry Olson was 14 years old when he shot and killed his sleeping father in Ferndale.
Kalispell fire department had nine calls. One was to the WestCoast hotel on Main Street when a woman fell.
When the rubber meets the road
Gov.-elect Brian Schweitzer will be tested numerous times in the coming weeks and months to prove that he is the reasonable man he says he is, and not just another pandering politician.
Monday, December 13
Columbia Falls police
Columbia Falls police arrested a 16-year-old boy for siphoning gas from a vehicle on Third Avenue West. A theft from a home was reported on Second Avenue West, where a video game player annd two games vanished.
Snow sculpture contest awaits 2006
Northwest Snow Sculpture Contest organizers have postponed the annual competition from 2005 to 2006.
Reading Buddies needed
The Daily Inter Lake
Swan River moves on to gym design phase
The Daily Inter Lake

Christmas lights up the night
A tour of the valley's holiday illumination

Woods conquers her fears
Open community meeting to discuss the high school building project 8 a.m. to noon, Flathead High School foyer and large lecture room.
Kalispell police
Kalispell police helped calm a dispute over parking on Hawthorne Avenue Thursday. An officer suggested the neighbors talk to their landlord about the problem.
Flathead County Sheriff
Flathead County Sheriff's Office took a trespassing complaint from Caroline Road, where a resident reported the neighbors "keep coming over as if they own the place."
Council considers growth fee for road improvements
The Daily Inter Lake
Whitefish police
Whitefish police arrested a man for privacy in communications for allegedly making an intimidating call to the school resource officer at the high school.
Kalispell fire department had 12 calls, including several traffic accidents. One on Whitefish Stage Road and Reserve Drive caused someone to go to the hospital Thursday afternoon; Evergreen fire department also responded. Another patient was taken by ambulance from a crash on U.S. 2 on Hart Hill at 4 a.m. Friday. Smith Valley fire department also responded. Officials were finally able to catch a dog that was also injured in the crash. Those two departments also went to a gas leak reported at a home on Western Drive that sent one person to the hospital. Kalispell and West Valley fire department went to a crash on West Springcreek, where an injured woman needed medical attention. The third crash was on U.S. 2 East on Friday morning.
Sunday, December 12
Church at Creston, located at the Creston Grange, Creston Road and Montana 35, invite the public to a puppet presentation of the story of the first Christmas at 9:30 a.m. and 6 p.m.
An early present
MISSOULA - The Montana Grizzlies will win their third national championship Friday in Chattanooga, Tenn.
Zoe 8th again in Foot Locker finals
The Daily Inter Lake
Nelson zooms to 8th
SAN DIEGO - Flathead High School running sensation Zoe Nelson finished eighth for a second-straight year at the Foot Locker Cross Country Championships National Finals at Balboa Park on Saturday.
Blue Cow center features cafe/car wash combination
The Daily Inter Lake

Griz too 'Tuff' for Bearkats
Fire victim needs help getting home
The Daily Inter Lake
Flathead 3rd in Mining City Duals
The Daily Inter Lake

Griz back in championship game
MISSOULA - Pack your bags Montana fans, your Griz are Chattanooga-bound.
How to manage bears responsibly
Recent efforts to reduce bear conflicts in the Swan Valley deserve kudos, along with support from government agencies and the public.

Photo store latest addition to new commerce center

Children in for sweet dreams after a ride on the Polar Express
Drinking follies lead to arrests
Workers at Taco Bell called Kalispell police when they suspected that a drive-through customer was too intoxicated to be driving at all. When the 30-year-old driver left the restaurant, he reportedly looked at first as though he wanted to make a run for it (even though the border is quite a ways away). Instead, he pulled over near Wal-Mart and was arrested for driving while intoxicated, driving with a suspended license and without insurance, reckless driving and resisting arrest.
State leader praises mental-health intervention
The head of the state's Addictive and Mental Disorders Division lauded Flathead County's crisis intervention programs at a meeting in Kalispell Wednesday.
Saturday, December 11

