Sunday, July 31
Brandon Michael Abramovitz
Brandon Michael Abramovitz son of Kellie Harrell and Brandon Abramovitz of Kalispell, was born July 17 at Kalispell Regional Medical Center.He weighed 7 pounds and was 18 1/2 inches long.
Isabel Paige Powers
Isabel Paige Powers daughter of Michael and Pamela Powers of Whitefish, was born July 18 at Kalispell Regional Medical Center.She weighed 8 pounds, 3 ounces, and was 19 1/2 inches long.
Dale Alexander Relyea
Dale Alexander Relyea son of Scott and Christina Relyea of Bigfork, was born July 17 at Kalispell Regional Medical Center.He weighed 8 pounds, 5 ounces, and was 22 inches long.
Shiloh Mattea Dasen
Shiloh Mattea Dasen daughter of Jeremy and Kim Dasen of Kalispell, was born July 15 at Kalispell Regional Medical Center.She weighed 10 pounds, 2 ounces, and was 21 1/2 inches long.
Kaleigh Noelle DeSonia
Kaleigh Noelle DeSonia daughter of Kylene DeSonia and Nicholas Wildes of Kalispell, was born July 18 at Kalispell Regional Medical Center.She weighed 6 pounds, 8 ounces, and was 20 inches long.
Macie Lynn Campbell
Macie Lynn Campbell daughter of Chris and Cara Campbell of Lakeside, was born July 9 at Kalispell Regional Medical Center.She weighed 9 pounds, 2 ounces, and was 21 inches long.
Edward Wayne Miller, 58
Edward Wayne Miller, 58, passed away on Thursday, July 28, 2005, at Brendan House in Kalispell.
Noah Jacob Poe-Hatten
Noah Jacob Poe-Hatten son of Debby Poe and Jason Hatten of Kalispell, was born July 12 at Kalispell Regional Medical Center.He weighed 8 pounds, 5 ounces, and was 21 inches long.
Jerald Stephen Christiansen
Jerald Stephen Christiansen son of Jerald and Laura Christiansen of Coeur d'Alene, Idaho, was born July 7 at Kootenai Medical Center in Coeur d'Alene.He weighed 7 pounds, 10 ounces, and was 20 1/2 inches long.
Hunter Nicholas Robert Dunlop
Hunter Nicholas Robert Dunlop son of Bryan and Julie Dunlop of Kalispell, was born July 14 at Kalispell Regional Medical Center.He weighed 6 pounds, 8 ounces, and was 21 1/2 inches long.
Jade Lanti Carlson
Jade Lanti Carlson daughter of Lanti and Angela Carlson of Kalispell, was born July 18 at Kalispell Regional Medical Center.She weighed 9 pounds, 8 ounces, and was 21 inches long.
Sophia Grace Neumann
Sophia Grace Neumann daughter of Kevin and Dawnae Neumann of Kalispell, was born July 12 at Kalispell Regional Medical Center.She weighed 7 pounds, 9 ounces, and was 20 1/2 inches long.
Jocelynn Marie Lindberg
Jocelynn Marie Lindberg daughter of Blake and Amber Lindberg of Kalispell, was born July 18 at Kalispell Regional Medical Center.She weighed 5 pounds, 6 ounces, and was 19 1/2 inches long.
Macy Jean Claude
Macy Jean Claude daughter of Joseph and Betty Claude of Kalispell, was born July 8 at Kalispell Regional Medical Center.She weighed 7 pounds, 4 ounces, and was 20 inches long.
Fisher Maxwell Fair
Fisher Maxwell Fair son of Scott and Phyllis Fair of Whitefish, was born July 11 at North Valley Hospital.He weighed 9 pounds, 1 ounce, and was 21 inches long.
Halle Mariah Smith
Halle Mariah Smith daughter of Nick and Jackie Smith of Houston, was born July 18 at North Valley Hospital.She weighed 8.5 pounds and was 21 inches long.
Mason Brady Derrick
Mason Brady Derrick son of Jessica Petersen and Pete Derrick of Somers, was born July 15 at Kalispell Regional Medical Center.He weighed 8 pounds, 1 1/2 ounces, and was 20 inches long.
Baylee Jo Brockman
Baylee Jo Brockman daughter of Randy and Sasha Brockman of Somers, was born July 21 at North Valley Hospital.She weighed 8 pounds, 11 1/2 ounces, and was 20 inches long.
Cadence Elizabeth Olesen
Cadence Elizabeth Olesen daughter of Devin and Joyanne Olesen of Kalispell, was born July 12 at Kalispell Regional Medical Center.She weighed 6 pounds, 10 ounces, and was 19 inches long.
Piper Mackenzie-Lyn Hitt-Guerrero, infant
Piper Mackenzie-Lyn Hitt-Guerrero died on July 10, 2005.
Krista Kay Evans
Krista Kay Evans daughter of Amanda and Daniel Evans of Kalispell, was born July 18 at Kalispell Regional Medical Center.She weighed 8 pounds, 1.2 ounces, and was 20 1/4 inches long.
Zachary Taylor Sciarrotta
Zachary Taylor Sciarrotta son of Cara Black and Nick Sciarrotta of Kalispell, was born June 17 at Kalispell Regional Medical Center.He weighed 8 pounds, 9 ounces, and was 20 inches long.
Matthew Ryan Peschel
Matthew Ryan Peschel son of John and Laura Peschel of Whitefish, was born July 20 at North Valley Hospital.He weighed 5 pounds, 10 ounces, and was 19 1/2 inches long.
Kira Ann Hadland
Kira Ann Hadland daughter of Bryan and Nikki Hadland of Somers, was born July 12 at Kalispell Regional Medical Center.She weighed 7 pounds, 13 ounces, and was 21 1/4 inches long.
Kimberly Irene Nelson
Kimberly Irene Nelson daughter of Jeffrey and Alicia Nelson of Kalispell, was born July 11 at Kalispell Regional Medical Center.She weighed 5 pounds, 13.4 ounces, and was 19 inches long.
Mountain Madness Air Show 2005 continues today featuring the U.S. Navy Blue Angels. Gates open

94-year-old celebrates birthday with sky-dive
C-130 ride all in a day's work
Some days you just get lucky.
Betty 'Diane' Lee, 59
Betty "Diane" Lee, 59, died on July 22, 2005, at Kalispell Regional Medical Center.
Flathead County Sheriff
Someone reported that a man was looking in the windows of his house on Empire Loop.
Macy Jean Claude, daughter of Joseph and Betty Claude of Kalispell, was born July 8 at Kalispell Regional Medical Center.

Air show thrills thousands with speed, precision, power
Motoryclist killed
A 22-year old Whitefish man was killed early Saturday morning in a single-motorcycle accident on U.S. 93, north of Majestic Valley Arena.
New bypass plan may help busy intersection
The last thing the Flathead Valley needed was to move agonizing traffic jams from Kalispell's Main and Idaho north to U.S. 93 and West Reserve Drive.
County may shift focus of emergency office
The Daily Inter Lake
Kalispell police
Two friends told Kalispell police their skateboards had been stolen from a car wash on North Meridian Road Friday afternoon when they had been washing a car.
Officials want to put scare into bear
Glacier National Park officials plan to school a sow grizzly bear that has become accustomed to humans in the Pitamakan Pass area.
Sandra Bohns, 55
Sandra Bohns passed away peacefully in her sleep, on July 18, 2005.
Whitefish police
Whitefish police responded to a report of a bicycle theft on Wisconsin Avenue early this morning.

Horse Heaven
They are riders, teachers, students, teammates and opponents.

New PL8S have Kalispell connection
Graphic designer Tim Braun's work already is highly visible - and mobile - but by January, it also will be the state standard.
Columbia Falls police
Columbia Falls police arrested a man on DUI early Saturday morning on U.S. 2.
Jerald Stephen Christiansen, son of Jerald and Laura Christiansen of Coeur d'Alene, Idaho, was born July 7 at Kootenai Medical Center in Coeur d'Alene.
He weighed 7 pounds, 10 ounces, and was 20 1/2 inches long.
Lisa Mills of Aurora, Colo., third, 38:32.9.
Nelson won the Boogie 10K a year ago in 36:47.7.
Ruling clarifies salvage-logging restrictions
Judge says temporary order applied only to 'core' grizzly habitat
Saturday, July 30
Human Therapy on Horseback invites the public to its fourth annual barbecue and auction beginning at 5 p.m. today.
Horse-therapy benefit is today
Sentences reduced for Project 7 pair
Federal prison sentences were reduced Thursday for two people who cooperated with the government in prosecuting Kalispell-area residents for weapons crimes.
Whitefish Police
The Whitefish Police Department went to a motorcycle/dog crash east of Grouse Mountain Lodge Thursday. Neither the rider nor the dog were hurt.
Heritage Days continue in Columbia Falls. Firemen's breakfast, Don Anderson Fire Hall, 7 a.m.; 3-on- Basketball, Columbia Falls Chamber of Commerce, First Ave. W. at 8:30 a.m.; Arts, crafts and food vendors, trolley rides, street bowling; Senior citizens lunch, North Valley Senior Citizens Hall, from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m.; Parade at 2 p.m.; street rod burn outs, Glacier School at 6 p.m.; Eagles barbecue at 6 p.m.; youth dance at 7 p.m.; Moran Sisters perform at 8 p.m., North Eagles Club; adult street dance behind Sportsmen Club Bar at 9 p.m.
Kalispell police
Kalispell police were visited by an angry woman bearing torn-up photos. She has a suspect, she said. Informed that she'd have to wait for an officer to take a report from her, she called a dispatcher an unpleasant name and left.
With these hands
There's a really great thing about being blind, Nina Wagner loves to tell people.
Flathead County Sheriff
The Flathead County Sheriff's Office took a report about an out-of-state man who called a home on Maple Drive and asked for a woman there, and then started talking dirty.

Pastime loaded with pitfalls
The hurt ran deep when Kalispell Laker left fielder Michael Crail told his teammates in early May he was leaving the team.
Columbia Falls police
Columbia Falls police are investigating a report of a forged prescription at a pharmacy.