Sentinel holds off Flathead
Rose Daisy (Bostic) Tietema, 102
Rose Daisy (Bostic) Tietema, 102, of Polson, passed away on Thursday, Dec. 9, 2004, at Immanuel Lutheran Home in Kalispell from natural causes.
Students, store workers combine their efforts
A computer table and new tile floor were only the outward signs of the building going on between Columbia Falls High School students and The Home Depot this week.
Griz hope to avenge loss
It may seem unlikely that on the heels of two blowout wins in the playoffs against two highly touted opponents that the margin of error for the Montana Grizzlies is shrinking, but it is.
Ochs, Griz have big edge vs. Bearkat secondary
The Daily Inter Lake
Flathead County Sheriff
Flathead County Sheriff's Office took a trespassing complaint from Caroline Road, where a resident reported the neighbors "keep coming over as if they own the place."
Whitefish police
Whitefish police arrested a man for privacy in communications for allegedly making an intimidating call to the school resource officer at the high school.

Whitefish studio becomes Santa's workshop for a week
The Summit in Kalispell will hold a holiday open house today from noon to 10 p.m.
Summit holds holiday open house today
Kalispell police
Kalispell police helped calm a dispute over parking on Hawthorne Avenue Thursday. An officer suggested the neighbors talk to their landlord about the problem.
Kalispell fire department had 12 calls, including several traffic accidents. One on Whitefish Stage Road and Reserve Drive caused someone to go to the hospital Thursday afternoon; Evergreen fire department also responded. Another patient was taken by ambulance from a crash on U.S. 2 on Hart Hill at 4 a.m. Friday. Smith Valley fire department also responded. Officials were finally able to catch a dog that was also injured in the crash. Those two departments also went to a gas leak reported at a home on Western Drive that sent one person to the hospital. Kalispell and West Valley fire department went to a crash on West Springcreek, where an injured woman needed medical attention. The third crash was on U.S. 2 East on Friday morning.
Three-year-old drowns in pond
The Daily Inter Lake
Columbia Falls police
Columbia Falls police arrested a 16-year-old boy for siphoning gas from a vehicle on Third Avenue West. A theft from a home was reported on Second Avenue West, where a video game player annd two games vanished.

Dasen motions denied
Braves notch 3 dual mat wins
The Daily Inter Lake
Art fair helps pay for meal program
Montana Coffee Traders gave Meals on Wheels a push last month by sponsoring an art fair and silent auction at the Bohemian Grange in Whitefish.
Friday, December 10
Kalispell fire department had 10 calls. One person went to the hospital after a vehicle crash on West Valley Drive and Reserve. Another took an ambulance drive after a fall in the Albertson's parking lot.
Columbia Falls police
Columbia Falls police arrested a 17-year-old boy at Ruder School for probation violation, possession of marijuana and paraphernalia, and trespass.

Zoe relaxed for final Foot Locker
Flathead County
Flathead County Sheriff's Office
Kalispell Police couldn't find an elderly driver on Main Street who made quite an impression on a witness.
Whitefish police
Whitefish police took a report of a man who allegedly violated a restraining order by contacting a woman at the Pin & Cue Wednesday evening.
Thursday, December 9
Hughes named college vice president
The Daily Inter Lake
Zone changes pass planning board
The Daily Inter Lake
Flathead High School offers holiday concert
The classic Gregorian melody, "Ave Maria," the Russian "Carol of the Bells" and the story of the Grinch will be highlights of Flathead High School's holiday choral concert "Songs of the Nativity," Monday and Tuesday at 7:30 p.m.
Smith Valley minor subdivisions receive partial approval
Final plats for three minor subdivisions in Smith Valley were approved Thursday by the Flathead County commissioners, despite concerns that they might violate local subdivision laws.
February trial date set for Aceto
Joseph Aceto, convicted two years ago of aggravated kidnapping and two counts of attempted homicide, will stand trial again in February.
Help shape future of our schools
What do you want Kalispell's new high school and revamped junior high to look like?
Hall wants long-range planning commission
In an effort to take a comprehensive look at some of the critical growth issues facing Flathead County, Commissioner Gary Hall is proposing a new long-range planning commission.
Veteran guitarist brings new band to Whitefish
The Scott Law Band brings its brand of jazz-inflected groove music to the Dire Wolf Pub in Whitefish on Saturday at 10 p.m.
Good Shepherd Lutheran Church, 409 Fourth Ave., E., Polson, annual Cookie Walk and Bake Sale 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Christmas cookies and ornaments for sale. Proceeds benefit Flathead Lutheran Bible Camp. Call 406-883-5864.
Jazz singer spices up the holidays with a new funk band
Put some soul in your holiday season with Eden Atwood and her new funk band, Blue Talk & Love, in concert on Dec. 18 at the Eagles in Kalispell.
Man sentenced for fatal crash
An Arizona man was sentenced Thursday to 20 years in prison for a traffic crash last year that killed a Columbia Falls woman.
Laura F. Deck, 89
Laura F. Deck, 89, passed away on Thursday, Dec. 9, 2004, at Health Center Northwest in Kalispell, as the result of a brain hemorrhage.
Polson ranked 2nd in mat poll
The Daily Inter Lake
Wednesday, December 8
Mary H. Bertino, 95
Mary H. Bertino, 95, of Columbia Falls, passed away of cancer, Thursday, Dec. 2, 2004, at the Brendan House in Kalispell.
Planning move 'stepping backwards'
Whitefish planning withdrawal offers another blow to coordinated planning
Rosemary Laing Erickson
Rosemary Laing Erickson passed away peacefully on Dec. 6, 2004.
Zone changes come before planning board tonight
The Daily Inter Lake
Forums planned on school projects
Kalispell school officials are inviting the community and staff to a pair of open forums to discuss the high school and junior high building projects.
Columbia Falls studies what to do with dam property
Cedar Creek Reservoir, Columbia Falls' source of drinking water until 1995, could be up for sale before long.
Helen Baldwin, 89
Helen Baldwin, 89, formerly of Lakeside, and a longtime resident of Newport, Ore., died Monday, Dec., 6, 2004, at Samaritan Pacific Communities Hospital in Newport, Ore.
School District 5 and Flathead High School district Personal Committee meets at 7 a.m., at the district office.
Hoffenbacker an all-state lineman
The Daily Inter Lake
Judge considers dismissing charges, moving trial
District Judge Stewart Stadler will decide Friday whether prostitution charges against Dick Dasen Sr. should be dismissed or, if not, what shape his trial will take.
Whitefish to go it alone on planning
Faced with growth pressures, the Whitefish City Council decided Monday night that it needs its own planning department.
Polson, Libby lead Northwestern A in all-state football picks
The Daily Inter Lake

Whitefish pins Ronan, 58-18
The Daily Inter Lake
Commissioners to determine status of related subdivisions
When should a series of adjacent, related minor subdivisions be treated as a major subdivision and go through public review?
Best choice for managing wolves
The state of Montana has moved into the wolf management business.
. Denied a master plan amendment requested by Benny Bee Sr. so he can build a subdivision at the corner of Voerman and Monegan roads.
Bearkats thrive in bad weather
If you're thinking the all-Texas roster of Sam Houston State, taken from the balmy climes of the Gulf Coast and dropped into the wintry Missoula Valley, is going to be shivering on the sidelines Saturday longing for a cup of hot cocoa and rendered inert, you'd probably better think again.
Roommates, renters and relatives caused problems reported to Flathead County Sheriff's Office.
Flathead County Sheriff's Office
Tuesday, December 7
Kalispell police heard from a woman who said a teenage boy with dark hair and dressed in a dark-colored hooded sweatshirt tried to snatch her purse away at Kalispell Center Mall. Later, someone matching that description managed to steal another woman's purse in the Rosauer's parking lot, but he didn't get very far - he was spotted at the nearby Aero Inn, and witnesses held him down until police arrived, recovered the stolen purse and arrested the juvenile.
Xochytl Aynalem Noftsinger
Xochytl Aynalem Noftsinger, daughter of David and Michelle Noftsinger of Whitefish, was born Nov. 22 at North Valley Hospital.
Sierra Daniell Strobbe
Sierra Daniell Strobbe, daughter of Greg Strobbe and Kim Schultz of Kalispell, was born Nov. 24 at North Valley Hospital.
Kalispell Fire Department answered eight calls, including sending an ambulance to the Rainbow Bar for a bleeding man who said he'd been hit by a car.