Souped-up truck hits over 300 mph miles per hour
Sun Rd. money cleared
Glacier National Park Superintendent Mick Holm says he's confident that funding approved Friday by Congress will jump-start the Going-to-the-Sun Road reconstruction, and it should be enough "to complete that project in its entirety as we proposed it."
The Kalispell Fire Department had nine calls. A boy who crashed his bike Friday went to the hospital from Maple Drive. The crew checked out an electrical smell at the Ivy Building on Fourth Street West.
Pharmacy robbed
Daily Inter Lake
What you'll see: The main attractions
The Mountain Madness '05 Air Show gets under way today and continues all day Sunday at Glacier Park International Airport.
Friday, July 29
Paul Mark Johnson, 44
Paul Mark Johnson, 44, died July 26, 2005, at Kalispell Regional Medical Center after a brief illness.
Arvid Alfred Erickson, 83
Arvid Alfred Erickson, who in the early 1950s pastored a church in Fortine, died July 25, 2005, in Yakima, Wash., where he lived since 1962.
Homer E. Henricksen, 87
Homer E. Henricksen, 87, "went home to be with his Lord and Savior Jesus Christ" on July 27, 2005, at Brendan House in Kalispell.
Jury orders city of Whitefish to pay property owner over street project
A jury Wednesday ordered the City of Whitefish to pay a property owner more than $161,000 for property used to build part of 13th Street seven years ago.
Lakers 'upbeat' heading to state play
Excited. Healthy. Confident.
Talking trash
County landfill continues to set records
Music for all tastes during Babb gathering
A diverse lineup of musicians takes the stage for the Second Annual Babb Fest music festival on Aug. 6 in Babb.
Fire restrictions take effect Wednesday
The Daily Inter Lake
Eacker, Gudmundson join racing Hall of Fame
The Daily Inter Lake
Superstar puts life experiences into his music
Country music giant Trace Adkins will bring his high-energy show to the Majestic Valley Arena in Kalispell on August 13 at 7:30 p.m.
Flathead County Sheriff
A woman called the Flathead County Sheriff's Office after a flannel-shirted man kept walking by her house on U.S. 2 in Hungry Horse on Wednesday night. The next time he went by, she was getting her 9-mm handgun and shooting him, she said. A dispatcher warned her that that might be hasty. A deputy found the man, who said he is staying at a nearby motel and likes to take nightly walks.
Montana Board of Housing presents a free class for lenders and Realtors on private mortgage insurance and MBOH loans, 9-11 a.m. p.m., NW MT Association of Realtors, 110 Cooperative Way, Kalispell. Call Craig at 406-841-287 to register.

Blue Angels getting in formation for Mountain Madness Air Shor
The U.S. Navy Blue Angels practiced their entire show Thursday morning in preparation for the weekend Mountain Madness air shows. The exercise was largely aimed at preparing the six performing pilots for local weather and atmospheric conditions.
Whitefish police
Whitefish police took a report from a rattled woman who said a strange man appeared in her bathroom while she was taking a shower and asked her where his car was.
As waters get warm, swimmers start itching
It's baaack.
Feeling the earth move under our feet
The last thing the Flathead Valley needed was to move agonizing traffic jams from Kalispell's Main and Idaho north to U.S. 93 and West Reserve Drive.
Kalispell police
Kalispell police were called again to Black Angus restaurant, where a man earlier refused to pay for all of his meal. He came back to vent more anger. Police decided the matter is a civil problem and not a criminal matter.
The Kalispell Fire Department had a dozen calls. An 18-year-old girl passed out, reportedly from the heat, at the airport. She went to the hospital. Rescuers went to Farm to Market Road for a report of a vehicle rollover that didn't happen. Highway Patrol and the West Valley Fire Department were also there. Somers fire department assisted when a pedestrian was hit by a car; an elderly woman was taken to the hospital with a head injury.
Mary Ann Giles, 77
Mary Ann Giles, 77, a longtime resident of Columbia Falls, passed away July 26, 2005.
Whitefish industrial land eyed for subdivision
One of the last undeveloped tracts of industrial-zoned land in Whitefish is being considered for a 77-home subdivision, but a master-plan amendment is needed to proceed.
Thursday, July 28
Doris Alieen Bingham, 95
Doris Alieen Bingham, 95, passed away Monday, July 25, 2005, at Brendan House in Kalispell.
The Kalispell Fire Department had 18 calls - five of them for vehicle accidents. Patients went to the hospital from crashes on U.S. 2, where the Evergreen Fire Department assisted, on First Avenue West, and Hart Hill.

Courting a dream
Hoop dreams die hard.

Inter Lake reporter gets the ride of his life
Benefit rounds up fun, funding
Stick horses, fried pickles and a pitchfork barbecue combine to raise dollars and round up some fun Saturday evening at Rebecca Farm.
Eagle Bend, Whitefish Lake host Governors' Cup
Over 300 business and government leaders from Montana and around the nation are registered to play in the Montana Chamber Foundation's 17th Annual Governors' Cup golf tournament today through Saturday.
Flathead County Sheriff
The Flathead County Sheriff's Office was called when three men were seen entering a barn at a wildlife refuge in Somers. One carried an ax. The men didn't respond when someone shouted an inquiry at them. Axing sounds ensued. It turned out to be a prank and there was no damage.
Butte native brings jet to air show
Navy Lt. Cmdr. Gerald "JR" Hansen knows firsthand what many military pilots want to experience for themselves.
Edmundson pleads guilty
A man who sexually assaulted a woman at gunpoint pleaded guilty Wednesday, days before he was to stand trial.

River business
Raft companies work together to bring fun to the market
Whitefish police
Whitefish police took a report from a resident on Reservoir Road who saw four men in a vehicle parked outside the house, apparently trying to hide their faces.
Kalispell police
Kalispell police took a report Tuesday night when a clerk at Town Pump on Idaho Street said that a shoplifter assaulted her when she confronted him. She told police she grabbed his shirt and backpack and he shrugged them off, leaving them behind in an unnegotiated trade for the bottle of Mad Dog 2020 that started the event.
Doctors in sync for air-show emergencies
As the Blue Angels roar across the sky Saturday, another team stands ready to perform a synchronized ballet of medical preparedness.
Christopher Stephen 'Chris' Owen, 58
Christopher Stephen "Chris" Owen, 58, died July 22, 2005, in an accident at his farm north of Ethridge. A remembrance was held July 25 at the Cut Bank Golf Club. Cremation has taken place.
Air show packs power, speed, sound
The sound of thunder will reverberate across the Flathead Valley this week.
Columbia Falls police
Columbia Falls police arrested a 47-year-old woman for allegedly assaulting her 70-year-old mother on Fourth Avenue West.
Red Cross blood drive, 2-5 p.m., Kalispell Center Mall. Schedule an appointment by calling 751-5052.
David Royce Beckedahl, 55
David Royce Beckedahl, 55, died July 21, 2005, at the Montana Veterans Home in Columbia Falls.
Commissioners approve plan for Helena Flats
The Daily Inter Lake

ESPN dives into Lost Prairie
Wednesday, July 27
Flathead County Sheriff
Apparently a Columbia Falls dog has one-upped Lassie's mere barks for help. Flathead County Sheriff's Office dispatchers got a call from a dog on Gosney Crossroads, but the pooch hung up before telling them what its emergency was. Dispatchers confirmed with the dog's owner that nothing was wrong at the residence, the dog must have been playing with the phone.
ALERT and the Bigfork Fire Department took care of a boy on Foothills Road who was injured when a horse fell on him. He was flown out for more medical attention.
Columbia Falls
Columbia Falls was quiet, and the one high-crime type report the police received turned out to be a false alarm. A man reported his truck stolen, but he figured out that his friend, not a thief, had it.
Magician Dan Jimmerson performs a magic show, "The Magic of Reading," 10:30 a.m., children's department Flathead County Library, Kalispell. All are welcome.
Cherry crop light this year
The bad news about this year's Flathead cherry crop is the volume of fruit is about half of last year's production.
Lawsuit could cost Flathead Electric millions
Flathead Electric Cooperative is facing the possibility of a multimillion-dollar damage award, following an unfavorable ruling in a two-year-old lawsuit.
Council looks for solutions to license problem
A liquor license and an annexed property continued to tangle Monday night when the Kalispell City Council Monday night discussed the Old School Station industrial park.
Kalispell police
Kalispell police arrested a 16-year-old girl at Staples on charges of possessing alcohol.
Trade offerings grow at FVCC with electrical, plumbing programs
Flathead Valley Community College will roll out new certificate programs in plumbing, electrical and other trades this fall, reflecting a nationwide trend toward employment-centered education.
It's the right time for mosquito district
New state legislation that was heavily supported by Flathead County officials has given counties the ability to set up and govern their own mosquito-control districts.
Larry 'Todd' Flatt, 34
Todd Flatt, 34, lost his life Tuesday night, July 19, 2005, in a fatal car accident on Foys Lake Road in Kalispell.
Whitefish police
Whitefish police handled several calls about assaults or threats and the like from across the city. One man was arrested on charges of partner assault in the Veteran of Foreign Wars parking lot. A carved eagle on U.S. 93 was not assaulted but was reportedly stolen. Bears demonstrated their tenacity - and hunger - when they tackled a bear-proof garbage can on Houston Drive and strewed about its contents.
Farrel G. Olson, 90
Farrel G. Olson, 90, passed away in Henderson, Nev., "and began his new, eternal life in Christ" on Wednesday, July 13, 2005.
Divers recover body of man from South Fork
The body of a Kalispell man, who was last seen after jumping into the South Fork of the Flathead River for a swim July 17, was recovered by an underwater diver Tuesday.
Tuesday, July 26
'There's still an opportunity': Glacier Mall developer sticks with project
The recent surge in retail construction near Kalispell hasn't come as a surprise
Whitefish police
Whitefish police were called when a resident was concerned about a visitor at her mother's home on Lupfer Avenue.
Flathead County Sheriff
The Flathead County Sheriff's Office took a report about some imaginative children at the Smith Lake Bridge. They were fishing there Sunday and went to a resident's home to ask for water. When the resident asked why they didn't have their own, they said their foster father told them they need to get used to living without water. A deputy investigated and found they were telling stories.
Stevan Lynn Haugen, 54
Stevan Lynn Haugen was born on Dec. 27, 1950, in Kalispell. He was found murdered on July 1, 2005, while hiking in the forest around Oakridge, Ore. He was born to parents M.G. "Carl" and Lore Haugen.
Phyllis Jean Robinson, 71
Phyllis Jean Robinson, 71, a longtime Whitefish resident, passed away of natural causes at the University of Washington Medical Center in Seattle on July 20, 2005.
The ALERT helicopter, Canyon Quick Response Unit, and Hungry Horse and Martin City fire departments went to a vehicle rollover next to Hungry Horse Reservoir on Sunday night. Extrication equipment was needed to free people from the wreckage. Two people were flown by helicopter to the hospital; later, another injured man was flown to the hospital from Martin City, where he had gone after the crash.
Woman with 75 cats charged with animal cruelty
The Daily Inter Lake
Samuel H. Hollis Sr., 84
Samuel H. "Sam" Hollis Sr. 84, passed away on Wednesday, July 20, 2005, at his home in Kalispell.
AARP Seniors Driver Safety Program 9 a.m. to 1 p.m., today and July 27. Instructor is Don Bogut, North Valley Hospital, Kalispell. Cost is $10. Call 863-3630.
Agnes M. Olson, 90
Agnes M. Olson, 90, passed away Sunday, July 24, 2005, at Kalispell Regional Medical Center in Kalispell.
Carol Ann Hovland, 59
Carol Ann Hovland, 59, of Lolo, passed away Friday, July 22, 2005, at Hillside Manor. She was born March 5, 1946, in Bremerton, Wash., the daughter of Cora Gladys Lindbo and Ernest Vernon Hovland.
Kalispell police
Kalispell police took a call from a parent on Two Mile Drive who wanted to complain that her 9-year-old daughter is being called names by a 6-year-old child.
Monday, July 25
Polebridge artist 'keeps it simple'
It's obvious from the moment you first lay eyes on Peter Moore that this is a man who has great stories.
Lakers break even with Med Hat
The Daily Inter Lake
Heritage Days coming next weekend
The 2005 edition of Heritage Days is ready to roll in Columbia Falls next weekend.
Kalispell Police
Kalispell police arrested a man at 1 a.m. Sunday, when a woman on Ninth Avenue West called to say there was a man with a gun in her yard, threatening to kill someone. He had apparently had an altercation with someone camping and had followed the camper back to town. He was charged with burglary and is being held on a federal warrant also.
Whitefish police
Whitefish police department and fire department went to the Downtowner motel, where a man had climbed to the roof and didn't want to come down at 3 a.m. Sunday. He did.