Hall lived airport history
Ray Hall spent 26 years with a front-row seat to aviation history as the manager of Glacier Park International Airport.
Flathead County
Flathead County sheriff's deputies went to a reported fight in the 3600 block of U.S. 93 North in which one participant apparently had too much to drink. No one wanted to press charges.
Maci Star Safir
Maci Star Safir, daughter of Lynn and Dylan Safir of Whitefish, was born Nov. 18 at North Valley Hospital.
Toby Wyatt Fisher
Toby Wyatt Fisher, son of Chris and Laura Fisher of Kalispell, was born Nov. 27 at North Valley Hospital.
Michael Henry Tuszynski III
Michael Henry Tuszynski III, son of Michael and Courtney Tuszynski of Casper, Wyo., was born Nov. 11 in Casper.
Cooper Orion Gerhard
Cooper Orion Gerhard, son of Ken and Heather Gerhard of Kalispell, was born Nov. 24 at North Valley Hospital.

New state wildlife manager here to watch the wolves
Kent Laudon knows wolves and he knows the contentious politics that come with them.
Whitefish Council to meet tonight
The Daily Inter Lake
Columbia Falls
Columbia Falls police arrested a 57-year-old man for family member assault in the 800 block of Ninth Street West.
Columbia Falls council meets tonight
The Daily Inter Lake
Kiefer Lawson Adams
Kiefer Lawson Adams, son of Doug and Caty Adams of Whitefish, was born Nov. 30 at North Valley Hospital.
Jazmyne Elizabeth Delaney Thornhill Velasquez
Jazmyne Elizabeth Delaney Thornhill Velasquez, daughter of Jamie Thornhill and Thomas Velasquez of Hungry Horse, was born Nov. 30 at North Valley Hospital.
Monday, December 6
Judge considers Dasen evidence
A hearing on suppressing the evidence in the Dick Dasen Sr. prostitution case took all day Monday, demonstrating its volume and density.
Flathead County
Flathead County sheriff's deputies went to a reported fight in the 3600 block of U.S. 93 North in which one participant apparently had too much to drink. No one wanted to press charges.
Pearl Harbor Day: Do not forget
Each year, our nation remembers the tragedy of the attack on Pearl Harbor. Today is the 63rd anniversary of that attack, and the Inter Lake prints in full President Bush's 2004 proclamation of National Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day to help honor the survivors and the victims of that horrendous attack.
Louise M. Vance, 80
Louise M. Vance, 80, passed away unexpectedly on Friday, Dec. 3, 2004, at Kalispell Regional Medical Center. The cause of death was the result of complications due to a surgical procedure.
Columbia Falls
Columbia Falls police arrested a 57-year-old man for family member assault in the 800 block of Ninth Street West.
On the edge of success
Kalispell skater paired with skilled Russian athlete
Columbia Falls council meets tonight
The Daily Inter Lake
Kalispell police heard from a woman who said a teenage boy with dark hair and dressed in a dark-colored hooded sweatshirt tried to snatch her purse away at Kalispell Center Mall. Later, someone matching that description managed to steal another woman's purse in the Rosauer's parking lot, but he didn't get very far - he was spotted at the nearby Aero Inn, and witnesses held him down until police arrived, recovered the stolen purse and arrested the juvenile.
Whitefish Council to meet tonight
The Daily Inter Lake
Pool budget amendment tops council agenda
The Daily Inter Lake
Sunday, December 5
Shopping for some better holiday tales
Radio reporter: I'm talking with Howard Salesworthy, chairman of the retail consulting firm Salesworthy and Company, about the impact of an unusual story on the Christmas retail outlook.
Trego 11th annual Christmas Bazaar 11 a.m. to 4 p.m., Trego Civic Center.

Flathead swimmers congenial in opener

Old school
Neighbors join forces to preserve century-old LaSalle School

Zoe 2nd at West Regional
Grizzlies manhandle Wildcats
Ochs, Hilliard help offense put on another explosive display
Flathead County
Flathead County Sheriff's Office deputies went to Pickleville Lane in Somers when they heard about a juvenile carrying a bottle of vodka into a house full of other youngsters. When they arrived, three juveniles scampered out a back window, according to reports, and those who remained hadn't been drinking. Officers did find a bottle of vodka inside a locked car on the property.
Caller makes threat about 2,000 pound bomb
Ready for primetime player
MISSOULA - Bobby Hauck is not a man given to speaking in hyperbole.
FVCC offers health career course
Flathead Valley Community College offers a free course designed to jump-start students into health career studies.

Australian development firm zeros in on Big Mountain
Renowned Australian developer Lang Walker and leading Aspen, Colo., developer Bob Bowden are poised to become the next development dynamos on Big Mountain.
Helpful holiday (mail) handling hints
Procrastinators, take heart.
Glen Maurice Gibler, 81
Glen Maurice Gibler, 81, former resident of Bigfork, passed away Nov. 7, 2004, in Rancho Cordova, Calif.
Condon is making a big leap toward becoming a bear-resistant community in the wake of a rapid, successful fund-raiser.

Holiday heartache
'If we get to Christmas, it's a blessing'
Big Mountain begins reshaping master plan
The tweaking of Big Mountain's master plan began not long after real-estate partner Hines left the ski resort in July, but next week work on future development plans kicks into high gear.
Margaret Dickey Greiner, 94
Margaret Dickey Greiner "snuffed out" (in her own words) on Dec. 3, 2004.
Account opens for McKinnon children
An account was opened Friday at Valley Bank for contributions to the McKinnon children of Marion.
Coming to grips with county costs
The Flathead County commissioners deserve kudos for recognizing the need for an honest analysis of all costs associated with development that occurs in the county.
Mall lawsuit scheduled for hearing
Oral arguments could soon take place in one of the two lawsuits related to the Glacier Mall proposal.
Saturday, December 4

Students learn about leadership in the nation's capital
Book work helps out library
From hauling books to hoisting bowling balls, the Flathead Valley keeps rolling in volunteerism. Many individuals and civic groups recently gave a lift to Flathead County Library and Big Brothers Big Sisters.
The eighth annual West Shore Holidayfest is from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. today at the Lakeside School gymnasium. Admission is free and live entertainment is planned.
Holidayfest today