Kids College class casts a magic spell
Columbia Falls police
Columbia Falls police went to Seventh Street West Saturday night for a verbal disagreement between neighbors.
Flathead County Sheriff
Flathead County Sheriff's Office dispatched ALERT helicopter, highway patrol, Smith Valley fire department and Marion ambulance and fire department to an accident two miles from Marion at 2:30 a.m. Sunday, when a driver hit a moose and rolled his vehicle. The driver was taken to the hospital. The moose was taken to the food bank.
Guidelines proposed for new growth amendments
The Flathead County Planning Office is proposing that all new growth policy amendments submitted in the next 15 months be required to satisfy a series of conditions before they'll be processed.
West Valley fire department checked out a report of open burning Sunday.
Twins split with Electrics
The Daily Inter Lake
Sunday, July 24
Peggy Marie-Jean (Burke) Leimkuehler, 27, passed away on Friday, July 15, 2005, in Coram.
Peggy was born in Plentywood, on Dec. 27, 1977, to her father, Dale Burke, and mother, Sharon Suzane Tyler. Peggy enjoyed life. She loved and had a passion for high school sports, basketball being her favorite.
Eleanor P. Stewart, 75
Eleanor P. Stewart, 75, passed away on Thursday, July 21, 2005, at her residence in Kalispell. She lost her battle with cancer, but won the victory over death "through our Lord Jesus Christ."
Margaret E. Farris, 86
Margaret E. Farris, 86, passed away at Brendan House on Friday, July 22, 2005.
Henry Russell 'Rusty' Vandevanter, 88
Henry Russell "Rusty" Vandevanter, 88, died peacefully on Sunday, July 17, 2005, in Kalispell.
Nomination should move quickly
President Bush nominated a man most of us have never heard of to the Supreme Court two weeks ago, but from all accounts Judge John G. Roberts Jr. is a brilliant jurist, a decent man, and a safe bet to be confirmed.
Flathead County Sheriff
Flathead County Sheriff's Office received a complaint of road rage on Farm to Market Road Friday afternoon when a woman said she had been tailgated by a truck. At one point the tailgater went around the woman's vehicle, got out and then shook his fist at her.
Recycling efforts reduce fire hazard
Fuel reduction is one of those eco-concepts that doesn't receive a whole lot of publicity.
A homecoming wish fulfilled
Military pilot brings in Apache helicopter for weekend air show
Lakers split with Electrics
What we have here is … a royal mess.
Kalispell fire department responded to a report of smoke in a multi-story, residential retirement center Saturday morning. There were no injuries and damages were limited to smoke odor.
Arts in the Park continues today, Depot Park, Kalispell. Open 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Daily admission is $ and free for under 12. Call 755-5268.
Twins' state hopes vanish
The Daily Inter Lake
Pure air group seeks cleaner wood stoves
Steve Eckels wants to rid the air of the bad smells and health threats associated with wood smoke.
Teacher finds inspiration in national role
In terms of lifetime teaching careers, Kelly Millard is a relative newcomer.
Jell-O makes memories of 'regrettable' food events
A co-worker in a random-act-of-kindness mode this week presented me with a copy of one of the most hilarious books I've read in some time. It's called "The Gallery of Regrettable Food," and is, quite simply, outtakes from retro American cookbooks accompanied by biting (pardon the pun) commentary.
John C. Corbett, 81
John C. Corbett, 81, of Polson, died on July 22, 2005, at St. Patrick Hospital in Missoula from a complication of lung surgery.
Larry 'Todd' Flatt, 34
Larry "Todd" Flatt, 34, passed away July 19, 2005, in Kalispell.

Contestants sing for a shot to be the next American Idol

A lot can be learned about the history of a town by studying one of its schools. Academics, athletics, values, families, friends and enemies all come together under one roof, and for nine months a year a sort of mini-town exists. For over 90 years Whitefish has used the Central School to teach its children, greet its visitors and separate its business district from its residential area. Now the town has closed the doors on the building and knocked down a landmark, but the stories and memories that the school helped create have survived. This photo page hopes to shed light on a few of the thousands of people who have passed through the now destroyed halls of Whtiefish's Central School.
Whitefish police
Whitefish policeWhitefish police arrested three men for assault early Saturday morning on Second Street.

There's no ducking these pond monsters
Kalispell police
Kalispell police arrested seven men for criminal mischief early Saturday morning in connection with rocks being thrown off the overpass at East Idaho Street.
Saturday, July 23
TeleTech still hiring
The Daily Inter Lake
Two men rescued after Flathead Lake ordeal
Two men in their early 20s were plucked from Flathead Lake at 2:30 a.m. Friday, ending an ordeal that had started almost six hours before.
Flathead County Sheriff
The Flathead County Sheriff's Office was busy with animal problems.
Kalispell police
Kalispell police were called Thursday after odd behavior by a man at the construction site next to Borders. He pulled up in a truck and identified himself as an electrical contractor. He said he had found a water main open and was going to fix it, but then didn't come back. He later was seen apparently intoxicated and lying in his truck. Police secured his truck and took his keys until sobriety returned to him, and sent him on his way.
Help wanted
Summer in the Flathead has historically been a challenge for tourism-dependent businesses trying to find seasonal help, but continued residential and commercial growth has broadened the help-wanted dilemma.
Lakeside devoted to fireworks display
Gail Heller celebrated the Fourth of July the old-fashioned way as so many other Americans do - watching a fireworks show in the twilight skies near her home. Heller, a resident of Lakeside, turns out for the pyrotechnics that are launched over Lakeside Bay every year.

Whitefish student feels the need to lead at Girls National in Washington, D.C.
Porsche Erekson plans to make her voice heard in Washington, D.C., next week.
Bigfork Relay for Life for the American Cancer Society continues 8 a.m., at the Bigfork High School track. Call 837-1600.
Man arrested for bringing meth to probation session
The Daily Inter Lake

Even field for eventing
Kalispell Fire Department
The Kalispell Fire Department had three calls. One was to a vehicle accident on Brunner Road in which the crew was canceled en route. Another was to a crash on U.S. 93 and Montana 82, where one injured person was picked up and taken to the hospital; the Somers Fire Department, the Lakeside Quick Response Unit and Highway Patrol officers were also called. The Evergreen Fire Department also went to a crash on U.S. East, along with the Highway Patrol.
Friday, July 22
Martha Jeanne Washington, 63
Martha Jeanne Washington, 63, passed away peacefully, at her home in Anchorage, Alaska, on July 17, 2005, after a courageous battle with cancer. "She will be sorely missed and indelibly loved and remembered in our hearts and souls."
Mountain Madness Air Show organizers have added a barnstorming performance by John Mohr to the shows on July 30-31 to replace the Franklin Flying Circus.
Barnstorming event changed for air show
Swim teams head to C-Falls
The Daily Inter Lake
Dale Ray Brabender, 45
Dale Ray Brabender, 45, passed away July 18, 2005, in Las Vegas.
Teens claimto be members of Crips gang
Kalispell Police Department arrested four boys Thursday who are accused of causing thousands of dollars of gang-related vandalism.
Lakers dump Mavs
The Daily Inter Lake
Flathead Valley Community College Foundation begins a week of summer tours Monday evening at Bibler Gardens.
Bibler garden tours to benefit FVCC
Theater group casts light on developmental disabilities
An unusual traveling theater troupe has spent the last week in Kalispell preparing to change attitudes and lives.
Swan River voters approve second bond issue for school
The Daily Inter Lake
Flathead County Sheriff's Office arrested a man for allegedly sexually assaulting a 7-year-old girl.
Flathead County Sheriff
Who said there's no limit to which people will sink in the service of greed?
Last Best Place? It's not for sale
Robert Leonard 'Bob' Schumann, 71
Robert Leonard "Bob" Schumann, 71, of Bigfork, passed away on Thursday, July 21, 2005, at HealthCenter Northwest in Kalispell.
Event gearing up for 2007 World Cup bid
The Event at Rebecca Farm - which begins its fourth year today and is already one of only four qualifying events in the United States for the International Equestrian Federation's (FEI) World Cup - is setting its sites on something even bigger: The World Cup itself.
Mildred 'Miss Millie' John, 77
Mildred "Miss Millie" John, 77, passed away July 12, 2005, at Lake View Care Center in Bigfork.
Fair-Mont-Egan School board special meeting 8:30 a.m. in the clerk's office to discuss maintenance issues.
Hot-rod fans revving up for annual Rod Run
Nothing goes together quite like street rods, soft serve and sweet nostalgia.
Avoiding 'malfunction junction'
Transportation committee approves latest bypass design