A simple note of thanks
West Shore Holidayfest 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., Lakeside School gym. Over 30 exhibitors of handmade crafts, gifts and ornaments. Live auction at 1 p.m. Kids only market. Free photos with Santa Claus from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Hosted by Lakeside-Somers PTA. Call Tina Jo Lerum at 844-3880.
Beneath the lights, still a game to be played
Underneath all the hype and hoopla over temporary lighting being installed at Washington Grizzly Stadium for today's Division I-AA quarterfinal playoff contest between the New Hampshire Wildcats and the University of Montana Grizzlies is an actual game to be played.
Friday, December 3
Canadian sentenced for smuggling marijuana
The Daily Inter Lake
Whitefish police arrested a 17-year-old boy for family-member assault Wednesday.
Trego 11th annual Christmas Bazaar 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. today and Saturday; 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. Sunday, Trego Civic Center.
Kalispell fire department had 14 calls. One was to Fatt Boy's bar, where a woman suffered a head injury when she fell; she went to the hospital. Someone else had seizures at the Finish Line bar, but refused a ride to the hospital.
Crazy Horse salvage to begin
A timber salvage sale in the area burned by the 2003 Crazy Horse Fire was recently sold to Pyramid Mountain Lumber of Seeley Lake.
Flathead's Febach happy to get going
Basketball season is upon us - and at least one area coach couldn't be happier.
Columbia Falls
Columbia Falls police are looking into a harassment report from a business.
Gina Marie Chisman McKinnon, 40
Gina Marie Chisman McKinnon of Marion died Wednesday morning, Dec. 1, 2004. She was 40.
It's true: Every single vote counts
Lake County's vote recount saga has been fascinating to watch, with legal and political drama similar to the Florida recounts that marked the 2000 presidential election.
Judge triples bond in abuse case
The Daily Inter Lake
Bigfork Middle School Benefit Concert
The fifth annual concert benefit for the Bigfork Middle School music department is Saturday at 6:30 p.m. at the Bigfork Center for the Performing Arts on Electric Avenue.
Different look for league, coaches
You might say this will be a season of adjustment for area girls basketball teams.
Groups sue Forest Service over road strategies
A coalition of conservation groups filed a lawsuit Thursday that challenges Forest Service road management strategies as being harmful to the threatened Cabinet-Yaak and Selkirk grizzly bear populations.
Two accused of staging robbery
Believing from the beginning that a reported armed robbery was a hoax, Whitefish police arrested two men Thursday for their part in robbing Town Pump.
FVCC seeks appeal dismissal
Flathead Valley Community College has asked the Montana Supreme Court to dismiss an appeal of a lawsuit related to a $15.8 million bond election held in December of 2002.
Convicted kidnapper is back for a new trial
The Daily Inter Lake
Hinson back in court - 25 years later
The Daily Inter Lake
Burgert appeal of misdemeanors to be heard
David Burgert, currently in prison on federal weapons violations, is entitled to a court-appointed attorney as he appeals his conviction on two misdemeanors from Kalispell Municipal Court.
Flathead County
Flathead County Sheriff's Office had a happy ending to a story in Marion Thursday, when an 11-year-old boy followed his dog into the woods and then went missing in the dark. The boy eventually called from a woman's home, where his father picked him up.
Thursday, December 2
Sierra joins Troy, 21, and Amber, 11.
Sierra joins Troy
Senator/paralegal cited for contempt
State Sen. Jerry O'Neil, R-Kalispell, a Flathead Valley paralegal, was cited for contempt Tuesday and ordered not to practice law.
Columbia Falls
Columbia Falls police were called to the Sportsman Bar after midnight, when a man was reported out of control. He was calmed down and sent on his way, but police hadn't seen anything yet. Less than an hour later, they were called back for a woman on a rampage. She reportedly tried to jump into the patrol car to get the officer's shotgun. She was arrested for disorderly conduct and taken to the jail, where she ripped up books and a mattress. Officers gave her a bonus charge of criminal mischief before exporting her to the county jail.
Wrong man targeted for cat killing
The Daily Inter Lake
Federal money OK'd to finish DNA study
An appropriations bill approved by Congress includes $988,000 that would pay for completion of a grizzly bear population study in the Northern Continental Divide Ecosystem, the study's leader said Wednesday.
Time to restore order in the court
To split or not to split?
Cooper Orion Gerhard