Searchers try a test, find churning trough
Searchers trying to determine what happened to a man who disappeared in the Flathead River Sunday conducted an experiment Thursday that was a graphic demonstration of the water's power.
The 37th annual Arts in the Park, northwest Montana's largest and longest-running arts and entertainment fair, runs today through Sunday in Kalispell's Depot Park.
Arts fair covers all the bases
Thursday, July 21
Whitefish junior golf is thriving tradition
Mike Micklewright stood before the group of school-aged children and asked them what that long metal thing was in his hand.
Kokanee, kids and fishing fun
Summer is here and there is no better place to spend some time then on one of our many lakes. Fishing has been really good.
Search continues for missing Kalispell man
The search for a man missing since Sunday in the South Fork of the Flathead River was concentrated Wednesday in a narrower section of the water.
Road-rage reports on rise
If you think drivers in the Flathead Valley are more rude, reckless, ruthless and rushed, you might be right.
Man killed in plunge in Glacier Park
The Daily Inter Lake
Kalispell police
Kalispell police had several reports of male misbehavior. One involved two transients who harassed a woman in Woodland Park. A man found unconscious under the window of a children's playhouse was sent on his way. So was a man who caused a ruckus on Main and Idaho streets. A belligerent man was reported in the lobby of Days Inn. An older man reportedly harassed teens on Fourth Street West.
Columbia Falls police
Columbia Falls police took a report about a man videotaping his estranged wife.
Whitefish police
Whitefish police took a report of harassment from Taco John's.
A rabid bat puts family in treatment
A bat in a minivan prompted a local family to seek treatment for rabies exposure.
Flathead County Sheriff
An identity-theft case reported Tuesday to the Flathead County Sheriff's Office was from a man who discovered his own mother had used his name and information to obtain phone service out of town. He's been getting past-due bills on the account he didn't know about.
Man dies in Foy's Lake Hill crash
The Daily Inter Lake
Big media two-step needs to stop
As the "secret agent" status of CIA bureaucrat Valerie Plame has become increasingly questionable, the time has come for the government to justify continuing the costly investigation that started under the premise that Plame's alleged covert status was illegally exposed.
The Kalispell Fire Department had 13 calls. One was to a vehicle accident on Airport Road that resulted in an injury. A man reported lying in the street on Liberty Road couldn't be found Tuesday night. A person suffering a medical problem at the post office went to the hospital. On Wednesday morning, a car-versus-dump truck collision near the landfill on U.S. 93 resulted in five injuries. None were thought to be critical; the Whitefish ambulance was needed to transport two patients. The West Valley Fire Department and Highway Patrol were also there. Another accident on U.S. 2 near Western Building Center resulted in no injuries; the Evergreen Fire Department and highway patrol were also there.
Education summit begins in Whitefish
The Daily Inter Lake
Rabid bats bring warnings from health officials
The Daily Inter Lake
Red Cross blood drive, 12:30-5:30 p.m. at North Valley Hospital, Whitefish.
Andrus on top of the world
BIGFORK - In a city infamous for its seedier side - a destination for the debaucherous where vice and vacation intertwine - Amsterdam's temptations can't compete with Bart Andrus' siren song: a return to the NFL and the Super Bowl.
Council puts Old School Station on hold
The Old School Station industrial park project hit a snag Monday night when the Kalispell City Council voted not to award an engineering contract.
Virginia Marie LaChapelle Holombo, 88
Virginia Marie LaChapelle HoIombo, 88, a longtime former resident of Kalispell, passed away peacefully in Laguna Woods, Calif., on July 17, 2005.
Robin Lucia Waldt, 47
Our beloved Robin "went home to be with the Lord" on July 12, 2005, at her home in Whitefish.
Wednesday, July 20
Dorothy Swensen Schock, 85
Montana lost one of its most capable, versatile, and vivacious cowgirls when Dorothy Swensen Schock passed away on July 12, 2005, at the Immanuel Lutheran Home in Kalispell.
Thomas Joseph 'Tom' Moylan, 69
Thomas Joseph "Tom" Moylan, M.D., was born Nov. 4, 1935, in Omaha, Neb., the oldest of four children of John and Violet Moylan, died at home July 14, 2005, in Missoula. He attended Holy Name High School and Creighton University, Bachelor of Science in English (cum laude), Master of Science in physiology, and M.D. (Alpha Omega Alpha Honor Society.)
Still no sign of missing swimmer
A search by land, air, and water Tuesday failed to turn up any sign of a man missing in the Flathead River.

Study helps reverse the trampling effects in Glacier National Park
During 1967, a young doctoral student wondered what effect visitors were having on the delicate grasses and flowers at Logan Pass, and how long it might take for the landscape to recover.
Kalispell finds sidewal proposal costly
The Daily Inter lake
Mavs upend Lakers
The Daily Inter Lake
Council OKs purchase of Wells Fargo facility
Kalispell's newest office spaces will come with a $1.1million price tag.
Protect children from predators
Recent events make it clear that society does not yet know how to protect its citizens - especially its children - from sexual predators.
Kalispell police
Kalispell police are investigating a new rash of graffiti, discovered Tuesday morning on the east side of town. Among the victims were the Blue & White Motel, the Red Cross van, two garages on Second Avenue East, a church on Third Avenue East, the Flathead Electric Cooperative's substation and the concession stand at Woodland Park.
Man arrested in kidnapping and rape case
The Daily Inter Lake
Shirley V. Witt, 79
Shirley V. Witt, 79, "went to be with the Lord" on July 17, 2005, after a courageous battle with cancer.
Woman recovers car and dog stolen by Swan Valley escapee
On Monday, Sue Van Luven took her 5-month-old Australian shepherd, Rosey, to work, as she always does.
CF park land may revert back to donors' heir
Schoenberg Park's days are numbered - maybe.
Children's Story Hour at 10:30 a.m., Children's Department of the Flathead County Library in Kalispell, 247 First Ave. E. Call 758-5822.
Wesley Scott 'Wes' Murray, 74
Wesley Scott was born to Charlotta Evangeline and Aaron Bain Murray on Oct. 8, 1930. He was born in Elkart, Kan., but grew up in La Junta, Colo. As one of seven children during those meager times, there was little to spare but love, and the entire family's love of music.
Cherry trees need spraying
It's the law of the land now: Pest control is mandatory for all cherry trees located within two miles of the shores of Flathead Lake.
Flathead County Sheriff
The Flathead County Sheriff's Office took a complaint about five boys cursing at people driving over the Old Steel Bridge.
The Kalispell Fire Department had seven calls. Evergreen fire department and highway patrol also went to a vehicle accident with injuries near Pacific Steel. The Kalispell and Evergreen fire departments went to a motorcycle crash on Montana 35 near the Rainbow Bar. The Creston Fire Department was also called to a vehicle accident on Montana 35 Monday.
Tuesday, July 19
Ellen Merle Schend, 86
Ellen Merle Schend, 86, passed away Saturday, July 16, 2005, at Benefis hospital in Great Falls of natural causes. A viewing for family and friends will be from 2 to 8 p.m. Wednesday at the Holland & Bonine Funeral Home in Havre. Her funeral mass will be at 10 a.m. Thursday at the St. Jude Catholic Church in Havre. Burial will be afterward at the Highland Cemetery. A fellowship luncheon will be held at the St. Jude Parish Center immediately after the graveside services.
Whitefish passes temporary growth moratorium
New development in Whitefish will be put on hold for up to six months in some
Two gravel pit owners file lawsuits
Flathead County has been sued twice in the last week over disputes related to gravel pits.
Flathead County Sheriff
The Flathead County Sheriff's Office took reports of three stolen vehicles. One is a 1986 gray Nissan pickup that disappeared from Hungry Horse. A white 1992 Geo Tracker with a black top was stolen in Kila. A white 1990 Chevy pickup was reported stolen from behind the city airport.
Columbia Falls police
Columbia Falls police arrested a man for DUI on Sunday.
Kalispell police
Kalispell police investigated a report that a man in a white Jeep Cherokee with Utah plates was selling cigarettes in the parking lot at Syke's and at the Rosebrier inn.
3 Red Cross blood drive, 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. in the blood mobile at Northwest Montana Human Resources, Kalispell.

Swimmer presumed dead
Whitefish police
Whitefish police arrested a woman for DUI on U.S. 93 by Wendy's. A domestic disturbance was reported on Lake Park Lane.
Monday, July 18
Rains may dampen fire season
Tall green grass in a lush Flathead Valley arrived this year with the wettest June on record, giving fire officials a long overdue sunny outlook for an upcoming wildfire season.
Columbia Falls police
Columbia Falls police arrested a man for DUI near a local fast food restaurant Sunday afternoon.

Collector's car putters away

Taking time to smell the roses
Ted Lund, the Whitefish Chamber's citizen of the year, spent a lifetime smelling the roses and just about every other flower imaginable.
Kalispell police
Kalispell police arrested a man for DUI on North Meridian Saturday evening.
Flathead County Sheriff
A homeless family told Flathead County Sheriff's Office that they had been threatened by people in two vehicles at the turnoff to Martin City Saturday night.
Whitefish police
Whitefish police arrested a man early Sunday morning for partner or family member assault on Riverside Avenue.
Sunday, July 17
Maria Lee Timm, 87
Maria Lee Timm, 87, died July 14, 2005, in her sleep at Evergreen Extended Care Facility.
Charles Koertenius Gollagher Jr., 72
Charles Koertenius Gollagher Jr., 72, passed away on July 14, 2005, from cancer.
County looks at 'status quo' budget for fiscal 2006
Flathead County's financial situation isn't likely to improve in the next fiscal year, but it shouldn't deteriorate much either, according to the new county administrator.
Whitefish police
Whitefish police arrested a woman near City Beach on criminal mischief and an outstanding warrant from Gallatin County Friday night.
Guard duty helps local football program
A new storage shed at the Kidsport complex is being built by some of Montana's finest - members of the Montana Air National Guard.
Hodge, Reading national finalists
The Daily Inter Lake
Harry Pottermagic rubs off on the library
The Daily Inter Lake
Thoughts from a brain on holiday
Because I've never understood the "summer-reading" concept that a person (not me) who might plow through Dostoevsky three seasons of the year would suddenly turn to Danielle Steele romance novels because the weather is warm, I can't really beg for understanding that summer would also be the time that a columnist might be low on ideas.
Flathead County Sheriff
Flathead County Sheriff's Office responded to a report of a woman getting shot in the leg by a BB gun while she was mowing her lawn on Fourth Avenue West North in Columbia Falls Friday afternoon.

Crews hard at work with construction of a cool school
The dust has been flying behind a fleet of earth-moving machines working at the corner of Stillwater Road and West Reserve Drive for more than a week now.
Salvage logging no threat to grizzlies
Since when does yanking the paycheck out of someone's hand help with grizzly bear recovery?

Week at wrestling camp is intense
Anyone traveling down Sunnyside Drive on Kalispell's west side around noon on Thursday would have encountered a few hundred boys jogging down the street.
Kalispell police
A man was arrested by Kalispell police Friday night on Third Avenue East on a DUI charge.
Fairweather, Nelson win Lakeside 5K run
The Daily Inter Lake
Barbecue recipe stays double super secret
Purveyors of barbecue are, on the whole, more secretive than the folks at the Central Intelligence Agency.
Game on, but is it too late?
This week's top 10 (down to eight after two items failed to make the cut):
Montana Animal Rescue League holds a bake sale and quilt raffle from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the Kalispell Petco .
Saturday, July 16
Flathead County Sheriff
The Flathead County Sheriff's Office assisted animal control with a call to Fairmont Road. It turned out that a report of 100 cats, 12 to 15 dogs, some rabbits and goats there was greatly exaggerated. No citations were issued.
Repaired bridge is reopened to traffic
Flathead County has reopened the Old Steel Bridge to vehicle traffic after a thrifty repair job that was completed ahead of schedule.
Kenneth Russell 'Kenny' King
Kenneth Russell King died peacefully at his home in Whitefish of heart failure Tuesday, July 12, 2005.