Cooper Orion Gerhard, son of Ken and Heather Gerhard of Kalispell, was born Nov. 24 at North Valley Hospital.
Sun Road to be plowed until Dec. 17
The west side of Going-to-the-Sun Road in Glacier National Park will be plowed and maintained as far as the west-side tunnel until Dec. 17.
Toby Wyatt Fisher
Toby Wyatt Fisher, son of Chris and Laura Fisher of Kalispell, was born Nov. 27 at North Valley Hospital.
Kalispell fire department had eight calls. One was to a report of an assault on Seventh Avenue East North, but no one went to the hospital.
Michael Henry Tuszynski III
Michael Henry Tuszynski III, son of Michael and Courtney Tuszynski of Casper, Wyo., was born Nov. 11 in Casper.
Maci Star Safir
Maci Star Safir, daughter of Lynn and Dylan Safir of Whitefish, was born Nov. 18 at North Valley Hospital.
Sierra Daniell Strobbe
Sierra Daniell Strobbe, daughter of Greg Strobbe and Kim Schultz of Kalispell, was born Nov. 24 at North Valley Hospital.
Flathead County Library board meets at 3 p.m. at the Flathead County Library, Kalispell. Contact Kim Crowley, library director, at 758-5826.
By DIXIE KNUTSONThe Daily Inter Lake
Final Foot Locker run for Zoe
Flathead County
Flathead County Sheriff's Office deputies counseled two teenagers involved in on-going friction in Hungry Horse. They also talked to a business owner who said a man was removing her computers and artwork because she bounced a check to him.
Griz death toll reaches 31
A total of 31 grizzly bears have died or been removed from the Northern Continental Divide Ecosystem this year, prompting a committee of land and wildlife managers to take steps toward curbing the problem.
Biological Station director recognized by peers
The world's largest organization of river ecologists recently recognized a local scientist for 30 years of seminal research.
Orphaned children need help
Shooting victim dies
Robert G. 'Bob' McGuire, 59
Robert G. "Bob" McGuire, 59, died Tuesday, Nov. 30, 2004, at his residence in Kalispell after a long battle with cancer.
Xochytl Aynalem Noftsinger
Xochytl Aynalem Noftsinger, daughter of David and Michelle Noftsinger of Whitefish, was born Nov. 22 at North Valley Hospital.
Sweat opens doors to home ownership
Rachel Calles figured she and her husband would have to save for years before they could buy a home in the Flathead big enough for their four boys.
Wednesday, December 1
Rev. Norman R. Prestbye, 88
Rev. Norman R. Prestbye, 88, died Wednesday, Nov. 24, 2004, at Tacoma Lutheran Home in Tacoma, Wash.
Columbia Falls, county close in on new planning map
In a public hearing marked by one outright objector and two other speakers asking for more territory to the east, Columbia Falls and Flathead County moved a step closer to a new planning and zoning map Monday night.
FVCC offers winter classes
Flathead Valley Community College's continuing education division offers a slate of classes to make the winter months productive.
Kalispell fire department had three calls. One was to Commons Way where a gas line ruptured at a construction site Tuesday afternoon.
Kalispell police took a call from a woman who is tired of an older man yelling at people when they park on the city street in front of his house on Fifth Avenue East North. He's followed at least one driver to record a license plate and makes people afraid to park there, she said. It is legal to park on city streets.
Whitefish prepares to tackle weeds
Whitefish isn't likely to eradicate all noxious weeds. But when weed control is a matter of customer service to residents, the city is willing to try.
Kalispell Junior High School Library Book Fair 7:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. today through Dec. 3. All are welcome. Enter at main door of school. Proceeds will buy additional books for the library. Call 751-3840.
Joseph Paul "Joe" Holzapfel, 44
Joseph Paul "Joe" Holzapfel, 44, passed away on Saturday, Nov. 27, 2004, as the result of an accidental self-inflicted gun shot wound.
Commissioner's race cost close to $50,000
Candidates and interested parties raised and spent at least $49,000 during the Flathead County commissioner campaign, an amount almost equal to the annual salary for the job.
Agnes Fetveit Bjorneby, 91
Agnes Fetveit Bjorneby, 91, died Nov. 18, 2004, in Yakima, Wash.
Hashley named all-state in volleyball
The Daily Inter Lake
Hill bulls his way back to the NFR
Back to Vegas.
School districts offer ideas for dealing with soaring college costs
Whitefish and Columbia Falls high schools have scheduled financial aid nights for parents and college-bound students next week.
Don't forget cruelty to humans
Of course it offended our sensibilities when a young man used kittens to train his hunting dog. Kittens aren't bait; for many of us, they are well-loved pets, members of our families.
Working at play, playing at work
Toy stores gets ready for the holiday season