Library hosts a Knight to remember
Nellie F. Marty, 94
Nellie F. Marty, 94, "went to be with her savior" on Friday, July 15, 2005, at the Lake View Care Center.
Bonsai enthusiasts host show today
The Big Sky Bonsai Society hosts it annual show from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. today at the Kalispell Center Mall. Society members will be on hand to offer special demonstrations and exhibits throughout the day. The public is welcome to attend.
Kalispell police
Kalispell police took two reports about damage to the men's room at Depot Park, where firecrackers apparently were used. Transients were a problem on Appleway Drive and at Depot Park.
Man pleads guilty in scam
An Arizona man pleaded guilty Thursday to five federal crimes related to a scam that victimized Jensen's Jewelers in Kalispell.
Champs back for 200
What started as a "spur of the moment" whim 14 years ago will be celebrated tonight as Raceway Park honors the past champions of the Montana 200 before its 15th anniversary race.
Merrill Hugh Gilstad, 80
Merrill Hugh Gilstad, 80, of Columbia Falls, passed away July 12, 2005, after a hard-fought battle with cancer.
Injured hikers are airlifted from park
The Daily Inter Lake
The Kalispell Fire Department had nine calls. Five were for vehicle accidents. Kalispell was assisted by the Highway Patrol and the Evergreen Fire Department at a crash on Shady Lane that resulted in injuries. No one was hurt in a collision between a passenger car and a semi truck on U.S. 2 and Reserve; the Evergreen Fire Department and Highway Patrol were also there. On Lower Valley Road, Lakeside Quick Response Unit, the Highway Patrol and the Somers Fire Department were called to a motorcycle crash. A head-on crash near Lakeside on Friday afternoon resulted in at least one injury. ALERT helicopter also was called. A person at the Spinnaker bar in Lakeside suffered a compound leg fracture and was taken to Kalispell Regional Medical Center. Lakeside Quick Response Unit was also there to help. No one was hurt in a crash in front of Dollar car rental on U.S. 2 on Thursday, but a multitude of agencies was called, just in case.
18th annual Lakeside Community Club "Discover the West Shore" Fair, Lakeside School. Pancake breakfast 7 a.m.; 5K Run/Walk to follow, classic car parade, kids games, Attic Treasures sale and silent auction beginning at 9 a.m. Proceeds benefit area nonprofit organizations.
Whitefish police
Whitefish police arrested a man Friday who worked for a janitorial service for Super 1 Foods and reportedly had been stealing cigarettes and selling them from his car. It got worse, when officers learned he is a convicted sex offender from Washington and hadn't registered as required here. He also is wanted on a probation violation.

Camp makes therapy fun for kids
Developmentally delayed youngsters practice their main jobs - playing - at a new summer therapy camp at The Summit.
Take the time to stop and smell the roses along U.S. 93
Gardeners of the Flathead offer a floral feast for residents and visitors alike during the summertime. A recent letter to the Inter Lake gives the credit due one resident who goes the extra mile cultivating her garden along U.S. 93.

Oil spill fouls Flathead Lake
A Flathead County hazardous materials crew was working Friday night to clean up an oil spill in Flathead Lake, and officials were investigating the source of the contamination.
Friday, July 15
Riding high to rodeo finals
For Rachel Thompson and Chad Marquardt, members of the Flathead Valley High School Rodeo team, it's a case of been there, and done that.
Whitefish police
Whitefish police took reports of three fights at the Remington bar Wednesday night, when someone was on an assault spree.

Orthopedic center starts expansion
Flathead County Sheriff
The Flathead County Sheriff's Office was notified about a 10-year-old boy who was shot during the middle of the night in Bigfork. The boy's wound was not life-threatening and thought to be accidentally inflicted by his mother. He was taken to Kalispell Regional Medical Center.
Parks plan 2nd session on science
For the second time, Glacier National Park is hosting a Waterton-Glacier International Peace Park Science and History Conference.
Shue wins Hobby Stock 75 race
The Daily Inter Lake
Big weekend set for Big Mountain
Missoula's Eden Atwood and Blue Talk and Love headline a lineup of multi-talented performers on stage for the Big Mountain Summer Festival on Saturday and Sunday.
The Kalispell Fire Department had nine calls. One was to Woodland Park Skate Park, where a youth suffered a compound fracture. The West Valley Fire Department and Highway Patrol also were called to a vehicle accident on U.S. 93 north; it was followed by a second accident minutes later, just south of the first. The Creston Fire Department and Highway Patrol also helped Thursday morning with an injury accident on Montana 35.
School trustees adopt attendance policy
Loss of semester credit no longer will hang over students' heads if they miss more than eight days of classes at Flathead High School next year.
New program alerts neighbors about pedophiles, missing children
A new program will help broadcast news about missing children and lost people with dementia, as well as inform residents about violent sexual predators who move into the neighborhood.
Whitefish High School has a class reunion today and July 16 at Majestic Valley Arena for 1960s classes. Classes from 1930 to 1959 are also invited, along with 1970-1999. To register or for information, call John Kajiwara at 907-248-1756, 230-0352 (cell) or e-mail
Kalispell police
Kalispell police are investigating a rash of vehicle break-ins reported Thursday morning. They were reported on Darling Drive, South Meadows Drive and Greatview Drive.
Columbia Falls police
Columbia Falls police arrested a woman for DUI on U.S. 2 Wednesday night.
Montana paddling against proposed Columbia flow rule
Montana again is pursuing summer operations at Libby and Hungry Horse dams to benefit resident fish, but a conflicting proposal is aimed at delivering all "flow augmentation" water for migrating salmon in the lower Columbia Basin by the end of August.
Get funky on the streets of Somers
The annual Somers Cajun Street Dance is Saturday at 6 p.m. featuring Cajun food, music and dancing.
Pay it forward - by giving blood
It's a simple procedure, it's relatively painless, and it can help save a life.
Thursday, July 14
Joyce E. (Kirk) Buscho, 71
Joyce E. (Kirk) Buscho, 71, of Applegate, Ore., formerly of Kalispell, died Saturday, July, 2, 2005, at Rogue Valley Medical Center in Medford, Ore., of heart f+ailure.
Pushing 'pause button' on growth
Whitefish city officials don't like using the "M word" - moratorium - but that's exactly what the City Council will consider Monday when it votes on an emergency zoning ordinance that would temporarily suspend new development until a master utility plan is finished.
Columbia Falls fire department and ambulance went to a vehicle rollover on Montana 40 Tuesday afternoon.
Whitefish Police
Whitefish Police took a report of a dock and kayak paddle stolen at Shady River Court.
Kalispell budget to jump sharply next year
Major construction projects and a growing city work force will push the overall Kalispell city budget up by $15.1 million to $49.6 million.
The Flathead County Central Committee will meet on Thursday, July 14, at noon at the Bulldog. Karl Ohs, former Lt. Governor and Chairman of the Montana Republican Party will be our guest.
Columbia Falls Police
Columbia Falls Police arrested a man for DUI on A Street early Wednesday.
Planning board backs Westwood subdivision
The Kalispell Planning Board on Tuesday night recommended approval of the Westwood Park subdivision, a project the board tabled last month over concerns about drainage, density and other issues.
Deputy uses multiple Taser jolts to subdue man
A North Valley man was arrested Tuesday night after a chase and shrugging off several shots from a Taser gun.
State agency on verge of killing mountain lion
Repeated mountain-lion sightings in the heavily used Lone Pine State Park have put Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks officials on the verge of tracking and destroying the animal.
Glick guilty
A jury Wednesday quickly convicted Ronald Glick of sexually assaulting a 13-year-old girl during 2003.
Air-show tickets flying out the door
If advance ticket sales are an indication, this year's Mountain Madness Air Show will be the biggest Flathead Valley event since the last air show was held six years ago.
Flathead County Sheriff
Flathead County Sheriff's Office was called Tuesday evening about harassment at Lion Lake. One man said he was threatened by another. The cause: Their fishing lines crossed. More hostilities were reported on Fern Lake.
Study launched of contaminated Evergreen sites
The Montana Department of Environmental Quality has launched a comprehensive study of contamination in the Evergreen area that was funded in this year's legislative session.

Researchers study avian population dynamics
Wednesday, July 13
Noah Kenneth Hannah
Noah Kenneth Hannah son of Ken and Susan Hannah of Kalispell, was born July 1 at Kalispell Regional Medical Center.He weighed 7 pounds, 2 ounces and was 19 1/2 inches long.
Seth Pecord
Seth PecordHe weighed 7 pounds and was 20 3/4 inches long.
Sheyla Rayne Attard
Sheyla Rayne Attard daughter of Tony and Catie Attard of Kalispell, was born June 25 at Kalispell Regional Medical Center.She weighed 7 pounds, 14 ounces and was 21 inches long.
Cadence Ann Presta
Cadence Ann Presta daughter of Jeremy and Emily Presta of Kalispell, was born June 30 at Kalispell Regional Medical Center.She weighed 6 pounds, 10.5 ounces and was 19 inches long.
Emariah Lucia Belle Driessen
Emariah Lucia Belle Driessen daughter of Erwin and Alina Driessen of Whitefish, was born July 10 at North Valley Hospital.She weighed 6 pounds and was 19 1/4 inches long.
Bradford William Thompson
Bradford William Thompson son of Lesley and Derreck Thompson of Whitefish, was born July 1 at Kalispell Regional Medical Center.He weighed 7 pounds, 13 ounces and was 22 inches long.
Jade Michael Beach
Jade Michael Beach son of Stephanie Sager and Mike Beach of Whitefish, was born July 7 at North Valley Hospital.He weighed 6 pounds, 8 ounces and was 18 inches long.
Justus Reginald Lanfear
Justus Reginald Lanfear son of Jeremy and Lisa Lanfear of Kalispell, was born June 27 at Kalispell Regional Medical Center.He weighed 7 pounds, 10 ounces and was 20 inches long.
Emma Jane Maddux
Emma Jane Maddux daughter of Rob and Brandi Maddux of Coram, was born June 29 at Kalispell Regional Medical Center.She weighed 8 pounds and was 20 inches long.
Chance Riley Stahlberg
Chance Riley Stahlberg son of Jessica Stahlberg and Nate Bueher of Kalispell, was born June 23 at Kalispell Regional Medical Center.He weighed 7 pounds, 15 ounces and was 21 1/2 inches long.
Kayla Amelia Morrison
Kayla Amelia Morrison daughter of Kenny Morrison and Amber Nicklaus of Columbia Falls, was born June 27 at Kalispell Regional Medical Center.She weighed 6 pounds, 1 ounce and was 19 inches long.
Alex David Wurster
Alex David Wurster son of Lisa and Eric Wurster of Kalispell, was born June 27 at Kalispell Regional Medical Center.He weighed 8 pounds, 4 ounces and was 21 inches long.
Cannon Baker Pearson
Cannon Baker Pearson son of Chad and Cam Pearson of Whitefish, was born July 8 at North Valley Hospital.He weighed 7 pounds, 15 ounces and was 20 inches long.
Stewart Eugene Kienow, 61
Stewart Eugene Kienow, 61, of Somers, passed away July 8, 2005.
Leah Jennifer Tabor
Leah Jennifer Tabor daughter of Joe and Kristin Tabor of Whitefish, was born July 7 at North Valley Hospital.She weighed 7 pounds, 15 ounces and was 20 inches long.
Columbia Falls police
Columbia Falls police are investigating a forgery report.
Flathead County Sheriff
Flathead County Sheriff's Office sorted through allegations of reckless driving, trespassing, and threats passed between neighbors in Kila. A deputy counseled everyone. Another report of poorly driving neighbors was made on North Cedar Drive. A resident on Lower Valley Road is tired of neighbor kids coming onto the property late at night, where she can see them with flashlights.
Jade Michael Beach, son of Stephanie Sager and Mike Beach of Whitefish, was born July 7 at North Valley Hospital.
Kalispell studies options for Old School Station
The Kalispell City Council is considering new options to finance a $3.1 million project at a proposed industrial park south of town.
Let's keep spending in check
Just like that, Montana's supposed spending cap is gone, because state Attorney General Mike McGrath says so.
Kalispell Police
Threatening and harassing phone calls were all the rage, according to the Kalispell Police Department log.
County planning board considers two new subdivisions
The Daily Inter Lake
Whitefish police
Whitefish police arrested a 16-year-old girl Monday afternoon after she pulled a rifle on a man at the Whitefish ice rink and threatened to kill him. The weapon turned out to be a BB gun. A dispute over money was reportedly at the root of the problem. She was charged with negligent endangerment.
Court postpones Dasen sentencing
The Daily Inter Lake
Kalispell fire department had five calls, including one for help for someone who fell from a ladder on Farm Road Monday afternoon.
City likely to buy Wells Fargo Bank building
The city of Kalispell has tentative plans to buy the downtown Wells Fargo Bank building for $1.1 million.
Hildur Jenny Hanson Munson, 89
Hildur Jenny Hanson Munson "went to be with her Savior, Lord Jesus Christ, and her Heavenly family" on the 11th of July 2005, at the age of 89. "She is now at rest in her Heavenly home, with her husband, Clifford Munson," who preceded her in death in 2003 at the age of 91.
Sex offender arrested the day before his wedding
A day before he was to be married in Whitefish, a man was arrested Friday for failing to register as a sex offender.

Local bookstores ready for more Potter-mania
It's been two years - a long two years - since fans anxiously stood in line for copies of J.K. Rowling's fifth Harry Potter book.

Lakers top Elks
Stefan Malkuch admits he was a bit nervous.
Glick sexual assault case goes to jury
A jury in the sexual assault case of Ronald Glick, formerly of Kalispell, is expected to begin deliberations this morning.
Tuesday, July 12
Walter Eugene Dupea, 76
Walter Eugene Dupea, 76, "went to be with the Lord" on July 9, 2005, in Bigfork. The oldest son of Tobe Wiley and Mabel Dora (Drube) Dupea of White Sulphur Springs, he was born in Carter on April 9, 1929.
Kalispell police
Kalispell police wrestled down a man in a linen shop Monday afternoon after he threw an object at his former employer's head, causing some injury. Two employees at High Country Linen on First Avenue East partially restrained the man after the incident, and when police arrived at about 12:30 p.m., he allegedly bit one officer on the elbow and attempted to strike another with a brass rod. The man, 29, was arrested on felony charges of assault with a weapon and assaulting an officer, along with multiple misdemeanor charges.
Flathead County sheriff
Flathead County sheriff's deputies responded to a report of a woman being treated for injuries at North Valley Hospital after a domestic altercation at North Valley Trailer on Sunday. The woman requested that no charges be filed against the perpetrator.
John Merlen Saverud, 65
John Merlen Saverud, 65, of Bothell, Wash., passed away peacefully at the Lakevue Gardens Convalescent Center in Kirkland, Wash., on June 17, 2005, after a brief battle with cancer.
Wesley Scott 'Wes' Murray, 74
Wesley Scott was born to Charlotta Evangeline and Aaron Bain Murray on Oct. 8, 1930. He was born in Elkart, Kan., but grew up in La Junta, Colo. As one of seven children during those meager times, there was little to spare but love, and the entire family's love of music. The Murrays were all musicians, and Wes had many fond memories of traveling throughout southern Colorado first to watch, then, when he was old enough, perform alongside.
Dorothy Ann Stancill, 83
Dorothy Ann Stancill, 83, of Glendale, Ariz., passed away July 1, 2005. She was born Nov. 21, 1921, in Blackfoot, Idaho, to Allyn and Lucille Monk. She graduated from Flathead County High School in 1939.
School District 5 and Flathead High School district board Personnel Committee meets at 7 a.m., at the district office.
Whitefish police
Whitefish police got a rash of criminal mischief reports Monday morning. They involved rocks being thrown through two business windows and a vehicle being vandalized on Baker Avenue and business windows being broken on Wisconsin Avenue.
Sex-assault trial begins
The jury trial of a man accused of sexually assaulting a girl opened in fits and
Carol Darling, 54
Carol Darling, 54, formerly of the Flathead Valley, passed calmly in her sleep, surrounded by loved ones June 17, 2005, at her home in British Columbia.
Red Cross seeking blood donors
The Northwest District of the American Red Cross of Montana needs blood donors to
Emma Lou Fredrickson, 82
Emma Lou Fredrickson, 82, passed away Friday, July 8, 2005, at the Kalispell Regional Hospital of natural causes.
Timber work leads to forest road closures
The Daily Inter Lake
Monday, July 11
Emma Lou Fredrickson, 83
Emma Lou Fredrickson, 82, passed away Friday, July 8, 2005, at Kalispell Regional Medical Center of natural causes.
Savannah Olson-Hollis
Savannah passed away at her home, Thursday, July 7, 2005, from a tragic accident.
Flathead County Sheriff
Flathead County Sheriff's Office responded to a report of an unsafe shooting in Hungry Horse Saturday afternoon when a woman said she heard six shots fired from a moving car.
Columbia Falls police
Columbia Falls police arrested a man early Sunday morning for DUI on Meadowlake Boulevard.
Kalispell police
A person who borrowed a woman's MP3 player refused to return it Saturday evening. Both parties were counseled by Kalispell police. And the beat goes on.
Kalispell brothers want to serve in Iraq together
Chris and Spencer Smith remember playing war "all the time" as young boys growing up in Kalispell. In a few months, they'll face the real thing together as Spencer, 18, joins his older brother in Iraq.
Restraining orders scrutinized in wake of Supreme Court ruling
A new U.S. Supreme Court ruling won't change how local officers enforce restraining orders, but it concerns at least one judge.
Sunday, July 10
David Robert Curtiss, 84
David Robert Curtiss, 84, died quietly at his home Thursday morning, July 7, 2005, after valiantly battling an ever weakening heart for a number of years.
Jean Mary Lawrence, 65
Jean Mary Lawrence, 65, passed away on Wednesday, July 6, 2005, at Brendan House in Kalispell.
Frances Douglas Walker, 87
Frances Douglas Walker, 87, died Friday, July 8, 2005, at Brendan House in Kalispell.
On a team full of self-described idiots, David Wells has officially become the clown prince of the Boston Red Sox.
A fresh take that's all rancid
Man, 97, accused of assaulting teen
The Daily Inter Lake
Kalispellplanningto add jobs
Kalispell will hire more employees this fiscal year than ever before.
Flathead's 'Idol' finals begin Sunday night
The Daily Inter Lake
John Merlen Saverud, 65
John Merlen Saverud, 65, of Bothell, Wash., passed away peacefully at the Lakevue Gardens Convalescent Center in Kirkland, Wash., on June 17, 2005, after a brief battle with cancer.

Don't forfeit gains made on river
By many accounts, there have been profound ecological improvements on the Flathead River over the last decade, but there remains an array of persistent threats to the river system and Flathead Lake.
Don't forfeit gains made on river

Passing grade for grid event
Rally Flathead Valley motorcycle event continues today, Majestic Valley Arena. Cowboy breakfast 8-10 a.m. Burn outs 9 a.m. Motorcycle rodeo 11 a.m. Live music. Show & Shine. Day passes $15; kids and family prices available. Call Shandi at 261-2449 or the arena at 755-5366.
Mosquito hearing postponed
Flathead County commissioners have postponed the public hearing on a proposed countywide mosquito control district until 10 a.m. on Aug. 3.
Whitefish police
Whitefish police arrested a man on disorderly conduct changes in front of a Central Avenue bar early Saturday morning.
Kalispell police
More than half a dozen youths skateboarding on the steps of an absent neighbor's home on Fifth Avenue East, magically evaporated when Kalispell police arrived Friday afternoon.
Airport plans five years out - and beyond
When you see a price tag of $410,000 next to "two brooms" on Glacier Park International Airport's new five-year capital improvement plan, don't for a moment think the airport is on some wild and crazy spending spree.
Summer numbers decline at college
Flathead Valley Community College attracted more summer students to its Kalispell campus, but they enrolled in fewer classes than last summer.
Lakers fall to Outlaws
The Daily Inter Lake
Emma Lou Fredrickson, 82
Emma Lou Fredrickson, 82, passed away Friday, July 8, 2005, at the Kalispell Regional Hospital of natural causes.
Flathead County Sheriff
Flathead County Sheriff's Office was called to the scene of a mail box assault on Valley View Drive Friday evening.
Saturday, July 9
Man dies in crash on U.S. 2
The Daily Inter Lake
Whitefish police
Whitefish police arrested a man on warrants for failing to appear on a partner-assault charge, on traffic tickets and a Lewis and Clark warrant for failing to register as a sex offender.

Color their world
How does an artist go from making handcrafted, one-of-a-kind works to production for wholesale without losing his artistic touch and integrity?

Lakers move to title round
Gregory L. Vorhees, 45
The Daily Inter Lake
"Straight Talk on Mixing Colors" scrapbooking workshop 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Eagles Nest, Flathead Valley Community College. Call Joyce at 755-4922. Public is welcome.
Kalispell police
Kalispell police took about a dozen reports of vandalism Friday after graffiti was painted on buildings downtown. Among the victims were the high school, the Hockaday Center for the Arts, Bresnan Communications, the Red Cross, Glory Days Emporium, two churches, a theater, a law firm, a linen company, the library and a garage.
Hats off for Red Hatters from Somers
Members of the Sexy Somers Sisterhood chapter of the Red Hat Society put their heads, hats and hearts together and raised nearly $3,000 at this year's American Cancer Society Flathead Valley Relay for Life.
Are you ready for some football?
The Daily Inter Lake
The Kalispell Fire Department had 16 calls. One was to a vehicle accident on First Avenue East Friday that injured two people. Evergreen fire department was also called when a man appeared in traffic near Wal-Mart. He was taken to the hospital with chest pain.
Arts center fund raising falls short
The Daily Inter Lake
Spokane escapes with win over Twins
WHITEFISH - Justin Cooper threw one bad pitch Friday evening, but because it was preceded by an error and a weak single that probably would have broken a wood bat, the one bad pitch turned into a three-run home run.

Move over, math: Art making a comeback

City considers suspending new development
Drainage woes prompt plan for moratorium
Cyclicts rev upat Majestic Valley
Rally Flathead Valley continues today and Sunday with a full schedule of motorcycle events at Majestic Valley Arena.
Flathead County Sheriff
The Flathead County Sheriff's Office took a report from a parent who was distressed to find someone is using her 3-year-old son's name to apply for credit cards.
Friday, July 8
Cecelia Jacobson Burham Matelich, 79
Cecelia Jacobson Burham Matelich, 79, died Tuesday, July 5, 2005, at the Village Health Care Center in Missoula.
Drum Brothers
Drum Brothers, Montana's premier world percussion ensemble, will be performing outdoors in Bigfork on Saturday on the Riverbend Stage at Sliter Park at 8 p.m.
Man fined for feeding grizzlies, black bears in North Fork bears
A Columbia Falls man has been fined for feeding bears, under a law that had yet to be enforced in the Flathead.
Truck driver charged in fatal wreck
The Daily Inter Lake
Whitefish police
Whitefish police took a report Thursday from a woman who heard about terrorist bombings in London and wanted authorities to know she met a man who spoke Arabic on Amtrak. He told her he is from Egypt and had come to Whitefish from New York for training. What kind of training? Hotel training.
Our hearts go out to little Shasta
Shock, horror and revulsion are the main reactions we feel as we watch the grim news unfolding from the Coeur d'Alene, Idaho, kidnapping-murder case.
Deadline is July 15 for bike-path proposals
The Flathead County Planning Office is accepting applications for new bike paths or other transportation-related proposals.
The Kalispell Fire Department had three calls.
Flathead County Sheriff
The Flathead County Sheriff's Office took a report that, for the second time in two days, a person of indeterminate gender, wearing all white, acted strangely in traffic on U.S. 93 north of Reserve Drive.
Governor wants meeting on coal dispute
After more than 20 years of cross-border wrangling about coal development in the Canadian Flathead, Gov. Brian Schweitzer thinks it's time to sit down and talk.
Freedom Salute honors local troops
The Montana National Guard's largest Freedom Salute ceremony to honor soldiers and some community leaders is Saturday in Kalispell.
Lindberg guilty in sexual assault
A jury Thursday evening found Larry R. Lindberg guilty of molesting two children.

Errors doom Lakers in loss to Bandits
WHITEFISH - Definitely not a day to remember for the Kalispell Lakers American Legion baseball team.
Kalispell police
Kalispell police took a report about two vehicles being issued identical license plates from the state. The Motor Vehicle Department confirmed that it happened but didn't know how to solve the problem.
North West Montana Veterans Food Pantry yard sale fund-raiser 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. today and Saturday, Shopko east parking lot, Kalispell.
Theater-goers will get a kick out the Bigfork Summer Playhouse production of "Anything Goes" opening Wednesday, July 13.
Thursday, July 7
Tate Brandon Hess, 30
A uniquely incredible young man, our so very beloved son, brother, nephew, cousin, and friend, Tate Brandon Hess, began a new journey after 30 adventurous years. A tragic accident took Tate's well-lived young life, along with his two faithful dog companions, Cassidy and Baxter, on July 2, 2005. The one-truck accident occurred along Swan Lake on Montana 83 near Bigfork, only 20 miles from where he was driving to meet his dear family at the Flathead River Hess family Montana home that Tate loved so much. He was on his way to celebrate the Fourth of July weekend to hike, fish, practice archery and share special family time together. With his great passion for life, he fought for four courageous hours to Iive despite the gravity of his injuries in this unsurvivable accident.
Angela Joy Rose, 28
Angela Joy Rose, 28, passed away Monday, July 4, 2005, as a result of a motorcycle accident.
Injured hiker rescued from Glacier Park
An injured man was rescued Wednesday from the backcountry in Glacier National Park.
Whitefish moving forward with dirt-bike facility
The Whitefish City Council cautiously moved forward Tuesday with plans for a dirt-bike park, agreeing to allow a jumping facility at Armory Park if members of the Flathead Fat Tires Club can negotiate an acceptable location with neighbors.
Columbia Falls police
Columbia Falls police arrested a woman for DUI on Tuesday night.
Kalispell police
Kalispell police were summoned to Two Mile Drive, where a man dressed like a woman threw rocks at cars. When asked, the person said rock-throwing was necessary because a driver had flung an obscenity at him or her.
Chino HR in 8th inning sinks Lakers
COLUMBIA FALLS - The moment was fleeting - and the total damage didn't show immediately.
School District 5 and Flathead High School District Program Review Team meets 6:30 a.m., district office.
Harold John Boetcher, 84
Harold John Boetcher, 84, passed away Tuesday, July 5, 2005, at the Montana Veteran's Home in Columbia Falls.

Border crossing
British Columbia s Elk River offers fine fishing in a spectacular setting
Debra Katherine Jetty, 49
Debra Katherine Jetty, 49, passed away Tuesday, July 5, 2005, in Kalispell.
Whitefish police
Whitefish police arrested a man for a hat trick of traffic violations on Spokane Avenue Wednesday.
Born to be wild
Get ready to ride. Motorcycle enthusiasts from across the Northwest will roll into the Flathead this weekend for Rally Flathead Valley. The three-day event is expected to draw hundreds to Majestic Valley Arena on Friday, Saturday and Sunday for a close-up look at the gleaming, polished chrome and custom paint jobs, and to hear the roar and rumble of fine-tuned chopper engines.
The Kalispell Fire Department had seven calls. One was to a skateboarding accident behind Albertsons on Tuesday. Someone with a broken ankle went to the hospital.
Peters resigns from council
The Kalispell City Council anticipates welcoming a new member now that Councilman Jayson Peters has resigned.
Flathead County Sheriff
The Flathead County Sheriff's Office took a report from a Columbia Falls-area resident who said food was stolen from her house and she suspects the baby sitter.
One-size-fits-all doesn't fit education
It is frustrating at best to watch Montanans doing their level best to honor their constitutional commitment to provide a "quality education" when it becomes less and less clear what that means.
It s not too early to get ready for bow season
This past fourth of July weekend was really a great time to be on one of our many lakes and reservoirs. My fish finder showed surface water temperatures over 70 degrees. That s great for swimming and water sports, but that also means our cold-water game fish such as trout and kokanee have moved into deeper cool water.
North Valley Hospital footprint appears
North Valley Hospital's contractor has completed a footprint from which a new hospital will grow.
Theater/retail complex approved
Kalispell is on its way to a new major retail center and movie theater complex in light of Tuesday night's City Council meeting.
Wednesday, July 6
Erma Eckelberry Benner, 85
Erma Eckelberry Benner, 85, passed away July 3, 2005, just 22 days before her 86th birthday.
Woman dies in cycle crash
A motorcycle driver died Monday afternoon on U.S. 2 near Kila.
Carmen A. Marozzo, 83
Carmen A. Marozzo, 83, passed away Wednesday, June 29, 2005, at HealthCenter Northwest in Kalispell.

Whitefish teens nab state bowling titles
These kids don't fit the mold.

Opponents gather to speak against commissioners plan
Judging by comments made Tuesday, there s almost no support in Flathead County for a lengthy moratorium on new growth-policy amendments.
National dealers coming for antique fair
The Daily Inter Lake
Children's Story Hour at 10:30 a.m., Children's Department of the Flathead County Library in Kalispell, 247 First Ave. E. Call 758-5822.
The South Kalispell Fire Department checked out a smoldering stump on Patrick Creek Road Monday.

Testimony begins in Lindberg case
Kalispell police
Kalispell police took a call from a woman on Second Avenue East North. She said there was a man in her house who wouldn't leave. It turned out to be her husband. The woman eventually left.
Nonprofit group awards college $20,000 grant
The Student Assistance Foundation, a nonprofit corporation, awarded Flathead Valley Community College $20,000 for student financial aid.
Whitefish police
Whitefish police arrested a man for family-member assault on West Lakeshore Drive and a man for DUI.
Flathead County Sheriff
The Flathead County Sheriff's Office took a call from a woman in Lakeside, who said she has put notes on family vehicles that park on her property, but the trucks and trailers were too much. She wanted a deputy to come and talk to her.
Law enforcement finds few problems on Fourth
Compared with last year, the Fourth of July was a picnic.
Give simpler forest rules a chance
If any national forest needed to make use of a new rulebook for developing long-range forest plans, it is the Flathead National Forest.
Tuesday, July 5
Whitefish police
Whitefish police arrested two 20-year-old women on suspicion of minor in possession on Central Avenue.

It's not your standard parade
The Polebridge Fourth of July parade is an event so subtle and hang-loose that it
Kalispell police
Kalispell police responded to a report of slashed tires on Third Avenue West on Sunday night. There are, alas, no suspects.
Mayor to take part in television 'Dialogue'
The Daily Inter Lake
Columbia Falls police
Columbia Falls police responded to a burglary on Sixth Avenue East North on Monday evening.
AARP Seniors Driver Safety Program 9 a.m. to 1 p.m., today and July 7, The Summit, Kalispell. Cost is $10. Instructor Art Buckley. Call 751-4500.
'Fire Next Time' to air on national TV
The Daily Inter Lake
Flathead County Sheriff
The Flathead County Sheriff's Office responded to a report of a burglary on Cougar Trail. Someone entered a house through an open sliding-glass door and snatched money out of a couple of wallets.
Monday, July 4
Flathead County sheriff
Flathead County sheriff'd5s deputies advised a man at rest behind the Wal-Mart garbage receptacles to find a more appropriate place to sleep.
Kalispell police
A young moose was espied in the alley behind the Methodist Church on Second Avenue West at 5:30 a.m. 'd1 much too early for services. A second spotting was reported on Third Avenue East half an hour later and the animal was last seen at Woodland Avenue near Eighth Street, headed into a wooded area.
Columbia Falls
A man wanted on a Columbia Falls warrant was arrested by Glacier Park rangers early Saturday morning.

New citizen: Proud to be an American
Whitefish police
Whitefish police arrested two women early Saturday morning on Central Avenue for minor in possession.
Landowners submit 2,800-acre land sue change
The Two Rivers growth policy amendment is no longer the largest landowner-driven land-use change ever proposed in Flathead County.
Sunday, July 3
Lillian G. Thompson, 85
Lillian G. Thompson, 85, died peacefully of natural causes Wednesday, June 29, 2005, at the Immanuel Lutheran Home in Kalispell.
Margaret Pahl, 96
Margaret Pahl, age 96, passed away on Wednesday, June 29, 2005 at Brendan House in Kalispell, Montana.

Opinions vary on new rules for forest planning
They will slice through red tape, curb litigation, encourage public involvement and bring clarity to management of national forest lands. Or, they will do away with commitments and obligations, leaving the U.S. Forest Service to do as it pleases with less public influence.
Preferred proposal:
Cut in timberlands,new wilderness area
Brady, Hammett, Lavin, Newgard pace KATS
The Daily Inter Lake
Montana 'Tana' Rae Ibsen, 62
Montana "Tana" Rae Ibsen graciously passed away on Dec. 9. 2004, in Pleasanton, Calif., at a premature age of 62.
Whitefish police
Whitefish police arrested a man on Asher Avenue early Saturday morning on a Missoula Highway Patrol warrant for DUI, possession of dangerous drugs and drug paraphernalia.
Turning swamps into ponds
Overgrown ponds are finding new life through an unusual excavation process devised by a couple of former Flathead Valley loggers.
Water park has to squeeze fun into a short season
A Montana summer without watersliding? Unthinkable.
Tales of a gentle giant
Children's book highlights giving spirit of Bernese mountain dog
Anderson reclaims 4th of July title
The Daily Inter Lake
Kalispell police
Apparently it is not yet common knowledge that yelling one's head off in front of an art museum is in the very worst possible taste. The shouter in question was counseled Friday night by Kalispell police concerning his poor behavior and sent on his way.
26th annual Whitefish Arts Festival continues from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. today, Depot park, on the corner of Spokane Avenue and Railway Street, downtown Whitefish. Call 862-5875.
New county gravel rule may help
County Commissioner Joe Brenneman is probably right in his assertion that a zoning text amendment passed this week to help regulate the location of new gravel pits is "about as good as it's going to get."
This week's special Fourth of July top 11:
Draft analysts need more adjectives
Flathead County sheriff
Two little girls were throwing fireworks at cars on Kings Way Friday afternoon. Flathead County sheriff's deputies gave them both a serious talking to.
Children find security in the darnedest things
My mother has always had a penchant for moving. When that option isn t available, she seems to satisfy her need for new surroundings by rearranging the furniture.
Saturday, July 2
Nathaniel Jesse Kauffman
Nathaniel Jesse Kauffman son of Ted and Natalie Kauffman of Kalispell, was born June 24 at Kalispell Regional Medical Center.He weighed 8 pounds, 3 ounces, and was 21 inches long.
Madisen Marie Long
Madisen Marie Long daughter of Cassandra Windsheimer and Maynard Long of Columbia Falls, was born June 23 at Kalispell Regional Medical Center.She weighed 6 pounds, 10 ounces, and was 20 inches long.
Charles Thomson Hyatt
Charles Thomson Hyatt son of Chris and Jennifer Hyatt of Whitefish, was born June 22 at Kalispell Regional Medical Center.He weighed 8 pounds, 7 ounces, and was 21 1/2 inches long.
Joseph Edward Pardue
Joseph Edward Pardue son of Joey and Mandy Pardue of Columbia Falls, was born June 20 at Kalispell Regional Medical Center.He weighed 5 pounds, 2.5 ounces, and was 19 inches long.
Ty Reed Learn
Ty Reed Learn son of Miles and Tina Learn of Kalispell, was born June 21 at Kalispell Regional Medical Center.He weighed 6 pounds, 14 ounces, and was 20 1/2 inches long.
Timber Jaydee McCracken
Timber Jaydee McCracken son of Brandie and Jason McCracken of Columbia Falls, was born June 21 at Kalispell Regional Medical Center.He weighed 8.8 pounds and was 21 1/2 inches long.
Brecken William Walcheck
Brecken William Walcheck son of Brett and Dee Walcheck of Kalispell, was born June 15 at Kalispell Regional Medical Center.He weighed 6 pounds, 5 ounces, and was 20 inches long.
Carson Michael Exferd
Carson Michael Exferd son of Mike and Becky Exferd of Kalispell, was born June 20 at Kalispell Regional Medical Center.He weighed 8 pounds, 12 ounces and was 20 1/2 inches long.
Dane Daniel Winchell
Dane Daniel Winchell son of Don Winchell and Kim Sweeney of Kalispell, was born June 13 at Kalispell Regional Medical Center.He weighed 7 pounds, 14 ounces, and was 20 inches long.
Nora Katherine Iams
Nora Katherine Iams daughter of Jeffrie and Eileen Iams of Kalispell, was born June 23 at Kalispell Regional Medical Center.She weighed 8 pounds and was 21 1/2 inches long.
Julia Deborah Addisen Brisendine
Julia Deborah Addisen Brisendine daughter of Carl and Bonai Brisendine of Kalispell, was born June 21 at Kalispell Regional Medical Center.She weighed 6 pounds, 13 ounces, and was 20 inches long.
Tackeguiltyof fraud
A federal jury in Missoula has convicted Kalispell businessman David Tacke on a dozen fraud and money-laundering charges.
Kenneth E. 'Kenny' Morrison, 84
Kenneth E. "Kenny" Morrison, 84, of Forsyth, passed away because of an aortic aneurysm June 28, 2005, surrounded by family in the Deaconess Billings Clinic.
26th annual Whitefish Arts Festival 10 a.m. to 6 p.m., and 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Sunday, Depot park, on the corner of Spokane Avenue and Railway Street, downtown Whitefish. Call 862-5875.
City elections yield few contests
The Daily Inter Lake
For CFAC, power cost still the critical question
Despite an offer of 140 megawatts of federal power, Columbia Falls Aluminum Co. officials say it's too early to tell when or if the plant will increase production.
Solving the road-trip riddle
Ahhh, the road trip - the quintessential American summer adventure. The open road, windows down, beautiful scenery whizzing by, good music playing like a personal soundtrack.
Dane Daniel Winchell, son of Don Winchell and Kim Sweeney of Kalispell, was born June 13 at Kalispell Regional Medical Center.
Whitefish police
Whitefish police in one hour nabbed six people for speeding on West Seventh Street.
State of the union
Eric Fulton and Taylor Heinecke made a place for themselves June 15 in Flathead High School history books.
Flathead County Sheriff
The Flathead County Sheriff's Office also fielded fireworks complaints.
The Kalispell Fire Department went out on six calls, including one to assist a bicyclist who had an accident on East Idaho. The rider went to the hospital with a possible shoulder injury. An ambulance went to help a person having a seizure at a Second Avenue West business.
Wallet caper ends happily, but locksmith urges caution
Honesty and righteousness are a couple of principles upon which most would agree our forefathers built America's foundation.
Festival benefits Whitefish school
The Whitefish Arts Festival will bring nearly 100 artists from around the Northwest to Whitefish this weekend.
Kalispell police
It's that time of year again … complaints about fireworks kept Kalispell police officers busy. Officers responded to numerous calls throughout the city, including one about a group of people setting off fireworks on the west side of Kalispell. Another caller complained about the same group a little while later.
Columbia Falls police went to a call about criminal mischief and attempted theft at a car wash, where someone tried to break into the vacuums to steal quarters.
Columbia Falls police
Grizzliesrule trail; hikers arecharged
The Daily Inter Lake
Friday, July 1
Katy Jean Bitney
Katy Jean Bitney daughter of Kathryn Hansen and Bye Bitney of Somers, was born June 11 at Kalispell Regional Medical Center.She weighed 6 pounds, 15 1/2 ounces, and was 20 1/2 inches long.
Colton Michael Low
Colton Michael Low son of Scooby and Jessica Low of Bigfork, was born June 20 at North Valley Hospital.He weighed 8 pounds, 1 ounce, and was 20 1/4 inches long.
Lindsey Rose Micone
Lindsey Rose Micone daughter of Josh and Jennifer Micone of Kalispell, was born March 3 at Kalispell Regional Medical Center.She weighed 7 pounds, 2 ounces, and was 19 inches long.
David Edward Lietz, 59
David Edward Lietz "passed away into the loving arms of our heavenly Father," at age 59, from his home in Martin City, with his loving family around him on June 26, 2005, after a courageous battle with cancer.
Kya Lea West
Kya Lea West daughter of Billy Joe and Melissa West of Columbia Falls, was born June 23 at North Valley Hospital.She weighed 7 pounds, 4 ounces and was 21 inches long.
Tori June Dobis
Tori June Dobis daughter of Sebastian and Patricia Dobis of Kalispell, was born June 22 at North Valley Hospital.She weighed 8 pounds, 3 ounces, and was 20 inches long.
Mollie Anne McCarthy
Mollie Anne McCarthy daughter of Daniel and Alison McCarthy of Whitefish, was born June 23 at North Valley Hospital.She weighed 7 pounds, 1 ounce, and was 21 inches long.
Flathead principal urges approval of attendance policy
If approved by Kalispell school trustees in July, a revised attendance policy proposed at Flathead High School would remove the semester credit-loss penalty for missing more than eight days.
Anderson sets course mark with 6-under 65
The Daily Inter Lake
Colton Michael Low, son of Scooby and Jessica Low of Bigfork, was born June 20 at North Valley Hospital.
Latin jazz played Montana style
The Riverbend Concert series at Everit L. Sliter Memorial Park in Bigfork continues Sunday at 8 p.m. with Cocinando.
Flathead County Sheriff
The Flathead County Sheriff's Office received a report about a man and woman yelling at each other on Flathead Drive on Wednesday evening.
Beat-crossed Portland band makes music for dancing
Flanagan s Central Station in Whitefish brings in the Uprite dub Orchestra on July 7 at 9 p.m. for a night of dancing to the group s proven mix of dub reggae, ska and hip-hop.
Cayuse Prairie School board negotiations work committee meets 7:30 a.m. at the school.
ALERT helicopter, the Martin City Fire Department and other emergency responders were dispatched to a vehicle accident at Emery Bay on Hungry Horse Reservoir on Wednesday night. Responders found a vehicle that had partially entered the water, but no victims could be found in the area.
Lakers cash in twice on Twins
WHITEFISH - Fourteen runs over two innings added up to two Kalispell Lakers American Legion Baseball victories Thursday over Flathead Valley rival Glacier.
Girls experience juvenile-justice system - up close and personal
Michelle, Melissa, Brittany and Kelsey never felt a part of the "in" crowd at school.
CFAC to get more power
The Bonneville Power Administration announced Monday that it would supply up to 140 megawatts of electricity to Columbia Falls Aluminum Co., beginning late next year.
Glacier's Popular Highline Trail opens
The Daily Inter Lake
Tri-City Planning Office officially dissolved
The Daily Inter Lake
Glacier Symphony presents a night of American favorites, classical standards
Celebrate summer with an outdoor family concert featuring the Glacier Symphonic Pops, led by conductor and music director John Zoltek, on July 9 at Rebecca Farm.
Kalispell police
Kalispell police are seeking information about the explosion of a homemade bomb in the yard of a home in the 1500 block of Fifth Avenue East on Wednesday night. Someone ignited a sparkler bomb attached to a camp-stove fuel canister, and the resulting explosion was "pretty big," said Police Chief Frank Garner. A white Honda Prelude with personalized license plates was seen leaving the scene at about 10:30 p.m.
Whitefish police
Whitefish police responded to a disturbance at Casey's bar on Central Avenue early Thursday, resulting in a man being evicted from the bar.
Sherry Coan Hinzman, 70
Sherry Coan Hinzman, 70, passed away Wednesday, June 29, 2005, at Brendan House in Kalispell.